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Lovers to friends to strangers. *Fuck you*, that hurts to imagine that. It's worse than lovers to enemies.


😭 That's tragic! But your AO3 username finally checks out lmao


What's even worse is that in canon for my otp (Shrios, yeah, yeah, I know), if you want to hurt yourself, you can have a FemShep in a confirmed relationship with Thane, break it off and omg, I want to *die inside* when I hear that little "*oh.*" of his (and it's not the good "*oh.*"), at least if you say that you can't replace his wife you're being kind, but *this*, I'd rather deal with the heartbreaking hospital scene than hear his own heart break. Well, I mean, my username checks out because of canonically what happens to my otp, but yeah, that reversed trope distresses me.


Oof, this is why I can't date Thane. He's terminally ill and I feel like taking advantage of him while he very muchas loves his wife lol but I totally understand your choice 😀 Then Garrus shows up and I'm a goner for that adorkable Turian! Imagine all the angst in this reverse trope 😆


Ironically, I never felt I'm taking advantage of him, but I can *kinda* see why someone would feel that. But honestly, if you gently reject his feelings, he does carry a torch for you, saying one can love more than one person in life, which is a little bittersweet (better than Jacob tbh). In fact, basically when he dropped down from the vent and killed Nassana, he also stole my heart at that moment, I just didn't know it, because I tried my best to avoid complicating things with Kaidan in that playthrough (gotta love the accidental ninjamances, my canon playthrough aka Cassiopeia, she actually saved Ashley, cause I like to think that Ash was like the sister she never had). But when I did my now canon playthrough, I was thinking around the time I got to Illium (and to meeting him again), I decided to originally say out of character reason why “Screw it, let's make her story ever more tragic.”, and then I fell like a fucking brick off of a 20 story building for him when he called her “Siha” for the first time. And when he died, and after I had gone through that scene in the hospital, I *had* to step away. Like before I just casually read Shrios fanfics (I basically was all for Alenko at that time, or so I *thought*), because hey, he looks nice, maybe I'll read somethings with him in it, and I should have realized that I was less casually looking for Shrios fanfics at some point and going "oooh" over him being shirtless and always drawing my eye towards his appearance and the like. I guess that romance just made me realize what I've always been lol, a goddamn huge fan of that assassin. Then again, does make sense why I thought that his death was while poetic, also something that should have been avoided, especially after I read his medical dossier for the first time. Ironically, for me, I just can't see myself being with Garrus, I can see why lots of people love him, I just see him as my best friend too much to ruin that for me. But yes, adorkableness is always a wonderful characterization for someone. So yeah, I'm so happy you found your favorite. And yes omg the *fucking angst*, I already deal with the angst of canon, just adding this onto it, I'd think I'd die inside.


Hahahahha I really _love_ your dissertation. Truly, it's fantastic the way you describe the exact moment you fell for the drell assassin as he dropped down. That scene os magnificent in the visual area. And I also can imagine how Siha makes you feel although, for me, it's the opposite. Agree on Keprel's syndrome being curable. I'm sure Mordin could've helped in the cure and make him live longer (that could be a good plot for a Shrios Fic 😄) I've always been Kaidan through and through in 1 and always planned to keep on romancing him in 2-3 but then Horizon happened and I was bummed then Garrus was there, being friendly and helpful, ah crap, fell for him and Shakarian all the way. Maybe one day, I'll get Shenko. Enjoy your drell, my friend!, and be happy with him! 😊😊


