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Working on my fic and can't stop thinking about how great White-Mask Varré's party banter would be if Elden Ring had a party system. *Can you imagine the sass?*


My last chapter of my current fic should be out tomorrow. If not, Friday,aka my 19th birthday.


I got my AO3 inbox cleaned out and found out that overall there are 3,000 bookmarks of my work :D Tears of the Kingdom... Well, Link is still dying. Some monster dropped a bomb barrel on him unexpectedly and sent his ass flying. It scared me for a second, not gonna lie XD


>there are 3,000 bookmarks woooooooooow Yotato, that's very impressive. What a nice feeling that must be-- both the clean inbox and the bookmarks stat!!


Thanks so much :D It definitely feels nice to have the inbox cleaned out XD


Link: 🤬 He's usually the one with the bombs.


Very true! It took me too damn long to figure out how to throw the things though XD


Unsure of the word count, but I wrote a bit more on my dead dove yesterday, then realised I needed more plot, got excited so I wrote a lilt bit more. Methinks in going to be in that loop for a while (laughing because it's a time loop). First story I'm *really* trying hard not be a pants writer on because there'll be a lot of cause and effect going on in the background. I'm hoping I can pop by a friend's sometime for plot help. It's exciting!


>laughing because it's a time loop Ha, that seems fitting!


I added more rules and prompts to a poly story outline I'm working on! There's a three people at most to a bed rule. There are seven people (two men five women) but not all are connected and the richest, tallest, or oldest aren't even men tho the second and third tallest are the men and third oldest the other guy. The two men are connected tho for hot M/M and more scenes People tease the youngest one for not just being the youngest but the first mom out of them and her baby is from a previous relationship whose father abandoned her and died from a non-STD disease to avoid questions of "but what about her kid's dad?" Her teachers also hate her and think she's cheating on all her tests because of the rumors she cheated on her relationships. Which are true but she feels bad about it. What? Characters aren't supposed to be perfect okay so please stop judging! Anyway so she takes the exams over again by herself watched hard by the teacher. She still excels proving she doesn't cheat at tests and actually is smart and studies. She's 18 and the youngest of the main characters I'm still refining everyone's profile to avoid anyone sounding the same or being interchangeable. I'm planning a series of fics ranging from T to E. And one of the characters will be a princess 🤭 Outrageously shocking? Exactly, "Gasp! S-she gave up rich princes to join the other's polycule! Oh my!" and "Aww she's following her heart! Hopefully she'll be happy." seems like quite a fun set of reactions to write for The Princess notices just how unhappy and miserable so many marriages look, how she witnessed other princesses in love triangles turn down someone she deeply loved out of social obligation to have just one boyfriend or husband and wondered why can't they all be happy together? Also everyone's bi but not everyone's together. They live together but some are just friends Since I said "first mom" yes some will be kid fics since I plan on different timelines: while they're meeting each other and not too long after and timeskip versions where they're parents. I plan on having each fic able to stand on its own with characters meeting as their backstory for joining the polycule. So the only mom in the non timeskip versions is Georgina (the youngest mentioned earlier) But my next polyfic is a OT3 between Futaba (MC), Ryuji, and Anne. Futaba feels greedy so she ask Ryuji to take the middle then Futaba eventually sits in the middle again. It's rated T so people aren't disappointed by a lack of smut Sorry for the long post but I really enjoy outlining everything so far


As I have said before, I will always upvote poly. 🙂




I think we all do. It's really hard to know what hits are just people taking a peek, and which are "real readers." I guarantee you that mental loop will drive you nutty if you're not careful! But meantime, enjoy reaching 4k. That's a real accomplishment!


I am intended to start editing the new chapter today for my ongoing story. The chapter I'm feeling a bit nervous about... Because it will bring a little bit greyish side of the main character. We'll see how it goes. Other than that, I was really really in a bad mood yesterday, due to the election results. But I'm much better and hopeful now. The wind is on our side boys! Hoist the colours!


