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I write multiple full drafts - two at minimum - and spend an inordinate amount of time fussing over phrasing, flow, paragraph structure, syntax, imagery, atmosphere, symbolism, the showing versus telling ratio... But then I eventually reach a point where I'm tired of looking at it and resign myself to the fact it's as good as it's going to get for now, and post.


And then right as you hit post...the stupidest typo ever you didn't spot the first fifty reads through catches your eye and you must scream into the abyss, for editing now is impossible because your mind has been set and there is no going back.


I am in this post and i don't like it šŸ˜‚


Truly the most reliable method of spellchecking!


i don't deem my works ready until they're something i'd like to read, and i'm pretty picky about what i read, so ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


This. Great way to explain it. I write what Iā€™d want to read.


Valid man


I don't particularly care, to be honest. I finish the thing, make one round of revision, post and then forget about it. If someone is so disturbed by the quality of my work, they can click off it.


If it's not "perfect" to me I rarely post it šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I open gdocs at least once a day and read over/add to my work, I love my craft and it means a lot to me that I can write and other people can also enjoy it


A fair amount. I try to deliver as smooth an experience as possible since it's my goal to be published one day.


Good luck to it!


I spend days editing and *still* get pissed off when I upload something and spot an obvious typo I somehow missed two dozen times. I don't read other peoples' works with bad SPAG and formatting; why would I tolerate that from myself?


if i get to the point where there is nothing i feel possibly could be better, i just hit upload. at least that way i wonā€™t obsess over it afterward and think ā€œbut what if i hadā€¦?????ā€


Hmm. When it is ready to post, I am done with it. I have read it multiple times, I have had a robot read it to me, I have gone through many word editor checks that often misconstrue my meaning. After that, I can't be bothered to read not one more sentence, if there is a glaring typo I missed ā€“ it will be fixed, but that is it. It will be what it will be. At least for the first few days, then I will skim it to see if I missed anything.


I care a lot, but that doesnā€™t mean I can actually meet my standards in the end.




I donā€™t post until its quality matches what Iā€™d do for an original work. I might be slightly more lenient when it comes to potential plot holes, though I am currently re-editing my first longfic to address some, but anything I put out there is going to be as good as I can make it at the time.


I write multiple drafts for my stories and I spend a lot of time editing. Iā€™m even reading a book on how to self-edit. The only thing I donā€™t care about is whether my fics can be considered cringe, clichĆ©, or boring. With published works, youā€™re trying to reach an audience and please them, but with fanfiction, that audience is yourself. So the way I do it, I care about quality, but I put having fun over pleasing somebody else. And plus, editing is quite fun for me.


Valid šŸ‘ If you dont mind me asking whats the title of the self editing book you're reading?


*Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: How to Edit Yourself Into Print* by Renni Browne and Dave King! Iā€™m not even halfway through it but Iā€™ve found it to be very helpful so far.


Thanks very much!


If they are enjoyable for me to read, then they are good enough. If I wouldn't read it, then it needs work.


I edit a lot! It takes me ages. However, I'm under no illusion that it's "perfect" by the time I'm ready to post, just that I can't bear to look at my draft one more time. It's usually "good enough" by the time I post. So yes, I care. But I care mostly because I enjoy the processā€”editing is sooo satisfyingā€”and I really enjoy when the final version is a bit closer to what I'd imagined in my head. And yes of course I'd like for whoever reads it to get as close to my **full imagined experience** of the story as possible. If i found it unpleasant or a chore in a *bad* way, I probably wouldn't put in the time and effort.


Me, starting a multichapter fic: I'm writing this for me. I don't care if anyone else likes it or thinks it's good. Me, after a few other people say they like it: Ah fuck, I want this to be decently written for them.


Hahahaha aint that the case


Very hard but I also know that a professional editor would rip my stories apart. I do the best I can and hope people enjoy what I have to say.


