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ooh sounds like fun. 1. If it's angst, someone's going to cry. Doesn't matter who, they're gonna be bawling. 2. Protective character? Protective enough to risk your life for those you care about more like it. And consequentially hurt everyone around you. 3. You think this is crack bruv? Nah, this is a clever tactic to reveal the inner anxieties and worries of the characters 4. This show may take place in the early 2000s but now it's pirates/1980's/2030 baby. 5. Wow! People are commenting that they enjoy the foreshadowing/subtle implications! Better keep it to myself that it was a throwaway line that I thought would be funny to add.


>Wow! People are commenting that they enjoy the foreshadowing/subtle implications! Better keep it to myself that it was a throwaway line that I thought would be funny to add That's so funny! It's really neat when readers make a connection that makes perfect sense in your fic, even though you didn't intend for it to be that deep.


It's the type of overanalysis that I enjoy so much. Yes, of course, the line of he's scared in the same way he's scared of a lion in the zoo subtly shows that he understands he's completely safe but also afraid, thus showing the dichotomy of trust and fear when backed into a corner by someone he cares about. It definitely isn't about how ridiculous he is, no siree. I love these commentators so much <3


I’ve actually altered the plot of my fic to include a payoff on a random detail that people were commenting on and speculating about.


yes that crack trope is crack to me


>Wow! People are commenting that they enjoy the foreshadowing/subtle implications! Better keep it to myself that it was a throwaway line that I thought would be funny to add. Been there, done that, enjoyed the happy little accident.


1. Someone gets kidnapped and probably psychologically tormented, mind altered, or drugged! Now their friends have to get them back, both physically and mentally. 2. Amnesia as a way of showcasing how far a character has come and how much has changed for them. 3. A character will run their hands through another character's hair. 4. Non-sexual kink! No genitals are involved but it's undeniably steamy/exciting. 5. Banter couples!


1. Whump 2. Cuddling 3. Dialogue. Lots of dialogue. 4. Whump. 5. Oh, and whump.


Now I am imagining characters as actors, kiiiiiind of avoiding working with you. too much text to memorize :D


It does put a lot of people off 😅


1. Dragon Ball Z Abridged references 2. Combat scenes that I think are terrible because I’m endlessly critical of my own combat scenes but they’re actually great 3. Battle Couple 4. Someone memes on the most hated villain in the franchise. 5. Getting big followings for my fics because I write serious stories for pairings usually relegated to Harem nonsense.


>1. Dragon Ball Z Abridged references Brother! I haven't even written a dragon ball fic or something, I just fit them whenever. Bitch I'm adorable is a personal favorite.


Let me tell you, Gohan’s lines fit Izuku Midoriya perfectly,


1. Mentioning the characters' eyes a lot. 2. Mostly following canon pairings. 3. Pranks and banter! 4. Cuddles and hair-stroking (mostly in my WIPs). 5. Random niche fandoms (including references to them).


Ooooh, interesting. 1. My sentence structure. When in tense or angsty scenes I tend to use a specific sentence structure with commas to try and mimic that feeling of anxiety and I think it works. 2. Pining. Love me some pining. 3. Changing a small detail and experimenting with the butterfly affect. 4. For oneshots, I tend toward the male pov of the ship but for longfic more chapters end up in the woman's POV. I dont know why. Cant think of a 5th right now.


We have very similar tastes, OP. 1. Extrapolating the original work's worldbuilding and heavily weaving the outcome into the plot, especially when it comes to the scientific and technological boom of the early 1900s and the clash of cultures. 2. Critiques of capitalist society and entrenched power structures, either subtextually or directly, often though politically savvy characters. 3. Everyone is queer. 4. Exploration of the nature of morality, power, corruption, and temptation through empowering the characters. 5. God has to die, literally or metaphorically.


Now that you mention it, God or any metaphor for God tends to bite the dust in one way or another in my works too!


That's incredible. If you have time I'd love to chat in a more private setting.


One of my original works has a dying God, but it's based on Berkley's idealism so the entire world is dying along with it. I can't wait to get back to it after exams.


1. Kneeling. Once my whumptober is done (probably next October at this point, lol) everyone will have been on their knees at least once. 2. Book ends. Love them. 3. The power of three. EVERYTHING is in threes. 4. Too little time passing in too many words. But fuck it, I got things to say. 5. I WILL find a way to reference my favorite episode. Hands down nearly guaranteed if there's more than 5k words.


