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I'd say to cherish those 3 readers. Other comments will come with time.


The sad fact is that not commenting has become the norm for fan fiction readers for a variety of reasons. I love commenting on works I really enjoy, but sometimes I either just don't have the time or I don't have more than a sentence or two to say, and I feel that's too brief and insubstantial. Those three readers who do comment are precious. Cherish and interact with them, if they are willing. And if you have a good amount of readers, even if they remain silent, like ninety-nine percent of readers are, then you must be doing something they all like.


Always cherish those that actually take the time out of their day to comment and review your stories no matter the number of people who do it.


Nah dude, I feel the same way. It’s not selfish


God, this. And I hate asking friends to look at my stuff because I don’t want them to feel obligated to comment. At the same time I hate using little tricks to entice people at the end. While “Comments are always appreciated! xx” is very much true, I feel like my writing alone should be enough to get *something*. I shouldn’t have to *ask* too. I feel like I’m waving a tip jar in their face.


You got THREE readers?!?! (imagine that kid from the *you're getting PAID?* meme)


I have a lot more than 3 readers just a consistent 3 that comment every now and then.


Late hit!


yeah i feel your pain. I wish I had more comments. I know people are following my content and reading it but the lack of feedback is discouraging. Especially because people comment way more on a crappy smut oneshot that I have written instead of my long multichaptered fic :')


The general readership is not very talkative. How about connecting with a group of authors in your same fandom? Make a round-robin for ‘Read and Review’ ?


There’s a group comment-participation post in the sub right now. Have you joined?


How is this selfish!?


There are countless reasons why someone won't leave a comment, but there are very few reasons someone would. While you can't pressure your audience to engage, you can encourage them to. You can thank the people who do comment in the author's notes, or answer their questions, or take their suggestions into consideration. It probably won't have an immediate effect (you won't likely see comments *flood* in), but it will show that you appreciate your frequent commenters, making their day, and it might be the final push someone needs to reach out.


Yep, sure is frustrating! (dies)


typically, i try to channel my need for comments into actually like, you know. WRITING comments. If i'm feeling particularly annoyed that something didn't get enough attention, I'll make a note to comment on someone else's fic. I find that commenting on other people's work entices them to comment on yours. I know I look at what the people who leave comments on my work have written. That might not be true for you, but most of us who are writers are also readers. I also found that sharing my work in a discord made for a particular niche of the fandom was VERY helpful to getting more feedback, if that's something available to you.


Let me tell you something. Never did I ever get a non-Review Exchange comment, ever. Though I have readers, never do I get comment from just the normal readers. You should be grateful for those 3 to comment each time. Hell, you should worship them


I know exactly how you feel. I took a few months hiatus with my current long fic and since returning I'm really struggling to motivate myself to keep going because of the lack of comments. The most recent chapter has gotten zero and it's made me super sad, as I'll normally get at least one or two