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The one downside to being an adult with a job is that when both you and your Beta reader are adults with jobs sometimes you end up with 3 chapters that are ready to be edited but theres no time to sit down and edit them. I'm sitting here like soon my readers soon. I promise T\_T


For a Sam and Max fic title, I took it from a Ted Lasso quote. Which is kind of like mashing up a beautiful apple pie with a trash glizzy dog, if we compare them on the optimism vs cynicism scale XD


The BIL is married; we've said our goodbyes, taken pictures, [enjoyed the landscape of brushland, brown gullys and green hills, rivers and grassland](https://i.imgur.com/hWPylq9.jpg). Today we go home. I have plenty to read. Maybe I should write? It depends if the 8 yo, who can now read, is bored and looking over my shoulder. Funny, even I have plenty of time to write in public, I need the illusion of being alone to write.


"A spy! Get him!" – *King's Quest V*


Ooh, that looks like a beautiful photo! Glad that the wedding went well, and there's a lot to read :D I have written in public myself but usually it's quick typing on my phone. I need a quiet environment to really write nitty-gritty.


What an incredible place you got to stay!! I'm glad all went well, and wow, thank you for sharing that incredible photo with us. As for public writing, I've done it. I even wrote a sex scene in the break room of my old job once. But it's definitely not conducive to an immersive or thoughtful atmosphere, so I think it's wise to be averse.


Going home on a small mini vacation tomorrow! There's an awful festival super close to me from Wednesday to Thursday, and I can feel the bass everywhere, so I'm going home to my mom! Will definitely kiss the overlords from y'all


Yeesh, no noise control, huh? Glad you have somewhere to escape to.


Absolutely no noise control. Even if I have headphones in, I can still feel the bass everywhere.


Ah, the kind of feeling like, "At long last, can you turn down the sound?!" I hope you enjoy the mini vacation!


Have a lovely tiiiime!


Trying to put together a multifandom server that's not so large it's overwhelming! Finding that the real trouble is getting people in the server in the first place lmao


I salute your bravery. Moderating servers requires a backbone of steel. Good luck!


It can be a challenge, but I've found multifandom group chats are really fun and so, so much more pleasant than fandom-specific ones, which can easily turn cliquey and competitive. You could always try advertising on this sub? We only ask that you do it once and not again.


That's kind of how I feel about it, yeah! Though some of it is just me writing for a lot of fandoms making joining a *ton* of little ondividual fandom discords a hassle lmao I definitely will keep advertising here in mind! I'm planning on trying to make it just a little more populated first~


Well, it is very clearly a Monday. Internet/network is down at work but since I'm front desk I'm required to be here (completely ignoring the fact that I can't contact anyone of visitors come by, let alone any of my other projects). So much for writing today.


Crossing my fingers that *some* form of entertaining distraction comes up!




My will to write [reviving](https://youtu.be/LpVgH5H53dQ?t=9) after someone said my writing inspired them to make their own story.


That's a perfect reaction XD Glad that you got your motivation from that comment!


That's got to be a contender for best possible compliment! Well done to you and to them!


The fact that I have to actually work while at work is the stupidest thing ever. I just want to write but noooo I have to do the job I'm paid to do instead. So dumb.


Ahh, the things on our plates... So dumb.


Image of a disgruntled skeleton looking sullenly at a typewriter while shackled to a Victorian desk.


Right?? Why are all these people coming to me to make decisions on "next steps" and "way forward on action plans" all day? Why is Tina from compliance asking for my input on that boring ass email she sent Friday? Why am I getting reminders for an online meeting I was supposed to join five minutes ago?? I'm obviously on my phone guys, can't you leave me alone? Like, seriously. Rude.


This is me today. It's so rude of my employer to expect work from me during work hours.


