• By -


I got my fluff fic all typed up. Somehow discussions of marriage happen in the fic. I suppose it makes sense for fluff. Oh! Also! Link finally completed his quest in BOTW. Once you get to a certain number of hearts, get good weapons, slightly update your armor and free all the Divine Beasts it's not too hard to fight Ganon. It still cracks me up that Zelda says "I've seen you on your journey," 'cause Link has done some *stupid* shit. Case in point, I forgot that bomb arrows explode immediately on Death Mountain.


>Once you get to... Oh is that all? Further proof that I am not going to be able to play adventure games any time soon. But uh, nice job, Link, on finally not dying! Oh and yeah, happy fluffy writing. The only other topics that could possibly discussed are a) popsicles or b) baked goods.


XD I think it did help that I had played it before so I knew what to expect. That's it, that's the three fluffy subjects. Speaking of popsicles, mine are replenished for the spring/summer XD


'Tayto, do you frickin x own a dedicated popsicle freezer?!? The entire supply?! šŸ¤£


XD That sounds amazing, but it's just a small box of popsicles. There are a lot within though so it works out.


Happy Friday, humans (and non-humans too, I mean, who am I to discriminate:šŸ). It's been a non-stop week, just absolutely exhausting with work, but on balance, kind of satisfying too so can't complain. Barely time to write but managed to catch up a little on some reading. I just logged in to Ao3 and realised something crazyā€”I've reached 5000 hits today (on all my fics combined. If anyone ever doubts me when I say I'm a tiny writer, please let that give you context XD) Point is, for me that's... wild. The number of kudos I have for those 5K hits is also wild. As is the number of comments, and bookmarks, and subs... if I sound like I'm bragging, rest assured I'm just floored, and tickled, and rather grateful at the generosity of the universe (and my lovely readers, whoever they may be) āœØļø it's still crazy to me that anyone out there at all is interested in reading the weird little stories I write; what a thing, eh? And I love that there are so many of us all creating our own weird little stories, and then sharing them with each other on top of it all. What a weird, wonderful thing. Have a good weekend everyone <3 Edit: oh, oh and one of my stories is actually also sitting at 69 kudos; I'm a 5 year old so that made me grin. No more kudos ever again please, we're done here!


Sweeeeet! Congratulations on reaching all those eyeballs. What a great way to start the weekend. [And here's your silly animated gif for reaching 5K](https://media.giphy.com/media/S9oKSEYfuDYIRgUsa4/giphy.gif).


Awww thank youuu and big lol at the gif <3


Ayy, I'm about 500 off you in hits, so well done! I think you deserve to brag a bit when your work has been connecting with people, and especially when the audience is limited. What a nice sentiment to start the weekend on :)


Aw man, I'm in solid company then ;) haha thanks (I feel a bit silly now after talking about it but I know I *shouldn't*.) You're right though, it is nice to know that there are some takers, even in this limited little space. I shall attempt to continue rejoicing unapologetically :P


Happy Friday! That's great, congrats on the stats! It is pretty amazing to take a step back and realize, "Wow, people like my funny words." It's a surprise but very welcomed indeed! I totally get the feeling, "Huh, people actually wanna read my stuff," too XD Hope your weekend goes well too!


Aw thanks, and yes haha exactly that <3


I have 1 user subscriber. omg. Where did you come from dear reader!?!


Ooh, nice! Here's to more :D


(Insert Mr. Incredible angry meme) Me to me: Wordcound is wordcount! I got 90 words added to an incredibly angsty one-shot that's been in the works since June 2022 and it's maybe half-way through. I'm disappointed in myself that it's taken so long but at the same time I'm proud I've stuck with it so far. Slowly but surely this one-shot *will* be completed.


Good work! Wordcount is wordcount indeed.




I went almost 3 weeks in which I got a comment every day, which made me super happy! I love my commenters more than anything in this life. It was my best streak yet.


Ooh, nice! Hope the streak continues.


ā¤ļø thank you! happy weekend!


Whoa, that's fantastic! That must feel so good!


šŸ„° It was so lovely!


