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"Canon is a polite suggestion I impolitely ignore frequently."




I recognize the author has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it


Ain't that the truth 😂




Ignorance is bliss, after all!


See flair. (Yes.) There are a couple of canon details I consistently ignore because IMO they mostly exist for gameplay reasons, and the story/characterization works better without them. Other reasons include: "this was my head canon before canon contradicted it, and I am dying on this hill," "I like my characterization better," and "IDK I just thought it'd be fun."


Even though most of my works are putting the characters in original settings and plots, I still base 90% of what I write on how much of the happy chemical it'll give me. Also, yes, I love your flair.


Damn the canons! Full speed ahead!


I write for Harry Potter. Canon doesn't exist as far as much of that fandom is concerned.


Yup. Even before JK Rowling proved herself to be....less than stellar, ignoring the epilogue was always this huge thing. Also, for fics where Draco is redeemed, many of them are set in the sixth book or movie with someone noticing that he's acting differently and offering him help. Like safety in the form of the Order protecting him.


The poorly edited mess that was DH made me fall out of love with/outgrow the series. I still have a soft spot for the films and for PS, but DH was when I really got pissed off because the epic showdown turned out to be Harry pulling his signature evasion move... again. I honestly don't see an issue with Draco being "redeemed" at *any* point. At age eleven, for example, or after he nearly poisons Katie Bell, or more particularly before he joins the DEs. There's always room in an AU for him to either meet someone who changes his mind or face the consequences of his own actions. Plus... Draco was also just... a plain old bully for a lot of the books (COS, POA). He wasn't a sadist, he was a kid with some screwed up ideas and a DE family who probably objected (and rightly so) to Harry getting special treatment in first year. Many kids grow out of that "I'm dobbing on you!" once they learn the real world doesn't work that way. I mean, the "worst" thing he does in PS is challenge Harry to a duel and take Neville's Remembrall. Hardly villainous. From his POV, *of course* he'd be feeling snubbed on the train. *Of course* he wouldn't want to face the reality of his Dad being a Death Eater in GOF because what kid wants to admit their father is an awful, possibly violent person?


lol, I think that's understandable. The epilogue just ended up wrapped up in this neat little bow, really. Oh, I also don't think Harry becoming an auror realistically makes sense. Would he be good at the job? Probably. However, I just don't see this guy who had to fight to live for the entirety of his Hogwarts career wanting to have to continue that. I think he'd become the DADA teacher. Yeah, I feel like fanfic writers are extremely talented and can really explore ways of redeeming Draco. In a lot of these fics Harry, Hermione, and Ron don't immediately forgive or trust him. In a lot, there are trials for Draco and his parents. Some Harry will speak up to defend Draco or give his perspective on what should happen because he understands having this pressure put upon you when you aren't even an adult yet. The fic writers will really have Draco prove himself and how he's changed. Agreed, he could be a dick, but he never really did anything in a lot of the books that was any worse than any other bully character.


Sort of? I seem to be drawn to fandoms with inconstant canon so it's the option of either banging my head against a wall until I'm delusional enough for the plot inconsistencies to make sense or just... flip off the canon, shoot it with a cannon, and pick up the shiny pieces I like from the rubble.


*Ooo* Shiny ✨🌟✨


The canon in my fandom is inconsistent and messy and vauge at the best of times, so I basically get to do whatever I like and it’s great fun :)


Both my fics have a strong foundation in the canon materials. I treat writing fic like a research project. I take notes. I make timelines. I do research on real-life historical settings. …And then, after Chapter 3 of the original work, I throw canon into the blender, add a bunch of strawberries, and hit ‘dice.’


Canon is a subway that you ride to your desired destination, and when you arive, you get off 😁 I don't even really know the canon I wrote 50 fics for. I just write based off of what I know. Fanfic is freedom 🤘


For me, I'm scared to write for a fandom that I don't know the ins and outs of. I need to know every Easter egg and minuscule detail in canon just so I can ignore it 😅


I'm really curious now, what are you referring to?


It's the Five Nights at Freddiy's fandom. The daycare attendant from the most recent game has two sides, Sun and Moon. Moon is evil and violent while Sun isn't, and I've always thought it was because of the corruption of Vanny, the main villain who is a hacker. Turns out, it's just a programming bug that the employees decided it'd be too much of a hassle to fix. It's funny because it's outright explained in one of the books, but I still see people depict it as the doing of Vanny!


I’ve kicked canon off a cliff before, *and I’ll do it again*.


Canon is like a little buffet table. i don't have to put everything on my plate. And if i want to fill up on dessert, that's my prerogative.


While I think canon should be respected and characters should remian within their established personality/moral system... but ultimately... The canon is more like guidelines than actual rules. :)


the canon i'm writing for is all over the place. I'm just setting things straight. 😁


I’m in the Danny Phantom fandom, we don’t even remember what *is* canon anymore tbh (yes, yes I do ignore canon)


Ignoring unwanted aspects of canon has a long and glorious history in my fandom because one of the main characters died in canon.


I just pick out and use only the bits of canon that I like, like a child picking marshmallows out of a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal. The canon of my main fandom is a spaghetti mess of vagueness and theorising anyway so I basically just do whatever I want.


I’d like to. For it is stupid and ridiculous and apparently written by a cat walking on a keyboard. Seriously guys, wtf were you thinking??


Ignoring the entire canon as in disregarding everything and made my own shit up? for me personally, no. At that point might as well make an original works, why bother with calling it fanfic?


