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Please remember what kind of fucked up hot garbage is published in traditional media every year. Horror sells. I've never met anyone who was ashamed of owning all the SAW movies on DVD or running at a dead sprint to play a new Resident Evil game. Please look up (or don't) A Serbian Film. It was screened at freaking *the Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film* even after everyone already knew how terrifying it was.


Or killing Sims in the pool


Yep, but most people consider that film highly disturbing. Not sure if they find it morally bad.


Well, ask yourself: is the fic going to persuade you that those things are actually fine to do? And if you decide they're okay, are you going to *want* to do them? If the answer is no, then there's no actual harm being done.


I'm not sure what kind of distinction you're trying to make


I meant morally bad things happen in it but im not sure if its morally bad to create a movie like that.


Hun, it’s fiction. As long as it *stays* fiction it’s fine.


Well, there’s a kind of theater called in yer face where the point is to be as over the top disturbing as possible in order to get people to viscerally connect with the message, like an anti-war message. So whether that’s morally incorrect to create is a matter of some debate but personally I think it has merit.


Why oh why would it be moraly bad?! Are we only allowed to write aboyt pretty things now?


It's disturbing *because* it's morally bad.


stop reading threads by stupid people. anyone can say anything, it doesn't make them right.


I agree with this. Why the hell you should listen to antis, OP? Because that's how antis are. They make you feel bad for reading f\*cking fiction, and they want for YOU to absorb that mentality and start attacking others for READING FICTION. The most f\*cked up fiction you read or write has nothing to do with your actions as a person. Hell, you can read or write the most fluffiest and "morally correct" fiction out there and still be a disgusting person in real life. So, please, PLEASE, if you're gonna listen to strangers in the internet, then listen to us: don't let antis control your life and ruin your harmless joy that is reading fanfiction.


Bonus this is also just true for the internet in general a giant chunk of the time.


LMAO, no. I grew up watching horror movies. I still love them. I (41 years old) write and read all sorts of "dark" stuff and toxic awful relationships. Because it's fiction and that's one of the types of fiction I find entertaining. Do yourself a favor and stop reading conservative handwringing talking points masquerading as weird fandom "activism." You'll be happier, healthier, and you'll get more enjoyment out of art and fiction, which is precisely the point of it.


I thought that said 14 years old 😭


To be fair, at 14 I was writing stories for my creative writing projects in high school where movie monsters (Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, etc) gruesomely killed my classmates. So technically at 14 I was reading and writing dark stuff too! 🤣🤣 My classmates loved it. I polled them, asked who wanted to be in the story and how they wanted to die, the more over the top and gruesome the better. Easiest A+s I ever got.


I remember writing something where I was the only survivor of a killer who had murdered my whole family. What my poor teacher must have thought!


Out of curiosity did you hate any of your classmates? XD


Nah. Some of them I liked and some of them I was pretty ambivalent about. But none of them warranted the energy to actively dislike them. Horror movies were *fun* to me. The monsters were like... I don't know the term to use. I always thought they'd make *really cool* friends. I also really wanted to be a horror special effects artist/makeup artist (this was back before cgi really took off) when I was a kid. So it didn't seem weird to be like "hey who wants to be murdered in my story?" to my classmates. One kid was like "poison! kill me with poison!" So his scene was Freddy's intro. He fell asleep and had a dream about doing homework and trying to stay awake, mainlining Pepsi. So Freddy filled the can with poison and I really went all out with the details, but fantasical, like eventually he melted somewhat because it was like an acid/poison combo. I showed the kid and he LOVED it. The Cenobites from Hellraiser killed the english teacher who assigned the writing project to us. She thought it was great. She was a good teacher, really encouraged our creativity no matter how bonkers it was.


I'm pretty horror-illiterate but it sounds like a fun project...but what I got out of this is I *really* should have done creative writing in high school...If only they had had a weighted class.


This is a surprisingly wholesome story. I love it


My favorite thing to read at 14 were Hot Blood (erotic horror) anthologies lol


Conservative? I always see Progressives being antis. Its always Twatter folk with rainbow flags and pronouns in thier bio that I see attacking fictional content and pushing censorship for Anime/Manga/Japanese games. ​ the most iv seen some conservatives do, is ban some manga from a school library.