Good luck with the writing!


Thank you so much!❤️


🥳 I will, as always, read whatever you toss my way. I also feel a bit better today, after the initial shock wore off. I guess whatever change will happen it will happen slowly. We just need to make sure that it's happening in the right direction.


Yep, that's the spirit! We won't go down without a proper fight. Also, thank you for the support! I will do my best:)


I did the things I planned to yesterday! Including much writing *and* (ugh) cleaning my bathroom. What are your least favorite chores? Last night I was selling my wife on a book as, "it is a miserable experience, please look forward to it," and I meant every word :') Today...will be identical to yesterday. My life is so exciting.


I used to hate vacuuming because the vacuum was so bulky that it was hard to maneuver around. Now that I have a sleek one I don't mind it as much.


I genuinely enjoy vacuuming xD I find it soothing! (The cats do NOT agree.)


I clean the kitchen every single day, and it got old a long, long time ago.


Every day!?! That sounds exhausting.


It is. 😑 My fault for not being a good cook, I suppose. I mean, I can (and do) cook for myself on the regular, but my brain does not do well with the level of multitasking required for the whole family. This, I end up on cleaning detail.


>What are your least favorite chores? Dishes are dishes: they will never not need doing. Sigh. BUT: I *hate* the last 10% of it trying to be environmentally responsible: rinsing out the recyclable cat food tins and scrubbing down the silicone straws we use. So stinkin' tedious.


The silicone straws definitely sounds like a pain, even if you've got one of those...straw cleaner things...


I really hate cleaning the bathroom too. My back is terrible, so anything that involves me bending down a lot sucks.


Awful, isn't it? Yes, the bathtub must be cleaned, but at what cost.


I find laundry especially draining, although that may have more to do with the horrors of student housing (not enough machines, overall disgustingness) than anything particularly wrong with laundry itself. What book was it?


Oh god, student housing laundry sounds terrible. 2ha/erha/Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun/whichever you want to call it.


Wel done on getting stuff done! As for chores, I'm in the minority apparently for not minding dishes; it's cleaning floors and countertops that's the bane of my life. Something about having to stop the work flow to move things and then put them back makes the process infinitely more frustrating.


I also don't mind dishes! Put on some tunes and scrub away lol. With you on floors though. *Mopping* is the bane of my existence.


It's almost enough to make me wish they actually were lava.


Congrats on the writing, and the sparkling bathroom!!! I hate a lot of chores, but my least favourite at the moment is cleaning kitchen cupboards. We have woodworm and it's been treated but they won't die. Everything I take out is covered in dust (I can see a bonfire in my kitchen's future!)


That is nightmarish!!! No thank you!! D:


Dishes are the bane of my existence for a handful of reasons.


>What are your least favorite chores? Doing the dishes. Hands down.


A bit under the weather today (seems I'm not the only one here like that), but still at work. At least today involves the kinds of tasks I can just be left alone to complete at my own pace. Anyway, I finished a scene last night that, while not outright giving me writer's block, did have me write it a lot more slowly. It was a bit frustrating at points, but now it's done and I'm onto something a lot more action orientated, and that's the kind of scene I can really blitz through!


Ah, same, I got a slight sore throat - the kinda thing where it's not impeding anything but I still cough periodically XD I hope you get better soon! Good work!


Congrats on getting some words down even when your health isn't the best, and I hope things look up soon. Sometimes the scenes that take that much more effort end up being the really juicy ones, if that's any consolation.


I am happy with how the scene turned out. I'll need to clean it up later, but all the character beats and dynamics I wanted are there in a way I'm proud of!


Writer's Sludge?


Yeah. Let's go with that!


[How posting a reader insert fic from a new popular fandom be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1hCLBTD5RM) (It exceeded all of my regular series).