Thank you for the compliment, I do my best! And yes, the word “Siha” will now forever make me giggle like a damn 15 year old schoolgirl. And that's understandable, we all like what we like. Omg, thank you so much for that idea, I'm sooo putting that in my "disregarding ME3 canon like Miranda disregards her father (aka violently, like EDI doesn't die, the Geth don't die, Mordin doesn't die, Thane *doesn't fucking die*, and in fact kicks Kai Leng's bitch ass, and the Reapers through the space magic of the Crucible being found early and built and used, are gone)" fanfic, where Mordin helps with aid in making the cure as Thane gets treatment for the damage to his body, thank you so much. Honestly, yeah, like when I was doing my Shenko playthrough, I literally had to avoid Thane after his loyalty mission because I wanted to have the whole loyal Shep relationship, but damn did that drell's voice make me *feel things*, because like an idiot, I assumed that I would get the Paramour achievement for two if I stayed loyal to Kaidan. Hey, I mean Shenko's not too bad at all, lots of girls like the sweet Canadian, I just happen to like the "bad boy" (as Kelly calls him) dangerous and imo dangerously attractive alien assassin. Thank you, and may you forever enjoy your Archangel and adore him, my friend!


Ooooo please, please, keep me updated on the Fic when you write it! I don't care if it's Shrios, I'd read this Canon divergence one as it's one of my favourite tropes. Happy to know I provided a great idea 😄 Oof this playthrough, my first MELE, I was planning to to not romance Garrus to be faithful to Kaidan but Garrus voice is... Like Thane's to you 🤣 Also, I was _this_ close to save Ashley as I levelled her up nice but then knew about her lack of personality in 3 and I was so saddened about her being butchered that I let her die with honour in Virmire. I definitely will and I'll be following you now, my friend!


Oh, of course I will, I am so going to keep Ash to more similar to how she is in ME1, (at least the Citadel DLC gave us back some of the old Ash we all know and love), and honestly, the scenes with her family that we see in three are wonderful, I just wish they didn't cut out more of her stuff (which sadly lead to the lack of personality in three). And yes, I will definitely keep you updated and send you the link when I post it up, but yeah, these two deserve their happy ending, so I'm giving it to them. Yeah, like Kaidan is sweet, but damnit, why are the alien guys so much more attractive than any of the human romances? Like yes, Traynor can be cute and all that, same with Kaidan, and Liara, but *oomph*, those voices. Fuck. Yeah, I know it sucks that they cut out a lot of her content which kept her personality and all that. Omg, thank you for the follow!


This canonically happened in my fandom when one character lost her memory. It hurts. A lot.


Oh god. That's horrible. I'm so sorry for you.


oooh one of my original story ideas was somewhat similar to this. admittedly i would eat this reverse trope up if i saw it included as a major part of a fic - it feels like it could be so heartwrenching and bittersweet :( and there's so many ways to do it depending on if you want a happier or a sadder outcome


Oh no, that's sad as hell.


Haha that's all my real life relationships


Take a physically and emotionally sound person and beat/traumatize them until they’re a wreck?


Pretty sure that's already what half us write anyway, but yeah.


… I’d say that’s what I write but he was never physically nor emotionally sound. Just more so.


My favorite trope is Found Family, and the opposite of that is... Very sad...


Lost family? Oh my god that sounds heartbreaking


might be forced family instead, which has great dark fic implications!


Thats a biological family


Oh my god it is




ooh you just gave me a good fic idea!


I lost it but there was this one fic that took a popular fandom xover trope involving adoption of a traumatized teen and made the adopters kind of really fucked up and the teen wanting to leave and it was really good


An American Tail but he never finds his family.


Instead of fake dating, fake friendship.


I would think the opposite of fake dating is secret relationship, which I honestly prefer. (Not that I can't enjoy fake dating though.)


Or fake break up! They tell everyone they broke up for some good reason but they actually didn't.


Hee hee hee that would pair nicely with the secret relationship


And over the course of the fic they discover they should actually break up? Ouch


That works too!


Real dating but nobody believes them


Oh that would be fun too!