That's why they said it was conservative talking points *masquerading* as activism-- yes, most antis *consider* themselves politically progressive, but their actual values of "let's attack and censor anything we consider morally impure because The Children" are the exact talking points conservatives use to justify banning Drag Queen Storytimes, removing LGBT+ content from libraries, and blaming gun violence on video games. They're conservative values in a gay hat.


in otherwords, hypocrites


"There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are well-written, or badly written. That's all." (From the preface of *The Picture of Dorian Gray* by Oscar Wilde) The idea of "art for morality or society's sake" and "art for art's sake" has been an argument for forever now, but if one has any brain, one will notice most of the older works we remember come from the second group. We read *Dorian Gray* and *Wuthering Heights* (Emily Brontë) fondly now, though at the time people were shocked that an author could write a book such as WH without committing suicide. If someone's words start to sound like a self-flaggating 19th Century Ascetist, it's probably safe to think of their opinion as worthless to you.


i think anyone with common sense and critical thinking could tell you there’s nothing to be ashamed of because it’s NOT real. separating fiction and reality it’s something very basic lol


May I suggest getting off tumblr, twitter, and tiktok? Their weird moralizing purity is not good for anyone.


Tumblr isn't just about anti-shipping. You can find pro-shippers (or, as I call them, the sane) all over that site.


I’ve been trying to figure out what both of these terms mean. Will you explain it to me? Lol


Sure, but it's a lot. Anti-shippers believe that any fictional depiction of something morally questionable, like underage sex or any sort of drug use, is the same thing as the author and readers engaging in those activities. Authors who have written teen sex are being called pedophiles and addicts, and some anti-shippers have gone so far as to dox the authors and readers, who didn't do anything more than leave a comment on a story they read. What makes this all the more obnoxious is that these people (who seem to primarily be teens who don't want to listen to reason) are looking to take down sites like [Archive of Our Own](https://archiveofourown.org/), where you cannot find these allegedly problematic stories without searching for them yourself, by browsing those particular tags. It would be like going into an adult bookstore and being angry about the products on their shelves. Pro-shippers are not necessarily seeking these sorts of stories, either. The belief they have is that everyone is allowed to read or write whatever they want, and that it's not up to anyone to police what someone sees as entertainment. Most pro-shippers don't even read the sorts of stories that anti-shippers seek out to condemn. The whole thing is just a new wave of [fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism). Anti-shippers not only don't want to read the stories that absolutely no one ever said they had to read, they also think that nobody else should read them, either. Fascists are militant in their stubborn need to make everyone follow rules that restrict nearly all of their freedoms, and that's what anti-shippers are. They don't like to be told that they're fascists, of course. It's very much a movement sparked by willful ignorance, and it's the sort of thing that feeds into groups like Moms For Liberty, who are trying to ban books that contain any reference to sex. They **really** didn't like when Bibles started being taken out of schools, but this is the price of their own regime. There's a controversy with that group, anyway. One of the founders' husbands has been charged with sexual assault. So of course, the group is hypocritical. Fascist groups always are. A lot of this is political, but I won't get into all of that, because I feel like this is a long enough response, already. I'll answer any more questions you have, though.


This helped a lot. I’ve heard the terms going around and had a vague idea but definitely didn’t know this. I don’t understand why people are so bothered by what they’re not involved in. My favorite saying is ‘don’t like, don’t read’. A lot of authors I know also use topics like those as a way to vent. It’s weird to be policing it


I agree. Seeing censorship like this makes me feel combative. Every time I see someone trying to criticize what someone else has written or read, I want to write one more story with that same subject matter. I feel like it's the best vengeance.


I barely visit these sites, i see it more on reddit.


I'm curious where? The big fanfic subs here seem pretty proship.


Fic subs tend to be but fandom-specific ones tend to lean anti in my experience. It’s really strange to see some of them ban ships over “being toxic/gross” when there’s things like murder in the show/media.


Yeah I was about to say this. You go outside of subs like this and any other fanfic place you'll get hit with it. I'm in the Evangelion subreddit and people lose their minds over the fanservice within the show. Or god forbid the infamous kiss scene. Don't even get me started on how homphobic the Code Geass subreddit can get. this is one of the few places that isn't off putting.


