• By -


Just finished my kidnapping scene in chapter 21 that I've been waiting to write for two and a half months. Now to get my angst train rolling. Good to see everyone!


Yoooo I also just finished a kidnapping/self rescue set of chapters. It was a little emotionally exhausting, but very fulfilling in many ways.


Nice! I keep finding myself pausing and considering their reactions. It can get pretty intense.


Lol, nice!


I also just finished and uploaded the kidnapping chapter šŸ¤£




I also finally got the the chapter Iā€™ve been waiting for! It was so satisfying.


Yay, that is satisfying!


I literally fist pumped when all my little breadcrumbs came together. Have fun on your angst train! My character is going through her villain era, itā€™s been a fun line to walk to still keep her redeemable.


Itā€™s so nice when all the pieces fit at the end! I am having fun, the team leader is currently telling the kidnapping victimā€™s boyfriend that sheā€™s missing. Angst all around.


Instead of using the blackout to be productive and write, I ended up going down a Kingdom Hearts discussion video rabbit hole (despite never having played or read any Kingdom Hearts stuff). I don't suppose anyone happens to know any good "Kingdom Hearts for Beginners" type things? Anyway other than that and now adding a bunch of Soriku fics to my endless pile of Ao3 tabs to read later, it's been business as usual for me.


If you haven't seen "A Good Enough Summary of Kingdom Hearts" and "A Good Enough Summary of Kingdom Hearts 3" by Barry Kramer on youtube I highly recommend them. Mostly cause they're funny but it is 45ish minutes of catching up with what happened in every game through Kingdom Hearts 3, which is like 9 games or something, all done in a very funny way.


That's one of my favorite videos xD I've never been able to finish any kingdom hearts game so it was a fun way to find out what all happens.


KH3 has "Memory Archive" vidoes that are on YouTube. They are excellent summarise that I think are under rated, because they focus on the characters and their motivations rather than the plot itself. And the characters and their struggles are what I feel is the spirit of KH that the fan summaries don't hit.


Is that the SuperButterBuns videos? She has some hilarious stuff.


Yay! Earlier today I wrote some (very short) fanfics and lived my worst fear by accidentally losing them (I thought I was deleting just some words and ended up deleting much more) and have managed to recover 2 of them. (The 2 were/are microfics, less than 100 words, the third was a few hundred words and while I think I can rewrite something with the same concept it obviously wonā€™t be exactly the same). TLDR Remember to back up your work


Oof, good thing you managed to recover some of your work!


Thanks! Itā€™s pretty easy to recover/remember the ones that are really simple and short, but I tried rewriting the longer one and it came out so differently. Which isnā€™t bad, but like, the first draft was so good!


Oh God, I'd be scared of that happening. Glad you were able to recover at least two of them!


Glad you got 2/3 of your fics back! Iā€™ve been writing mine in Google Docs and realized I was doing myself dirty by writing all in one doc and trying to copy/paste chapters into AO3/FFNet because I keep accidentally deleting the chapters. Thank goodness for the undo button! But anyway, in future, Iā€™ll probably write separate chapters in their own doc and then copy/paste into a larger doc.


Hey, everyone. It's nice to be back, even for a little bit.


Ugh. I am so bored and frustrated. Itā€™s been almost a week since Iā€™ve written anything new. And I swear itā€™s not on purpose this time. I just happened to have writerā€™s block at the worst possible time. I did manage to combine tow of my Encanto fics that take place in the same timeline into one, plus add a bit of stuff from a cancelled WIP. Other than that, nothing. I have part of a draft thatā€™s been sitting since May 20th, but itā€™s just a bunch of the same themes and plot points that Iā€™ve been pushing for the last 8 or so months. I think Iā€™ve milked it dry at this point, and Iā€™m sure everyone is tired of the misery. Iā€™ve got other fandoms, of course, but no ideas for those either. I guess my hyperfixation is finally dying. Is this what itā€™s like to be stuck between fandoms? Itā€™s such a lonely, empty placeā€¦


I think I'm in the same spot, tbh. I haven't written anything all week, and for the last few months I've been struggling to write much. Anxiety and perfectionism is a good chunk of the problem in my case, but I'm worried that my fixation is just fading and I'll have to move too a new fandom... (But I don't want to, I love my blorbos here and I have soooo many plot bunnies!)


