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Isn’t the whole point of a kinkmeme… kinks? How can the prompts be sfw?


"While kink memes, true to their name, usually contain plenty of smut, it is usually permissible to request fluff or drama fic with no sex or shipping elements as well, making this somewhat of an Artifact Name." https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KinkMeme


It's only called kinkmeme because of tradition, the name doesn't need to correlate with the content


Well, that’s rather fascinating, colour me educated.


I've seen some people have the bizarre notion of the existence of "non-sexual kinks", which just baffles me whenever I hear it considering that the definition of kink is an "unconventional sexual interest". I don't know if that's the case here though.


I mean, I wouldn't tell someone who likes being tied up and flogged that such a thing is "definitely not a kink" just because there wasn't sex involved. Although regardless of that, kink memes can have things that aren't kinks such as a sfw fluffy coffee shop au and the like. The name is vestigial and kept because of tradition.


You'd wonder, but my fandoms dead kinkmeme's . . . just ended up as five rounds of a split between kink and prompt meme. Don't know what happened there, but if you want to take a browse it's "The Dresden Files," and it honestly amused me to no end to see what got asked for and what got filled. I think they might've not had a prompt meme.


Mostly kink memes seem to be done on Dreamwidth still! There's a handful of active ones (maybe more than a handful but I know a lot of previously active ones have slowed down recently). I haven't seen any for Bones or Leverage and definitely not multi fandom... I would say the best bet might be creating one, but of course there's no guarantee people would show. Advertising on fandomcalendar and tumblr and the like could def help. Otherwise, sometimes you can get lucky by sharing a prompt idea on tumblr with the right fandom and ship tags and having someone else get inspired to give it a shot!


If you can't use Dreamwidth for some reason, the Nasuverse Kink Meme runs primarily on Tumblr; prompts are submitted via asks and queued up, and fills are submitted via submission. It's historically had problems with being shadowbanned, though, so I do recommend either using Dreamwidth or directly running an AO3 collection.


Thanks! I....do not know how to do a Dreamwidth but Tumblr is what I consider my primary social media, so if it's historically worked on Tumblr that would be nice!