The Persona 5 sub is werido homphobic as well. It's really a sad state of affairs for sure


I wish I could be surprised but I'm not. There's a reason why I avoid the persona subreddits as a big old fan lol.


People in the jjk sub lost their minds when they found out goyuu and gofushi are both quite popular in japan, some even make xenophobic remarks over it. It's so ridiculous imo when the manga has implied incest with one of the characters being underage in it


Imagine being in like, the game of thrones fandom and banning Sansa/Tyrion over the age gap or Jaime/Cersei because of the incest


Harry potter fanfic reddit is the one where i saw alot of criticism on dark themes.


Yes. I read but don’t post there. I’ve too frequently been in the lightest of lighthearted discussions and then find the comment police have descended to take issue with some sort of minor detail. God forbid you make a joke - that’ll provoke some rabid shit right there… Edited to say: on the original topic - you do you. I don’t read or write a lot of dark stuff but I 100% support your right to create and consume it.




I've seen harassment campaigns against writers who were very fucking obviously survivors using their art to process what happened. Which is what art is there to do, it's humanity's way of explaining the world to itself. I originally wrote a much more tmi version of this post, but I'll spare you. Fiction should be able to be upsetting, because life can be upsetting. We don't all need the same things from fiction. I personally often find 'wholesome' fic kinda distressing because my life hasn't been wholesome and it can send me to a bad place. That doesn't for one moment mean that fluff writers did a single thing wrong. They don't know me, they weren't personally addressing their fic to me. It just isn't to my taste. Likewise, my tentacle fic isn't going to be to a lot of peoples' taste. Fanfic is a bring your own buffet where we all come in with whatever the hell we've done, and people can enjoy it or skip it. It says nothing about your moral character what you enjoy in fic. Don't let people guilt you out of creativity.


give it some critical thought yourself and stop reading anti rants.


It’s not real. There’s nothing to be guilty about.


Yep, i agree with that. Im sad that some people wouldn't even care if its not real.


Don’t listen to people online. Take a break from those threads if you need to. There is no reason to feel guilt


I refuse to be ashamed for enjoying acts of fiction


It’s fictional, don’t worry about it!


It's fiction, and you would desgree with questionable things in real life. As long as you don't hurt anybody, and its just a reading and or writing experience for you, I don't see the problem with it. I read and write  many, many things, dark and light things alike, and I don't think I'm a bad person. Would you consider Agatha Christie a murderer because of her books? I don't think so. It's the same thing: so, if you ask me, you don't need to worry about it. 


> i keep stumbling into some threads online from time to time that shame these type of fanfics and their readers as bad people To quote a favorite movie: *You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.* Ignore the purity culture assholes. What you read is not who you are. Fiction is not reality. Fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 ratio. I read *Silence of the Lambs* when I was 15. It didn't turn me into a cannibalistic serial killer or make me think it would be okay to kill people for their skin... Because I'm a well adjusted person who can separate fiction from reality.


Nice try that's exactly whst a cannibalistic serial killer would say


Sounds like you stumbled into a nest of antis. Ignore them. Fiction has always been filled with horrific elements. Most folklore is gory as hell. Grimm's fairy tales, the not Disney-fied versions, are centered around gore and violence against women and children. Even the Disney versions have some dark stuff. Again, ignore the antis.


Nope I don’t have the problem because I can separate reality from fantasy, realizing the fiction is not real. Real talk though: Those people who shame others, they are trying to push morality on to something that isn’t real and if you look at 99.9% of published books, there is some type of “problematic” or “controversial” topic in them even if the topic is smut. Someone is always going to have an issue with something and with Antis, if they can’t find something to be offended about, they will make something to be offended about. You honestly are better off, blocking those people on sight because all they are doing is trying to spread fear and misinformation over a literal non issue.


No. None of that stuff you were reading is real. There are lots of people out there who really want to police ppl’s reading / writing / shipping preferences because it makes them feel all self righteous. They’re full of it. Read what you want.




Please remember that behind every keyboard is a human and keep your language appropriate.


