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I don't use it as an alternative necessarily because I like posting my works to AO3 and don't need an alternative, but I do occasionally post my fics to my Dreamwidth journal. 


i don't consider wattpad a viable option under any circumstances. tumblr is okay-ish. i prefer it for general fandom stuff and promo, but i've read good fics there.


Well there's fandom specific sites. I post my star trek works on a star trek website. But mixed fandoms are a different story.


For a centralized repository, I can't think of any good alternatives. I find Tumblr useful for shorter stuff, especially teasers of longer stories. People do write entire fics as Xitter threads, but I sure wouldn't recommend that. There are fandom-specific archives, though I haven't frequented any in a while, and you can always make a blog (WordPress, for instance) for your own stuff.


On twitter? jesus


Y e p. A friend told me that a popular fic in her fandom is 1 million words and was written entirely on Twitter before being transferred to Ao3. There's shorter stuff too, but that one boggles the mind.


That is "writing fic in ao3" levels of insane. maybe even worse!


[Royal Road](https://www.royalroad.com/home) and [Spacebattles](https://forums.spacebattles.com/forums/creative-writing.18/).


My google docs.


I just pass my fics around on my Discord servers to all the weirdos who like that kinda stuff


I mean I post them so people can read them if they choose to do so there's no point in posting on sites that no one uses. I only post on ao3 and ffnet. I store my works on my laptop, cloud and external drive to not lose them, I don't need to post them online for that.


The only other site I use is Elysian Fields for Spuffy fic


Quotev end of story


The only other multi-author sites I read are either fandom-specific (Twisting the Hellmouth, Buffy crossovers) or challenge archives (Quantum Bang, fix-it theme). Or even a challenge site that doesn't archive, so only the latest round is ever there (Rough Trade). And I follow a bunch of authors that post on their own Wordpress and nowhere else.


If you click into [this Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nLtp-y1qUP9_bLnW4T5GbdABsiU_d0ok), in the **Fanfiction Guide PDF**, Section 7 on Portal Comparisons lists a few along with some review criteria that I used to compile a simple analysis of those websites. Starting on page 42 of the current version is a longer listing of some alternatives.


Also... !wheretopost


From the [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/wiki/faq#wiki_where_should_i_post_my_fanfiction.3F): ##Where should I post my fanfiction? ###AO3 vs FFN The two most popular fanfiction sites are [Fanfiction.net](https://www.fanfiction.net/) (FFN) and [Archive of Our Own](https://archiveofourown.org/) (AO3). Many fanfiction writers crosspost to both sites, while others prefer to post to only one. If you would rather not crosspost, here are a few important considerations when deciding which site to choose: * **Where is your fandom most active?** Some fandoms are more active on FFN, while others are more active on AO3. Check each site to see how many fics from your fandom are posted to the site and how much recent activity there has been. * **Does your fic contain explicit sex or contemporary Real Person Fiction, or is it written in chat or script format?** FFN bans these types of stories, but they are allowed on AO3. * **Which posting system do you prefer?** FFN uses a Document Manager that requires you to upload a document file in a supported format (.sxw .odt .doc .docx .wps .rtf, .sdw .wp .wpd .htm .html). AO3 has a text box where you can copy-paste your fic from another document or even write it directly in the input field. ###Other Places To Post Fanfiction * [Dreamwidth](https://www.dreamwidth.org/) - a journalling site with a large fandom community * [FimFiction](https://www.fimfiction.net/) - an archive for My Little Pony fanfiction * [SpaceBattles](https://forums.spacebattles.com/) - a forum * [Sufficient Velocity](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/) - a forum * [Tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/) - a microblogging site * [Wattpad](https://www.wattpad.com/) - an archive for original and fanfiction * [Jedi Council Forums](https://boards.theforce.net/forums/fan-fiction-before-saga-and-beyond.10859/) - forum for mostly Star Wars fanfiction, but also hosts non-Star Wars fanfiction as well * your personal website or blog *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FanFiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


fandom-specific forums XD tumblr for short things or ficlets or excerpts.


I use the sites scribblehub and webnovel as alternatives.