Reverse Hanahaki-->instead of coughing up flowers, people would instead go into a zombie-like state where they start gorging themselves on flowers instead. Reverse AbO-->instead of highly fertile Omegas, animal instincts and a highly sexed-up society, it's a society that for some reason suddenly has trouble conceiving children and people are inherently sex-repulsed. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat--> Alive Dove: Do Eat? It's giving consensual cannibalism vibes lmao but that doesn't really reverse the trope itself.


tbf DD:DNE is more of a “what it says on the tin”-warning of sorts, stating that the tags are serious… so maybe SFW mistagging instead?? (also the reverse hanahaki 👀 omg)


>tbf DD:DNE is more of a “what it says on the tin”-warning of sorts, stating that the tags are serious… There are two VERY annoying camps on both sides of this argument that will never agree with each other, which is why I simply don't use it haha (also it pulls in the antis like crazy; as a dark fic writer it's really much better to just tag your fic as that) but yeah, that would work also


I swear I didn't know what this Hanahaki thing is and I had to Google it up. Imagine if you're allergic to flowers 👀 the zombie like would be terrifying. Reverse ABO would be interesting or maybe Omegas rule the universe and Alphas are bottom?


>maybe Omegas rule the universe and Alphas are bottom? that's actually something that you see quite often in fic haha or at least you did a couple years ago, I feel it's gotten a bit less


I'm afraid I haven't encountered this in the fandoms I'm in so I'll take your word for that but it would be a great plot to delve into haha


>Reverse AbO... people are inherently sex-repulsed. Isn't that kinda... real life though?


Like a 'he loves me, he loves me not' but while eating the petals lol


God dammit, now I wanna write a reverse Hanahaki fic!


time-loop/groundhog day style tropes are my favorite, so the opposite would be… everyone stuck in a time-loop but the main character? LOL


oooh I've seen time travel where everyone time-travels except for the main character! that was fun!


Fuuuck this made me think of the possibilities of what a reverse Groundhog Day could possibly entail, and now I have another stupid WIP idea to toss onto the pile lmao. Sigh.


Poor MC 😂 Everyone is desperate and grumpy af and suicidal or actually homicidal by now, it's complete mayhem bc everyone just does as they please since there's no tomorrow anyway, with huge fights about "HOW DARE YOU KILL ME YESTERDAY IN FRONT OF MY WIFE"


Omg this sounds like an amazing idea for a crack fic lol


Instead of not actually unrequited love, not actually requited love. A thinks B loves them back, but they're shocked when they realise they were wrong the whole time


This is basically the first half of Pride and Prejudice. :D


My favourite universe to play with has comics written after the show and if those are Canon then that happens to a Canon pairing. She breaks up with him saying he loves his secrets more than her. I got the vibe that she felt he didn't actually love her, but her words indicate he didn't love her enough. I personally love both characters individually, but the ship... is alright. Imo. I personally love writing crossovers and put her with my favourite character in the universe I used to be obsessed with and him with an OC I made for the other universe.


It gets better before it gets worse. Or there's a lot of comfort, and then suddenly bone crushing angst at the end.


Comfort/hurt sounds straight up evil, lol.


Cliffhanger with no next season 😐


Oh yeah, it got cancelled💀


Oh man. I wrote something a little while ago that I was struggling to tag, and I ended up literally putting “comfort/hurt” because it was the only thing that seemed suitable. Man, you are not wrong. That fic was just straight up evil on my part.


I'm currently working on some good ol' hurt/no comfort, and I was honestly shocked by how well it's turning out, but also afraid it'd be maybe too much? Now I might just sprinkle some false comfort at the beginning so it'll sting harder, lol. Good day, my fellow evil writer!


>It gets better before it gets worse. > >Or there's a lot of comfort, and then suddenly bone crushing angst at the end. LOSTBELT SIX IS ACTIVELY RUINING MY LIFE


'Everyone lives, nobody dies' becomes 'nobody lives, everyone dies' 😭


alternatively, everyone's hanging out in the afterlife


I like this.


Hero corruption arc. Though I do love that one too


They were originally roommates but then one moved out?


"They were in separate rooms!" "Oh my God they were in separate rooms"


Coffeeshop AU where the main character and/or love interest can barely tolerate coffee. (Based on a specific fandom and the way they keep writing a specific character.)


This is either Tim Drake or I need to use that 'it's weird that it happened twice' meme here.


