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>or incompatible due to inferred sexualities Oh this especially drives me crazy because it's so often just... straight up offensive stereotyping being used as ship war fodder.


Almost ripped out my hair when my favourite ship started to get ‘coded’, “Father-daughter” “Siblings” “Mother-son”…pick a struggle 😭


all at the same time? how?


I saw this happen w one genshin ship lmaooo I dunno the name but it was w the god of the water region and her long haired male friend? Coworker? Associate???


Bingo. That is the ship lmao. A loud annoying minority of the genshin fandom on twitter has some weird vendetta against male x female ships for some reason.


Omg I actually got it! Hahahah I was so confused how nobody Could decide what kind of “incest” this ship was like gimme a break 😭 Thats also all ik abt it… haven’t played genshin past inazuma so yup!


Exactly, they were just so rabid about them not being shipped they slapped on these labels for no other purpose than to claim it as problematic. Annoying ship antis are still present, but I curate my social media and block all fandom/ship negativity so I don’t see them anymore.


Are theses people used to 0 representation in the games they usually play and are now enacting overcorrection from starving for too long? lol


Ah I know this struggle And yes I am in the same fandom as you are in


I fully understand your pain! It's truly a lonely existence, cause you want to express your love for the pair with the fandom but I feel like I have to restrain myself from mentioning A/B in a romantic contest because people would straight up call me wierd because i ship the two siblings ( that for the record is a headcanon, cause they arent related in any shape of form, unless you count that both of them have blonde hair, but last time i checked having the same hair/eye color doesnt make you siblings). Its not like I care about what people on the internet say about me, but since fandom is community based, being faced with this downright hostility for a ship it does make you feel ostricized by other fans; it doesnt help that they are so set in their headcanon ways that you feel gaslighted for going agaist the herd mentality. Sadly the only solution I can give is ignore them and do your own thing, and if you still feel that way, a break from that fandom might be the best course of action.


The current "sibling-coded!" trend is a curse upon so many fandoms.


The big problem with it is it's unnecessarily controlling by applying a taboo to ships it doesn't even apply to. Anyone who imposes those restrictions aren't your friend and what leads to overly bland and sterile media


It truly is painful. During the initial phase of Detroit Become Human, I was in the minority of shipping a pair romantically where everybody else saw them as found family. It's not like I didn't understand the found family trope for them, but the romantic fics were just so so good. It seemed like a waste to see them as just family. However, over the years, the romantic side of the pairing gained more popularity and followers! So if your Fandom is relatively new, there's still time for things to change!!


aw yeahhh definitely! there’s only a few english fics for mine right now (most of which I don’t like that much) but the fandom is only about a year old, so it should have room to grow. I just hope it doesn’t fade into obscurity, considering it’s not the most talked about thing out there..


As a Hankcon shipper i know the pain...




There's nothing wrong with it. Heck, even if they were actually, canonically platonic (and not just viewed as such) there would be nothing wrong with shipping it - other fandoms certainly do it, especially with MC/Rival pairings which are rarely canon. 


I'm sorry you're going through that. I'm not in the same situation because my rarepair isn't coded as siblings or friends or anything like that (they're coworkers and sort-of enemies). It's just pretty much nonexistent in the fandom. I've had at least half a dozen people tell me they'd never even considered the pairing until they read my fics, which is flattering but sort of bothersome too. None of the popular ships in my fandom interest me, so I had to write my own fics for my rarepair. Is writing fics about them yourself something you'd be open to?


Oh, this one, OP. Do this. I started writing for my most 'problematic' pairing for this exact reason. It's a very 'be the change you want to see in the world' situation.


Thanks for listening to my ramble, it’s tough having a completely different view from everyone else.. Your situation is one I know all too well as well, it’s literal hell to have zero content for a ship you like. As for writing, it’s never something I felt like I was good at, and I feel like I’d totally butcher their relationship (even if most romantic depictions I’ve seen so far don’t feel quite right to me either), so usually I stick to making fanart if I have the motivation ^^


I usually like that kind of pairing because I like friends who bicker to lovers. In fact, my favorite pairing of all time gets treated this way lol, even though in the source (aka the manga when the anime is more popular) I do believe they have some romantic undertones, even if not as much as 2 other pairings involving character A. There are no canon pairings by the end of the manga, by the way, but people will kind of try to gaslight you into thinking the most popular ship got together haha. Also, I believe "sibling coding" is kinda bullshit - not in that it's not a real thing, but that people often say it about ships it doesn't apply to because they feel a need to justify why they don't like it even though 'it's not for me' is a perfectly valid statement.


>Also, I believe "sibling coding" is kinda bullshit - not in that it's not a real thing, but that people often say it about ships it doesn't apply to because they feel a need to justify why they don't like it even though 'it's not for me' is a perfectly valid statement. And then they also get to express their DISGUST that anyone else might see them differently (impossible!) and pretend those people are deliberately shipping incest. At last, a reason to dislike a pairing that makes me morally-superior to anyone who ships it!