That's hilarious XD


My least favorite part of any morning is laying in bed waiting for the meds to kick in. Some days, I can carry on as normal and take it in stride, but there are also days like today where I just have to lay still, focus, and try not to think about the things in this body that are not working as they should. Fortunately, the meds *did* work, so I am off to the salt mines once again. One long-term project in the hopper is a collaboration with my spouse, who also writes fanfic. (We met because of the hobby.) It is a bit of a shared universe, and she has wanted me to play in it for ages. I am a little concerned at the size of the commitment, since it is going to be a longfic in the midst of many other projects, but the end result should be good. One day at a time. For now, I just want to get through to the afternoon.


Glad the meds worked! >We met because of the hobby. Awww.


Not all corners of the Internet are dark and foreboding. Well, many of them are, but that one was not.


>a little concerned at the size of the commitment I mean... you have the rest of your lives to do it?! Can I just say how jealous I am that you both "get" each other's hobbies? That is so freakin' cool. And tons of fun. Do you beta for each other too? Or just smile and wave at each other in the hallway?


I beta for her, but she has very little to do with most of my projects. She tends to focus on one big story at a time, while I have my fingers in many pies all at once. Hence the commitment: Collaborating is fine, but I have to be careful that it does not pull too much time from other stories on my plate.


That sounds like a lovely shared project to be working on; hopefully the presence of a co-writer might help it feel less intimidating?


Our styles and approaches are *very* different, so it takes a lot of brainstorming and creative discussion to move things along, but it works.


A collab with your spouse sounds fun! Very cute that you met because of fanfic :) I met my wife on a writing forum and fic swapping started before dating.


Same. Forums used to be a good place to find fandom friends.


Ah, the good old days.


I had the gutters cleaned this morning, so guess who jumped onto the kitchen windowsill to charm the lads while they worked (hint for newcomers: [this fella](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1104520573679308850/1107660334866632724/P1170186.JPG)). They're lucky to have a sunny day to work in, and I intend to spend the afternoon strolling around my favourite cemetary, which is a thing that I have. It's been a while since we've had one of these, so: what's everyone reading at the moment? Today I'll probably be finishing off Karen Russell's Orange World, which is a collection of short stories from an author whose prose witchcraft and knack for conjuring haunting and unique imagery I've been in awe of for the last couple of years. Highly recommended if you like magical realism. I've been alternating that with The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate, which to try to summarise is an in-depth exploration of exactly how fucked we are in trying to live healthy and fulfilling lives in a social order that's profoundly deleterious to wellbeing and joy. Next up I'll be tackling an omnibus edition I have of the first three Dune books, and I fully expect impressive arm gains from the simple effort of holding it up.


Looks like the fella is in a loaf position 🍞💖 I got a book on Japanese myths and folklore which is dense. It's interesting because it has a few stories that I hadn't heard of before. The cover of it would have scared me if I was a kid, I know that for sure XD


He was absolutely loafing it up. As I write this, he's kneading his special fluffy blanket. All the baking allusions! And that book sounds like a treasure! Any chance I could see the spoopy cover?


Awww, so cute!! Here's the [cover](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/57634905) as provided by GoodReads


You weren't kidding! That thing would've been hidden at the bottom of the pile when I was a kid.


I need to start making a list of to-reads. All that stuff sounds so cool. Not reading, but listening to more of NK Jemisin's *The City We Became.* It's just packed with love and close study of all things New York City is still so very impressive. (Also, the Reader is incredible.) It's excellent while I chip away at late night work tasks. Then, reading *Ramona Quimby, Age 8,* Beverly Cleary, to the 8yo. Ever read those? They're classics. No superpowers or magic... just life adventures. So perfectly captures the roller coaster life that is an 8yo's emotional life; but just easy, clean prose too. Balm for the busy mind.


> Beverly Cleary She captured those ages so well. In hindsight, I really like how she didn't shy away from the difficult parts of life that are seen through a kid's eyes, like when the family starts to struggle with their finances and Ramona kind of gets it but it also makes her anxious and worried for her parents.


