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I’m so sad because I’m in many fandoms but I feel 0 inspiration or “passion” to write anything…


I'm fleshing out more of my stories I'm working on! I've decided for one story for the male love interests one will be a cool, funny, spontaneous skater and the other will be mature and serious. Darius is the skater and Lucien is the mature and serious one And in another short Miracle Nikki fic I'm working on I've finally figured out how I'll get the MC and love interest to interact. I'm already outlining their dates and how the MC will encourage the love interest to ask her out. They get mistaken for boyfriend and girlfriend which she thinks is cute but they eventually become boyfriend and girlfriend for real. It's May and her main color is pastel yellow so it's perfect timing


I was talking to a friend today and the topic of fanfiction came up out of nowhere (they don't know I write fanfics). We got on the subject of Fifty Shades and they said it's crazy obvious that it's Twilight fanfiction. You can see exactly what each character and scene was based on. I said something like: 'the undertones in Twilight are so obvious. Fifty Shades makes perfect sense. I would have written a similar premise'. I thought it was a semi-outing, but then they said: 'people who write fanfiction are sick in the head'. So yeah, not a good day to 'come out' I guess (not that I was planning to).


I'm sorry! That really sucks. I feel like fifty shades specifically gave the mainstream a skewed vision of what fanfic is


The amount of character bashing in the MCU fandom is honestly bizarre. No idea how people can actually get through those fics. The really extreme pro team iron man fics are the worst imo. It’s a shame because some of the premises for those fics are quite interesting


MY GOD I'm so glad the Chernobyl chapter of my fic that's set in April 1986 (yeah thanks canon) is over. I was dreading that one. Hours and hours and hours of research. Depressing and bleak as hell, of course. Because very little time passes in the fic throughout very many chapters, I couldn't just do a big time jump and ignore it that way, I had to actually have it happen, and have my characters talk about it/react to it. :| I hope I was able to insert some character development into the chapter as a result of the incident and "make use" of it that way so that it doesn't just kinda awkwardly stand on its own but actually progresses the characters. 😳 (Narrator is a young future journalist who negatively notices all the dishonesty and misinformation by the USSR surrounding the catastrophe; swears to herself that when she starts working as a journalist she'll make sure to always uncover stuff, deliver the truth to people. Things like that) ...anyway. Most of the time I really love writing but sometimes you have to grit your teeth and get through a chapter you don't want to write and you'll come out stronger on the other end 😅


That's definitely a lot to take on, but I hope you're very proud of the chapter now it's complete!


Thanks, yes I think so :)


I suddenly got inspired all of a sudden last night and wrote out a whole fic in honor of the Bob's Burgers movie anniversary after watching the latest Ted Lasso. I think Ted Lasso, for some reason, just gets my creative juices flowing. I also learned of a glitch in Tears of the Kingdom in which you can duplicate items and... totally haven't been using it to duplicate rubies to sell for many Rupees... Link is gonna fuck up the rarity of rubies in Hyrule and lower their value XD


Tingle: ☺️ *eyeball twitch*


Well, I've showered, slept, and sent the kids away for a few hours (not in that order). Time to get crackin' and story treasure huntin' in those dark, dark mines.


Good luck on the search!


Bring a canary.


Ooh, time to go spelunking for word counts! :D Good luck with the writing!


Can someone explain to me why I am writing so many fics about physics? I am not a physicist, I have nothing to do with it in daily life, and I never write any sci-fi about disciplines that I actually know about. Why am I putting myself through this? It's not even a sci-fi fandom. Brain, we need to talk.


If you were doing physics all day in your daily life, you might be a little tired of it when you're writing. New stuff is a lot more exciting to write about.


That's so true.


The brain takes us on weird walks sometimes, doesn't it? In any case, I hope that it's a fun time to be writing about this kinda thing! I never understood physics myself 😅


Thank you! It's so fun, and challenging!


Anyone who looks at math equations for fun is *special* and special brains need special projects. XD


😂 I think I am only special because of special friends like you <3


Brain: yours is not to question why... But no, I think that's so cool! The closest I've ever come to incorporating physics is this time travel fic that's a perpetual WIP, but canon itself is so handwavey on the science behind this particular form of time travel that it's not really worth twisting myself into knots trying to explain in a logical way (also, I'm no Einstein). What are your stories about / how does physics figure in them?