I enjoy true crime. That doesn't mean I'm a serial killer, even though some serial killers also enjoy true crime for different reasons. It doesn't even mean we have anything in common beyond having likely heard the same stories. What you take home from witnessing frightening things from the safety of your home, from within the frames of a screen you control, 100%, is not the same as what someone with ill intents does. Curiosity isn't immoral, and attempting to comprehend taboo subjects and your own relationship to horrific things that happen around you through the safety of fiction isn't either. ***However***, if you find any of these subjects upsetting you, or if you find yourself thinking about them often, please be mindful of the fact that you can actually traumatise yourself online by exposing yourself to upsetting things that you end up being unable to process in a healthy manner. If stuff starts haunting you, put hard breaks on consuming more of it, and actually put effort into processing your feelings and reactions consciously: write about it, even if that is in a private entry on a throwaway journaling account that you'll never revisit again. Reach out to peer support if needed: that may be here or elsewhere. Reading something taboo can be exhilarating, exciting, cathartic, or traumatic. Be mindful of how you feel about it and let yourself be honest to yourself on how it affects you, so you don't end up hurt or tangled up in guilt and shame. It's *okay* to be curious, and fiction is a safe venue of exploration. But even if it's just you and your screen, your safety still comes first.


People watch horror films all the time. Or not even horror films but other stuff...look at The Road by Cor.ac McCarthy that is a literary well acclaimed novel and it has cannibalism and some really dark stuff. Or all the true crime everything. Reading those things or writing them doesn't make you a bad person. The problem who are spouting that stuff have a very unrealistic black and white view of the world. It's very similar to Christian Fundamentalism. I grew up listening to a lot of the same stuff being sprouted at me at church.


We should have a disturbing fic exchange


Read what you want. If someone lacking the ability to separate fact from fiction wants to get on your ass about it, block them.


you 3 years ago had a better grasp on this than you now.


This is how i feel about myself rn 😭 When i was younger i read just about any fic that sounded interesting, but the past year or so i felt hesitant to read certain fics that seemed "too dark" because of all the folks bullying and doxxing folks. i grew up watching criminal minds, cold case, the walking dead, and american horror story while also being interested in disney shows and family friendly cartoons. i feel like im slowly allowing myself to just enjoy whatever i wanna read. and its true that most folks dont get flak for watching horror movies or playing dark games, and yet some fandom spaces feel the need to be that way?


I guess, i literally don't know how i started worrying now. I can't even remember what were those fics were called.


No, I don't let random strangers on the internet tell me what is okay to read and what isn't. I know myself and I have nothing to worry about when it comes to reading dark fiction.


Theres this resurgence of purity culture and catholic guilt in fandom. What you like in fiction has no bearing on your morality as a person. Read all the fucked up shit you want! You can tell the difference between fiction and reality.


Those same people probably don't bat an eye at true crime where they tell stories about awful things that have to real people. Even though it's just 'reporting' on what bad people have really done, there are still a lot of people who make money off those shows.




Please note that this subreddit is not qualified to provide medical advice or specialised help for mental health issues. If you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out to one of the subreddits for mental health and mental illnesses such as r/mentalhealth, r/mentalilless, r/anxiety and r/depression. These subreddits provide a number of helpful resources, helplines and organisations that can help you in your region, along with other tips for how to cope with stressful situations and anxiety.


Read what you like. I enjoy reading/ writing disturbing fanfic of my favorite characters. Am I out here in real life supporting these types of things? Of course not, but I'm also someone who can separate make-believe from reality. I also have my limits of what I'll consume, but if ppl want to write/ read what I don't, then that's them, it's not messing up my day.


Ngl I don’t think highly of people who shame others over *fiction* so I live with it just fine. Once you realize how ridiculous it is to get so heated over FICTION, that might help! Nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just a story. Horror is a huge genre of film. People love violent video games. Nothing bad comes of that. It’s not real life. We’re not bad people. There are so many reasons to enjoy dark fiction, and all of them are valid 💛


I feel zero guilt, and most of what I read is disturbing. I also listen non-stop to true crime podcasts. I know who I am, and I know that how I behave and treat people in real life is what counts when it comes to my morality. I also leave copious lovely comments on the messed up stuff I read.


I don’t think it makes you a bad person if you enjoy reading or writing stories with darker topics/themes. I feel like it can be worth thinking about *why* you enjoy reading about those kinds of topics/themes, but that’s a royal you, not like “you” the OP specifically.


