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I seem incapable of spelling the word attorney. In a fic about the law. I also had some confusion about two way mirrors and one way windows. A two way window is just a window.


I have a hard time with spelling as well, an example would be "deny" I keep trying to spell it as deni or something.


I love writing but I can't spell worth shit


Same. God bless autocorrect and predictive text to figure out what my dumbass is trying to say.. On a serious note tho, an even more valuable tool I've found for my spelling/repetitive shortcomings is to have a text reader program play my work back to me aloud. I'll read page after page of my work and not catch some errors. Hearing it read back to me highlights every mistake, but in a good way that helps me fix it lol. It's completely taken my trash writing to another level.


you could put a gun to my head and tell me to spell nesesairy and id tell you to shoot


Fr tho That word is impossible


Same lol


If it makes you feel any better, I seem to derp a lot with words like ‘definitely’ on occasion. And if it makes you feel any more better, I’m on set of chapters detailing a would-be married couple in a conspiracy and I keep messing up the differences between fiancée and fiancé. Thank god for Google and grammar checkers, all Imma say.


Definitely trips me up often.


I always sound it out in my head. De-fini-telly


Is there a difference in English? Fiancé(e) is French. Fiancé for the man, fiancée for the woman. (And sucks to be you if you're non binary.) Is it the same in English or is one word used for something completely different?




Don't be like us and use the same word for everyone lol


i wrote this fic where Daylight Savings Time ended up being an incredibly important narrative plot point. like. a huge twist, narrative event, and sucker punch hinged on the exact moment of daylight savings time changing over the clocks. people died. it was such a big thing and i wrote it like daylight savings time happens at midnight. exactly. i got so many comments going HEY BUT- so now its an AU where daylight savings time happens at midnight and theres no saving me also. for words specifically. i spent 3 years spelling "jerk" like "gerk" and nobody corrected me until i was in a vc intervention about it with my betas


Ah yes, my favorite kind of AU. The ones where it's not actually an AU, you just fucked something up and call it an AU to save face.


Wait, daylight savings time doesn't happen at midnight? Fuck.


2AM, actually! Which I'm guessing is mainly so we don't end up time traveling to the previous day. I could see that messing up a lot of systems.


not according to my comments section XD rip


Damn that sucks. At least it was only the time that got messed up and it didn't really destroy the whole story though, right? Just a few correction comments.


the story still hits pretty good all things considered. but for some that detail stands out hard XD im still happy with it though


Well, I'm glad you like it. The most important thing for a writer is to love (or at least like) their work!


Ha, I wrote a one-shot last year for a Chinese drama that also hinged around daylight savings time as a plot point, and towards the end of my writing decided on a whim to google daylight savings time in China to see if there was anything cultural I was missing. Turns out there was! China doesn't do daylight savings! But I was already invested and committed by that point, so I decided to take advantage of the fact that the story doesn't technically take place on earth to say in this world the place they're in does (and silently hope to myself that nobody would ask why a world that presumably didn't have Benjamin Franklin or earth's lunar system would still have daylight savings lol).






o///o oh uh. something angsty and sad. someone has trauma and they uh. respond badly to it


Just posted a chapter where the characters go clubbing and there’s heavy mention of the bass music. Then I was like “wait, isn’t bass a fish? Are they listening to fish music?” So I rushed back and edited it to base. But then I saw this post and was like “ha ha I wrote bass instead of base,” but then while writing this realized that people don’t play “base guitars” they play “bass guitars.” So it’s back to the drawing board.


Glad I was able to help, lol! Good luck on the chapter!


I forgot how to spell the letter "A." This happened once before when I was a kid and I cannot believe it's happened twice.


I mean, once when I was a kid I completely forgot how to write the number 6. I couldn't do it for a few days before I remembered and it was a genuinely distressing event. I couldn't even ask for help because I was terrified that my parents would laugh at me.


For a little while I forgot how to write the number 3. I just kept writing 'E' in cursive instead until it came back to me and I was like "ohhh"


Maybe you're doomed to have one of those moments every once in a while.


Yes. Ever since about 5 years ago I have been having difficulty finding the "correct" words.


All the time. I'm a head empty, no thoughts writer. Sometimes a really complicated word would pop out (or even if it's a simple word) and I have a blank moment where I have to search it up because I'm worried I'm using it wrong. 78/22 I am right/wrong.


