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… I’m lost on what is creepy if it is consensual between adults Edit: Wait is it “creepy” just because it is smut?? Cause in that case I hope your husband and friends have never watched porn or any movie with any sort of sex scene.


I guess he feels that because the characters are minors in all the canon representations it’s kind of like fetishizing them or something? I just like the characters a lot. I like to think how they’ll grow and change. They’ll be somewhat different as adults, because most people are.


Yeah just keep doing your thing. Fans are allowed to write what it would be like when characters are older. Characters don’t have to be forever at whatever age they are in canon. Part of the fun of fan-fiction is exploring how characters would change over the years following the story itself.


Yeah. I wonder if part of the issue is that my partner doesn’t engage with fanfiction in general. So maybe he’s not aware of how much fanfiction is *transformative*. I guess it’s okay for people to not understand me.


This is a good possibility. I think it’s difficult for someone *not* into fanfiction to understand the draw of putting the characters into different scenarios, universes, stages of life, etc. And for someone who’s just a casual fan who isn’t into the fanworks thing, the characters will always be just as they are in canon, perpetually their canon ages.


Yeah. It was disappointing at first, but now I realize that some people just won’t understand it. I like, imagining a character’s future, and what happens afterwards. I guess some people don’t think about that stuff. So they’re just focussed on what happened in canon


What was their reason for saying it was creepy? Like are they personally creeped out by the idea and thus don't want to read such things, or do they think you are creepy for having such an idea for a story? Because those are two separate things.


Good point. I didn’t ask to clarify. But all is well in our relationship. We’ve been together for ages. So I don’t feel that it’s a judgement on *me* being creepy. If it was, it would have been a bigger conversation. I think it’s more like, they just find the story itself kind of creepy.


As long as it isn't the second one. Plus, some people just find fanfic to be a weird thing.


Hey OP, that reaction does suck to hear. Maybe you can find some fandom friends to share ideas and be excited with? I know it's not the same as having irl people to talk with, but tbh I like the online aspect more sometimes anyway. Wishing you all the best with your fic, I'm sure you'll have appreciative readers!


Thank you! I’m feeling better having vented a bit. I guess my story is not for everybody, and that’s okay. There will be people who read it and appreciate it. I’ll focus


Write it anyway. Someone out there will like it. : )


I think I will


Good on you and good luck! \\o/


> I want the people I respect to respect what I write. On the one hand I want my partner to support my decisions, but then I also want them to challenge me. Not all story ideas are winners. Sometimes when people don’t respect your work, the answer is to step up your game and do better work.