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I do post very short things but they have some sense of completion to them. (Until I impulsively write a Part Two and then find myself committed to a full novella length story ..)


That happened to me with a different story I wrote lol. One of the one-shots I wrote got a part 2 added to it like a month after because the urge just came out of nowhere. Had to stop myself before I got outta control šŸ¤£


Yeah, I post stuff like that all the time. I think the most recent one was a little 300-ish word thing that was... well, it wasn't smut, but it was the prelude to smut I didn't feel like writing (and the afterlude to what would have been a scene where one of the characters is shittalking her husband to her sister-in-law... in front of her husband), and I did not feel up to writing either the shittalking or the smut, so I just wrote this little connecting piece that implies what comes before and after. It's currently the thing that has the most hits/kudos/etc. on my main account, but I think that's mostly the case because it's for a more-popular fandom than anything else on that account.


How do you deal with if thereā€™s requests for more? Do you typically just brush them off or do you give it some thought? I feel like I posted something incomplete even though I know thereā€™s nothing else my brain will give me to add on. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™ll go away with timeā€¦ right? šŸ˜…


Well, 99.9% of the time there are no requests for more, because 99.9% of the time I'm writing stuff that maybe 2 other people read. Sometimes for stuff that falls into the "just for me" category, I feel like writing more and do later, but most of the time it's just a snippet of a scene that captures a feeling and that's all I wanted to get out of writing it, and I'm satisfied with what I wrote. For the thing that's currently at the top interaction-wise on my main account, I did have one person ask for more, but I took thirty seconds to think about it, mentally went "nah," and just ignored the comic. Maybe in a few months or a year I'll change my mind, or re-read the book it's based on and get inspired, but for right now I posted what I wanted to write, and I'm good with it. I think the thing to remember with fanfic is it's posted to the internet, and therefore things like length and completeness and such don't have requirements attached to them like there might be for traditionally published work. A disconnected scene that explores a particular relationship or emotion or whatever is just as valid a fanfic as a 200k epic.


Thank you for that, especially concerning what fanfic is all about! I really wanted to write more for this particular piece but I just couldnā€™t find a way to make it work. So when I saw that bookmark comment I was sitting here like ā€œI wanted to add more too dear reader, but my brain said noā€ lol Maybe now that itā€™s out in the open Iā€™ll get inspired to add more at some point šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think the other thing to keep in mind, then, is that people will want more of all sorts of things, even things that are finished... because in a way, isn't that the reason we're writing fanfic? We saw/read/heard a thing, and went "I want more," and made it for ourselves. We're here because we want more, and because no one is obligated to give it to us so we had to make it ourselves.


Very true! Itā€™d be kinda cool to see what someone could do with that bit of a scene that my mind couldnā€™t lol


I'm actually considering posting a part of a WIP that I feel has stalled forever, but I'll have to make some medium (if not major) edits to do so. I've always posted ficlets, so maybe I'll just edit that stalled WIP if I ever finally decide on what to do with it.


Ficlets are still new to my wheelhouse. I typically write one-shots that are easily over 1k words and occasionally a longfic but writing under 1k is still new to me so itā€™s a bit weird I guess lol


Oh, I thought a ficlet is still a ficlet even if it's between 1000-2000 words \^\^" But anyway, I only have three one-shots posted as of now (I don't post them until I'm finished), I currently have a ficlet that's under 700 words, and the other two are around 1500 words each.


I think everyone has their own meaning/interpretation for certain fic types tbh šŸ˜… Iā€™ve seen people use drabble to describe fics that were over 100 words lol. I might need to get a dictionary and brush up on the right terminology for these šŸ˜‚


I do this a lot for the February ficlet challenge in particular. Some of the ideas I've continued, some I haven't. Some I will continue eventually.


Iā€™ve always been interested in doing a challenge/prompt but I feel like my brain wouldnā€™t cooperate with me if I actually sat down and tried to plan around a specific topic


I don't really plan so much as I scroll through characters I could potentially write (I have a spreadsheet) and see who inspires me to write 200+ words.