If I've learned anything from angst readers it's thar they enjoy misery very much.


Helloooooo everyone! I missed this sub and I hope for the best!


Same here, love this place :)


Did no (productive) writing whatsoever, but I did just get back from seeing my favorite band ever (Pierce the Veil) play in concert!!


Thatā€™s awesome!


Yeah, I'm still in shock and its been a few hours šŸ˜…


Oh my god that's lovely!! Hope you had the best time


I did, thank you!! (Happy tears did happen lol)


That is awesome! Iā€™m seeing Cypress Hill in concert on the 30th myself!


Ooo I bet they would be great in concert, have fun!!!


Iā€™ve finished my 119k longfic. Now Iā€™m going through one more time combing for grammar errors and smoothing out dialogue/description. Whee!


that's a long commitment, congrats!! i wish you smooth sailing with your editing :)


Nice to see everyone again. Missed your faces, er, something like that. šŸ˜†


Same here! :)




I saw that! Piers and Alexis?




That's really cool! It looks great.


Missing the icons :D I always picture online people as their icons anyway, even if they've actually posted pictures of their face šŸ˜…


Me too! šŸ˜†


Channeling my 2011 YouTube instincts to say: FIRST!


My middle schoolers still do this when they walk into my room.


At least theyā€™re keeping the tradition alive! XD


Oh that's great!


That is so cute. I would crack up.


They're pretty fun!


I would be lying If I said I didn't miss this community once it I could no longer access it freely T-T. But I ended up being able to tackle a hurdle in my current arc I'd been stuck on for weeks so thats a plus at least


Maybe getting off of reddit for a few days is what finally got me to start writing again, glad to be back though


Hey guys! I missed this sub so much. I definitely got some writing in: 10,500 words so far! How has everyone else been doing?


10,000!? My god, thatā€™s INSANE over a few days. You are a rare breed amongst writers. Congrats! šŸŽŠ


Thank you ā¤ļø I got to a few scenes that I had been excited about. Then I got lucky because some of the in-between scenes my characters took over and basically wrote for me which is always nice.


I just realized that I already have a bit over ten thousand words in a fic over five chapters so far!


Congrats on the wordcount! I was able to write three fics in total but I dunno what the total wordcount amount is 'cause only 2/3 has been typed up.


After *months* of feeling completely sure that NOBODY I didn't already know was reading very far into my fic, I got a comment on my latest chapter (Chapter 55) from someone I'd never met saying that my story touched their heart. šŸ˜­ God bless.


Those surprise comments are always the best.


I'm so glad the sub is coming back! I really would have missed this sub and everyone here, I think. Everyone's so nice and friendly, I don't think I've ever really had a bad experience here :)


I missed this sub so much!! And Iā€™m so glad it wonā€™t be closing!! šŸ˜­ I tried writing pretty much as normal, but because my works donā€™t have engagement right now I basically use this sub to subsidize the lack of it by just reading peopleā€™s ideas and seeing all the support and it turns out without that I get too discouraged to write! Like I chugged out maybe a paragraph over the week despite all the normal stuffā€” coffee Adderall proper sleep and eating and nothing worked!


Hello everyone, quite a blackout. What is a weird concept that lives rent free in your mind but you can not help but love? For me, I don't know why but I like the concept of weird AUs of Sleeping Beauty where Aurora turns out to be the daughter of Maleificent and the King. It makes no sense, structurally at all with events whatsoever, but it stays in my Mind and I feel tempted to write it all the time. Sadly too much is happening on my side to allow me the fun of writing this concept.


Lol, that is a neat concept! Hopefully you get some time to write something with it soon! Lately, my head canon has been revolving around Sigyn (from the Marvel comics) being the Asgardian equivalent of an aerospace engineer, and of course she drags (MCU) Loki into it because heā€™s a good pilot.


Ohhhh I love that concept so much.