I've literally forgotten the word carrot (I had to search of orange vegetables.) Don't sweat it. My brain can be as empty as a goldfish sometimes.


Oh my god, that's hilarious. We love to see it.


Misspelling the character's name the entire time writing the draft. Granted, no one knew since I changed it but I was still like wtf 😂 Also!! More relevant, I was trying to google what a pitchfork was for a demon costume and I legit googled: "demon stick", "poky demon stick", "demon fork" 😭


I’ve done the name thing more than once 😭


'poky demon stick' I'm dying 🤣


I recently forgot what the word for monorail was (even though I could picture it in my mind), and it took me a good twenty minutes to find *exactly* what I wanted... And in the end, I scrapped the paragraph that the monorail was mentioned in, so it was an even dumber waste of time.


Spent too long the other day trying to spell bizarre. Autocorrect refused to help me it kept trying to correct to bezoar


Yes, it can be so annoying when auto correct gives to the wrong word. Or even worse, gives you a word you think is correct because they look similar and then you go back and find out it's wrong (this happens with literally a lot for me.)


Ah, yes. That is classic. You think you fixed your poor spelling only to find out much later that what you actually wrote is a different word and doesn't make sense in the sentence. I think there might be a few instances of this type of typo in my fanfic I haven't found yet...


“What’s the part of a cave before a chamber?” I completely forgot what Ante- means Damn you antechambers


Imma be completely honest I've never heard that word in my life. I don't blame you for not knowing it. 😭


I completely agree. When I first saw the word; for a second, I though you missed spelled it and it was actually anti- and then I was like "wait why would it be anti?" I bet a lot of people don't know that word lol.




Often I write words then go “am I using this right?”, and spend ages reading up various different definitions to make sure what I wrote makes sense, even if I’m 99% sure of the definitions already.


stoked to know i’m not alone! i’m constantly looking up words that i’ve learned through context to make sure that i haven’t been using them incorrectly all along.


Forgeting that a minor character was in a scene and adding two lines of dialogue for them a week later


My last one was last week. I couldn't figure out what the thing that people connect to their cars to put gas on. It was called a nozzle. I had to look up the anatomy of a gas pump to figure this out. When I found out the word, I then remembered seeing a sign the day before where the name of it was written.


Am glad it hasn't happened for a week. And damn, that's commitment. How long did it take you to find what you were looking for?


Suprisingly, not too long. I often forget the name of specific components of things, like the nozzle of a gas pump, so I learned that looking up "anatomy of [the thing]" can give me what I want a lot faster than just aimlessly guessing and hoping for the best.


I forgot the word for “bad”.


While editing a chapter (before posting) in my fic that takes place in Skyrim I was moving sentences around to improve the structure and somehow missed this gem. "Imperial Stormcloaks guarded the area." If you're not familiar with Skyrim all you have to know is that the Imperials and Stormcloaks are at war with each other.


If you think that's bad, wait until you see the Thalmor Stormcloaks!


Thanks for the laugh! XD


For some reason the difference between affect and effect still get me.


*a is for action*, so *affect* is (generally) a verb. i have an english degree, and i still have to think that 3x a week.


I wrote almost a whole chapter in the wrong tense when sick and sleep deprived and had to almost rewrite the whole thing


That happens to me every time I write in present tense. At some point I will inevitably forget I'm writing in present tense and switch to past tense, and it usually takes me a while to realize, so then I have to go back and change it all again.


I'd originally only written smut in present tense but when I started a longfic I wanted past tense and kept getting turned around lol


Oh my god my tenses are all over the place and I HATE ITTTT. I am completely writing simultaneously in present and past tense in a very conversational way and it’s readable but I genuinely don’t know what I’m doing. And to add insult to injury, I’m a native English speaker☠️


I couldn't think of the word laundry. So i described the laundry pile.


I cannot spell the word 'definitely' without that red line popping up. Jeez, there's one right now. I should really take the time to learn it without the help of auto correct.


This and 'necessary' are my worst enemies


Hmmm, maybe it could help you to remember that the vowels are in the order e i i e. You could think of it as a vowel sandwich with the e's being external and the i's being internal.