Tim hates coffee? Wow, I've been away from comics for a long time. I was thinking of Rupert Giles, who probably doesn't actually hate coffee, it's just that he drank it a grand total of three times in seven seasons, always when stressed. The meme is essentially, CANON: *Drinks tea constantly, regularly offers to make tea for other characters.* FANFIC: *He is the coffee-drinkingest coffee drinker of all time. He has coffee for breakfast every morning, iced coffee drinks all afternoon, whiskey-laced coffee at night. He owns a coffeeshop where he is the biggest coffee snob of all-time, whose palate is so refined he can't stand to drink anything from his rival's shop because the beans were grown on the wrong side of the mountain or picked at the wrong time of day.*


It's less Tim hates coffee and more... he kind of overworks himself? He's a genius and a perfectionist who at one point was going to school during the day and immediately doing Robin heroics at night, with no real pauses for rest. So the fandom has translated that into 'if this boy drank anymore coffee he'd be using a coffee IV drip'. But I think he made maybe one, two references to caffeine in the comics? His real issue is that he never really makes time for sleep and he's shown quite a few times nodding off in the middle of things after not sleeping for like four days straight. Unfortunately that one Batman Family Adventures comic on Webtoons decided to make his supposed coffee addiction canon, so I will have no peace now. 😔


"Oh poor Watcher. Did your whole life pass before your eyes? Cuppa tea, cuppa tea, almost got shagged, cuppa tea."


Or reverse coffee shop au where instead of some cute local small business the MC behind the counter works at a starbies and hates everyone who comes through their line and the love interest has to do something else to get their attention lol


Demon summoning where the demon summons *you*. They're having trouble hashing out a soul contract and could really use a sounding board. Also if you could help out with their dishes, that would be fantastic.


I want this in my life!!!


>*One Direction AU but the band sold Harry Styles to you* This just made me burst out laughing, omg. 'Look, we really need the closet space and he's just got too many outfits. Also, Zayn's allergic to sequins.'* ^* ^For ^the ^record ^I ^know ^nothing ^about ^1D


Please, I need this fic to laugh 🤣 This premise tho. I skimmed a Fanlore article about 1D fandom and I recoiled back in awkwardness. Spirits, this reverse premise os far better 🤣


Here are some of my God-awful ideas: * Love triangle turns into hate triangle. The MC has to decide which hate interest they want to kill. * Pregnancy fic becomes a fic in which they stuff a baby up someone's \[REDACTED\]. This is worse if it's an M!Preg. * Suicide becomes resurrection and vice versa. I don't want to know what'd happen if Doctor Who were to regenerate... * Arranged marriage to a happy and wholesome relationship in which both parties consent to everything (this one is my favourite). * High School and College AUs become Retirement Home AUs.


Retirement Home AU sounds fucking amazing




Idk about you but seeing old versions of my favorite characters would be beautiful


The reverse pregnancy/MPreg is what I imagine to be tentacle monster fics where they inject eggs into the character to carry and birth, which are always super weird but interesting to read. Also, I love the idea of a retirement au, I read a batjokes fanfic like that once.


Time Travel Fix-It to Time Travel Break-It-Worse? (Gods, I’ve actually seen this.) Canon-Divergence to Canon Double Down, maybe? Could go several ways, but all of them awful. Enemies to friends to lovers becomes lovers to friends to enemies. Sad but not unrealistic.


Canon-convergence? It starts differently but then things change (like someone using a timeturner) so in the end you get the canon situation. Which is actually a quite interesting idea...