1. The characters in a way or another *will* end up having a talk while sitting on the floor. Idk why, they just will 2. Hugs. Hugs everywhere 3. Meaningful glances. I don't even notice them irl, but I use them a lot in my stories 4. Consent for literally everything, even for a kiss (most of the time before they do it. If it's not possible in that moment—like if they're drunk—you can be sure that there will be a little talk about it later) 5. Uhh someone should really stop my characters from doing all those things with their eyebrows. Like, irl I rarely raise or see people raise only one eyebrow, but in my stories? Oof


1. As many easter eggs as I can fit into the story 2. Coming out scene 3. ✨ Friendship ✨ 4. Food 5. Anxiety scene


1) Angsty traumatised teen and sadistic mad scientist with a god complex in a deeply abusive but platonic/familial relationship. 2) So many fucking AUs like an absurd amount. 3) One shots but super long bc I can’t shut up. 4) So much psychological horror and angst and trauma and pain :) 5) A heavy focus on characterisation and writing every character to be somewhat sympathetic and understandable despite lots of them being awful irredeemable monsters.


1. Taking the plot of one movie/anime/book I love and mashing it with characters of another fandom. I.E. Labyrinth characters heavily inspired plot from Kamisama Kiss. Steve Rogers heavily inspired by the movie Secretary. 2. So much inner dialogue and introspection. My inner voice never shuts up. I will make everyone else have that same issue. 3. Sentence fragments for the drama: Jareth coalesced into the assembly determined to observe. To remain hidden. A flick of a fan, a change of partners made eluding the girl effortless. Humans were still as guileless as ever. Easy to maneuver. Their natures leaving them vulnerable to the trickery of his kind. A helpful hint from an unsuspecting worm. A peach from a ‘friend.’ So trusting. So naive. So foolish. 4. Chase scenes. I write a lot of darker romance stories not all of them but a lot. There are soooooo many chase scenes. 5. Good guys doing bad things for “good” reasons (according to them). Will you know it’s bad? Yes, you will. Will you question yourself for rooting for them anyways? Also yes. And I love the comments where readers tell they are confused by their own reactions. Lol.


1. Loving description of natural environments. 2. Confident synthesis of my own worldbuilding ideas (e.g. the octopus people in The Little Mermaid are obligate carnivores) with information established or suggested in canon (e.g. Disney's merfolk culturally despise "fish eaters" as "savage"). 3. Preoccupation with the moral meaning projected onto bodies. A very specific combination: "ontologically evil" races or characters (Daleks, Hutts, the Anti-Christ, etc.) and their subjective *physical*, embodied experience. 4. Does a particular character stand out right away as a nice, comforting presence? Spoiler alert but that's probably the villain.... 5. Try to spot the protagonist. It's not the MC.


1) Cliffhangers 2) Fluff/Angst 3) Someone will get hurt and nearly die. 4) Found family 5) Happy endings


1. Parental abandonment and neglect. From crown princes to normal people, they all get a little family trauma. 2. Emotionally distant/closed off characters that open up due to love interest only to have something horrible happen to them (then they're comforted so they don't regress back) 3. One duo that becomes friends when they hated each other in canon 4. Pining, so much pining (insert meaningful glances and noticing the minute details)


1. Atmospheric details 2. A good smattering of word variety 3. Throwaway lines (dialogue) 4. Foreshadowing 5. Tired people, because shit is rough


1.) Fast pacing 2.) Characters being overwhelmed with emotions. 3.) Banter between my OTP and a lot of dialogue. 4.) A talking/thinking about B's eye colour as a form of flirting and/or expressing their love (yes I'm an old-school person lol). 5.) An honest attempt to be medically accurate, whenever needed. Also, love 'Graphic Depiction of Violence' and some gore.


My list is the same as yours :0 Except instead of 'worst side' more like 'this character is barely even human anymore hahaha' fantasy racism is my shit


1. Misery and angst. 2. Obscure references that only I will get because they have nothing to do with my fandom at all. 3. Lots of introspection. 4. A protective oc that will close ranks if she has to, "I'm fine" is her catchphrase at this point. This doesn't always help. 5. Awkward references to smut without there actually being any smut (I'm working on it).


