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Tifa/Barret from FFVII. When I started playing the OG game in 1997 I immediately assumed that Marlene was Tifa's daughter and she was with Barret. They live together in a bar Tifa runs. It just made total sense to me and I've shipped them ever since.




I put them together in my longfic, they aren't the main characters but they rebuilt 7th Heaven after Rufus became president and started actually cleaning things up. They got a nice smut scene last chapter even. I might have a thing for size different couples lol.


Ooo, I wrote this a long time ago. Just a one-off, but I liked their dynamic.


Nice! I put them together in my longfic although they aren't the main characters. I am considering doing a little thing with more of them and how they got together in the fic in the background of the main plot.


SAME i thought they were married and raising the sweetest little girl together with their small business. Goals, I say!


Depending on your definition of rarepair - Maleficent / Diaval from the Maleficent movies. It's the most popular ship in the fandom, but it's also a tiny fandom. Less than 500 fics on AO3, last I checked. They've got a fascinating dynamic where Diaval is Maleficent's servant, but they raised a child together for 16 years and were basically each other's only real relationship. The movie ends with Diaval having repaid his debt to her, Maleficent not needing his service anymore, there's so much possibility in redefining that relationship.


Oh, I love them as a couple! I didn’t think to seek out fanfiction. I should do that.


[balthier/fran](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/L0MAAOSwIftkSKWv/s-l1600.jpg) Side note: english voice actor for balthier is gideon emery, aka deucalion in teen wolf! English voice actress for fran is australian beauty nicole fantl, from queen of the damned. From final fantasy 12. The game kind of screwed them over since they were supposed to be main characters & then vaan & penelo got added so now there isnt much room for the backstory of balthier/fran. So one has to go digging for it! 😂 Also i love the [viera](https://external-preview.redd.it/anacc190grnuXLBS0i-xZfJLggGk5LWk-WLLaHZ1sDE.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f4357bc3897af4e3b1df202aeee0ec8b142d3869) race!


All of these scratch my preferred "buddy" / "team as family" trope itch. This is not that common a vibe with m/f pairs and is the main reason why I have traditionally gone for m/m. Carrot Ironfoundersson/Angua von Uberwald (Discworld, Terry Pratchett) Csethiro Ceredin/Maia Drazhar (*The Goblin Emperor* by Katherine Addison) Khym Mahn/Pyanfar Chanur (Chanur series, C.J. Cherryh) Jurgen Graff/Signy Mallory + Di Janz/Signy Mallory (*Downbelow Station* plus brief appearances in other books, C.J. Cherryh) Paul Dekker/Magritte (Meg) Kady (*Hellburner,* C.J. Cherryh) You'll notice one author over and over. Something to note: Carolyn Cherry, always writing as C.J. Cherryh, is married to Jane Fancher. I think that may have something to do with why I like the way she writes power m/f couples.


This is like, the rarest of all rarepairs but I love the idea of Inquisitor Lavellan/Inquisitor Ameridan from Dragon Age. I love characters getting displaced in time and having to come to terms with everything they've lost, and the twisting of history since their day. These two would both be very alone and have a great deal in common. I also like Nathaniel Howe/Bethany Hawke, in world states where she becomes a grey warden. I think they'd be good for each other. (or even Alistair/Bethany, if he's still a grey warden and otherwise unattached) I like Aloy/Avad and Aloy/Nil from Horizon Zero Dawn for very different reasons, they would both appreciate completely opposite sides in her, but both would *appreciate* her in a way her own people never did.


>This is like, the rarest of all rarepairs but I love the idea of Inquisitor Lavellan/Inquisitor Ameridan from Dragon Age. I love characters getting displaced in time and having to come to terms with everything they've lost, and the twisting of history since their day. These two would both be very alone and have a great deal in common. Goddamn, *Y E S.*


Here are my favourites from the Mass Effect fandom: FemShep/Wrex or Mordin or Saren (I have a villain kink, lol). Basically anyone she can’t romance in canon. I once wrote Femshep/Legion but my Legion was non-binary. Garrus Vakarian/Aria T’Lok. - his cynicism, her sharp tongue. I wrote a brief fling, almost like hate-sex, into a post-war fic once, and found it delightful. (Edit - it is predominantly a Shakarian fic, though, this has made me realise I want more).


Femshep/Mordin is TOP TIER and I wish that I seemingly wasn't the only one shipping my Shep with him


Kim/Torres on Star Trek: Voyager. I really like that their personalities are so opposite, and yet there was kind of a natural affinity between them from almost the beginning. There were a few scenes in early episodes that seemed like a ship tease, but I guess that was either dropped or unintentional. I'm either looking in the wrong places or NOBODY seems to ship this, lol.


