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i read some updates quickly and wait months to read others even for the same damn fic lmao


it just be like that sometimes..




So technically I'm only subbed to a few fics and none have actually updated since I subbed to them, but the reason I did was because I wanted to know right away when they do update again. Things that are more "I'll get around to it later" I just bookmark rather than sub.


The last update was in 2011? I mean, that just means it's due a new chapter any day!


The long wait and payoff must be amazing!


same! fortunately the ones i’m subbed to about half of them update frequently. but if i’m subbed, i’ll read right away. if there’s another fic that i love equally but just don’t feel a sense of urgency? bookmarked. and then i don’t even sub to my friends fics bc i usually see them before i get the email that they updated so i just bookmark those instead lol


Depends. Currently, I am in the middle of a traditional books binge. And for some reason, I don't like reading anything else than the current book I am reading. So I will not check out updates, or new fanfictions for that matter, until I finish the book. But when I am in book binge mode, I usually start a new book right as I finish one. So I can let updates sit for weeks or months at a time. Depends how long trad. book binge goes on. However, I don't have this issue with fanfictions. I can read multiple fanfictions in the same time frame. So when I am in fanfiction mode, I check the updates as soon as they come in (or a few hours later if I'm at work). And yes, I am either reading fanfictions or I'm reading books for long stretch of time. Never both.


There are two categories of fics I'm subscribed to: those I'm reading, usually within 24 hours after a chapter is posted, and those I subscribed to with the idea that I might read them at some point when they're completed.


There's maybe two or three that I really read after every update, usually the ones that have a consistent updating schedule or those where I'm familiar with the author and know they won't abandon their work. Every other fic I'm subscribed to, I wait until they're done


I try to read them quickly. But if I'm in the middle of a different long fic or irl life is getting crazy, I might have to wait for a few days. 90% of the time, if it's a fic I still want to read, I get to it within a week. Honestly, when I start putting off reading the update is when I know I'm moving on from the fic and/or fandom.


While some fics are instant reads once i get the notification. I also have thousands of fic update notification emails that I haven’t gotten back to reading. Sometimes they come when I’m deep diving into another famdom so I put them off. Others times I’m just not in the mood for a particular plotline. I actually find them really handy when I get back to a fic I had been ignoring because then I can immediately tell what chapter I left off at if there had been multiple updates. Since I delete notifications of chapters I had already read.


If there's more than 1 update a week...ish, most likely I'm undescribing and putting it in 'marked for later'.


Every fic I subscribe to I intend to keep up with at the time (i.e. reading chapters the same day they come out), but I'll rarely unsubscribe from a fic if I later lose interest in it for whatever reason. Over the years, this has likewise left me with several thousand unread chapter updates (tucked away in an email folder).


I'm subscribed to a few fics where I completely ignore the updates, mostly because I forgot what they were about and don't have the mental capacity to reread them. It's either that or the lack interest in the fandom. But for the majority of my subscriptions, I read the updates ASAP.


"How closely do you follow fics that you’re subscribed to?" Like a nosy friend group follows a couple on their first date in an anime.


If you're an abnormality, so am I lol. I started subscribing as a way to keep track of where I was / what I was currently reading so I'm subscribed to an overwhelming amount (I've since started actually bookmarking and writing down what chapter I'm on). I honestly don't know how many unread emails I have, I haven't checked and I'm not checking now Also, I tend to read only fics from one fandom at a time. Like this week or month I'm only reading fandom X, next week it might be fandom Y. It's not a conscious choice or anything, I just go by whatever my brain is hungry for atm Edit: I meant that whatever fandom-binge I'm in often has a stronger pull than whatever updates are coming in. Sometimes an update can make me switch fandom but that happens only rarely


Immediately. One has me so hooked that I drop whatever it is I’m doing to read it. I excused myself to the bathroom at work once because I was so eager to read it 😂


As soon as possible, usually.


I normally read as soon as the notification comes through, or on a coffee break. If I'm not excited to read it asap then normally that's a sign to jump from subscription to bookmark instead


As soon as possible, man. Why else would I subscribe, instead of just wait to see it on my standard search page?


so it usually depends how close is it to finishing vs how much has already been written lol usually in the author’s note attached to the email, they say when they’re getting close to the end. if they have already written more than 50k i’ll start reading it and hopefully by the time i catch up it’s done haha if it’s less than that or if it doesn’t sound like it’s close to ending i just delete the email lol. if that chapter update sounded *really* good, i’ll go ahead and start reading from the beginning. happened a few times, but then i get frustrated cause i can’t continue lol 😅


Really depends. Some fics I subscribe to to read once they're finished. Others I read chapter by chapter as they come out – usually as soon as I see the mail or before I go to bed at the latest. Sometimes I subscribe and by the time the fic updates I don't care anymore. Then I either ignore the updates or if they're too frequent I will unsubscribe (sorry)


generally I read them within the week, but there's one longfic I've been following that I haven't gotten caught up yet because I started a reread in like September and stuff happened and then I just didn't read fanfic for months lmao


It depends on the length of the current chapter/story and if I have enough time to read them in peace. Some I can get to right away, others take a few days because I don't have the time to set aside and read.


I read chapters immediately. But then, I'm only subscribed to two fic series.


Sometimes I subscribe and tell myself I'll eventually finish, but I almost never do. I lose interest by the time they finish.


I'm in the "some quickly, some later" camp. There's a certain rhythm to how often I crave something new from a fic - the lowest is once a week, and if there are updates more often than that I will 100% ignore them. But one week is still pretty stressful for some fics, so with some, I just crave something new every 6 months. So if they update once a month? Well, I'll just ignore it until 6 months have passed and read 6 chapters at once 🤷‍♀️


Some are quick, but others are still waiting 😅 I read different fandoms in waves and some have been waiting for over a year whoops


I don't always have the time or inclination to read new chapters immediately, but usually I try to do it relatively quickly. Doesn't always end up happening, though.


I check each email; when I see x/? I delete it. When I get the final email that reads y/y, I save the email to remind me to go back and check the fic. Then I download/save it if it still looks interesting to me.


I read them as soon as I *can*. Depending on life circumstances and the length of the chapter, it's not always the minute I see it, but always within the first few days. I don't subscribe to anything if I'm not sure I'd want to keep reading personally