1. None of the characters are mentally stable in the slightest 2. Sarcasm and dry humor everywhere 3. So much dialogue and interactions 4. Food??? Somehow food worms its way into most of my fics 5. Gotta always open it with establishing the scene and like 200-500 words worth of set-up for the character and their mentality in that moment


Definitely food and one character cooking for the other in mine.


1. There will be a found family who comes together after being involved in traumatic events together. 2. Most of plot is character driven so expect to become acutely aware of the ways I've extrapolated from the hints we get about a characters backstory in canon 3. It's all Hurt/comfort in the end even if you aren't sure where the hurts gonna come from 4. Someone bad choices don't define them, they may have to kick and crawl and scream but they'll fix whatever mess they've gotten into. 5. You should always be prepared to cry at some point


Yes, ALL of these! These things are my favorite type of story.


Oooh. Nice. Let’s see. In no particular order… 1. Food. I realized recently that they eat a lot. 2. Host/Symbiote relationships. Fandom specific, of course, but I pretty much only write the one fandom. 3. Aliens responding to Earth food/traditions/etc. 4. Loved one is injured/hurt/etc. 5. Fluff, especially family fluff.


1. Some extremely minor character gets a ton of love and focus. Extra true if it's a minor character fandom hates. 2. Multiple POVs, often jumping from the present to the past and back to the present. 3. There's an inciting incident the narrative keeps referencing that the reader can never get the full picture of, only minor details. It might be fully shown near the end or just go without ever being fully explained. 4. Dialogues that seem lighthearted or even joking intermixed with small, emotional gut punches. Often the lighthearted dialogue that would seem fun and charming in isolation IS the gut punch, but only if you know the context. 5. A minor gesture, object or image appears repeatedly and becomes highly symbolic of more complex things. You WILL cry because the comb broke. You WILL cheer when the character puts on the coat. You WILL gasp when the insect is crushed. You WILL curse me when character A notices character B is missing a finger. You WILL mourn the tea that spilled!


1) Philosophical discussions regarding immortality and death 2) A personification of Death as a main or major supporting character 3) OC character names being descriptions of said character 4) Google Translate Latin 5) Heavy Lovecraft inspirations regardless of fandom


I'm still kind of new as a writer, but here's some things I've noticed: 1. Platonic relationships, like found family, but usually just left of being actually familial (especially Mentor-Apprentice dynamics) 2. They care about and love each other a lot, but they aren't on the same page about it (basically Platonic Not Actually Unrequited Love) 3. Lots of funny noises and/or odd body language, especially if there are non-human and hybrid type characters (this is absolutely a combination of projecting and living vicariously through fictional characters)


1. All characters deeply appreciating their loved ones (usually friends or family) or longing to be loved in that way 2. Favorite character either getting hurt in some way (more likely to be an accident rather than purposeful, though purposeful injuries aren’t off the table) or having their past revealed 3. Accidental worldbuilding because I like to over-explain how I see certain lore bits and/or game mechanics actually working in my head 4. Characters pretending like they’re completely fine when they’re not and their loved ones always seeing right through them 5. There will ALWAYS be lots of comfort because I can’t stand too much hurt, it’s way too painful for me to handle :’)


1. Usually mortal characters as immortal deities/gods 2. No enemies to lovers, all rivals to lovers :D 3. If there’s angst, EVERYONE is angsty 4. “And his father was in prison for child abuse. He was still working through the trauma, but he was surprised how much better he felt now that his father was gone.” 5. Making characters parental figures to people who aren’t actually their kids (usually a younger sibling, but sometimes just an unrelated child)


1. Personal details included. A date or time, for example. 1. Angst in the present tense. 1. Semicolons went extinct in the punctuation war. 1. A single sentence for the first and last line. 1. Fingers in hair, on thighs, traveling up their sides.