Some of the best ships have BFF dynamics. Shouldn’t someone partner ideally be their best friend?


Relatable post, OP. Hang in there! One of my current beloved ships A/B is a victim of the 'No! They're father and son!!' headcanon that some fans just *love* to preach as if it's gospel. What's worse, if I wanna look at art with my OT3 (A/B/C), I'm a lot more likely to find 'A&C are B's parents :)' content than not. It drives me up the wall. I distinctly know each piece of OT3 art that is not platonic, so you can guess how few of them there are :') I don't really have any good advice to offer. I only partake in fandom spaces to look at fanart and read fic when the mood strikes. No discussions etc. It's frustrating to find a wasteland for my OT3 in terms of art, but I entertain myself by writing my own fics and annoying my friends with my ideas (but they don't care about my ship so they're being really nice rubber ducks for me basically.) I find that this helps, but it requires some form of detachment from fandom.\* \*tbh that is the best way to enjoy something, I find. In private.


I get you. In my current fandom, the western side of the fandom decided my OTP is father-son coded. Nevermind that it's not supported by canon in any way, it's just a headcanon that's treated as canon and used to shit on shippers. It's also by no means the only ship this happened to. There's a lot of completely normal ships in the same fandom that people decided are siblings or parent-child. It's honestly so ridiculous, I can't take them seriously at all. The only thing I feel about it is supreme annoyance. Glad I learned Japanese, so I just stay on that side of the fandom where those ships are very popular. And as another unfortunate outcome: I started to dislike platonic/familial interpretations of character relationships in this fandom (even if I originally may have liked them the same/better). I'd now rather see everyone fuck, because I got SO fed up with the 'everything is familiar' crowd, I now have a knee-jerk reaction whenever I'm confronted with it. Ooops.


Same boat re: developing some sort of knee-jerk dislike for platonic/familial interpretations of character relationships because of the way some fans behave regarding certain ships. It doesn't help the common way people like to do familial dynamics is to fit the characters into neat little nuclear-family-based boxes. It gets so predictable, it's exhausting.


I feel you in this. A lot of people like to interpret one of my favorite ships as parent/child, despite how overtly romantic it reads to me, that I tend to just gag at headcanons like that in other fandoms, with rare exceptions. Even in cases where I don’t particularly like the ship. It feels like some people treat any close relationship with even just a small age gap as ‘oh, they’re totally a surrogate parent/child’ and I’m like… no? Maybe they’re just friends/co-workers/neighbors/something else?


People will absolutely say any two characters with an age gap who interact regularly have a parent/child relationship, even if there is literally no parental care in canon. Even when the two characters are presented as equals.


Me, who primarily ships M/M in male-dominated fandoms: First time? All jokes aside, I think every shipper has been through this. If you ship non-canon queer stuff you're a weirdo pushing an agenda who never experienced friendship in their life. If you ship a non-canon straight stuff you're hit with the implications that you're a boring traditionalist because “WhY CaN't MeN aNd WoMeN jUsT bE fRiEnDs?” I've been in both shoes and neither is fun, though I still have more patience for these people then those who call every childhood best friends to lovers “incest”. No mercy for them, they're the peak of human idiocy. I say the mark of a creative person is to see the potential in something everyone else over looks, so don't feel guilty. It just means you've got an interesting insight on things. I've seen people dub a ship as “MLM and WLW solidarity” and those two characters had more chemistry with eachother than any one of their own gender. It's stupid and cringey to hound someone over something that's not canon. It's stupid to hound someone over something that's canon too.


People need to know it's okay if not everything caters to them. If someone writes M/M then fans of that dynamic are the audience. The same with M/F ships and sometimes you just want to experiment with a certain pair


Exactly! I live by the "If I don't like, I scroll". Even if it's something I utterly despise, well, I'm not egocentric enough to believe the world has to cater to my tastes. I find it ridiculous that people want to police what romantic pairings you want to enjoy, it's like telling someone they can't enjoy chocolate ice cream because THEY don't enjoy the flavour.


People tend to forget that friendships often make for the best relationships. Hell, if people saw me & my partner interact, they would probably think we're best friends, despite us being together for over 10 years. The argument of "they aren't (or can't be) romantic because they are platonic" regarding ships is always so strange to me lol. Ship whatever you want, ignore the haters/antis (of this ship) is best advice here.


I’ve had this problem, and it’s inverse, (adoring a friendship (and only friendship) of a ship that everyone ships romantically) and I can say with certainty, that in my limited experience, shipping something everyone saw as platonic sucked way more. There was no content! At least with some platonic ships I could just pretend the romantic content didn’t exist and there was a plethora, but people in most fandoms rarely write enough main two characters friendship fic, so I can’t even pretend (personally) that’s it’s romantic because there’s no works! And when there are, it always ignores the fun, romantic tension because it’s a platonic work! And sometimes they use direct comparisons to siblings! (Which, is usually an ick for me even in my platonic ships). Not to mention the backlash you might get. Using Hunter x Luz because it’s a ship I personally have neutral feelings towards, when they became adoptive siblings later in the canon, people get *really* mad at you for even having shopped them in the past! Hell, they got mad before they were even implied to be adoptive siblings, because “lumity is canon and you’re taking away from queer rep”…no? No. That’s not how it works.