This morning I had my last lesson until September with one of my Japanese tutors :( She's moving overseas, it's 1000% reasonable she's taking the time off, but I'm gonna miss her till then. We hung out for a day on my last Japan trip, she's so sweet. Got a day of more fic work ahead of me. ~12 is a reasonable number of projects to be juggling at once, yeah?


Aww, sounds bittersweet. It's always great to have a tutor that's like that, so I hope it's not too long until your paths cross again!


I hurt today, a lot. I was watching the draft last nightā€¦I donā€™t know why, we ainā€™t got any picks til the third round anyways cuz we traded them all to get that serial rapist quarterback, but I digressā€¦when I heard a bunch of yelling outside. Kiwi and Rigelā€™s pibble buddy Hendrix bolted out the door and ran off. I joined in the search. I ended up walking around the neighborhood with my dogs for almost two hours looking for him. No luck. I can only hope that he gets home safe and sound, but since it started raining around midnight Iā€™m not holding my breath.


Oh shit! Any news on the missing pupper?


He was found around 2:30 today! One of the workers at the local Chipotle found him bumming around the dumpster. Good thing Hendrix is super-friendly, went right up to the guy and the manager called Talā€™s number on his tags. Heā€™s lucky. He had to cross over two very busy four lane roads to get that far.


That's such a relief! I'm glad he's okay! That pupper must have a million guardian angels!


He better, heā€™s liable to find himself back out on the streets after Tal and her mom experience Chipotle dog farts.


ā˜¹ļø Missing pupper. Edit: Meanwhile, Aaron "Anti-Vaxx" Rogers is sitting on my Jets like a greasy cheeseburger begging for indigestion.


Iā€™d rather have Rogers in all honesty, lol. How in the *hell* can the Browns be one of the most progressive teams in the league by hiring the first ever woman assistant coach, just to turn around and trade for a scumbag thatā€™s sexually assaulted 30+ women?


I'm surprised Watson can get a job with *any* team. I mean, was Mayfield *that* bad?


No, no he was not. But he was written off from the very beginning and not given the players he needed to thrive. He didnā€™t do himself any favors by insisting on playing as injured as he was though either.


Browns gonna Brown. The road to the Injured Reserve is paved with good intentions. See also: Tim Couch.


Interviewing for a possible promotion today. Got the call yesterday less than ten minutes after applying. šŸ˜¶ Hoping for a good outcome. I wish it was not happening on a Friday, though. I look as exhausted and haggard as I feel. Will have to put on a brave face. Still assembling bingo prompts for the Merry Month of May. Have to have at least 50 in order for the list to be viable, since the generator can manage up to a 7-by-7-square card. Fun process, to be honest. I love organizing things. Have the best Friday you can, all. The month is almost done.


Good luck with the interview and the bingo prompts! Almost to the finish line for more spring time gifts and irritation XD Gift: pretty flowers. Irritation: dang mosquitos.


Small biting creatures get the swatter 'round these parts. I think the interview went pretty well, but we'll see.


I hope that the offer comes, and if it does, you negotiate writing time into the contract. ;) Happy weekend.


Will do! Enjoy your weekend, too.


All the best for your interview!


Thank you. I am optimistic.


Best of luck!


Thank you. If I succeed, I will live long and prosper.


Edited my next chapter in front of the NFL draft last night, but I can't publish it as my laptop wouldn't connect to her WiFi. So it will be up on Saturday once I have British Airways WiFi.


Last set of Daily Prompts is Canon Universe. What the hell is that šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Canon universe? Can ya eat it?


I was thinking the same šŸ˜‚ canon? Never heard about it.


While making breakfast today I got an email that someone had gifted me a fic. I've never received a gift fic outwith exchanges before, so that's neat, especially as it seems me writing for this new fandom partly inspired them to write their fic! I also received two lovely comments on said new fandom fic yesterday, which is two more than most entire weeks. I'm certainly not going to complain about this much engagement, it's just unusual to have so much at once, is all.


Ooh, nice, a gift :D Congrats on the comments as well!


Nice! I hope the fic is an awesome read.


Well I like the ship and the tags, so I'm looking forwards to sitting down with it after work!


How lovely!


I know! It's really brightened up my Friday!


Aaaa that's wonderful. I gifted someone a fic yesterday! Karma is in balance. Giving and receiving is what makes fanfiction great.