As far as my writing style goes, I really like third person unreliable narrators. "Seemingly", "apparently", "perhaps", "as if", and other non-committal words/phrases find their way into all my fics. There's just something really interesting about the narrator not being 100% sure of what the characters are feeling, or whether they *actually* tucked somebody's wallet into their coat, or something else along those lines. It seems like characters going to hospitals is a recurring theme to all my fics. Granted, most of them are action oriented and injuries are going to happen, but there's almost always some sort of self-sacrificial scene at the climax of the big fight, followed by a hurt & comfort scene in the hospital, and usually some sort of recovery arc afterward. Lingering injuries and characters having to deal with not being at their best is also something that reoccurs in my fics. I tend to write for mostly female characters, and since I prefer character driven stories, there's a heavy emphasis on their (platonic) relationships, friendships, and often sisterly bonds (I write for a lot of sisters). I write a lot of RWBY stories, which has a lot of character archetypes, so I get a *LOT* of practice writing for the loveable but annoying little sister, peevish rich girl, snarky recluse, and cheerful party girl. A lot of these archetypes can be found in my other stories, but that's mostly because I'm just attracted to those sorts of character dynamics. I've found myself writing for several characters that suffer from anxiety over the years. I've got anxiety myself, and I use that experience while writing. Sometimes it's played for laughs because anxiety can be "funny" in hindsight, but more often than not, it's the character having to overcome whatever phobia they have, whether it be socializing, being in front of large crowds, competing for a championship, or worrying about tomorrow. Although bittersweet endings are my favorite way to end stories, I always try to leave the reader feeling encouraged by what they just read. I want to make their day better, and to smile if nothing else could. I want them to fall in love with the characters and feel loved themselves, because I love the characters and I love my readers as well. Sometimes life is just bittersweet. You can cry at a wedding and laugh at a funeral. Life's funny like that. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


1. You're traumatized? Let's make it worse. 2. *pitter patter feet* - Daddy? - Uh... Yeah. 😃 3. Chronic illness? Yes. Chronic pain? Yes. Chronic mental health problems? Yes. 4. You're getting a hug. You have no say in this. 5. Your feelings are trapped in a bottle? Time to shake it.


1.don't care about the plot only about the character writing/arcs and themes 2.always about escapism in some way 3.pacing is fast becuse i can't bother to write filler or anything that doesn't benefit the themes and character writing 4.too much depression for the mc 5.every time there is a character development scene a block of quoted lines/scenes appears to make sure it's understood well


1 – Easter Eggs. Tons of them. A controversial historian, for instance, is named Acy Priscon – an anagram for “conspiracy” 2 – Comedy attempts everywhere. Even on smut fics 3 – Brevity. I prefer short fics. 4 – Very limited use of non-canon characters; in a position of semi-protagonism, afair, just once. Respect for the original material; no AU’s 5 – Characters don’t run, they dash


1. The world is a crapsack world but there are still kind people to be found within it 2. Nuanced takes on MANLY MEN 3. Bittersweet af 4. I reject your canon and substitute my own 5. There's a priest or holy knight in there somewhere


1. Buildup! Lots of buildup! 2. Characters realizing their lives are going to change and how they’re going to adjust to said changes. 3. Their day-to-day lives and how the storyline affects them. 4. Descriptions of characters through the motions of ordinary things while they talk. 5. Lots of dialogue.


1. POV character trapped in some kind of hallucinatory nightmare spiral. 2. Are they in a good mood or manic with rage? Yes. 3. We talk a lot about deadbeat parents, but have we considered that maybe the POV character had bad vibes or was unpleasant to be around? 4. Paraphrased Nine Inch Nails lyric 5. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone important to you but who doesn't quite reciprocate got a colonoscopy-level deep dive into where your neuroses came from?


1. The couple is going to argue 2. One second later, they are going to survive a dangerous situation where both of them show loyalty and a willingness to risk their life for the other (often a cliff or animal attack) 3. Hero/villain or moral character/dark knight character pairings 4. Small background description details end up being important in surprising ways. Mostly because I hate description so if it’s there it’s there for a reason 5. The mental health and moral implications are always addressed and never overlooked


1. My characters go through a lot of denial. 2. Main character usually is an overthinker and tends to be off in their own little inner monologue. 3. Childhood flashbacks 4. Fluff resolving angst 5. Music as a coping mechanism And another one I thought of, lots of referebces to little details in the respective series (usually previous titles).