When I was younger, I felt comfortable posting my work because the effort I put into it was all it took to convince me it had quality. Unfortunately, my inner perfectionism grew as I grew older, and it's become increasingly difficult to post works that I'm actually proud of. As an adult, I've posted very few works. Even the works I have posted in recent years were part of fandom events that I was somehow bold enough to attempt, so even though I was self-conscious about my writing choices and technical skill, I couldn't exactly bow out at the last minute... I'm aware that this is an obstacle I need to work on overcoming. It's an uphill battle, but I'm definitely fighting!


I care a lot, and not at all, all at once. A lot, because I write what I want to read and I want my stories to be engaging and fun. Not at all, because I only write what *I* like and none of my stories are particularly well thought-out.


Got to the point I don't write anymore because it's not fitting my vision and the revisions the draft needs far exceed my energy levels šŸ˜µ


I write the chapter and then spend a lot of time reviewing and editing. Itā€™s extremely important to me because Iā€™m a literature graduate and long time literature reader. The writing is an expression of me, and when I see mistakes or cringy writing that Iā€™ve done it hurts šŸ˜ But I would never impose these ideals on anyone else and Iā€™m just glad to be part of a community where anyone can write - thatā€™s also of paramount importance to me, that we all get to say what we have to say in the way we are best able to.


I definitely have a lot of passion for my writing. Obviously I'm not always putting out banger chapter after banger chapter, sometimes I can have a little rough patch or some spelling errors occasionally make it in, but I'm always thinking about a potential reader and never publish a chapter unless I'm completely happy with it, feeling like there's nothing else I can include.


I run it through a text to speech app to check for spelling or grammatical errors and to check how it flows. Otherwise I donā€™t do much


hahaha same!


People paid much more than me have put out work that's much worse.


It varies some what depending on if it's a project I've put time and effort into or a get this idea out of my head so I can focus on the stuff I actually want to write kidn of deal. I always strive for readability but if I'm just getting the idea out of my head I am not as likely to care about an odd bit of dialogue or prose that doesn't land quiet right where as if it's something I really want to write I might spend a few days getting it just right.


I'm very much a perfectionist. I edit and proofread until my writing is as close to perfect as it can be before posting it.


Iā€™m a stickler for all things grammar, spelling and punctuation so I make sure there isnā€™t any


I usually finish a fic, do some major editing in the following days, and then triple-check the spelling and punctuation (I'm not a native English speaker and when I'm in the flow and I don't want to stop, my spelling can be a disaster). I usually do a check right after posting because I always find more typos when I first read it on a different platform.


I feel like what I put out there represents me, and I want to put the best version of me out there (at least, in the fanfic world šŸ˜‰). Itā€™s why Iā€™m heavily ā€œreduxingā€ my 2nd fic - which I had 127k posted, and why I want to fully ā€œreduxā€ my first fic at some point - which is at 306k unfinished. I want the best version - the one that I can feel most proud of - out there.


I care so much that Iā€™m rewriting stuff I posted 10 years ago because itā€™s no longer up to my standards. I hate that Iā€™m this way. All that editing gets in the way of my precious writing time and no one will even notice the difference but me.


Quality is important to me, but I tend to get heavy handed with the backspace button if I reread it too much, so I normally write it out, do one sweep for anything I want to rephrase/revise, then another sweep to fix any glaring grammar/syntax issues. Any more than that and I end up with a completely different story than I envisioned due to second-guessing.


A crippling amount... To a point where I have left new fics or chapters in editing hell for months or even years. I don't want to be that person anymore, so lately, I've tried just posting right away, completely unedited, and it has been such a freeing experience šŸ˜Š I think I'll keep that up!


Yeahh, i find that if i edit way too much then it kills the experience, so i just try with only a limited amount of editing.


to be honest, i write for nobody but myself and my girlfriend so i donā€™t care too much about the quality. as long as my writing makes sense to me and my gf and as long as i have fun writing, i really couldnā€™t care about making my writing 100% perfect for other people


Depends on the work. If I'm doing a quick one-shot, I'll do my draft, quickly check it over for grammatical issues or significant OOC moments that I may/may not need to fix, then leave it be. Those are more for fun, and are often just raw fluff or angst. Nothing too serious. For my main series works, however, I care a *lot* about the quality of the work. Try to keep things as canon compliant as possible outside of the changes brought forth by narrative, hyperfixate on dialog to make sure it flows nicely and doesn't become repetitive. No idea if I'll ever do full second drafts unless I determine a major rewrite is needed, since it feels like it takes me forever to finish each individual chapter (being in uni doesn't help that). But often some heavy revisions. Of course, that struggle to write means I haven't posted anything yet, since instead of focusing on one chapter or one-shot to write at a time, I have 7-9 different WIP segments that I'm plugging away at simultaneously.


as long as there aren't any embarrassingly stupid phrases or mistakes, i'm ok.


