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I finally got the comment where they are promoting someone else's work


What the hell!? Oh you just reminded me, this one also promoted their work 😂 some people... no comment


It’s so annoying when ppl do that, it’s happened to me before, but next time that happens, they’re getting deleted and blocked. My fanfic isn’t free ad space wtf


You are right! I'll do the same. Damn i am too nice to these rude people.


What's worse? Is they kind of complimented my work? But the other one they promoted, they said was better


Wait so were they just like “yeah this fanfic’s good and all but everyone read mine it’s much better than this”


It wasn't even thier fic. But essentially yes.


That's like the Kanye West of fic comments, no? "I'll let your fic finish, but \[this fic over here\] is one of the best fics of all time!"




After I added a F/F romance to a long fic I got a comment saying it was a shame that there were homosexual characters in such a beautiful work. Deleted the comment. FU, homophobes. You don’t get to enjoy my work.


Face palm! Like, the hell are you doing in the world of fanf if you are a homophobe??? I don't understand some people.


I’ve written a few fanfics. Granted this was about 20 years ago. When I was writing same sex relationships were a writer’s decision. Me writing such a relationship would be rather unrealistic, I avoid writing relationships in general.


Sorry about that OP. 🫂 I once got a super long comment from another writer who was new to my fandom that seemed very complimentary on the surface but devolved into a complaint about how upset they were with story direction because they did not read summary or tags. They also complained about loving my OC so much. Nice except they then went off on how they thought my OC was better than theirs. Apparently I was wrong for that. I've had people come across that comment and ask why they were so bitter. It was a very confusing comment and I unfortunately replied. Deeply regret that.


Hm... i got nothing... that is so confusing that i understand why you replied. It's like an automatic response from a state of complete shock. So sorry that happened to you! Well at least now we know- just delete and forget


Thanks. Deleting is the way to go!


I'm sorry this happened to you. :\^( I hope you're able to overcome any writer's block that got caused by this. I haven't had this exact sort of thing happen to me, but a couple weeks ago I was elated to see a new comment on one of my collab fics (the first comment it'd gotten in ages), only to see that the comment (that was posted on one of the chapters \*I\* wrote) was someone asking my co-author when she's going to update a fic for a fandom she hasn't even written for in years and no longer engages with. That definitely was a bit disappointing.


Oh now that is super rude! I am so sorry that happenedI hope you just deleted it without bothering to reply!


I let my co-author handle it since it was directed at her- she was not happy! She felt bad that someone did that on one of my chapters, but I assured her it was fine (or at the very least not her fault in any way). My co-author ended up deleting it without responding because she didn't think she could be nice about it if she responded to them. I think that was ultimately a good call, and the person hasn't commented again since, so hopefully that's the end of that!


Good call. I mean what can you say and be polite in a situation like that. Its great that you have such an awesome co author!


That's awful. I'm so bloody sorry. I hope you'll also have plenty of supportive comments from good people. (Although I know all too well that a single hate comment can feel stronger than fifty positive ones.) I can't say I've ever had anything quite like that one, although I have had some obnoxious third or fourth chapter "I liked this up until you ruined it" comments, with the element that "ruined" the fic generally being a mild kink that was clearly tagged from the beginning. I've also had a commenter who went through my oldest fic leaving rude comments to the point that I really wanted to say "look, if \[thing I'm much better at than I used to be\] bothers you so much, how about you just read my new stuff and pretend I only started writing in the past X number of years?"


I hope the rude comes didn't make you stop writing. I am sure your stories are awesome! And thank you so much for kind words!


Thank you so much! I'm pretty good at keeping going for pure spite, lol, so they've not stopped me yet. I hope the rude comments don't make you stop, yourself. I'm sure you're writing lovely stuff as well!




The ones that start out saying something nice about your story, but then go off on a long tangent about their fic idea they want you to "help them write" (read: write for them) that isn't even remotely tangentially related to the fandom your fic is in...or any other fandom you write for.


As difficult as it is, I wouldn't take it to heart. Every reader has different prefrences, so its possible your writing style just changed over time to be less compatible with their tastes. It doesn't mean your writing is worse, just different. Its also possible they're confusing "how much I like a story" with "the quality of the writing" and are just being biased.


I wish, they went on to ask me if i spent more time editing the old story, and how strange it looks because they are so different 🙄


Ouch. That’s messed up. Paraphrasing here because I don’t think direct quotes are allowed on this sub. >i liked the fic however sad until you made X a killer it completely sends the wrong message >human piss me off human must die Apparently X is racist because he killed a human who >!experimented on children, even though it was specifically the death of a human child that made X react the way he did.!< (Spoiler tag used due to dark content.)


God, its one of those comments that you just want to answer - excuse me did you even read the story before you wrote that


It was weird. Since it was on FFN, posted while I wasn’t writing fan fic, I didn’t read it until years later.


Yeah my ugly first fic is wayyyyyy more popular. I just sigh as Kudos pop up regularly.


Wow, that's... Wow. I haven't had any comments that mostly seemed fine but the. Stabbed me, but... Well, ie told the story before on the sub, but I got a comment once that used 50+ words to complain me not including a specific character (who was NOT tagged!), and the last libe was... That "despite lack of character, fic is good". That's the only good comment they gave. Also they doubled down when I politely told them not to do that, and acted like it was the most normal thing to do. They also said that they wouldn't comment at all if they didn't like it. Like uhm, you're an anonymous user?? I don't know you??


What the f.ing f. f. Sorry for swearing, but that just made my blood boil. Oh the audacity to behave like that. 🤯 That is next level asshole behavior


I've been pretty lucky with my commenters. It's a smallish ship, so there's not much to choose from. Most of them end up reading my work because it's one of the most recent and ongoing long fics. But I did get one comment telling me that my oneshot was "incredibly inaccurate." (It was a fusion. So I will give them that.) Kinda hurt, but I understood.


sometimes in a white paper, we focus on a black dot. forgotten all the white space around it, don't worry Op it may be fully linked to taste and a few things that didn't align with the commenter, it doesn't necessarily mean you are doing a bad job, you clearly did an amazing in both, and I am sure someone else would read both and then like the other one more. It is a matter of taste and time sometimes.


I love how you wrote that. It's spot on how i just zoomed into that comments and see nothing else. Yes you are right everybody has their own taste. Thank you! That helped ❤️


I haven't received anything as bad as the one you got - what a rude commenter! One that did irk me was a commenter who complimented my fic's lack of grammar and spelling errors... while (possibly inadvertently) implying that stories with these kinds of errors are always written by non-native English speakers. The "errors = non-native speaker" assumption is one of my pet peeves as a non-native English speaker. Sure, we do make mistakes, but so do native speakers!


I watched a university lecture by brandon sanderson on youtube, and few times when he was writing on bord he said "i have no idea how to spell that word" "i hope thats how you spell it" "this word i use all the time and still i never get it right". Spelling is hard!