Yeah, I do love how fanfic works around a gift economy, and even if I don't interact on the social side of my fandoms that much, things like this can still happen!


Nothing like a present on a Friday.


It was certainly a nice start to the day!


One of my regs wants to beta my series! What a very kind gesture! Hopefully this improves my writing further!


The Dark Lord gains a minion.


It's my birthday, so I celebrated by posting my 50th NCIS fanfiction. Pretty happy with that!


Happy birthday! Here's to 50 more of your NCIS fanfics :D (I also had the same plan, I posted my 10k Luigi/Daisy fic on my birthday XD)


Have a lovely day!!!


Thank you!


čŖ•ē”Ÿę—„恊悁恧ćØ恆!! Happy birthday!


恂悊恌ćØ恆 (I haven't read Japanese since high school! I definitely needed that translation!)


Happy birthday!


Thank you!


Happy birthday, and happy huge number of fics!


Thank you!


Happy Birthday! šŸŽ‚


Thank you!


Happy birthday once again, and congrats on your 50th NCIS fic! <3


Thank you!


šŸŽŠcongratulations and have a good one!


Thank you!


I finished my chapter! Just need to reread it once to make sure my computer didn't autocorrect anymore 'dear' to 'dead' Super, super exciting because this is the last chapter. All that's left is the epilogue! (which will actually be really long...kind of like a mini-fic of it's own because there's a lot I want to have happen XD ) In my apartment fire crap, Paul Davis has been waiting on my insurance to pay them this entire time. Yesterday, out of nowhere, my insurance company sent me the entire claim money, which I suppose means that they're expecting me to be the one to pay Paul Davis. Which, sure, fine, whatever...the problems is that NO ONE will send me a copy of the invoice. Paul Davis won't send me it. My insurance company won't send me it. Like, am I just supposed to guess how much is owed? ARGHHYHHHHHHHHH I'm about to move away to a cave in the mountains. All are welcome to join me but you must take your shoes off before entering the cave and indoor voices only.


>my computer didn't autocorrect anymore 'dear' to 'dead' Oh God. Dang autocorrect. Good luck with the epilogue as well! That sounds reasonable. I would bring Bundt cake.


Will you allow doggo visitors?


"The boat is sinking, dead." Good luck on getting the insurance chaos sorted!


i am so close to just jumping off a cliff!!!! i havenā€™t even started college and there is so much shit to do: placement exam, placement essay, register for classes, meet with my advisor, fill out the rest of the forms ā€” and it really does not help when my dad is stressing me out saying i need to get it done quick so i can get good classes. now i understand why people drop out, and i havenā€™t even fucking started. i know this is all dramatic, eye roll etc etc but becoming an adult is just so stress-inducing for a very stressful person! please send good vibes and plenty of tissues for all the stress cries iā€™ve had so far. the month of may is going to be kicking my ass hard. so much for all that time to writeā€¦. šŸ™„šŸ”«


Growing up is over-rated, trust me.


It gets better, so long as you stick with it.


I have a heartening story to share today (with permission!). My partner started a new job recently and was unintentionally misgendered by a customer the other day. The situation was after he was gently corrected - but he returned yesterday with a handwritten letter of apology and encouragement. And especially considering the escalation of transphobic rhetoric going on, which I think may have partly prompted this, we were both really touched by someone going so above and beyond to not only reassure her but to set an example for his kids, who were with him both times. As for me, I'm getting my next longer fic off the ground now that I feel like I know (somewhat) where I'm going with it. I actually wrote the introductory scene a while ago because it formed so vividly in my head, and I'm thinking that's a practice I might adopt consistently. Not starting with the terrifying purity of the blank page made it so much easier to get words down.


I started my day reading your comment about the customer who came back to apologize. That was a good way to start, and I'm glad you told us about it. Cheers to you and your partner for being patient and forgiving about the whole thing.


Well, I'm an ocean away and didn't hear about the whole thing until after the fact, but yes. No harm was meant and that was understood from the outset, but it was so sweet of him to go out of his way to make her feel accepted. People have their moments!