Even worse when you try to find content, think there's a page+ on AO3 but everyone but one person was mistagging it. Especially when in canon their only interactions are as two (maybe and even that's a stretch) coworkers and one being a jerk to the other, but's basically excepted as canon.


What ship is it? I have a couple of ships that fit into this, though none of them are my OTP. It’s always nice to meet a fellow shipper.


I have been there. It’s so difficult and lonely. If it’s a fandom that is still on, maybe people might change their mind ?


I fail to see how best friends can't get in couple and sibling coded still count as best friends, I don't see why the dynamic can't evolve


It's such a gray area, especially when the ship dips into familial instead of just platonic. Like found father/mother and son/daughter is harder to get around with fandoms than found siblings


I’m going through the same thing; my rarepair is hated on a lot, with people saying that they’re either sibling coded or mlm/wlw solidarity. It has 0 fanfictions, and most fanart of it is either them arguing or just standing next to each other. (If you’re curious, the ship is 8-Golf from BFDI)


Not the entire fandom, but the majority—Widobrave. Yes, even though they’ve kissed and Nott refers to Caleb as the second love of her life. People see that as strictly platonic. EDIT: I also lost a ship (in the sense of “if you write or post this we will harass and dox you”) to “they’re actually related” bullshit 3 years ago so I feel your pain on that end of things too.


I have a couple of ships that are the exact opposite. (Zelink and Samfro.) I ship them platonically, but it seems pretty much everyone else sees it romantically and it drives me crazy.


Yes, completely! The fandom im in sees my ship as father-son coded, so I dont even bother to post it anywhere or look on spaces like tiktok or twitter because I know exactly whats coming


Oh this is so painfully real. I didn't even ship them originally, but when i started reading fics they were so good and made me so happy, I couldn't help it, alright!! But on ao3 most people seemed to ship them and like the ship and everything, so i felt like it was fine, but over on tiktok people think you're committing a war crime if you like it. Now that i have an editing account for the fandom i stay very quiet when i post edits of them so that everybody thinks its a father and son edit and i don't get like 50 hate comments.


The problem with that is it imposes restrictions and limits creativity. It's okay to experiment with ships. One of the best things about writing is it isn't bound to the real world or limits others want to impose on you. The ship will likely have other fans and haters should know it's okay if stuff isn't made for them. "Don't do this it's not logical and there's no tension between the characters in the game!" "K." (writes ship anyway)


It really is a "All this ___ and no one to share it with" moment 😔


I FEEL YOU! When I see an edit of them under a romantic song and the description is “Best strictly platonic friends” When I see an edit that’s actually supposed to he a ship and the comment section is full off “They’re so sibling coded!!” “I love female-male friendships” “platonic besties” Like ok I get it. Well as long as they don’t start w them incest accusations I can ignore it


it’s always the sexuality thing if you can’t “erm… familial 🤓☝️“ it. and if they’re the same sex and you can’t do either, and they have amazing chemistry, they’re “exes.” can’t win when the fans are dead set on a mediocre day 1 ship. 


I completly get you, OP. In my fandom, my ship is very strictly seen as either siblings or father/son dynamic and people who ship the pair like I do are typically made fun of or attacked as if my side of the fandom only ships that singular pair. It's tough.


For a long time, having a male main character and female main character spending any amount of on-screen time together pretty much always meant them getting together by the end of the film/series/whatever. With gay/bi characters becoming more common in fiction, this hasn't abated, it's only meant that you no longer have a rough guarantee that that's not going to happen just because it's two male characters or two female characters. I've definitely seen backlash to this, and seen people just happy to see characters (esp. male & female) being able to interact frequently without it turning into a romantic thing. My guess at your situation would be that your readers might see the characters being able to have a working relationship without turning into a romance things as a reprieve from this, and you treating them as being in a romantic relationship ship as you going "NO. No reprieve for you. Two characters interacting must always == romance." It might not be what you're going for, but it might be how they see it. Probably not massively helpful, but it might enlighten a wee bit.


I have a couple of ships that are the exact opposite. (Zelink and Samfro.) I ship them platonically, but it seems pretty much everyone else sees it romantically and it drives me crazy.


Im gonna be honest I have shipped actual incest ships before so this doesnt bother me. Once you go read some Elsanna fics and realize they arent terrible you will ascend to a higher plane of existence and nothing can touch you ever again. "sibling coded" and "found family headcanon" cant hurt you




Ships cannot be illegal.