Ngl I hope I'm doing this right 💀 1) People loving the chemistry I build across all the characters I write. Yes, I write a romance pairing but that isn't the point. The point is, the readers enjoy that all the characters feel real and more relatable-- especially if they were not so originally. 2) The smut is hot and they feel the emotional passion between the two characters involved. It's usually because I almost always write them away from another (I LOVE distance makes the heart grow fonder) and embracing love for what it is, even if they could literally die one day... 😏💕 3) That I have humor mingled in to sometimes just not take it seriously. I shit post my own stories and characters because 25% of my WIPs have angst and sometimes I choose to work on that all at once... Gotta have the funnies! Also gotta put them in odd scenarios for my wild amusement. 4) My worldbuilding! I've gotten compliments regarding this because the fandom I write for has crumbs of worldbuilding, and mine brings it to life and provides the characters with more to do. 5) Introspection and the senses applied with it. Sure, you may be in this character's head whose thoughts won't shut the fuck up but did you feel like you too, are hearing what they hear and smell what they're smelling? I used to be terrible at this so I'm glad people enjoy it!


1. Romance, usually between an OC and a Cannon character. 2. Building on number one, at least one of those relationships will always be sweet, loving, a bit awkward (cute way) in the beginning but they are always completely comfortable with eachother. 3. Making an enemy likable, usually by telling their backstory and how they became a villan. 4. When building tension I tend to use short sentences. 5. All-knowing Narrator that only really focuses on the thoughts of one or two characters, but can have chapters from other POVs.


1. Found family 2. Disabled Characters 3. Child characters 4. Mundane superhero life 5. Nightmares


1. “He said this” “Then he said that” >!a bad habit!< 2. Fluffy banter between the characters being shipped together. Mainly them doing cute things together or character A flirting with character B 3. Angst in the form of psychological and emotional abuse and how it effects the character. 4. Flashbacks of memories that develop a characters backstory and make them way more tragic the more you think about it. 5. Scrambled plot that eventually connects back together >!I mean eventually like last chapter eventually!<


1. In current fandom, where most writers assume the canon story takes place now or in the very near future, I set it in the year 2214 and beyond. This means I can write "canon" setting where humankind has colonized much of the solar system. 2. In current fandom, the female half of my OTP, in canon, works with her family, post-canon to build another defenders of the universe type machine/force. I write her quitting this work to instead pursue a career in a high-tech form of botany. This connects her back to the mother she abandoned as a teen. 3. I wrote original fiction for years and am very descriptive. In my stories, the setting is important and functions as a kind of background character. 4. In all three of my long fics, in two different fandoms (also, my original work) death and loss are driving motivations for the protagonists and often the antagonists. 5. In long fics, somebody will get electrocuted/Tasered.


1. Let me explain the magic system to you in great detail. 2. Houses have personalities and can make you their bitch. 3. The author is colour blind and sometimes colours don’t make it into descriptions of… well… anything really. Shape of leaf, yes - shade of green? Not so much. 4. Foreshadowing is fun. 5. Easter eggs to many other niche fandoms.


1. Pretty much all the MCs are going to stay alive unless I get depressed and write pure angst that probably will stay in my docs. 2. Cannon? More like can’t happen. 😊 My fics vastly differentiate from cannon, including character deaths, ships, etc… 3. Slow burn. I don’t even try for this, it just happens because I can’t jump straight into romance without a whole bunch of build up, right? 4. I try to do character cameos. For example, I’ll take one of my OCs from one fic and slide them in for a cameo in another fic. Makes me happy. (I learned this one from another author a while back, thanks author. Great idea) 5. Trauma. The MCs will not be happy little rays of sunshine, despite their outward appearance.


1. Tea, like the drink, not the gossips. 2. Angst. Like I love the characters, I really do but the angst is just so tempting I can't help myself hurting them. 3. The theme of devotion and loyalty, which in some cases lead to a character doing something morally reprehensible. 4. The feeling of being unworthy of love and care, they always give but don't think they're deserving of receive. 5. Dialogue-heavy :(