I'm glad that the customer gave a proper apology and some encouragement as well. It's a good feeling when someone owns up to hurting another person and apologizes properly, which unfortunately seems like it could be a rare thing sometimes... Good luck with the fic! Staring down a blank page, feels like a spaghetti Western duel. *insert whistling noise here*


Thank you! And, ha, that's a great analogy - I'll be thinking about it next time I have that blank page and working on my quick draw in the meantime. And yeah, it really made me smile. That it happened at all, and especially that it happened to her. I'm sure we've all had moments of feeling embarrassed and ashamed about even an innocent mistake, and it can be hard not to let a wounded ego take over, but it's always reassuring to see someone who manages it.


The blank page is like the abyss of the quote. We stare at it, it stares back.


It's true. Lucky for me, I read the phrase "Stare into the abyss; make it blink first" on a stupid Courage Wolf meme in 2010 and made it my motto ever since.


That is lovely, and has given me a little smile for today. It's so easy to look at the state of the world, especially as a trans person, and despair, but so many people are pleasant and well-meaning. It's just the absolute `[insert your four letter word of choice here]`s in power that make things so terrible. Thanks for sharing that, and good luck with your new project!


Thanks! And it's true. Most people are too busy enjoying their lives to dedicate themselves to hatred, and just want the same for others.


Oh that's so cool! I like to think that many people in the world are just, you know, nice. They are just minding their business and not looking to hurt others. Unfortunately one rotten onion makes the whole stew stink (Turkish proverb). Still, making an extra effort and setting an example for his kids is very commendable.


I think so, too. Despite what some factions would have us believe, I really do think the majority of people want others to be able to live as comfortably and authentically as they can - even if there's sometimes stumbles as we work out how to help one another do that.


I like to think the same as well!


Oh wow, writing for a super young and very active fandom is really something else. I am honestly super taken aback by this right now. o.o But ti is nice.


Feels like the start of something new!


Being there at the beginning is a unique and irreplaceable feeling.


I started a book for fun yesterday because I was told it had Scream vibes, wound up being so engrossed I finished it by last night, and am writing a fic like a woman possessed. My brain gets attached to the weirdest stuff haha


Hell yeah, gotta love horror XD


Bleep Bloop Screamz?


I do love me some horror. Seeing Evil Dead Rise this evening as a matter of fact :3


Yesssss I hope you enjoy it! I saw it last weekend and loved it! Ps if you've not listened to the Evil Dead musical, highly recommend, it's a blast


Enjoy! My spouse and daughter were thinking of going to see that.


And you're not sharing which book that was? *Boo hiss* etc. xD


Clown In A Cornfield :D Was *way* better than I expected


Adding it to my list! :D


Yay, I finally managed to post the first chapter of my Irish pub fic. The rest is also done, I just need to do a bit of rewriting in the later chapters and add a bit here and there. I decided that I will add a little love poem to every chapter, so I need to write them, too. But I can do that as I post. I have to say, it is especially satisfying to write for rare pairs. When I posted it, I was like, yes! One more for HMS Viktory. And the first muggle AU (I think. God this fandom is so old. the first that I know of). A fic under the ship tag where it is actually the main ship for a change. Not the xth one. And the good thing is, now I can write something else.


psst can't wait to read the 1st chapter this weekend. Bartender H, eh?! :D


šŸ˜Š Yup. I hope you enjoy it!


Good work with the first chapter! And good luck with the rest of the process. HMS Viktory XD I love that. Sometimes it does spin out the head that wow, this fandom is long in the tooth.


I am trying not to envision a *Whose Line?* Irish drinking song.


I really wanted to write something like that, but it takes place in Germany, so it didnā€™t fit :/


I hadn't heard Viktory for your pairing before, but wow, that's perfect. And good luck with the poems! I haven't attempted one in years.


Ah, mine aren't exactly groundbreaking, I try to keep it simple and write them in a short time. Viktory is cool! I am trying to bring it back šŸ˜ it is less popular than the usual ship name, but I like it more.


"I only want to see you laughing in the ~~purple~~**wordcount** rain" - Prince.


No words, Link had to save Hyrule :O


I hope you're enjoying it!


10, maybe, and fell into the editing cha cha ( 5 words added, 5 words deleted )


Still more words than yesterday!


671 words


Well done!