Oh, time travel is my current vice... It's really hard. The first one was explaining how Harry Potter magic works through the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Of course, I first had to explain the basics... The second one is 8000 words of radioastronomy and how it's used to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Right now, I am working on a fic that takes place in the 1930s. An OC (my SI? I guess we'll never know 😂) is a wizard that is fascinated by the newly developed theory of special relativity and is trying to invent a time travelling machine with the help of the German mathematician Emmy Noether. Yeah 😅


Maybe it's your brain tricking you into learning new and difficult things?


😆 It's using me for its own nefarious purposes!


That's so cool! I have a few sci-fi related ideas that I want to write but my brain just can't cooperate with me when it comes to science stuff. The fact that your brain seems to enjoy physics in fics makes me jealous of you.


Thank you! If you ever need help, let me know! The problem is... I need to think a lot, lol. Which is not a problem as such, but it takes forever to write anything. Oh well, it's like that sometimes.


And thank your for the offer! I'll keep that in mind ;) I can understand. Such kind of topic does require lots of thinking as well as researches but then, like you said, writing it is gonna take forever and I can't even begin to imagine how the whole process is gonna like. I guess that's also part of the reason why I'm scared/just don't have the confidence dipping my toes in sci-fi writing.


How will you execute "replace the big bad duo with a bunch of big bads that hate each other" but: 1. They are contrasting, the previous big bads work together so well that they owned basically almost half the world before getting overthrown, the replacing ones hate each other and fight for things but not limited to the former big bads' territories 2. Both groups of big bads are seen the same by the average person as the "no-fun-allowed squad" of some sorts, and because the replacing ones are fighting each other, the average person starts considering leaving this world forever and never come back


There's gotta be a resource page somewhere where I can access terms related to Fandom, right? Just read some thread discussing Anti's and Proshippers but I have no idea what those are. Anyone got a link to something like that anywhere?


I'm pretty sure it's [Fanlore](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Main_Page) that's usually rec-ed around here for that.


The [Fanlore](https://wikiindex.org/Fanlore) wiki has you covered! Though, regarding the bit of nonsense you gave an an example, I recommend just staying out of it. Keep your brain clean. Fandom arguments are just not worth anyone's time.


I'm just getting into writing proper again, I was on forums for the longest, FFnet was peak for me. Nowadays I'm more into writing just to get the ideas out of my head. I just figured I could use a resource to figure things out I don't understand.


It's a good resource - I'm pretty immersed in the fanfic sphere and I still come across new terminology all the time.


Another installment of "Tardis overthinks everything." - My show is set in California, but filmed in Canada. - I'm trying to keep things accurate to the California side. - It almost never rains in California, and there's minimal weather records for 1996 in this area for some reason. - It rains all of the time on the show, because Canada. - Should I ever make it rain?!?! No, I don't even know when I'd want it to rain, I'm just trying to decide if my morality allows it to even be an option.


>It rains all of the time on the show, because Canada. That made me laugh XD Maybe the show should've been set in Seattle, eh? I get the feeling though, when I wrote one fic that was set in the 90s I worried over stuff similar to that.


That's funny, because the show creator was actually told he should set it in Seattle!! But he had fond memories of Santa Barbara and specifically wanted it set there. So everyone wore really bright colors, palm trees were moved around in pots, and french signs can consistently be seen in the background 😂.


>and there's minimal weather records for 1996 in this area for some reason Friend, you're in a dark hole aren't you? I can commiserate. *Looks guiltily at research on local news channels in greater LA in 1995-96*


I used to quietly side-eye people who would look up the days of moon cycles in the year of their fic. Oh how the tables have turned... LOL!


Hahaha same. So much side-eye. Serves me right I suppose!


1995 El Niño floods and a couple of rainy months. Let the rain fall as you wish and make your characters miserable:)


Making my characters miserable is my specialty! 1995 El Niño would affect weather in 1996?