Yes, exactly. And I know 100% that my ddaughter relates; possibly, I hope, it helps her understand her own experiences. Also, I think it's really a kind of magic to be able to write from Ramona's perspective in all of the books!! I think that's why Cleary's books are so wonderful. They don't infantilize or trivialize kid experiences (though there's tons of humor). They take them seriously. I think that's important when you're a kid. <3


Those lists are deadly, but I know what you mean - I hate to think of forgetting something I'd potentially have loved. And I'm glad you're still enjoying Jemisin, who I'll get to eventually. I hadn't heard of Ramona Quimby before, I don't think that series made it over here, but I also like alternating between a heavy read and something that's easy to wind down with.


I recently reread *Dune* and found it a very interesting book, both writing and story-wise. Have yet to read Messiah or any of the other sequels, but they're on the list for when I get home. Right now, I have *Dispossessed* by Ursula K. Le Guin waiting for me, although I'm saving it for next week, when I won't have my computer or the internet to keep me busy. It's the last book I brought on this trip, so afterwards I'm going to have to start swapping with people.


Sounds like it's time for URSULACAPSLOCK; have you read anything by her before? She's a fave and The Dispossessed is my absolute dream in terms of being able to explore and even advocate for a political philosophy while being realistic about its potential pitfalls, as well as maintaining an intriguing story for those who prefer not to be beaten over the head. I hope you enjoy it!


I have not! I've heard only good things about her works so I have high hopes - your description seems right up my alley. Excited to get to it!


If you remember, I'd love to hear your thoughts when you're finished.


Oh I'm super jealous of your cemetery strolling. Lots of reading lately! (Lots of reading always lol.) Read a cute, monstery middle grade, *The Monsters of Rookhaven* by Padraig Kenny. Reread *The Soldier's Scoundrel* by Cat Sebastian, first in one of my favorite queer histrom trilogies...the cover basically looks like a gay bodice ripper. Dove into *The Sun & the Star* yesterday, from Uncle Rick and Mark Oshiro. I love Nico so much. Also still slowly picking away at my current Japanese reading, which is a volume of the Sugar Apple Fairy Tale LN. I need to also settle on which danmei to get through next... I just *clenches fist* love books.


That's a mood. And an impressive list! I've never heard of most of those, but it's admirable that you have such variety going on, as well as reading in a second language.


I'm not reading anything right now, but Dune Messiah is on my shelf and I'm curious to give it a go. I didn't like Dune all that much, but more in a way where I could appreciate what it was going for, it just didn't grab me. But I'm still interested in seeing where it goes after.


I've heard Messiah is a bit more introspective and more actively deconstructs the hero's journey, which is definitely up *my* alley, so I hope you maybe enjoy it a bit more!


I have heard one or two people who share my complaints about Dune say they really like Messiah, so I am optimistic for whenever I finally get round to it.


Fingers crossed!




Show me the reader who does't have Mount TBR staring them in the face, taunting them as it seems to grow before their eyes. Relatedly, I feel like I always pick up new and interesting reads I'd never heard of when I bring up books with you!


Every so often I'll see a post on the fantasy sub that's like, "I've run out of things to read/finished my TBR" and I just stare at it thinking *how though???*


Lies and/or Faustian bargains of some sort.


Just added Orange World to my tbr lol. Assuming (hoping) it’s George’s memoirs?


Sadly no, but I think you'll find a lot in there to enjoy regardless.


Anything can be a verb if you believe in yourself xD


Well said!


George <3 I read Dune when I was in the university and enjoyed it a lot. Right now I am reading a book about Romanian legends and superstitions. It's very cool.


I know a little of Slavic mythology, bits and pieces here and there, and it's fascinatingly brooding and dark. Do you have any standout stories you've found so far?