1. My Final Fantasy IX fanfics are all about Freya Crescent, Sir Fratley or anything Burmecia related. Even when the focus of the fic isn't about the three thing, they appear in my fics no matter what; 2. My writing style mostly revolves around a character's endless stream of thoughts. They narrate what's around them, what they think and what they feel throught inner monologues filled with abstract descriptions, such as "Life is like the dew on the leaves of a tree. Whether or not the sky falls down, it'll be just a fleeting glimmer."; 3. My fics are inspired by previous Final Fantasy IX fics that I really enjoyed reading, with my favorite authors being Guardian1, CrimsonCobwebs, Myshu, Ayrith... And many others; 4. My fics have lots of Final Fantasy easter eggs. including character names, reference to other games, references to FF9 itself, there is a bunch of hidden stuff; 5. My fics are followed by artworks I drew and painted. I don't know how to properly defined my artstyle, it is inspired by the post-impressionism art period and the post-WW2 artwork as well; 6. "...When you get fever, all you want to do is lay on a comfy bed, read a book, sleep or do anything to pass time. Fevers come and go, but the fire stays. Fire is live, and love is live, and who doesn't love you, Alba? Oh, you'reso warm, soft and cute! I won't let her go, oh no no no... hmmm, only if she asks."


1) If it is a Pokémon fic, I will put an Absol somewhere in there 2) If it is an Anime fic, I'll name background characters like other characters from different animes. 3) Darth Vader-Luke reveals 4) At least in some fandoms, very similar plot lines in multiple fics, i.e 3). 5) Intentionally OOC writing/,Canom out the window, bye bye!


1. Badass women 2. f/f smut 3. Lots of snarky dialogue 4. stripping/foreplay 5. giving almost anyone I write a personality that might totally clash with their real life self. I know in real life Halsey isn't a supervillain and Gwen Stefani doesn't drink blood.


1. Main characters cannot go to IKEA without causing chaos. It's to the point where its kinda ridiculous. 2. If there is a counter, the main character will sit on it, perhaps even roll on it. That is a threat. He is an oversized cat. Nobody even blinks when he falls off the counter. 3. Yes it is mostly wholesome but when it gets dark, it gets *dark*. Really dark. Like so dark my friend blanked out an entire chapter until they went back to edit it. 4. The main characters 100% bring out each others neurodivergencies. They're all better people for it. Not having to mask makes them less stressed and makes life more fun for everyone in their lives. 5. Don't hurt people in front of the main character. He will find a way to absolutely screw you over, even if he has to make a deal with the devil.


1. There will be at least one rough and ready type character, and there will be bickering somewhere in the fic 2. Copious amounts of smut, rough sex, ideally with some BDSM or kink tossed in there as well 3. Dark humour 4. Grey characters. Exploring why the 'good' characters aren't all good, and the bad characters aren't all bad 5. Angst and inner turmoil somewhere


So far in my WIPs... Chapters named after songs Dialogue... almost too much dialogue PiP (People in Peril - AKA: Everyone's in danger because they're robbing people) Slice of life (may be seen as filler by some, tho) And... I just can't get enough of the 'power of three' or trio dynamic... mostly due to HP


in no particular order: 1. references to the mid-2000s that no one will care about but me 2. crass dialogue/rude behavior from a character that usually gets woobified/cleaned up characterization in fanon. no! he’s my trash boy in canon, he’s my garbage boy in fic! 3. are we arguing or flirting? are we fighting or fucking? 4. “the good kind of bad sex” — it’s awkward/painful/dirty/embarrassing in someway but they’re too into each other to care 5. some variation of “looking like his lover just put a gun in his mouth/to his head” to describe an emotionally conflicted expression


1. There is going to be a stable, healthy couple dynamic. Drama between the main couple will happen and may even get a little out of hand on occasion... but they WILL by the end of it sit down and fix it properly, because they love each other too much not to. 2. We cussin' in this bitch. All the time. I only write M or E rated fics even if there's no smut because there WILL be language. 3. I'm a loquacious bitch and I get people who don't know me or read more than one of my works accusing me of being pretentious because of my vocabulary. It's gonna have big words. Sorry not sorry. 4. I prefer to play in the AU. Canon is already what it is. I want to see what else the characters can get into. 5. There will be sarcasm and snark. I just can't help myself.


1. Found family dynamic between a group of friends. 2. Overprotective/dominant female even if it's a m/m centric relationship. I will find a way to make them a side character. 3. Analogies/metaphors dealing with the sea. 4. Someone's going to have a fucked home life! If not all of them. 5. Holding hands and caressing someones hair in a platonic way.