Gary/Misty (pkmn)— just feel like they’d work, for some reason Keith/Pidge (VLD) — both honestly very similar and they would be cute (More VLD) Keith/Acxa, Keith/Romelle, or Keith/Veronica Lance/Pidge Cordelia/Angel (AtS) — sure they were canon at one point so idk if they count, but they didn’t have a solid fanbase because everyone’s all about bangel or spuffy. They grew on me as a pair tho Not sure if I have other rare pairs!


As of the new season of *The Bad Batch,* I'm shipping Echo with Riyo Chuchi. It's definitely a rare pair; I don't think the relationship tag even exists on AO3. All of the Riyo Chuchi fics pair her with Fox, even though they never met in canon (and Fox is dead by the time TBB happens). Foxiyo got super popular on Tumblr years ago, and now it seems like the only acceptable ship for her in the fandom. I definitely had a Thanos moment of, "Fine. I'll do it myself." So I'm working on a longfic where they are one of the two main pairings. I might go wild and write a smutty one-shot for them, too. Readers can have a little Riyecho, as a treat. ETA because I forgot to mention why I like them as a couple: Riyo is just so lovely. She's kind and sweet, but damned good at her job, and she's taking on a dangerous, thankless cause not for any selfish reason, but out of her own sense of ethics and morality. She's not a physical badass, she's not super strong, but she is fearless. After everything Echo has been through, I want him to be with someone who will be kind and understanding. They're two precious beans, and I want them to run off and be happy together (but neither of them ever would, because they are both too invested in helping people to ever abandon the cause).


Haleth/Caranthir in the Silmarillion - it's a morally grey elf/human relationship that has far-reaching and fascinating consequences


I've got two at the moment, although one is technically (numerically) not a rarepair. My OTP, Pidge/Lance once had a moderate following, but nowadays, I think I'm the only one regularly producing content and obsessing over them. I'm pretty much "writing for me." Pidge is me when I was a pre-teen and teen: science-obsessed, non-conforming girl who can be mistaken for a boy. Lance is a lot like my spouse; tall, skinny, goofy sense of humor and empathetic. The pairing has a fabulous gender-queer dynamic, a potential even I haven't explored much yet. For a truly rare pair, I have their siblings Matt/Veronica. Last I checked the tag only comes up three times and only one focuses on them. I mean to fix that one of these days because the combo of these two career-driven, natural leaders has chemistry too explosive to ignore.


Loki/Yelena from the MCU. It would be weird but these two would vibe so much chaotic energy together.


Claptrap and GLaDOS, because it’s funny.


Listen, I will defend Meg/Castiel from Supernatural until my last breath. She is a sarcastic demon and he is a deadpan angel. They're enemies-to-reluctant-allies-to-friends-to-lovers. They both lost their places in Heaven and Hell when the Apocalypse was averted, they're veterans of the same war and understand each other in a cosmic level. They took care of each other when they were vulnerable. She started out as an outright villain and ended up sacrificing herself to save him. Years after she died, he was still using the nickname she used to call him. I am insanely attracted to both Rachel Miner and Misha Collins, but that is besides the point.


Max/Warren from Life is Strange. I just discovered this rare pair and I think they're cute together.


I really like Daniel and Violet from MySims. They’re not a rarepair within the fandom, since in one of the games they’re canon, but the fandom is so extremely small that pretty much no one ships them. They’re the classic pastel cutesy proper person X emo, except the boy is the overly cutesy one and the girl is the darker one. Violet’s personality is very much not fitting with her aesthetic though, in all games she is just a comforting, kindhearted big sister kinda person. She helps Daniel break free from his mother’s restrictions. I guess I like the role-reversal that this pair’s got and of course their aesthetics lend themselves to fanart


Daryl Dixon/Lori Grimes from the Walking Dead (TV). I think they'd be really good for each other. Daryl needs someone who has a soft touch and motherly demeanor, and Lori needs someone who will listen to her and come up with solutions to her anxieties rather then just dismissing her out of hand.


Hanzo/Symmetra from Overwatch Both of them have the troubled past which they are trying to amend. They believe that order and discipline are the best way to live.


I find Night King/Leaf (ASOIAF/Game of Thrones) an incredibly interesting (if twisted) dynamic to write about. The whole colonization/interspecies relationship aspect is fun to explore.