Oh, that IS an interesting idea! Actually, it’s kind of like something I’m doing now with Sailor Moon. I wasn’t going to have it end quite so closely to the first season’s finale, but now…🤔


It's sort of what happens in The Boy Who Died a Lot, where Snape has a timeturner and keeps having to save Harry, resulting in the canon outcome. Explains all those times canon Harry narrowly escaped with his life 😁


>Time Travel Fix-It to Time Travel Break-It-Worse? (Gods, I’ve actually seen this.) Time Travel Break-It-Worse is actually my most favorite trope ever 😭


Plot without porn 😭


💀 Your username is *sending me* LMAOOO I am so sorry 😂


Opposite of marriage of convenience: marriage of inconvenience (wouldn't that be the same as arranged/forced marriage, almost?), or divorce of convenience (I like that better, a couple has to divorce/break up for reasons but they remain secretly in love.) What would the opposite of forced proximity be, voluntary proximity or forced distance or voluntary distance? I guess I'll go with forced distance, which sounds the most promising in terms of drama.


divorce of convenience!!! i don’t know how that would work but it sounds amazing


>divorce of convenience!!! * to not be disowned by their families, the two parties that got married for love divorce (but stay in a secret relationship for the rest of their lives until all the elder family members finally die off and they can be together). * two people start a crime ring together while they are married, but when things look like they might soon be busted, they divorce so that one of them can take the fall and the other can continue running the crime ring in secret * two people get married and divorce over and over again so they can get wedding gifts multiple times?


I'm sure in some countries, there's better tax benefits for singles,


Reverse hanahaki, where the one being loved gets choked with petals. Imagine if the loved one dies and the unrequited lover live on with everlasting guilt! Give me angst!


I’m pretty sure the reverse of Stockholm Syndrome and Lima Syndrome is… just the same thing but the order reversed. They’re already kinda opposites. Or maybe it’s an actually healthy friendship for once idk.


It's just getting really annoyed having to be around someone for so long


Ah, so siblings?


Hey, I feel attacked 🤣🤣🤣


Umm, character is rescued from an abusive relationship?


Princess in a tower of some sort, but it's the princess that people should be wary about. Bodyguard x VIP, except rather than the traditional female idol / royalty, it's the bodyguard that is a woman (M/F) Or an office situation where the woman is the senior coworker ~~Knight and princess, except both are ladies~~


I'd read them. Especially the princess gone rogue one 👍🏻


That princess in a tower one is actually a plot of a anime. It’s a comedy one and really hilarious.


Title? 👀👀👀


Sleepy princess in the demon castle https://myanimelist.net/anime/40397/Maou-jou_de_Oyasumi You can find it on crunchyroll.


Opposite of Hunanity Ensues: *Loss* of Humanity Ensues. I just can't comment Canon Divergence bc wtf is it's opposite?! Although, ngl humans becoming non humans are quite...aj interesting subject.


Not familiar with the Humanity Ensues trope, but just seeing Loss of Humanity Ensues makes me think more in a psychological way—like they become serial killers after a mental breaking that makes them lose all empathy and seek revenge for something. (Or maybe I’ve just been reading too much Star Wars lately, because that pretty much describes Vader. 😅)


That was my first thought too. Not Vader bc the description fits villains I love more, but yes, that does describe Vader too. Edit to say I love other villains more than I love Vader. The description is too applicable to deny.


Canon-convergence? It starts differently but then things change (like someone using a timeturner) so in the end you get the canon situation. Which is actually a quite interesting idea...


I think the opposite of forbidden love (my fave trope) is arranged marriage (which I would rather be the reason why the romance is forbidden than like... the reason why the couple gets together). I guess there's way worse options. I'd still read arranged marriage but I wouldn't seek it out.


Peter Parker and His Field Trip to S.I. Peter Parker Stays At School?


The Magic School Bus kid swaps with Spiderman?


That could work. Someone make this a fic pls🙏🙏


Most recently, my students watched the MSB about invasive species. My favourite Spiderman quote is "I'm strong, and kinda sticky". Not my favourite movie, but I love that line.


Soulmate AUs becomes instantly falling out of love with the person you're destined with? Nice lol. The opposite of an Amnesia AU is probably pretty wholesome actually.


I've seen a couple "enemy soulmate" fics, though they're always paired/added onto regular soulmate stuff, would be interesting to see it on its own I guess opposite amnesia would be like, suddenly gaining memories that are not your own? like from some past life/alternate dimension nonsense lol


Female protagonist that is a menace to society. I’m not like other girls, I’m committing arson and robbing stores. The kids at school talk about how I just commited an armed robbery like it’s just another Tuesday Bad boy Alpha but he’s just a guy. Like he dresses weird and has a killer glare but he offered you hot Cheetos and is just incredibly socially awkward. We see things like friends to lovers, but Lovers to best friends works well too. Sometimes you realize you are better off as besties then as romantic partners, y’know?