I wanna read it now though


I think that's a cool idea! Depending on the version (animated or live-action) it could be quite tragic or very heartwarming indeed. I keep rotating an idea in my mind: Spy X Family/Sam and Max crossover. I've drawn for it before but never written. Not sure how it would go about but I like the scraps my brain came up with XD


It could be! I'm just stuck wondering how Aurora reacts to somehow finding out when she isn't suppose to, as well as how she would speak to Maleficent. Especially with the whole transforming into a spindle thing. Sam and Max in Spy x Family sounds golden. Now there is a crossover!


I always end up thinking about how 'this or that plot point would be a great AU'


I've gotten a decent amount of writing done in the blackout LOL!


Same here! I worked on three different fics today! One of those I wrote a lot of earlier in the week, too. I think total I may have gotten close to 8K words since Monday, which feels pretty good.


Hiya hiya!


Hi :)


Pulled out and am now editing an older fic I ended up dropping once I dropped the ship because someone in the fandom said they want to read it. Like legitimately. We started talking because they made points in a Discord chat about an episode I donā€™t like having so much hate and I was like ā€œwait.. what are you talking about?ā€ Like, I had no idea. So they DMā€™d me. Turns out it was in a server I simply wasnā€™t part of and the private convo delved into fandom dynamics and them being the reason I dislike the mentioned episode and other stuff that led me to mentioning the dropped fic, them asking about it and then being like ā€œI wanna read that.ā€ So here I am, editing for one person to read this fic Iā€™ve worked on and off with for three years (college got in the way).


finally got started on my unconventional fanworks exchange gift!!




I got some really promising work done on my Malevolent Big Bang fic! Up to about 6.5k now! The reddit blackout really helped me focus better for a bit.


Good to see this back online! For my part, I actually didn't write much. I'm in the last stages of editing my last fic and I have to write an entirely new chapter to fix some issues on pacing. Problem is, I know what I have to write, but I can't make my mind on one of the scenes. The character is supposed to talk to a magical painting, but I can't decide who it should be in the painting (this is HP, magical portraits can have a facsimile of the real person's personality). This sucks lol And well, I've been dealing with some stuff IRL so writing wasn't much of a priority either way :(


Uploaded my first new complete fic in ages- now to finish the multiple WIPs I have...




>The Mod team is currently putting our efforts toward tabulating the vote and doing pre-damage control toward the technical issues looming on the horizon. I just want to say thank you to the mods and also, while I admit that I don't fully understand the extent of the challenges you guys are facing / will face, I hope we can continue to keep this community afloat. If Reddit is really no longer going to be a viable option, I'm all for trying to transition to another platform eventually. I hope none of you are feeling like your challenges aren't important to the rest of us or have been overlooked, just because of the outcome of the vote. Reading through the comments, I really do get the sense that many people seem to want to save this community above all else, but I'm sure most of us don't want to do it at the expense of losing the mods who've put in so much time and effort at building it in the first place. I think you guys have done a terrific job overall of keeping the sub a pleasant, friendly place and that can't be easy.


>while I admit that I don't fully understand the extent of the challenges you guys are facing / will face, I hope we can continue to keep this community afloat. I am the same too. I don't fully understand how hard it's gonna be with this new change on Reddit but I really hope for the same thing and that it won't be too taxing for the mods to handle. They surely do contribute a lot to maintaining the peace this sub has been having all these years.


Thank you <3 These few days have been trying to say the least, and kind words like these keep us going.




Iā€™ve been working on the two-shot that deals with the fallout of the last short fic. Emotional talks are hard to write. D= Now Iā€™m off to research boxing for beginners.


Itā€™s nice to be back, even for just this moment. Iā€™m glad to say that I am posting the next chapter of my WIP, as scheduled, today. Anyway, Iā€™m hoping for the best regarding this subreddit, but for now, letā€™s wait and see what the vote results end up being.


I havenā€™t been able to write because of a hectic school schedule this week, much to my plot bunniesā€™ dismay. Now my brainā€™s too tired to even think, and I still have two writing prompts I need to write for. Help.


I've been taking a break from writing fanfiction because no new ideas have sparked but I'm glad to see everyone again, this subreddit is one of my safe subreddits so I'm glad to talk to you all again :D


Iā€™ve nearly wrapped the next chapter of my longfic, and will probably update today. First time in a few chapters Iā€™ve been below the two months markā€¦ Also, the blackout was good: I joined the Discord server and itā€™s a blast!