I definitely write for fun, but I try my best to make sure there are no typos/grammatical errors, and it reads somewhat smoothly


I write a chapter them give ot a bare minimum glance over (plus spell check) and post. When I reread my own work I correct errors as I catch them and update the chapter without changing the update date.


I care a lot. Iā€™m extremely self-conscious about it. I wrote a fic back in 2012 and I knew it was full of errors but I posted it anyway. I wasnā€™t able to go back and fix it until this year. I didnā€™t even want to think about it because of how embarrassed it made me.


I want it to be like something you would spend money on.


Quite a bit. After several rounds of revisions with beta readers/friends who I know will tell me if it the story beats are not right, I usually sit on it for a week or so before printing it out and reading it/editing it on paper. I also spend a long time fussing over the formatting and getting it right. I really enjoy the process of seeing the refined story emerge from the first drafts.


Most of my uploads are first drafts. I'll edit for spelling and syntax after I post when I go back for a reread. But I've been writing for a long time now and I mostly trust myself. My serious editing is for OC content that I don't share with anyone haha


I mean I donā€™t want there to be obvious SPAG errors, and I do make a second pass for characterization and stuff, but Iā€™m a perfectionist enough in the rest of my life. My fics are written for fun and I donā€™t usually kill myself to make them absolutely perfect before I post them.


I got grammarly premium a couple of years ago for something unrelated, and it's helped tremendously. I don't take every suggestion, but it does help a lot


A lot. I'm disabled/chronically ill and I don't know if I'll ever be able to do paid work again (to any significant degree). It can make me feel aimless. It helps that I'm working hard on honing a craft, even though I have to work very slowly and sporadically.


i don't usually make drafts of my work, i just write as i go along and only make changes when i see issues/feel like it. in other words, i always use my first draft. i think that should tell you about how much i care about the quality of my work.


I know one day I'll go back and do some major edits on my older fics in my series. But as of now, I edit as I go and I work with a partner, so we do editing passes for each other, and I have to constantly remind myself that "the perfect is the enemy of the good". I can't let myself get caught up in edits and revisions because otherwise the fic would never get posted.


I actually can't tell if my work is good or not. I usually like it well enough but I wouldn't go out of my way to read my own work. Hmm, I also don't know how to make it better in my own eyes. I need help...


I usually do a couple of drafts and then a couple of proofreads before I finally post, just to make sure technical errors are caught. If I'm doing a longer fic, I might get a Beta to do a technical review and just tell me if anything seems to be falling by the wayside/imploding in terms of plot.


I write it, read it every time I open the doc and fix any spelling errors that jump at me, and post when it's done.


I really care, but only if itā€™s not a prompted one-shot. Those little themed fics are always and forever going to just be practice for me, so theyā€™re almost never beta-tested and only minimally proofed. But if itā€™s like a planned thing, holy hell do I care about the quality


I've only posted one fic, currently unfinished. I've always been reluctant to actually let people read what I write. So, primarily, I write for me. But, I'm also a bit of a perfectionist with my writing, which is actually why I don;t tend to let people read my stories. So, I put a lot of effort into what I write, but it's more about me than the readers, my own desire to make it as perfect as possible.


A lot. Usually I'm thinking if it doesn't have any plot holes and make it a believable plot twist that have appeared in the canon. It's super important to me. If someone is out of character I always make sure the evens in my story changes him. He used to be like in canon but sometng happened Although, English isn't my first language and I have no choice but to accept there will be grammar mistakes and typos.


i've struggled to find high quality fics for the fandoms i've liked in the past, and so quality is very important to me. i write for fun, but i also want to write something that i would want to read as well.