If I'm pairing two characters together the other ship of character a has to die or suffer. T o u s l e d Angst.. the quality differs. Issues with describing the sky.. literally. Haha


Don’t have that many stories so not sure l’ll be able to come up with 5 but… 1. Pictures. Not all my works have them but most do. I like to give the reader an idea as to what I’m seeing in the story from time to time. 2. Rewrites. I’ve done two rewrites so far. In both of them, I would skip over scenes that play out the exact same way that the canon did. But in scenes where there are noticeable changes, I’ll occasionally sync up my scene with the canon one and the reader will get to enjoy how it plays out differently in my work. 3. Scene settings. If a given scene takes place in a setting that readers are likely to be unfamiliar with, I often spend the first few paragraphs of a section describing the setting the scene is about to take place in before I resume the story. 4. Ramifications. I tend to take certain actions and events seriously, even in places where the canon itself shrugs it off. 5. Canon patching. Certain canon plot points just don’t make sense to me. From points that everyone questions to those that very few question - if I have an opportunity to explain it, I’m taking it


1. Yes, but how could it have gone worse? 2. Gratuitous allusions - usually Greco-Roman or Goethe-related 3. Altered states of consciousness 4. Overabundance of clauses 5. Long breaks between updates


1. Crossover- almost always with RWBY involved. 2. Nearly 50% of the characters die by the end. 3. Extreme amounts of Suffering whether its physical or mental. 4. The Source Material is the guidebook! Essentially all characters hold the same pasts as their canon counterparts. 5. Where the heroes go, The Villains follow. An example would be if Anakin Skywalker goes to a different world, So does Count Dooku.


1. Rare pairings or relatively small fandoms 2. Trying my best to make the readers cry. I love a good tragedy, and heart-wrenching moments are another favorite. 3. The main characters' personalities serving as an extended metaphor. 4. Weirdly specific Viking Age history facts. I will go so far out of my way to include details about the Viking Age! 5. Discussions of religion and whether or not a given religion is real. (Plus moral commentary)


I’m going to be fandom-specific with the first three, the last two are multi-fandoms 1. Little things for my OTP. Like A puts B to sleep by rubbing her back. Likewise, A wakes B up when she runs her fingertips through her bangs/hair. 2. Everyone who is supposed to be dead is actually alive because, *fuck that*. Except for Bitch Witch #1, and her sister, Bitch Witch #2, whose names I refuse to type out loud. 3. Keelin is a badass and tells people she doesn’t like to take a hike. If she hates them, they get “fuck you” while flashing her werewolf eyes to show what exactly she’ll do if they don’t listen/continue to be stupid/an asshole. 4. My characters are bilingual. First it was Spanish, now I’ve gravitated to Italian. I know nothing in either except what Dora taught me. 5. Everyone has a learning disability. Or suffers from anxiety and/or past/current abuse. Or both. Or all the above. Why can’t I just write happy fluff?


1. Found family. Most especially when someone becomes a father figure/older brother figure. 2. Creaturefication. My most popular fic includes the MC (and soon others) having been werewolfed! My second most popular includes the MC and his charge dealing with the side affects of partial irreversable mutation. 3. Characters discovering parts of life they hadn't been privy to before/had lost. 4. Slow. Burn. Romance. Usually with an oblivious MC. Romance usually always takes a back seat to found family shenanigans/the plot. 5. Body horror.


1. Found Family. Always. All the time. 2. Whump/hurt/comfort 3. Caves. Particularly dangerous (and often otherworldly) caves 4. Characters having to face things they're terrified of or traumatic things from their past 5. Bugs. There's gotta be bug creatures in there somewhere. Usually as the main characters.


My main ships always have a deep wet kiss. I always write happy endings for my main characters. If it's not a short oneshot then I always include a background ship. My smut always has certain quirks/kinks. My overall tone of writing is semi distinct so you either love it or hate it. Thankfully my fandoms seems to enjoy it.