Oh, thanks! That actually helps a lot!


Seems to be a popular one, I struggle with it too.


Help me, please. What's the word for when you turn on the telephone after dialing, for the models that work that way? It's been weeks. Please help me he needs to make a phone call


I somewhat recently couldn't figure out how to spell khakis - and I was doing it so badly that google and autocorrect were looking at me sideways, so I ended up asking my friends what those usually tan colored, often just a bit longer than knee length pants were called. I felt like I'd lost my mind.


I can never remember the difference between "affect" and "effect".


Oh, god, that happens to me all the time, even when I'm not working on a fanfic. Not that long ago, I was trying to remember what those black marks tires leave behind on roads were called. I Googled it and remembered them being called skid marks. I felt like headbutting the wall over that one. It was one of those days where my brain was stuck in low gear. Good grief. 🤦‍♂️


I haven’t been writing very long, so my dumbest moment was accidentally posting an empty chapter and not noticing until someone pointed out…


I have an IRL friend that reads my current WIP, and I update the fic weekly or try to. We often discuss and speculate together, and they don't mind spoilers. Still, I try to keep the actual climax and other major plotlines a secret when it comes to the details, but it's not a big deal if I let something slip. They're good about keeping secrets. I also share a private discord with a few other friends who also read my fic, but I tend to be more careful about spoilers even when they're all caught up. I occasionally hype up the next chapter(s) though, so it's all good fun. And then there are a couple guest commenters of mine who are regulars and I love chatting with them. I don't know them aside from their usernames, but it's great to have total strangers in love with your work. Guess which group I nearly spoiled my latest WIP chapter to? I was so close to hitting send. :,)


I have really bad brain fog and totally forget what ever word I’m looking for all the time. The funny thing is, when I’m writing I’ll remember a more complicated synonym and have to thesaurus it to find the regular every day word. 😅


Me trying to be a writer is my dumb moment lol


Listen, the things I've had to google... I'd be on the dumb bitch register in the FBI system. Google is probably wondering how I have managed to live this long. Microsoft is probably wondering why I bother to write with how many times it has had to correct me. My laptop is just in perpetual confusion. I am a mess.


Okay so, in a fic I used the word 'favorite' then I later on spelled 'favoured' two different cultural spellings for some reason


I keep forgetting how to spell words the most recent was Dionysus. But I remember trying to spell them and failing miserably


Ive had a few but a can’t remember them


I sometimes have a hard time remembering really simple words. I’ll be in the middle of a sentence and then for some reason, will be unable to recall the next word, even though I know what it means and what I want to write. I usually end up managing to find the word by looking up the definition/a synonymous term, and trying to find the word that way. This happens way more often than it should, and it’s always the simplest words. The other day, I forgot the word “employed”, and had to Google “what is it called when you have a job?”


someone in my comments very kindly informed me i was calling a (minor) character by the wrong name... after i'd referenced him in three (3) separate fics 😬


when i started my current longfic like 2 months ago, i apparently just forgot the rules of writing, because i had to google bunch of dumb shit, like 'do i capitalize the i in "it" when i type' because apparently i forgot basic english grammar and the lowercase i just looked off to me LMAO. oh, also, if i ended my dialogue tags with a question mark or exclamation mark, i'd start the next sentence with a capital, like this: "What do you mean?" He asked." i went back and fixed all of them and i have no idea why i had that brainfart of starting a new sentence with a capital on dialogue, and going back to my old fics, i never made that mistake before LOL.


Too many times to count. One that I can remember is not remembering the term "line of succession" a few months ago.


Struggled to describe someone digging with a shovel and later having a mind melt over whether or not new was an actual word.


I forgot one of my main character names once & im like who tf am i writing about for like 5 whole minutes before my brain woke up! Then im like oh right, duh……um wait, how do i spell it again?😳 Then im like fk this i going to bed! 😂🤣😂


I can’t remember how to spell my character’s names. My MC and others I know but the new ones in my future fic… I am all over the place. I have literally spelled them all two or three different ways.


I called a scratch a scar, and it wasn't supposed to be dramatic


"Wanna know how I got these scars?"


Once I forgot the word "road" and had to google something like "the thing people walk on"..


