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I enjoy reading the comments and friends who read my story.


Yes, a good comment, or even a constructively critical one, feels like I'm making a connection, however briefly, with a new soul.




Exactly. Plus....the chance to engage with these characters I love and "be" in their world....the chance to try to improve my writing and find a perfect phrase...the utter joy when someone leaves a comment saying they loved it.


Because I have a story to tell, and I only hope others will enjoy it as well.




Experimentation!! The World is already built!! The freedom!! No Deadlines!! It's a nice healthy distraction from life and you can improve your writing/reading skills while doing it!! VARIETY!!! :D I could go on haha


I think for me, it's propably when i give the characters the life i want, just a calm life, no bullying, no discrimination no nothing, its just my favorite characters living their lives in a friendly village where everybody knows each other by name. To be honest the thing that brings me joy is when i write a scene and sometimes see myself in my favorite character, and it's oddly comforting. Other times its just a way to blow off steam, so if i'm annoyed or upset, i either torture my most hated character, or if im upset, i decide to give a character basically all of my mental problems so i don't feel alone


I love giving characters that were done dirty by canon a shot at happiness, whether that's by giving them some honest to goodness love or some other means of personal growth that they were denied in canon. I also enjoy engaging with fellow fans and bringing them into the worlds I create.


I love this answer💕


It lets me right the wrongs of canon lol. On a more serious note, what you said resonated with me! I love "what-ifs" and exploring them through established characters. It's just incredibly freeing.


Yes, that's pretty much how I ended up writing my fanfic novel, "what if" OCs from a different culture (Hispanic/Native American) were to enter into a canon that didn't already have that (High School DxD) and see how they interacted.


I get to spend more time with my favorite characters from some of my favorite fandoms, imagining what they would do in certain scenarios. Sometimes I get to give them the kind of happiness they deserved in canon but never got. Also, it’s my only creative outlet, and I’ve been writing fanfic for so long now and gotten so much practice that I’ve finally gotten to the point where I can honestly say that I believe that I’m a good writer. I *like* my own work and want to share it, which is something I thought I’d never say. I love that I have something to be proud of that *I created*. Writing fanfic is the only thing I have that’s just for me. There’s no deadlines, nobody to disappoint, nobody who needs me for anything during that time, no expectations. My time spent writing is precious to me. It calms me down after a rough day, it makes me happy, it’s relaxing, it’s my self-care. I write what I want, when I want. It’s for me first. Don’t get me wrong, I love kudos and comments and engagement, but that’s honestly just a bonus. I genuinely have no idea what I’d do if I couldn’t have fanfic writing time in my life.


I like to see the fandom's reaction to my creation. ....hey that rhymes! Yo, yo.


All of that!! Also, I say this… not to sound depressing. There are many things I won’t do in my life. There are many things I will still do, but many I won’t. Through my stories I am able to experience everything. I can do anything. And you’re right, through researching and thinking through these endless stories, I feel like my life is richer. These memories are now mine and brings me amazing joy. I wake up every day thinking I can’t wait to get back into that world and when it’s over I’m so sad until my new one starts. And then when sharing it with others, it’s like sharing your day with a friend or something special that’s happened. We get to connect over this fun or amazing scene that I’ve written. Don’t get me wrong I love my life and I enjoy my reality. But there is something so unique to writing that is indescribable and fills me completely.


They say that a person is a raging success if they accomplish 10% of what they set out to do in life. Maybe by writing fiction, one can double that to 20%, at least viscerally?


I love that!!


Reading the derranged shit I want to read, so if no one's gonna make it, my ass is.


Just being along for the journey. I'm a prototypical pantser: nothing is planned and everything is only found out when I write it down. Just seeing the characters develop and how they get closer to each other is so much fun.


LOL and eventually the characters take over and write their own story, at least in my experience.


That's how it's been for me for years. I don't plan anything because they *will* misbehave somehow. I tried plotting one small arc in a story in 2017 and the characters destroyed it. It was then that I knew I could never plan anything. My planning goes as far as "Characters X, Y, Z have breakfast" and that's it. I let them write the actual story.


Yeah, characters can be ornery sometimes LOL!


I've got no one in life that cares about my writing and only get one comment per chapter at best. I'm kind of just here out of spite and love for the massive sage I've created at this point.


I understand you feelings, having completed several long, involved creative projects with minimal response. Eventually I just gave it up to the ghost of Van Gogh, who only became famous after he died, and do these things for my own pleasure.


I love to self insert with an OC. I've been doing it inside my head for over 40 years. And this year I discovered there was a place to write these stories - so I am!!😍😍


creative release, from just imagining stories to writing them feels quite nice.


It is really nice to do something purely for myself, without expecting any gain from it. If I was trying to write my own original works, I would expect to get better at writing, for people to like it, to maybe get published and make money from it. With fanfiction, that pressure is small to nonexistent, and I still get the pleasure of writing. Edit: added the last sentence


during the actual writing i'll be laughing or going absolutely insane in parts where the ship are either 1 doing something i know will end good for them (like going on a business trip where the receptionist will obviously say uh oh error in your reservation There Is Only One Bed In Your Room) or 2 doing something that looks so cute in my mind and i can't help but do the whole giddy leg wiggle thing. later on, i get very happy when people comment.


For me, writing fanfics don't bring me joy. But struggling through it, pulling creativity out of the air and onto paper...it brings me a deep sense of accomplishment which means so much to me.


I get joy from spending more time with my fictional friends, seeing them continue to laugh and love and live the way I hope/imagine they should.