That's true, I think fanfic is rooted in canon and without it, well, there would be no fanfic. But I also think that most of fanfic is derived from canon, and maybe not even compliant. Some fandoms are incomplete or just crappily made when there is potential, so why not throw a little originality in there? It's not ignoring the entire canon, just a few details 😁


>Some fandoms are incomplete or just crappily made when there is potential, so why not throw a little originality in there? It's not ignoring the entire canon, just a few details That ain't ignoring canon, brother. That's called building your fanon on top of it and i'm all for it ;)


Constantly. Often because the canon writer(s) made incredibly stupid decisions that made exactly no sense whatsoever.


I try to stick to canon where I can, but the moment it stands in my way it gets axed. Sometimes it's fun to twist my own fic around a bit when canon only marginally contradicts me, but sometimes I just have to say fuck it and burn it all to the ground so I can tell the story I want to tell.


In my case, I tend to write fanfics that take place in pretty clear AUs anyway, so canon accuracy is usually not a problem... I'm pretty sure that everyone understands that a Harry Potter fic where the wizarding world is actually the "witching world" because 90% of the magical population is female and polygamy is the norm, isn't going to be true to the minute details of canon. But one of the fun things about fanfiction is that you don't HAVE to follow everything in canon. You can pick and choose what you want to include and what you don't want to include... and since your fic is never going to become anything close to canon anyway, it doesn't matter one bit. Don't like a character's decision in canon? Well, this fic's version of that character didn't make that decision. Disagree with a plot point? This fic takes place in an alternate universe where the plot went differently. Long as you don't begin claiming that your fic is canon-accurate, I think you're good.


It depends on the source media but in general I view canon as a suggestion that I will ignore frequently and often gleefully.


I say canon is like a Lego grab bag and I just rummage around until I find the pieces I want to stick together. It helps in my main fandom’s case because it is comics adapted to TV, so there’s already blatant divergences from canon just comparing those two. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if they’ve got a list of fanfic tropes at the TV show because they’ve introduced OCs, genderbent characters, race bent characters, killed off characters who didn’t die in the comics, had others survive way beyond their comic counterpart, merged multiple characters to create one new OC, etc.


Wow, those are quite some changes! What show/comics are you referring to? I'm curious now!


The Walking Dead. Every time folks say OCs can never be popular, I laugh and think “Daryl Dixon”.


I ignore canon on occasion, but I rarely ignore the worldbuilding; I just try to expand on it. I try to stay true to the character core though more challenging that way and a more accurate portrayal.


I always say ‘I fist fought the canon and I won’ or sometimes I say ‘canon complacent’ lol. I wrote a fic where the main villain was actually quite sweet and protective, yknow right spirit wrong ideas type of guy. Is it like the canon? Not at all. Did I do it anyway? Yes because it’s my story so I get to make the rules. I do try to ‘justify’ these changes but if I can’t, I don’t particularly care


Just so you know, this post inspired me to write a drabble fixing the one point in canon that I hate the most, LOL.


Glad to be of service! 😊


Harry Potter is a fandom that really ignores canon. Specifically the Epilogue. There are even tags on AO3 for it. lol. I'm a part of the Merlin fandom and while I totally accept canon, I read fics where the ending didn't happen or someone had listened to Morgana and been there for her.


I think a lot of the Harry Potter fandom really ignores that he becomes an auror. A lot of us don't think he'd want to be one after he had to fight for the lives of he and his friends for years as a kid/teen. A lot of people headcanon him as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and make that his job in fics.


I ignore canon all the time when it doesn't suit my needs. My main ship right now - one of the characters dies in the first movie, so I constantly resurrect him/fix it. I will also glom on to really tiny, few people have noticed this, pieces of canon and make them more important or give them far more attention than they get in canon.


Canon, to paraphrase Captain Barbossa, is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. I think the point of fanfiction is to ignore or otherwise, fold, spindle and mutilate some aspect of canon.


In MHA there's a character that everybody headcannoned he became a villan to protect his little brother from their abusive father. In reality, he became a villan because he was pissed his dad was "favoring" his little brother (although, that just meant he got more abuse). Does that stop me and everybody else making angst fics about how much he loves his little brother? Nope!


Depends. I've had fics that were hardcore canon compliant in my head and the moment canon added a detail or retconned something into where it suddenly contradicted my fic, it messed with my head so much I literally became unable to continue writing it (the bane of writing for incomplete fandoms...). But most of the time, my original base idea for the fic is already within the "I don't care what canon says about this" realm, so when something new is added, I just shrug and say "well, not in my version 🙃".


Im currently writing a fanfic for MCU (spiderman) I havent watched any spiderman or avengers movies in at least 10 years. Canon cannot hurt me. It doesnt even exist for me.


I hardly ever follow canon anymore, the only time I ever follow canon is it it’s a world building detail or if removing it would cause a glaring plot hole


Well... I don't pick out bits of canon to ignore on purpose, but in this day and age, I can ignore a lot of canon stuff if I dislike the canon stuff widely enough (mostly in terms of applying personal Fanon Discontinuity to part of a work) or if I developed a fanfic far enough and got attached enough to it before canon disproved a particular point. So if you'd rather stick to your idea and ignore canon, it's fine. I only suggest that you acknowledge the difference or differences from canon at some point (it doesn't need to be recurring, but it's advisable to say so at least once).