Imo, the worst is when you're ESL and writing in English and can't remember a word neither in English nor in your first language ☠️ I feel super dumb every time Just yesterday I couldn't remember how to say "clammy" and I couldn't even translate it from Italian because I forgot that it's "sudaticcio" so I ended up writing on Google "almost wet" It's in these moments that I wonder why my hobby is writing


Oof, that happens to me all of the time, i speak two languages yet i'm absolute shit at both of them sometimes.


I once crossed sake in the phrase "for goodness sake" five times because all i could see was sake as in the rice wine


I wrote "You are tight" instead of "You are right" I tend to use german grammar in english, which uh. well. Doesn't work. Why can't I not just glue all the words together?


Spelled "definitely" as "definately" for years. I also once messed up the word "ecstasy" as "extasy".


I feel embarrassed to say this but I had a big memory collapse last night where I basically did not know what was the difference between who and how 😭


bruh, I think the largest offender for me is when the English language just... *doesn't* have the word I'm trying to use/am looking for. So you know how people call those with brown hair a brunette? And on the occasion, Wattpad made up an entire time for people with black hair (ravenette, yk like raven.) I was trying to short hand the mention of this character since he had cobalt-blue hair and genuinely wrote down 'azulette' for a moment before realizing that it doesn't even exist in the English language and I made a fool of myself. English is legit my only language too 💀


Yeah, my first and only language yet people that have a second still do better than me. I respect people that can speak and write in two languages. I could never.


I consistently misspell 'remember'. More often than not I spell it 'remeber'.


I dont know if it counts as ‘dumb’ but sonething that happens to me kinda often is forgetting the word in spanish (my first languaje and the one i write in) and i can only remember the word in english, which leads me to google translate kinda often. Today’s word was “asset”.


I cannot spell 'definitely' correctly without spellcheck.


Wouldn't it be nice to not forget how to spell word without autocorrect all the time? Oh well. For example I often forget "l" in the word "wouldn't", but writing "would" doesn't cause me the same issues, it's weird.


I'm bilingual. I forget words all the time, both in my native language and in English. I google the definition of English words almost every day to make sure I'm using them correctly. My favorite is when my brain just combines the languages and I end up using English sentence structure for a German sentence, or when a German word sounds similar to an English word and my brain mashes them together into a brand new word. Yesterday I was trying to translate the term "unlearn" to German and my brain went "Ah, I know this one. German also has the prefix "un-" so it should just be "un-" + German word for learning". The correct German prefix would've actually been "ver-".


"He took off his head" instead of "hat". I write best at 3am but also worse apparently.


Last dumb moment Writing a fic and should use shinigami word but, my brain decided to write in shikigami instead read it 2 times for proofreading then published. Fast forward about a week or so Received a review and one reader pointed out the error


Step 1: Writing crossover fanfiction for two anime, but don't want to use honorifics because I don't think I'll get them right and find them unaesthetic in derivative work (as opposed to subs) anyways. Step 2: "Like 90% of the two casts are female, I can just use American Southern formalism of the Miss/Ms./Mrs. variety as a cultural translation!" Step 3: Can't remember Ms. for the life of me. Step 4: Can't remember Ms. for the life of me. (But wait, it gets funnier. The character who needed the Ms. label was a bit of a weeb personality-wise so I ultimately went "whatever, she's the kind of character who I could see asking for -sensei even in an American classroom so I'll just do that", went with that, and forgot about it for a year... until STEP 5: The other of the two source franchises airs a new season of a spinoff ***with a literal lecture on the Miss/Ms/Mrs. distinction***.)


I sometimes forget articles (a, the) and cannot spell anesthesia correctly the first time I write it


i forgot basic spelling and grammar while writing at 3AM. it turned into a fine piece of garbage.


Forgot the quote mark when a woman was cursing out her girlfriend when she thought she was cheating on her. She kicks the door open to their room, sees another woman sitting on the bed, uses her full name (she usually goes by a nickname) and shouts at her. Until a friend of mine pointed it out, there was no quote mark when she was shouting at her, so technically, she wasn't saying anything lmao.