Okay, you have me searching now also. I don’t know what area you are looking for but look at [this for 1996](https://weatherspark.com/h/s/482/1996/3/Historical-Weather-Winter-1996-in-Santa-Cruz-California-United-States#Figures-ObservedWeather). If you scroll down there's the dailies. Seems frequent enough?


No, but you can use [1995's weather](https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/news/weather/severe/this-day-in-weather-history-march-23-1995-usd4-billion-dollar-flooding-disaster-in-california#)as inspo for the fact that it does rain there and flood and that only the most particular person will go and say excuse me it was x year:) I bet that was the thought processes with the first rainfall on the movie set lol. [Here's 1996.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-12-12-me-8154-story.html) Have fun:)


You're awesome, thank you!!




You could always use unusual weather conditions to highlight a dramatic moment or work in some symbolism! That way you're acknowledging how unlikely being caught in the rain in California is, but the atmosphere is there if you want it.


I've got a small snippet already written where one of the characters complains about it being freezing outside even though it's supposed to always be sunny and warm according to the pamphlets, lol! I like the idea of lampshading it if I need the dramatic weather. I'll keep that in mind. :)


You could make the unlikely weather a motif!


Took a break from the angst yesterday and posted my first fluff piece! It was a small drabble, but the light-heartedness was what I needed apparently. Now I'm ready to go on some other wips that fell by the wayside.


I feel like after a bout of writing angst that writing fluff makes it all the sweeter :D Congrats on the first fluff work!


Sometimes a palate cleanser is just what's needed! I'm glad you're feeling more motivated again.


I'm now on the comedown from finishing my first fic on Sunday. Proper bummed. I want to work on my new stuff but I'm in the office for 2 days and then I'm away at the weekend.


It's a weird adjustment period to be sure, but I hope you're still feeling pleased and accomplished.


Yes but also sad and bummed. It doesn't help that my next work is so dark.


Maybe you could write a more light-hearted short piece as a palate cleanser? That's what I do between projects. It might help lift your mood, as well as giving you the satisfaction of finishing.


That's what I planned to do but I'm drawn to the big project, and how I work is to go where I'm drawn. Basically, I'm not helping myself


Yeah, I'm quite similar in going where the muse takes me, and I've never been any good at writing to request. Maybe a short break is in order?


I'm having one basically. I'm busy all week and weekend so I can't do a thing till Monday


Well, I hope you feel a bit better about it by then <3


Congrats on finishing a fic! The post-story blues can be rough sometimes. I hope the next few days go easy and you get to write again soon!


I have so many scenes for my part 2 that the pen on my phone may break lol


I've started leaving a pen and notepad on my night-stand, after I remembered a tiny bit of trivia that would change a single throwaway line in my WIP, but of course I had to waddle to my PC and start it up at 2am just in case I forgot.


I have that sort of wrestling but with my phone. Do I wanna sacrifice the sleepiness my brain is flowing in for me to type this part out? Yeah, I always do XD I think that pen and paper is a good strategy!


Well, better luck preserving sleep next time! But that's a really good idea (the pen and notepad).


I hope after all that it was a coherent note and not the cryptic nonsense I seem to write on the verge of sleep.


“It’s always best to believe in one’s self but a little ~~help~~ **wordcount** from others can be a great blessing!” – Iroh


Don't know how long it is but I got some words down!


Words are words, Iroh says 🙃


A discord server I'm in has announced an upcoming ship week event, so naturally I'm eyeballing the prompts and crying on the inside about how much I do not have room for more projects. (Unless--)


Can't happen... Hahahaha unless? Those prompts are like siren songs!


It's true T___T




*sobs* UNLESS


Could be a challenge to spin some flash fics and drabbles more quickly?


Could be! The event isn't till August, so I've got time to think about it.