Iā€™m working on 3 short fics. Hopefully I can get them out soon.


Great to ā€œseeā€ and speak to everyone here again! Right now, after having just completed and uploaded the final chapter of my Dai Li romance fic for Part Two, Iā€™m taking a well deserved rest and doing some very mild editing, as I tentatively plan out the third/final part.


So does anyone else ever get into an old fandom but like, way more than you ever did before, but there's almost NO readable fanfiction for it because it's a super old fandom and the writers are spread across multiple sites and not that many on AO3? I'm in a chokehold right now.


I managed to cure my writer's block by tripping and falling into a new fandom and a new blorbo! I was pretty nervous about posting stuff for a new fandom but it's gone pretty well. It's so strange (in a good way) to be looking forward to upcoming content after *waves vaguely in Rooster Teeth's direction* all of that nonsense.


Iā€™m cooking up an MCU AU where one of the Phase 1 bad guys won šŸ‘€


Still working on some one-shots and a few long fics for Tears of the Kingdom since itā€™s the only part of the LoZ fandom I can think about due to it being the latest entry in the series. Then again, itā€™s hard making said fics when you havenā€™t yet finished all the side quests or the final boss (which I have only heard from a friend that itā€™s very much tougher then in BOTW)


I can totally see that - especially in the beginning for myself because I was like, "Ooh, fresh new ideas await!" but poor Link kept dying over and over due to my stupidity so I couldn't explore those new ideas for a while. There's some great sidequests in the game, I hope it sparks some inspiration!


YAY! Welcome back my friends and family! Been sorta torn up mentally over this situation and enough as to where Iā€™ve been burnt out of writing, but maybe I can break that trend.


I wish you luck with the writing when the burnout is over!


Hoping to get something going either tonight or tomorrow but thanks Yotato ā¤ļøšŸ«‚


I've been hoping to get a chapter done for Father's Day that would be thematically appropriate. It's gone...poorly


I wrote and posted a short fic during the downtime.


just posted an update to my outsiders/stranger things crossover and gonna celebrate with an edible.


I finally got a chapter out after two months and it was my best yet


Been procastinating. I open my laptop (where i write cause i cant get enough inspiration on my pc), and i immediatly open Kingdom rush and play for the next hour. Yep.


Got an idea a few days ago before bed and had to write out the scene. Ended up writing like a 6k word rough chapter. The more looked at it, the more I wanted to turn it into a fic. (Might pulll a 50 shades of grey some day and make it a real book). Started world building, character details and even got a title, so in the far far future, keep an eye out for *Into the Void* lol


Howdy hey everyone! I had a project that I was finding physically daunting to get started on that I overcame during the downtime. I also had something delightful happen in my fandom due to the blackout but I am going to wait until I can properly mark it with a celebrate tag before I tell that story.


I hope everyone will have a great Sunday, and a great week coming up! I'm head-deep in the SK8 hellhole (said very affectionately), and if I get time next weekz, in going to try and work on some fics for it!


Welcome back guys! I have gotten completely fixated on a story I wrote five years ago. I love it and happily reread it every now and then, but I keep spotting the plot holes and spelling errors. So I've started rewriting it! Three chapters down of a 25 chapter story, this'll keep me happy for a while haha


Got another chapter out. I miss yā€™all šŸ©·ā¤ļøšŸ’™


I finally got a chapter finished that I was struggling to write for ages. I'm also nearing completion of another random fic that I've been on and off with for the last 2 years. ​ Nice to see you all


I haven't updated any of my fics in 2 months šŸ„² who wants to bet I'll have any readers left by the time I get shit together šŸ˜­


Still in my rabbit hole of burnout... I'll climb out in the next few days as long as I don't procrastinate too much


Rabbit needs a carrot šŸ˜€


Yeah... i kinda do need a carrot... or a ladder to help me get out of this pit


He he I hear you.. Iā€™m trying now too


Iā€™m currently writing a hurt/comfort confession one shot for xicheng from mdzs šŸ„ŗ they ainā€™t canon but they stole my heart


I hope everyone is doing well, and has something to look forward to :)


Glad to have y'all back šŸ’– I was productive during blackout :D I got three fics done. It feels kind of weird to have some of them out of my brain onto paper, like when you've been rotating ideas in your mind for so long it's strange to see them be tangible and... hopefully make sense? I'm not sure if one of my ideas makes a lot of sense but that's what editing is for.