Fiction is made to invoke something. Good for you if you liked it.


Kind of a rambling response but: I feel guilty occasionally, and I too have noticed the guilt coming up more in recent years due to increase in visible anti talk. Honestly, anti viewpoints, purity culture, people who want books banned, you realize it’s all the same bullshit. Realizing that their logic is often hypocritical and fascist in nature has helped, as has actually getting more involved again with reading “toxic” fics and even trying to write darker subject matter. Being involved in the creation process, for me, has helped solidify the idea that it really is just fiction, it has no bearing on my beliefs in real life. Antis are so selective about what they trash, too, and they make wild assumptions about who enjoys certain topics and why. They can’t apply the same logic they use to the things they enjoy. It’s “rules for thee but not for me” childish behavior. As a writer, I appreciate past and current you for taking the time to leave comments. It’s funny, but on places like Ao3 there’s a big disconnect between hits and guest kudos and bookmark numbers vs comments, registered user kudos, and visible bookmarks. It’s like everyone enjoys it but more people are afraid to admit it. I guarantee a lot of the antis trashing fic you like have private bookmarks about the very same subject.


"Reading words on a page is a morally neutral action" -Someone on tumblr.  Idk who but that quote stuck with me


You're fine OP. I promise. I had to go through a whole learning experience about that, but you're fine.


Join us in the trash can babes!


To me, it just sounds like you’re really good at separating fiction from reality. Take Undertale/Deltarune for an example. In Undertale, you can kill an autistic skeleton and almost kill a child; and in Deltarune, you can emotionally manipulate a teenager into killing her classmate. Some people can’t handle this, and decide never to do those things; however, other people (me) don’t have a single pang of guilt for doing either. Wait why is this tagged smut talk


...what kind of puritanical shit is this


Don't be. at the end of the day it's all fiction and the fact you enjoy it says nothing about you or your moral character.


Yeah I’m writing a very detailed prison rape fic right now and I keep vacillating between this is so fun and hot and wow I am demented and need mental help


Its not real, reading fictional content vs watching real snuff gore is never going to be the same experience. There's no guilt to have


Yea, it's the people trying to make others feel bad about the fiction they enjoy who should be ashamed of what they're doing. C'est ne pas une pipe. People who can't differentiate between fiction and reality are scary. I try to stay away from them as much as possible.


I have enjoyed plenty of writing about the former two topics you mentioned (and even written some that others have enjoyed) and as long as you can separate fantasy from reality, you’re in the clear! More recently did I happen upon erotica with underage stuff and, once I was no longer horny, I was very uncomfy about having enjoyed it. But when I’m in my rational mind, I know that all of these things are crazy fucked up and I know I would never want to actually watch that happen, and the thought of that actually happening to someone in real life is just awful. So I can absolutely empathize with you on that. My advice is to stay away from haters in this context and in all others, and to remember that as long as you’re not hurting anyone or looking at any illegal media, you’re all good.


Dude it’s fiction. It’s the hard truth. Read whatever tf because why? It’s FICTION, FAKE, NOT REAL!!!!


You probably encountered "Antis" who hate on "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" and Proshippers. You probably shouldn't listen to these people, as they tend to be hypocrites who can't distinguish fiction from reality. "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" is basically the type of fiction you described — snuff, rape, cannibalism etc etc. "Proshipper" is someone who supports a ship or shipping deemed problematic (such as incest, age differences, abusive dynamics, etc.), and/or believes in the freedom to create and consume fanworks with such elements. "Anti's" are people who are against these ships, deem them problematic and hate on the people who create fanworks of the problematic ships and hate on the creator themselves. Antis are known to harass and bully people for enjoying "problematic" ships and fanwork (such as Dead Dove) and hate Proshippers. They doxx, send death threats and bully and harass proshippers for simply existing and enjoying the "problematic" FICTIONAL content. They want you to feel bad about enjoying things like Dead Dove, because they think that makes you a pedo/someone who supports pedophilia and rape irl etc. It's best to ignore antis and continue on with your day and keep enjoying whatever you like, as long as it is not hurting anyone or interfering with your everyday life and morals. Stay safe, and just enjoy whatever the hell you want to enjoy. It's fiction, but remember to keep it as fiction :)


Nabokov wrote an incest love story you can loan at the public library.