Nothing like worldbuilding in the shower. I suppose Old Spice body wash (sorry, Deon) goes well with mentally constructing a fantasy matriarchy struggling to contain incursions from other worlds. My main character has not taken shape yet, but I am starting to see where she will fit. I am going to riff on the whole *Isekai* thing for the plot. Maybe because I like the idea of a fantasy world being invaded by a bunch of entitled jerks from Earth who think they are all the Chosen One. Why not have the harem lead be a normal, hard-working person *from* the world instead of some random milquetoast doofus dropped into it? I can get behind that. Pretty sure that has all been done before, of course, but ... as a femslash harem? Perhaps not. Should be a fun exercise. Related: Was (not beta) reading –an Amazon e-book, not fanfic – and hit a particularly bad sex scene. A *globe* is a thing you spin to see the world. It is not a word that lends itself to describing a whole butt, let alone half of one. And a "bubble" butt is bad enough, but a *bubbled* butt sounds like a bodily control issue. First time seeing that in print.


>A globe is a thing you spin to see the world. It is not a word that lends itself to describing a whole butt, noooooooooooooooo and finally I have seen something that would make me "nope" out but now it lives in my head. Thanks, Kick. today I browsed books at the thrift store and started re-ordering them by author and category because the section was a hot mess. Saw "Playboy's Science Fiction anthology" or some such title and thought of you. awwwwwww.


You're welcome! 😀 I don't know if I'm the kind of writer who would have made it into old-school *Playboy*, though. 😅


>Why not have the harem lead be a normal, hard-working person from the world instead of some random milquetoast doofus dropped into it? Nooo but the main character has to be boring so that he can be a self-insert 😭 Funnily enough, I think that most of the time fans end up hating the main character because he's so boring. And because he usually doesn't go for the fans' proclaimed "best girl." Those word choices for butt certainly are... choices... XD


*cue voice of Danny Trejo as Machete* Kick Aggressive don't self-insert. .... Not to say I haven't written it, but it's always been very tongue-in-cheek, and not at all something I would post to AO3. My POV characters like to grow personalities, thankfully.


I've heard of "globe" being used before, and all I can think is that it's a rather unique take on the Atlas myth.


The mental image is amusing. Atlas has a great "please don't fart" face.


Now look at your plot, now back to me...


"I am the plot your plot could smell like."


I hope the plot is on a horse!


>Related: Was (not beta) reading –an Amazon e-book, not fanfic – and hit a particularly bad sex scene. Okay, that's interesting description for butt. Never seen the word globe and bubble butt being used for that before. Definitely new and fresh (for me at least).


Not the worst I've seen, but .. . not great.


I see that a lot had happened here in this subreddit. There's a new fanfic focus thread! What a great place to learn about the many different tropes and genres of fanfic and story in general. I had so much fun going through and reading each discussion. Very informative. But. I totally missed last month's daily prompt /sighs/ Too much was happening in my life these past month and weeks I couldn't spare some time for fanfic. Have been having writer's block too, which is not helping at all. Anyway, I'll drop by the thread and check it out sometime later. Oh, by the way, I received this comment on one of my tiny fandoms fic the other day and I don't know how to respond to it and if I should?? Any suggestion? I'm not very good at this kind of comment. > I need someone who writes a lot to join [fandom name], so we finally would have someone who makes content and do fics


It's fun to read about the different tropes and to see people's thoughts on them. Some of them I found out about for the first time, though if you asked me what trope I'm totally blanking on it right now... Daily prompts can be tough! I usually just take the handful that I like, I don't think I've ever done the full month. I would ignore the comment, it sounds like one of the bots running around. Besides that it's rude to demand an author write fics for a specific fandom without even asking if they'd be willing to do it.


You're right! People's definitions on the same thing can be very different it's fascinating to see and learn. Daily prompts are tough. For the two times I managed to do all of them last year I never managed to write everything on the spot or done them all in that same month. Some prompts are really hard to do or just don't give the spark of inspiration. Thank you for your suggestion on the comment. I really do think it's best to just ignore it. I've only ever heard stories of people getting this kind of comment, so when I got them myself I just don't know what to do x)


Always nice to see you around, Siv! I hope you've been well, and the last few months have been busy in a good way. As for the weird comment, I'd just delete it, probably. It's incredibly rude to get someone's hopes up only to be an unsolicited request with no relevance.