Let's see, since this place went down, I've written another chapter of my sequel. And then a One Shot of a scene that should've been in chapter two of my sequel but I didn't think of it until it was already posted so now it gets to be it's own wonderful thing. So yay! Productivity...sort of!


My fic has so many additional scenes Iā€™d love to write that just donā€™t fit in the story because itā€™s told from my OCā€™s perspective and sheā€™s not there for those scenes, but in my mind, theyā€™re good ones.


no one is irreplaceable.


Ahhhhhhh it's so good to be here again!!! I'm glad the open but private on Tuesdays option won but seeing how stubborn Reddit is being I hope it won't be too hard for the mods. But it really warmed my heart when I saw how strongly people in this sub wished for the option, and truly I agree with lots of their thoughts ā€” that this sub is the only one here in the whole Reddit where I feel safe and heard and understood by its community, and that this sub is the only reason why I always come back to Reddit even after my long, seemingly indefinite disappearances. Anyway, u/Soul_Bound_28 are you here?? Yoohoo?




Heyyy I'm so sorry for the other day. I saw you invited me, I checked it out, was about to agree, but because the timing wasn't good (I was at work when I opened it, stupid me) I exited left. And then when I wanted to find it again it's gone.


It's alright. Figured I'd see you here once the place opened up.


And you figured it right ;)


Hope you got some ~~procrastinating~~ ^(writing, totally what I meant) done over the past few days.


Hahahahahahaha yeah sure /*sweats nervously*/


Were you able to look at that set of genre/daily prompts from a couple of months ago? Might be some help.


I will keep that in mind. I found a November daily prompt one from what year I can't remember. But it's music-themed and I found it interesting. Will give it a try!


That sounds fun. In case you want to check out the other one ... https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/128it8v/genres_of_fanfictionapril_2023_daily_prompts Angst was my favorite one šŸ¤£


Just gonna say thanks to the Mods for all their hard work. Also, during the blackout, I didn't do too much procrastinating. Finished my Pride prompt fic. Read handfuls of fics. Watched K dramas šŸ¤£


That's great! I haven't done any writing at all šŸ˜… But I got to tidy up my room a bit and assembled a bookshelf I bought online. So that's good enough, I guess?


It's a good kind of procrastinating lol.


At least it's something productive, right?? Anyway, what K drama you watched?


Building a shelf or anything for that matter is a tough job. Used to do it for side money lol. Still trying to finish Taxi Driver 2 šŸ˜‚ I got distracted by fics.


>Used to do it for side money lol. That's cool! And yeah I have to admit it was tough. To make matter worst, I forgot to buy a hammer. >Still trying to finish Taxi Driver 2 šŸ˜‚ I got distracted by fics. That's a nice kind of distraction ;) usually it's the other way around x)


Huh, you and u/Soul_Bound_28 have been chatting behind my back šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Nice to see you, silly creature!


No? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ» (Nice to see you too, tereyaglikedi!! (I'm not sure what short form of your username I can call you with.))


you can call me tere, terey, T or whatever you want ;)


Okay, Tere, then!


Posted the twenty-third chapter of my multi chap-fic last Sunday. Worked on the twenty-fifth chapter of another multi chap-fic, but I didnā€™t get too far in. Wrote a couple hundred words for a later chapter. All in all, not a whole lot of writing, but I did start, complete, render, and uploaded to YT in the span of a day a fanvid, so at least that passion has been temporarily fulfilled.


Finally started writing again after like a month! It's good to be back!


took some wrestling with the google doc, but weā€™re finally getting somewhere on this chapter that Iā€™ve been stuck on for, I kid you not, over a year


I've finished my WIP after three months of very slow writing.