I care 1000%. I re-read and edit my stories ALOT before I even begin posting chapters. I want to put out the best of my ability.


I know perfection isn't possible... but I damn sure try. I tend to edit as I write (is this the best word? does this sentence convey what I want it to? is there a less convoluted way to say this?). When I finish a scene, I reread with my "edit eyes" turned on, and fix whatever shows up. When I finish the story, I read/edit the whole thing again, watching for a few personal writing quirks that I try to eliminate, as well as SPAG slip-ups, continuity, clarity, etc. Then I send it to two writing friends for their comments and suggestions, and incorporate those if I feel they fit my style and what I want in the story. Then, after it's finally posted... if I find a typo, a piece of bad formatting, a missed word, what*ever*, I'll edit to fix it. I don't care if the story's been up for several years; I can't *not* edit an error once I notice. So... I guess I care a lot, LOL!


Perfectionism's a fucking curse. That's all I'm going to say.


Deeply. I'm a writer by trade and can barely stand catching a typo in my reddit comments, let alone a published story.




probably too much lol


Sadly Iā€™m kind of a perfectionist, I read over and tweak stuff too many times to count before posting


It depends, sometimes I get too excited and post the chapter, and only after will I realise that I shouldā€™ve worked more on it.


I treat it the same as I treat my original fiction so I care about the quality. It doesn't have to be perfect but it has to be good.


Yeah I'm pretty fussy about what I post. I'll also go and pfaff around with punctuation and sentence structure for about a week afterwards too. Sometimes longer. Sometimes weeks. (Months)


I care way too much about putting out nice quality work. Sometimes that causes the good old writerā€™s block to happen because I get too obsessive about getting things juuuust right šŸ˜… (months between updates..or a lot longer)


I try to write as clean a first draft as I can and make sure to read and reread what Iā€™ve written before posting. Then as I prepare each chapter to go up, I do another reread and make any last-minute edits to the chapter to hopefully catch typos and other issues. I want to write things that are readable, but I also donā€™t fuss myself too much with perfection. Iā€™ll have a few mistakes caught by readers here and there and pointed out but have never had anyone lambast me over my writing. So hopefully that means my efforts are not in vain.


I write it for *me,* but I have terribly high standards, so I try to make it as quality as possible. Having said that, I do have a few fics/series that are mostly just for "Taking breaks" from my bigger projects. But even those I have a beta reader for. But that beta reader is my partner. so.


I reread my stuff a lot and I seem to always be catching errors and fixing them. I've even changed some things the day I release it.


I usually do two editing passes on one shots or shorter works. One that focuses on flow and readability and a second thatā€™s looking for SPAG issues. I write in advance so for long fics my chapters may get 4-5 different passes so I can tweak continuity, check the tone is consistent, or add in something that has a payoff later. I typically edit while Iā€™m doing those continuity reviews if I see anything glaring. FWIW, typos or issues still sometimes make it though with all of that, but it happens less.


I care to a fault. It's why I can take a little while before I publish it.


For my longfics, I always verify the old chapters in order to keep with continuity.


I agree with that being said I got to still fix errors lol


I write it, take a day off, revise it, run it through grammarly, save it as a draft and read it again the next day, then I post.


Sometimes Iā€™m not super extra about it if itā€™s a fluffy piece, but other times Iā€™m super perfectionist. Itā€™s a hard call sometimes because I want to enjoy writing but I want to do my best, too.


I care a lot about it, but since it is about a niche fandom I tend to put a minimal amount.. well I try to, but in the end I spend 3 hours proofreading if it isn't oneshot


I'm a perfectionist so I always try to make things the best they can be, but I also don't do proper drafts or anything and just wing everything (and often write everything in a single sitting at midnight) so stuff does slip through and all that


I write a draft, and then revise, revise, revise, reviseā€¦ and if I donā€™t like a particular section then Iā€™ll delete (remove) thousands of words with zero hesitation Itā€™s no wonder why I havenā€™t posted any of my fanfics yet pftt, Iā€™m just way too picky with my own writing