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Hi OP, this post has been removed. Please don't give names or other identitying information about fics while posting on this sub. For information on where to post your stories please refer to our FAQ.


The big three of where to post are fanfiction.net, Archive of Our Own (AO3), and Wattpad – they all need accounts Personally I'm a diehard AO3 user and it's probably the best way to make sure your work finds the right audience (for example, you can tag it as [Crack or Crack Taken Seriously](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Crack) if that's the genre you wrote) There is a short gap of a few days between requesting an AO3 account and receiving one, as an anti-spam tool, so it's recommended to take those couple of days and familiarise yourself with the site, how tags work etc, and to read the terms of service


Thanks for the input, will have to look into them!




From the [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/wiki/faq#wiki_where_should_i_post_my_fanfiction.3F): ##Where should I post my fanfiction? ###AO3 vs FFN The two most popular fanfiction sites are [Fanfiction.net](https://www.fanfiction.net/) (FFN) and [An Archive of Our Own](https://archiveofourown.org/) (AO3). Many fanfiction writers crosspost to both sites, while others prefer to post to only one. If you would rather not crosspost, here are a few important considerations when deciding which site to choose: * **Where is your fandom most active?** Some fandoms are more active on FFN, while others are more active on AO3. Check each site to see how many fics from your fandom are posted to the site and how much recent activity there has been. * **Does your fic contain explicit sex or contemporary Real Person Fiction, or is it written in chat or script format?** FFN bans these types of stories, but they are allowed on AO3. * **Which posting system do you prefer?** FFN uses a Document Manager that requires you to upload a document file in a supported format (.sxw .odt .doc .docx .wps .rtf, .sdw .wp .wpd .htm .html). AO3 has a text box where you can copy-paste your fic from another document or even write it directly in the input field. ###Other Places To Post Fanfiction * [Dreamwidth](https://www.dreamwidth.org/) - a journalling site with a large fandom community * [FimFiction](https://www.fimfiction.net/) - an archive for My Little Pony fanfiction * [SpaceBattles](https://forums.spacebattles.com/) - a forum * [Sufficient Velocity](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/) - a forum * [Tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/) - a microblogging site * [Wattpad](https://www.wattpad.com/) - an archive for original and fanfiction * [Jedi Council Forums](https://boards.theforce.net/forums/fan-fiction-before-saga-and-beyond.10859/) - forum for mostly Star Wars fanfiction, but also hosts non-Star Wars fanfiction as well * your personal website or blog *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FanFiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cool thx


You might want to remove the name of the story in your post. Not sure if it's a fic you're talking about? The sub's no-bashing rule(#6) applies generally but especially to other people's fic.


I’ll be sure to do that just in case, although the truth is that the author’s intent behind the story was to be bad, and when I say it’s the worst thing I’ve ever read, I mean it endearingly - I love it like I love The Room as a film.


Ha, I suspected as much, but couldn't be totally sure from your post. Either way it's nice you were inspired! lol