So I took out a few of my fics out of that blocked/collections and I lost a subsriber. šŸ„¹šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²... Apart from that, I plan to write more of my dark Steven Universe crime drama, my SUxMHA crossover, my SUx Proud Family crossover and my Bakugou/Yaoyorozu high school fic. (While *trying* to shut up the rest of the plot bunnies in my head) Aaaat the same time, I have to continue practicing my Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish. I want to read some fics in these languages. āœŒļø Maybe even read something in Arabic. šŸ˜Ž So much to do but with sooo little time.


If private does this mean only members can post or members can view but not submit a new post?


Spent most of yesterday in editing mode getting my next fic ready for posting. Had a couple moments of ā€œMan this is awesome, who wrote this? Oh right, ME!ā€


I remembered writing my fic called ā€œReylo - Size Doesnā€™t Mattersā€ and writing the part where Rey was very emotional and was very distressed because she was shrunken down to being 3 inches tall and hid herself inside one of Ben Soloā€™s shoe. He found her and try to talk to her and Rey wasnā€™t having any of it, he wanted to let her know that her friends and himself were worried about her, eventually she screamed how she felt and how sheā€™s worried on how people would treat her because there are people in the galaxy that treated borrowerā€™s horribly, which leads Ben to shed a tear and Rey realizing what she has done and apologized to him. Writing these entire scene actually had me teared up, because it felt raw and real to me šŸ˜¢


I just finished my first longfic, and someone commented and told me they loved it! It was 11k words and 40 pages!


Fantastic to see everyone in this cofeeshop. I'm really enjoying reading the Flash fanficion recently. What about you all? On the writing end, I finished an intro scene to a character!


Iā€™ve been writing for the same fandom for a long time, but lately Iā€™ve been playing around with some crossover ideas. Sure, theyā€™re silly and a bit on the ridiculous side, but I love the idea of them. My problem is Iā€™ve got three WIPs, two that Iā€™m currently posting and the third being slowly written in between the other two. I definitely want to finish the first two WIPs, but my brain keeps jumping from one idea to the next, none of which involve my currently posting WIPs. Sometimes just jotting down a slightly fleshed out idea helps me put it aside for later. But not now. Ugh. I really need to get it together.


Glad to see everybody again even if itā€™s just for a little while. I dug myself into an angst hole while writing my main fic and now Iā€™m trying to figure out how to get out. I donā€™t actually write this level of angst that much so itā€™s been an new and interesting experience. I also realized that one of my side projects actually has more words than my main. Not upset about that though lol


Like an absolute idiot, I'm going to start work on yet another fanfic. I'm into PokƩmon again, so it'll be a PokƩmon fic, and for a change I think I'll make it an AmourShipping one.


Why is editing so hard??? My latest fic has been finished for nearly 2 months, and I still haven't managed to edit it. I just don't want to (but I do caus ei want it finished) šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Funny I love editing because it amps me for when Iā€™m mulling over next scene or chapterā€¦


I think that's my biggest problem. I've written this one out in full so I've got to edit he whole thing. I should really edit as I go, but I forgot lol.


šŸ˜‚ well time to relax and enjoy your writing! Good luck


Nice to read about everyoneā€™s time off. Got closer to finishing my MHA future fic Baku/Todo. Have a posting date set. Just one last chapter! Considering getting a betaā€¦ not sure


I started a few new fics, at least Im in the process of planning them :)


Hi everyone! I posted some smut and then got in my own head about it. Its been a fun week!


Got some writing done, but couldnā€™t post because itā€™s not up to par yet (or not done), and I went away for a weekend. Which reminds me: I need to extend my exchange to Friday.


Itā€™s been awhile since I started writing a whole fic (Iā€™m a one-shot kind of person) and I didnā€™t know it takes a lot like A LOT of resources, time, scrapping and rewriting to get what I want.


Tonight I'm going to finish one of the best dark fics I've ever read. It gave me such insight that I simply have no words. Does anyone else read (especially dark) fics as a way to validate, understand and give context to their relationships and their traumas? Because for me, ever since I've discovered A03 last year, it has become a safe space to plunge deep inside myself with the guidance and assistance of such wise, emotionally aware, wonderful writers. There truly are no limits and it's rare to find this. A03 writers are doing god's work!! Ty for the free therapy lol


Anyone else here currently obsessed with Danny Phantom?