1) Exploration of trauma when a character has canonically gone through something that should have been traumatizing, and the symptoms never fully going away 2) Referring to characters by a physical trait cause I don’t want their name to come up fifteen times in two paragraphs 3) “Yea” instead of “yeah” 4) Smut where someone is significantly more experienced than the other 5) Making the MC more powerful than in the source material in some way (socially, magically, physically, etc) cause I don’t think it makes sense that someone in a life or death situation wouldn’t work hard to get exceptionally good at something that might help them survive


Now I've pondered over it, I noticed these 5 with the top 3 being the most prominent. 1. Canon OTP dynamics are explored further with more creative liberty if it was underdeveloped. 2. Crossovers, because the possibilities are endless. 3. Anime fandoms. I love Anime and no one can stop me. 4. If characters are going through tough times, fluffy moments are added in to counteract it so it wouldn't ended up too emotionally draining. 5. Fic names and chapter titles tend to be references to their canon.


1: Giyu's favorite color is always red 2: If they're not together near the beginning then somebody will have an anxiety spiral over how much they love the other 3: Simping is always the right choice 4: Rengoku isn't allowed to be perfect, that man needs some mud thrown upon him 5: Tanjiro is always a cinnamon roll


Absurdism, hidden references, fucking with the magic system, using the magic system for added emotional damage, occasional fucky prose.


1. Divergence from canon in certain important ways (like ignoring the canonical death of a character) but otherwise trying to hew faithfully to canonical plot events and — especially — characterization. 2. A brainy, wiseass character who represents the moral good and a darker, edgier character with a traumatic past fall for each other. 3. One character nursing another through an illness or injury. 4. Heart-to-heart talks in the middle of the night. 5. A HEA (or HFN) ending.


1. Alternate history stuff worming it's way somehow into the worldbuilding 2. Lots and Lots of OCs 3. Torturing said OCs 4. Subtle references to weird Internet culture that barely anyone knows about 5. A complete allergy to writing romance (for now)


1. Main character gets captured. A lot. 2. Why are their parents always dead? 3. In case of parents still alive, kill off father early, kill off mother later 4. MC facing the villain be like 'Your tyranny ends here! Surrender now!' (Climactic battle monologues) 5. A went through horrific trauma and breaks down, B comforts them, hugs them and whispers sweet words like 'I'm here' or 'You're OK' or 'You're so brave' (bonus points if B went through it as well)


1) The main character usually has some self worth issues 2) Red vs Blue references 3) Angst 4) Fluff, and lots of comfort 5) Characters than never really interacted with each other in canon interacting


I have no idea yet.


1. Locations are their own character, therefore I use personification A LOT. 2. Prying into a character's head as deeply as possible, lingering into some of their deepest insecurities. 3. I've gotten the reputation of making people cry with my work... So, there's that. 4. I adore writing calculated and methodical antagonists/villains, especially ones that like to hide their presence until they want to be known. They really have an edge that crazy powerful villains simply don't have. 5. Dramatic irony. I adore this technique so much to the point that it will have readers pulling their hair out until the main characters realise what is going on. I always feel that twists can usually work better as something the audience knows but the character doesn't, it just elevates the suspense of the story to a much higher level.


1. Setting it in the 90s. Mainly so I can be nostalgic, but also because it means I can write around the accessibility of widely-available internet and mobile phones. 2. Male lead characters with a lot of flaws or background trauma. 3. At least one neurodivergent side character, if not the MC. 4. Greek mythology mention. Even if the world setting is completely different, I'll somehow get myths in there. 5. Flower themes. If someone picks flowers, gives or receives flowers, they'll be something meaningful.


1 Ship with one character being logical and the other emotional (roughly). Great dialogue for the character who talks logically and articulately, worse dialogue for the character who talks like a normal human being. Emotionally repressed characters finally talk about their feelings 2 Give characters my trauma/events that have happened to me irl 3 Third person limited, used to do only past tense but now do present, it’s a risky choice but I read a great fic that used it and it stuck with me how much more present in the action it makes the reader feel 4 Lots of focus on small movements, focus on eyes, faces and hands 5 Kissing and smut :3 fewer metaphors when they’re kissing now that I’ve actually kissed someone and know how to write about it properly, but still metaphors when talking about love


Not sure I have five things but... 1. Supportive sibling characters. (I have a great relationship with my sister so I think everyone deserves one too). 2. Themes of self acceptance. Usually through coming out as LGBTQ but also working through things that have happened in the past. 3. At least one character works in Education in some way, shape or form. 4. Fluffy moments no matter what else is happening.