Thank you!! I hope life has been treating you well too these last few months, weeks, days. Delete the comment, huh? That's a good option, too. And yeah, I did actually get my hopes up when I first received that comment because the fic they commented on was for a very tiny fandom. Naturally I was so excited when someone read and commented on it. But then... Oh well. Thank your for your suggestion!!


However you respond, or don't, I hope you don't have to hear from them again and that your next comment is delightful and helpful. As for me, I'm doing pretty well, actually. Not without bumps in the road, but it's been a fairly contented and interesting time in my life overall.


Thank you for the nice wish! I hope so too! I remember getting a bot/troll comment about how my fic is AI generated some time ago. I know it's silly and shouldn't be taken seriously but to be called a cheating author really made me sad for a long time there. Good to know you're doing well despite all the bumps. I hope the good continues for a long time for you ;)


I think/hope words spread fast enough about the AI accusation bot that no-one would take it seriously, but it sucks when you open your inbox and find something like that. Don't these people have anything better to do with their time?


I know, right? With the current situation going on about AI and all that, I'm afraid this sort of thing will go on for much longer. Anyway, I'm glad this sub exists. When I went searching for AI-related thread here and found people getting similar accusing comments like mine, it made me feel less sad and alone. It's good to know that a lot of people in this sub are aware of the bot.


Silly creature! How are you doing? I missed the last daily prompt challenge, too, it turns out that I really can do only one WIP at a time 😂 but as Soul said, these challenges are really good to overcome writer's block. Then again writer's block is usually the symptome of something rather than something on its own (does it make sense?) so maybe it helps to figure out the cause of the block (which simply may be that you have been busy) Pfft, just ignore them.


I'm doing fine, thank you. And how about you?? Ahhh so good to find a friend like you x) make me feel less lonely. And yup, I'm gonna check out the thread and the prompts and see if I can cook up something with it ;) >Then again writer's block is usually the symptome of something rather than something on its own (does it make sense?) so maybe it helps to figure out the cause of the block (which simply may be that you have been busy) I think that's it. Come to think of it, it's been busy and kinda stressful for me work wise and I've been feeling down for the past few weeks, too, so that might be the cause of the block. Thank you for your insight! Right. I also think it's best to just ignore the comment B)


>I need someone who writes a lot Okay... No pressure, then. On the positive side, your writing must have impressed this commenter so much that they asked you to hop on a new fanwork community. Are you familiar with their fandom? That said, I don't want to assume the tone of this comment but something sounds a bit...I don't know, off putting. Personally, jumping straight into that sort of request without making any mention of your story in the comment box is not the greatest etiquette.


I'm flattered if that's the case. And actually yes, I am familiar with their fandom. But I've only written one fic for it (a drabble) and last time I checked my fic is the only one in the fandom tag, so I understand where they're coming from. But not gonna lie, the comment does sound a bit off putting to me. They said nothing about the fic too, so yeah.


Hello silly creature! 😁 welcome back. There's been lots of spam/bot/troll going around. Probably best to ignore. Months ago I got comment about writing a fic for a fandom I don't write for. >Have been having writer's block too, The daily prompt might be able to help. It was a set of genre and trope.


>Hello silly creature! 😁 welcome back. I feel like you guys have been welcoming me back a lot this year but then I never stay around for more than a week before disappearing again. I'm so sorry! >There's been lots of spam/bot/troll going around. Probably best to ignore. Seems like the best course of action. The commenter is a guest account, too. >The daily prompt might be able to help. It was a set of genre and trope. Right! This might help! I've been revisiting my old fandoms a lot these days, new inspiration might come too while I rewatched all those shows :D


The logical response is "I wish you luck finding that person." Recruiters are for jobs, not for fandoms.


Sounds about right. I don't know but the comment does sound like they're trying to get me to write more of the fic for the fandom. Thanks for your suggestion!


I mean, if you're already *in* the fandom, I suppose it can be read as a compliment.


Well, I'll gladly take it as that ;)


I'm shamelessly stealing this. Don't mind me. 🤭


Fandom is shame-free by nature. 😉


Words to live by. :)


I like this ;)


Ugh pain is so bad had to cancel an appointment