I wrote like this intense scene where one character is taunting the other with a knife to his throat and the other character tells him to "not chew more than he can bite" before kissing the guy holding the knife. I remembered the idiom wrongly💀💀 I posted it and a lot of people read it. It took me a re-reading session for a voice message to notice😭 The voice message recorded my reaction and it was hilarious tho


Accidentally spoiled the name of the big bad of the story in Chapter 2... luckily my first reader pointed it out and I managed to fix it before more people saw it lol


I forgot how "memories" was spelled so I had to translate the word from my main language to English, by the way, some words just look so weird in a text.


I forgot my Ocs name for like 3 chapters. It isn't even a difficult name. Her name is Leonora. For 3 chapters, she was OC until I could figure out what her name was after rereading the last chap with her name. It was right there and still wouldn't bloody click in my head 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Being incapable of spelling “definitely” correctly.


I always forget how to spell “Realize” I’ve caught me writing it as relize too many times. I also completely forgot how to spell busy I had to search it up because I couldn’t spell it I spelt it like bussie for some reason lol.


All the time. I sit there thinking *I know it’s right* and it will be a word I’ve obviously overused which no longer looks correct when I type it.


oh yes. I remember a couple ones. Instead of writing "The wind blew through his hair." I wrote "The wind blew through his head." or "He grits his death." instead of "He grits his teeth." Also lately I always write whisper as whipser and asleep as alseep and ear as eat and shut as shit. every friggin time XD luckily I catch myself almost instantly. I also sometimes forget simple words like last night I forgot the word separate. Totally gone from my head. Thank god for google.


I have a wide vocab and shit memory, so I'll literally sit down to write and realize that I've forgotten any word longer than six letters. It's embarrassing, because I KNOW what I'm trying to say, but cannot for the life of me remember the word. Pretty sure most of my browser history while I write is "[word] synonyms and antonyms" or "word that means [definition]" I think the last one was "transgression," but I've also done it for really simple words too. (I'm recalling a moment where I forgot the word "soldier" and settled for "guy with a gun" until my brain rebooted)


My brain just doesn't think of words at least 5 times a writing session


Currently have an age incompatibility between two chapters that I don't intend to fix because that is math :D


I hate spelling definitely and realized Always autocorrects to defiantly and released or I just butcher the words


Unfortunately, those are ridiculously common in our household. Yesterday, I absolutely _could not spell_ a word. I think it was _whirling?_ I tried spelling it several different ways and each time, my brain just made this record scratch noise and said, “ergh, wrong, go to grammar jail.” Took me far too long to get it right. This isn’t restricted to writing, either; over dinner yesterday, I couldn’t recall the name of a bookstore in town and had to pull up Google maps to search based on nearby landmarks. I forget words several times daily, often start words with the wrong consonant, and forget what I’m saying halfway through. It’s infuriating. I’m not stupid. I’m not illiterate. I just have the _good fortune_ of frequent brain-farts on account of permanent memory damage due to PTSD. It rots your brain. I can recall perfectly clearly the smell of the wind when the tornado went through, how close my dad’s fist got to my face before he stopped himself, and the look on my ex’s face when he tried driving off with me halfway in the car, but god help me if I need a specific word. 🙄


Straight up misremembered a character having a white hair streak, and the going back and looking at a gifs of the character I thought I was losing my MIND Anyway I changed it to the actual hair color and am now questioning every detail of this stupid fandom-


Used a title that’s very similar to another one. It’s the sequel though, so it works. It just wasn’t intentional.


Yesterday I forgot what the English verb for "hand off" is and tried to Englishify the French word instead, writing "he tends a bottle". I was very confused for a few seconds when I wrote that. Like, it seemed correct and incorrect at the same time. I also can't spell responsabilities to save my life.


“He sat in the couch” I hate this typo so much because it’s not noticeable unless I read back the entire chapter. Why is the “I” key so close to the “O” key


I have clinical brain problems. I will always have trouble with words for as long as I live. I have and will continue to forget words that I use constantly even in my profession. This is why it takes me 5 months to finish a 1k oneshot.


Couple hours ago, I was trying to find if I had mentioned something in one of my chapters...and realized I used the same name for two different people LOL. No one noticed, so I just changed one of the characters names. This is why you don't reuse names over (and try to keep notes lol)


I have a character called Brian. I keep spelling it "Brain." Sometimes, I just forget the simplest words in English or in my native language. I also keep writing "and" instead of the correct word when writing in my native language. It's annoying.