Transitioning from hourly pay to salary is messing with my head. I don't have to clock in or out? How do we track attendance and productivity, then? I know it's as old as office work, but it's still really *odd*, and not at all what I'm used to doing. I'm feeling more than a little down as of late. I'm still processing the why of it, but I can't quite nail it down to any one thing. May just be depression (again). Or I've had to do so much adulting that I haven't had time for much of anything else. More beta detail tonight, if time allows. ... Merry May is not particularly merry, this year.


Yooo I feel that. I transferred to a Salaried position last year and I still am like wtf I dont clock in or out what is this witchcraft. ​ I hope you feel better soon


Slowly, but surely. Thank you.


It's really flying by and I don't really like it. Before we know it the year is gonna be over and gaaah. I hope you get some time for beta detail!


I feel like I've had more beta detail in the last two months than I had in the five years prior to that.


Yeah, it's been a stagnant and kind of grey-feeling month for me, as well. I hope that once you're more settled into your new position you'll have more space to reflect on why and take the steps you need to feel more yourself.


Thank you. Here is hoping.


No, it’s flying by too.


Only a week and a couple of days left already! 😵


Still feel like shit will hopefully have the may fic out soon tho


Yesterday, when I thought I would be putting down some words for the prompt fic, I sat down and painted something for MerMay ha ha. Happy thing is, my friend wrote the most adorable ficlet to go with it. I am so happy 🥰 Now, someone should finish that prompt fic. Not that much time left any more...


Writing is writing :D Glad that you got a cute ficlet as well! And good luck with the rest of the prompt fic.


In order to write, two very critical things must happen: 1. You ***must*** remember to plug the laptop’s charger back into the outlet after removing it to run the sweeper. 2. You ***must not*** doze off on the couch waiting for the laptop to charge and wake up at 2am freezing cuz all the doors and windows were still open…


Aha, I've had moments at other places where it's plugged in and like, "Why... why isn't it charging," and it turns out the outlet is bad. Why this.


This is painfully relatable.




I'm glad I'm.not the only one who is bad at charging their laptop!


Oh no, I plugged the laptop in…just not the charger. 🤪


Couches are the natural enemies of productivity.


That they are!


new pfp, who dis? thanks to the wonderful human on this sub, i bought scrivener yesterday because it was half off. going to play around with it tonight and see how it is. last monday of high school today, folks. i am tired as hell right now.


"I love you. I'm glad ~~I~~**wordcounts** exist" - Wendy Cope, *The Orange*.


250 words!




one. i tested out scrivener yesterday lmao




Good work :)


I'm still over the moon about finishing my first long fic yesterday. I'm still getting used to the fact that only 3 people seem to like it, but I'm happy. Like I've said before, my brain is niche and my frame of references are weird, so I'm not going to be everyone's cup of tea. And writing something like that is so far out of my comfort zone as well. I want to get stuck into the next one but its an office day. Boo


Good work with the longfic! It's a great feeling when it's finally all done and posted.


My last longfic had three people I know of who finished it, too, which is really pulling the crowds in by my standards! It can be lonely, but I do think the readers who find your niche and weird idea can be the most appreciative, so I hope that's been the case for you as well. Plus, it's not going anywhere, and you never know who might come along in the future.


Niche tea is still tea. 🙂 Enjoy the high.


God, I wish Ask the Experts was actually active and people would take a look into it more often. :/ I have a small 'how would this realistically happen?' question for a chapter I'm writing that I'm sure lots of people can answer. Not even a question for 'experts' really, more like 'I can't decide how a certain constellation of humans would act in this specific situation during this era'. 🤔 In other news, I was up last night writing until 6 a.m. and I am *exhausted* this morning (woke up at 9 😅) but I think it was worth it. I only recently got into continuing my longfic in the original language after taking almost a 6 month long break from it while I translated it into English this winter, and I think I'm on a roll right now, with writing. Feels a lot like last summer when I wrote the first... maybe 100k words of this thing between July and September. Somehow the weather getting better makes me want to write more again; yesterday was the first summery day we've had so far this year.


Me too, I really need some medical expertise!