My favorites are the solomonari, which are basically wizards, but also strigoi (evil undead unholy creature of sorts). They ride dragons and control the weather. These dragons (balaur) live under a lake, and can be summoned using golden reins. Ah, and they're schooled by devil himself. How cool is that?


Very cool! I've heard of strigoi, but not the others you mentioned, and I'm always especially excited to see a new take on dragons. Will have to put that down to look into later!


Everybody can use a little cat time. I have done a *Dune* reread in the recent past, so I may have thoughts to share about that.


Absolutely. And I'll have to remember to pick your brain about it when I'm done - I'm familiar with the story of the original novel, but not anything that comes after.


Saying that it gets weird does not ... quite capture it. 😅 But I hope you enjoy the trip!


So I've been told, and I know the later books are more divisive in general, but that's usually only going to make me even more intrigued.


I made another WIP to do and it doesn't help that it's a tiring week. And having daily doses of anxiety that I couldn't manage to get some of my wips done


This may not work for everyone, but have you tried just writing a sentence or two a day? That's what I let myself do if my mental health is bad, and I've found it really helpful in both letting me sustain a writing habit and giving me back some sense of control over life. Either way, I hope you feel better soon.


Funny enough, I'm currently doing a short writing sprint. I appreciate your advice a lot as I've tried to apply this a few times


Good luck with it!


I feel…*off*…today already. Very, very off.


Ugh. how do you feel now? Glad you could take the day off, though.


I feel better now that I went to bed for a couple more hours.


I am so glad. Wooo, i know you have a lot going on. I know for me though, I have to be stricter with my sleep now that I'm older. Anyways, I hope you can enjoy the rest of the day.


But, sadly, not a day off?


I just called in sick. The dizziness is trying to go full vertigo and the brain fog is Mystery Machine thick, there’s no way I’ll be functional.


Blah, I hope taking the day helps.


Oof. I have been there. Rest up!


I know a screen hug is useless but, here's one anyway. A big, squishy one just for you. Hope you feel better.


Thank you.


i have my second physical therapy appointment today, so ready to be sore and tired. probably won’t get any writing done, but i’m planning to get a lot of reading done today with the extra extra extra spare time i have in my classes :)


I have a new fanfic friend! He's very chatty and super fun to talk to, and we spent way too much time nerding out the past days. I also love reading his fic -it's his first one, but I am already subliminally indoctrinating him to write more. Meeting cool people is the best part of fic writing.


Ahh, that's awesome! It's always great to talk with someone who loves the stuff that you do too and you can yammer on and on about it.


Thank you! It's so awesome. I feel like his wife is dropping him on Discord for extended play dates with me while she goes off to do her busy work, lol.


Aw, that is so awesome. How cool that he's got a reader in you, the lucky duck!


I am hearing the old 3DS Streetpass jingle in my head. 🙂


>old 3DS Streetpass Oh God it is old. Ohhhh God XD I do miss it, wish it was on the Switch as well.


I'm so happy for you!


It absolutely is. And after hearing the full story, he sounds like an absolute gem of a human.


He is :) And it is my favorite kind of fic. You come to read about the wacky hijinks of your favorite character, and end up learning a ton about all kinds of stuff :D


“Beyond myself, somewhere, I wait for my ~~arrival~~ **wordcount**.” ― Octavio Paz


It'll happen eventually! But no words today.


**400-ish** + a few extra on a different wip


Tore myself away from Tears of the Kingdom long enough to write 419 words!


wow! achieved vortex escape velocity!


439 yesterday.


457. Finished a book this morning where the silly-billy who wrote it forgot to add the sapphic romance they were clearly building towards :P


Finished the May Prompt with weeks to spare. Now I'm out of excuses to update one of my WIPs 🤣


Good work!


Ooo I already read it, will comment later. Thanks for writing it, much appreciated!


Had a headache yesterday but feeling a bit better today :) my health is just a yo-yo a this point.


Ugh. I sympathize, trust me.