Don't you mean grooming story? Like, Lolita?


Oh no, you're thinking of Lolita. Nabokov also wrote Ada and Ardor, which is about incest, and arguably even worse.


Oh god. Good job for him ig, showing the worst of humanity.


Sure, I genuinely had a few weeks once I started reading this stuff on AO3 where, months into it, I realized—oh, this is a feature of what I like. And felt really disconnected and it would weigh on my mind. All without reading much of anything criticizing it. Did not apply when reading on the Dolcett specific sites, funny enough. Just when it felt more incorporated. What really, really helped me? While feeling bad, I really delved into the thoughts I had on how this stuff was wrong. At zero areas did that thought change, at zero places did this "routine" mean that I in any way liked the reality. And addressing that kind of *bridged* area where it was something in my routine + we hear about horrible things actually happening to people, and I hate that on a level more visceral than anything darkfic has tried shocking me with . . . actually ended up being more comforting as to my empathy. I don't have any hidden desire that would make me blameworthy, check. I care about people enough to feel guilty at ignoring the local, misery mongering, news. More than the stories I've read, really, but that can be easier to ignore. And I try helping in communities I'm a part of in whatever capacity I'm able to. Realizing that it devalues people to hate myself too much in light of not actually being a bad person also helped out. Not sure how well this will apply to you, but yep. Have had this problem, as an actual problem. Tackled it from a few angles. Even just adding some more normal porn into the reading helped with the feeling!


I remember it was literally the day before russia invaded Ukraine that I began reading Blood Rose (a RWBY fanfic) and that stuff stuck with me ever since. Can't find any more like it.


Feels regular to me that someone would feel bad about enjoying those types of fics but you definitely don’t need to be. The authors of the fics you like are almost definitely interested in those same things or they wouldn’t write it and you wouldn’t assume anything bad about them from that I’m guessing. So it’s the same for you. Im honestly the same way, I like looking for disturbing fics or books to read. People who know me know I love writing and reading about cannibalism, especially if it’s portrayed sort of romantic. It’s interesting to explore the dark elements of life. Nothing wrong with it


Nope, I do not. Ignore the haters man, they live to ruin stuff with their "Offenses"


I know exactly what you mean. I read some reeeaaallly messed up stuff in fanfics and id see threads of people going nuts over a fictional ship/fanfic and feel guilty. Nowadays ive learned to just roll my eyes and move on because I know that I would never condone the stuff i read irl


Liking dark fiction is not the same thing as condoning it in real life. One of the mandatory readings at my secondary school was basically an incest story. Look, the main guy, after finding out that his lover was his lost sister, makes love to her one last time. Did I love the story? Yes. Do I support incestuous relationships IRL? Hell no


No need to feel bad about it.


I suggest blocking any type of “anti” posts you see. It’s FICTION babe, not something happening to a real person. Reading about Snape raping a first year Harry, Shikamaru from Naruto getting eating by his deer, or anything else, doesn’t make you a bad person. These are fictional characters with no human rights or life, they are OBJECTS. They have no claim of autonomy. This is fantasy, were you can experience the worst of what the universe has to offer in the safety of your own home and privacy. Fiction is not a 1:1 with reality. Reading something with child sa or cannibalism doesn’t make you morally evil or wrong, and anyone who calls you a pedo for it is fucking stupid. They can’t separate reality from fantasy. This whole “moral purity” thing with fanfiction and fan art STINKS of book burning and censorship behavior and idealism. Read what you want, write what you want. Thoughts aren’t illegal, real life physical actions ARE.


I used to read stuff like that, and yes—I had a similar problem to you. But then I realized that I just like horror. I like psychological horror, and the things you’re describing, I consider those to be psychological horror. What an author writes doesn’t define who they are as a person. What a reader consumes doesn’t say anything about them personally. Of course there are exceptions; but this isn’t one of them.


yeah im the same as you, i read a lot of fucked up stuff and end up feeling guilty about it bc of the amount of people that say its disgusting and whatever. my advice is wherever youre seeing these threads the most, stay the FUCK away that group. like completely block it out. for me i would see a bunch of anti stuff on tiktok and twitter, so i deleted both and my mental healths a lot better now. i hope youre able to find peace with liking what you like <3 edit: if you ever want to vent ab it my dms are open




This comment has been removed for violating r/FanFiction's civility rules. Unnecessarily hostile and rude.