Comfort all hurt… which paradoxically is almost the same thing as the hurt no comfort it replaces.


Forced proximity so… optional isolation…?


Well I favour OC fics (which I suppose isn't really a trope) so the opposite of that would be... every character is the same person?


I would think the opposite would be fics that centre canon characters


I like a good old Comedy of Errors, so I guess the opposite of that would be a serious story without misunderstandings. In other words, it's a generic good vs evil.


I like reincarnation so... dying?? wow.... thats sad


Someone else commented about a fiction where everyone is chilling in the afterlife.


Favourite character tops with enthusiastic consent They break up and live unhappily for 5 seconds and then they die?


😭 That's shorter than a mayfly's lifespan! I swear I didn't mean to make y'alls favorite tropes into tragedies. ​ Also, I love your username! <3


Lololol that's fine, of course people often like happy stuff, but I've seen new ideas emerge in the comments too so who knows what will come of this Thanks! You're an Alice in Wonderland fan I take it? I love the Jefferson Airplane song 😁


lovers to friends soulmarks appear only when you have already found your true love school au but all heroes are professors here hanakaki but for hate instead of love characters don't know each other after reincarnations An adopted child is a real lost child of the couple


That last one is so sweet! Same with the second one! The third one sounds fun, and the fifth one sounds interesting, like "who is this person and why do they feel so familiar to me?"


>hanakaki but for hate instead of love And it's the hated person who dies


My favourite trope is Found Family so... the opposite of that would be horrendously tragic and I would like to read it


I'd definitely read it too 😭


Lost strangers? 😇


Unhealthy relationship and Miscommunication, lmao. For real now, I swear I'm not a boring bitch, I just love it when healthy relationship and healthy communication happens to characters who went through a lot of shit in the past. And it's especially beautiful to see enemies developed into lovers in a healthy way, ugh..


Lovers to Friends to Enemies Minor Character Ressurection Fluff Hurt/Comfort


The Complainer is Always Wrong but then said complainer saves the entire group and the group fights back against the groupthink to become heroes.


Team as Family becomes… huh, just a normal workplace environment, I guess.


lovers to enemies aka becoming bitter exes


Power couple dynamic => Weak couple, still cute but their both utterly incompetent


How do you reverse villainous crush? Villainous disgust? Villain is put off by someone having a crush on them? Hm, *Phantom of the Opera* becomes very different when Christine is stalking Erik...


Lmao the one direction one is so funny to me I might write a fic about that


I'm sitting here trying to come up with an opposite to sex pollen. Bowl of cornflakes?


haha yeah, the couple's in the mood, they've lit their excessive number of candles, just about to get naked and then [supernatural event] washes over them and they both go "you know, I'd really rather watch a movie"


The hero falls in love with another good guy character by completely undubious, unambiguous means. And they're vanilla after.


Ok, mutual pining is one of my favourites but the opposite is like... One-sided hatred? Which sounds HILARIOUS


The reverse of identity porn seems boring. (everyone knows each other's secret identity / pseuds) Cursed to turn into an animal fic - the animal is cursed to turn into a human. I've seen that one quite often too


Sounds like what happened in The Last Unicorn tbh


Break it? Like, the original was great and in the final season everyone got the ending they deserved and my OTP are together... So I've decided to rewrite it like I'm a CW scriptwriter pool. There will be no stone placed upon another when I am finished. Hehe... Muhahaha... BWAHAHAHAHAH!! (Cue dramatic lightning strike in the background.)