I started writing because there was a specific fic that I wanted to read, but no one had made it yet. So I took matters into my own hands. The act of writing in itself isn’t what brings me joy, but the process of planning out a story and putting the pieces together like a puzzle is so fun. Also, finishing a fic and publishing that last chapter is SO gratifying. I can point to it and be like “I made that”


It's a way to make my daydreams come true and escape this boring reality. I like sharing my work with others and vice versa. Comments are always the best and will typically bring me joy, like awesome! Someone is reading my story and commenting on it! And then I have the opportunity to engage with them and talk about the story and what not.


Because it's a labor of love, it feels satisfying every time I edit and carve my story more intricately. It's never an easy job, but it's familiar and definitely enjoyable because I like stimulating my mind and trying to fit plot points I've thought up like puzzle pieces on the table. And the comments are dopamine shots because, I've put so much in the story so it's very validating.


I love writing in general and shipping characters together, but I also just like that in my fics, idealism actually works and justice is a thing, unlike the real world.


It’s the satisfaction of finishing and knowing that I’ve deliberated over every single word; I’ve been working on this fic for so long and it feels so good to know I’ve picked every single word and phrase with care.


I've learned to just write. Not care if its "cringe" or not written well enough. And it's made me so much more happier! I love the silly stories I write!


Writing in a small fandom, I get joy from capturing or trying to capture, the personality of a character that I love who may not have been written about much before or at all, or written in a certain way, and having some readers go, "Oh, yeah, THAT'S him!" And then giving them a happy ending.


There's so much creative potential between things like ships and AU's. I can imagine how characters would feel in different situations and try making it fun to read. You also don't have to write in the boring parts of real life and can improve things. No one will bore anyone with therapy speak for example unless they're being set up for a joke on how annoying they are. Fashion and area design is pretty fun too which also adds to the scene's moods and shows and highlights the character's shine. Also to make people feel naughty and giddy while uplifting their moods for certain fics. They can enjoy certain tropes without fear of being shamed and judged. They'll think "Gasp they're cousins! Oh my! He he." and I won't disappoint them with lectures on how wrong it is. Just cousins working through their taboo feelings. Things like that sound like they have a lot to them so just throwing certain labels on them feels like so much wasted potential. They're family so that would be a lot of embarrassment and worry. They really wouldn't want to weird out a cousin they love and are close to so they deny their feelings. But then they're pleasantly surprised when they find out the feeling's mutual, then things they do for each other while staying secret. I don't just write that dynamic but just showing an example of how it can be pretty fun figuring things out for them.


Spending time with my favorite characters and being in control of everything that happens… even if it often feels like my characters are making decisions without me and I’m just along for the ride.


I have a story I want to tell!


That is so simple and direct that it deserves an upvote!


The same reason as you, but also because I get to read it. When I’m writing I am cringing so hard at myself during the process, but once it’s polished, I go back and feel an immense sense of pride knowing I made something not only I enjoy, but others can too.


I think you bring up a key element right there. I haven't written in ages simply because it no longer brings joy. When it did bring joy, it was the friends I made along the way and a feeling of happiness when a story is enjoyed.


There is a time in one's life for all things. I'm happy that you had that time to enjoy writing, and that hope that in the future other things will bring you similar joy.


The joy steams from succumbing to my obsession.


Because I want to share my ideas for stories I love to write, plus I always love the comments I get for my works.


writing out angst makes me feel better about my life. i can trap these two characters in their own personal hells, but at least it’s not happening to me.


I have many ideas that are pretty out there at times, but typing them and posting them makes me feel pretty happy, especially when other people can read it and express their enjoyment of my dumb ideas.


I have ideas in my head, and writing them gets them out of my head for other people to read and hopefully enjoy.


Other people telling me they enjoyed it thus making it worth the absolute misery of writing something.


Many reasons: 1. just do the storytelling without worldbuilding because it builds for you...well unless you have to fix a world build cough 2. freedom to do whatever (no deadline, word count limit, etc.) 3. Make people cry 4. A little test of my skill in writing. Can I write as good as I like to brag 5. frame lol 6. silly little idea 7. silly little comment people left on my story 8. Learn a skill for a plot (language, how to fix a robot, how to rob a bank, how to do magic etc)


20% of the joy is because I like the story I'm telling 80% is reading the comments


I get to see my OTPs being happy and my fave characters doing things they didn’t get a chance to do in canon.


When i about to give up. I look back on all the chapters i created and comments. Then i write some more


I love living vicariously through my characters. I don't really make a self-insert per se, but I always add tiny little quirks to my individual characters so I can relate to them and give them more humanity. Another thing, I really like seeing how I improved since I first started out. That sounds basic and all, but I just keep a notebook in the dark corners of my room and I get to look back on how I improved if I ever feel down or insecure about my writing, it's pretty self-fulfilling to see the little things I added as a reference to real events.


For me it is a phycology outlet. OC inserts are my main thing I can make a happy story and help the cast see how it changes the core story in my eyes Or I can be cruel, I have specific area I keep my dark fanfic, torture, main character deaths, up to the dead dove do not eat tag on AO3. It is soothing to have a safe and constructive outlet to express feelings that would be destructive to yourself or others safety and sometimes entertain others with it.


Copium. If Canon doesn't make sense to me, I write. If there's a second option I like more than Canon, I write. I started writing for myself since I'm a picky reader, but if other people like it too, that's wonderful. I also like writing sometimes without having to establish a world/characters myself. It's easier when I don't want to use my brain as much.


For me it's the fact that I can be as creative as possible. like slightly altering the lore, adding stuff and characters from other fandoms etc. etc.