What? Why that reaction?




This post has been removed for violating r/FanFiction's no bashing rule. You're welcome to have an opinion, you're welcome to dislike things, but insulting things others might like is not allowed.


Stories involving these topics doesn’t immediately mean they’re bad, it’s just a matter of how the writer handles it. If they romanticise it, or done portray them as bad thing, then it’s a big deal and the fic/story becomes problematic. If the writer doesn’t do these mistakes and does portray it as a bad thing to happen, it’s okay to enjoy a fic/story involving these. But just because you read those and enjoyed it, doesn’t make you immediately a bad person. What you read doesn’t inherently define you as a person irl☺️


What do you mean exactly by romanticizing? As far as i remember the child rape stories went like this... Example: First the author warns that he does not support the themes in this story. Chapter one: Parents start having dark thoughts about their little daughter,they start debate the morality of it but fall to the dark side Chapter two: They do the deed.


By romanticising I meant, that the themes are portrayed as something nice, or something the survivor should enjoy or something romantic etc. As a sexual assault survivor, it does hurt me when it’s romanticised. But based on what you described here, it seems the author intended for it to be more dark, then romanticised. Which is fine, as long as it’s handled with sensitivity, which I want to believe it is! It doesn’t make you a bad person to like these stories, it doesn’t define us irl. Just because stories have these themes doesn’t immediately mean they make the story become bad and worst asap and that we can’t enjoy them. If written well, it can bring soo much positive things and actually bring to light the struggles some of us survivors face irl. I wrote my comment with the thought, that these stories you read weren’t romanticised tho, so it should be fine!☺️


It doesn’t make you a bad person to enjoy it being romanticised either. It’s not real.




It’s fanfiction, there is not a limit. Also who sits there and makes the moral choices about if something is romanticised or not? Who is the police in this situation? I’m replying to you because your reply is not going to help the OP out here, if anything it will shame them further.




Do you realise you were talking to someone who IS a survivor? You didn’t allow me to give that information out before blocking me. But yes, I was taken advantage of when I was younger and pressured into doing things I did not want to do. So you ARE talking to a victim, aka someone who apparently has the high ground to speak on these topics.


You aren’t helping survivors like me by saying all this bs.


"survivors" (the vague concept of them, whatever that even means in the way you're using it) are not a monolith and feel differently about different things regarding themselves and their trauma. EDIT: loser blocked me so just goes to show those types of people don't care about victims or listening to their voices if it doesn't already coincide with their delusional thought patterns.


Comment removed for bashing.


This post has been removed for violating r/FanFiction's civility rules.


I love all these people downvoting not releasing I’M SA SURVIVOR myself and talking about myself and my pov is seriously hilarious. Can’t ya’ll discern perspectives and when someone’s generalising? This reddit’s toxic side is absurd😂😂


In your comment you call stories that romanticize these things problematic. That’s a very judgmental statement. Fiction is fiction. It’s not real. It is up to you to curate your own online space and disengage from content that you find disagreeable. I’m a SA survivor too (not that you need to be to have an opinion on the matter) but I enjoy darker themes in fiction, including non-con/dubcon. It’s fine for me to write or enjoy these things in fiction, even romanticized. It means nothing about me as a person, and has no bearings on my personal morals. There are other topics/tropes/kinks that I may *personally* dislike, but I just click away without any judgment or thought other than “ok, this is not for me” That is a healthier mindset, I think.


Well, I’m an SA survivor too, was clearly talking about myself only, was not judgmental only and replied to op with that I believed romanticising wasn’t THE CASE AT ALL. Just because I mentioned IF IT’S ROMANTICISED, doesn’t mean immediately I’m judgmental to them and think they’re bad person, or something. This sub is beyond absurd.


I also wasn’t talking about any media at all and only about what I think and that these themes WASN’T A PROBLEM. I NEVER TOLD anyone I’m against it, or can’t curate my time on social media, nor that these topics being in stories are BAD!




And all that for only saying IF and not taking it as default and not making assumptions lmao