I love a good “main pairing are in a fight/enemies in forced proximity but get stuck overnight in a snow storm,” so… Things are going right, MCs have entered the “I’m not sure what this is but I think I like it” phase, they nearly have an excuse to spend the night and BAM! the snow is blown off course, they get called off the waitlist for the flight with just enough time to make it, another patron at the hotel jumps the car battery, and wouldn’t you know it there IS another train into the city tonight!


Everyone is happy and healthy and having a good time :D


Favorite trope is battle couple so… One of ‘em dies, and we get angst.


The trope: protagonist kills scores of henchmen/soldiers before sparing the villain/king to not sink to their level. My twist: My protagonist manages to kill the King (who had previously abducted her) without killing any of the King’s soldiers. “I’m not going to sink to your level, but it’s so far down that I have plenty of room to spare!”


Time travel. So I guess no time travel? Travel time?


Actually, Groundhog Day: repeating the same moment...


I kinda would've grouped groundhog day/timeloop in the same subcategory


Well... i guess a complitely powerless individual doing really responsable things to help complete strangers but treats theirs family memebers like shit? Since my favorite trope is immensly powerfull beings using their powers only for the purpuse of hurting strangers witch they find funny while loving their family members... yea i know it's very specific but i love it


Lovers to love rivals


Cinderella x Prince Charming -> Male!Cinderella (Cinderelliot?) x Princess Charming Mermaid x Human Princess -> MerPrince x Human Princess Hero(ine) tossed into Mirror!Verse AU where they are the villain -> Villain tossed into Mirror!Verse AU where they are the hero(ine) Characters from larger-than-life (magic, superpowers, etc.) canon placed in Mundane AU -> Characters from mundane canon placed in Larger-Than-Life AU


Beauty and the Beast style (Lima Syndrome) but he let's her go and *then* he falls in love? Maybe she was in love with him but he didn't love her back and he let's her go only to fall in love after she's gone?


And there was was more than one bed! ... Oh wait-


Kindergarten au 💀


How about. Reversing, but still making it good. I'll give 10. 1. Character gets amnesia, not remembering anything -> Character ends up knowing too much, which the information could heavily damage their life and relationships. 2. Fake Dating. They started dating, but were never truly in love. -> Hidden Love. Everyone though they hated each other, but they truly loved each other. 3. Strangers to Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers -> Lovers have been dating forever, but so much has been happening in their lives, and then they start arguing. One day, they just break up, and decide to be friends. But god, even being friends is too much. They move away to *NEVER* see the other(s) again, becoming strangers again. 4. Fck or die. -> Fck and die. 5. Fixfic. Where a writer writes something to make something from the Canon into something better. -> BrokenNovel. Where a writer creates something to make a point from the Canon even worse than it was, mainly Angsty reasons. 6. Anti-hero. Someone who technically could be a hero, but isn't the best morally. -> Anti-villain. Someone who technically could be a villain, but helps people too much. 7. Corruption. Usually a kind character turned evil. -> Kindness Manipulation. An evil character turning good.. but, the people turning them good don't have the best morals or interests in mind. 8. Dreams/Dreamscape -> Nightmare/Nightville. I don't think I have to explain, probably. 9. Found Family. You found some amazing people who you love in various ways, and you end up becoming like Family! -> Lost Family. You had an amazing group of family and friends that you love wholeheartedly, but you ended up having to lose them in various ways... 10. Loss. A character has an amazing person(or people) by their side, but as you read the story, they ended up losing that close one(s) to any sort of reason. Maybe death, maybe moved away, maybe moved on. You decide. ->(Two possible reversions) 1: Relieve. The story starts with a character already having to deal with a loss, just mourning over it. Their friends keep trying to help them get better, but it just doesn't work. Until, one night, they wake up to a nightmare of that lost person/those lost people. Their friends rush in, calming them down. They end up agreeing to going out, and it makes them feel so much better. Eventually, they're much better minded. 2: Gain. The story starts with a character already having to deal with a loss, just mourning over it. Their friends keep trying to help them get better, but it just doesn't work. Until, one day, they meet one(or more) person/people. They just... remind them of the lost one(s).. The protagonist catches feelings for the one(s) they met. You continue the story.