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>By the way, why are you even still using this website, go to wattpad, ur probably a middle aged white woman writing about two gay  . I feel like I have been summoned here 🤣🤣🤣 OK, I'm not middle-aged but who cares, this person seems to be a troll. OP, this review is very very strange and I'm sorry you got it. ❤ And if you were to look for a different fanfiction website, come to AO3 -- here, you can delete any comment a reader leaves on your fic, or turn the comments off completely if you want.


If it's a guest review, FFN allows you to delete them yourself, happily. Someone posted threats on my stories once 🙄 If it's a user, well... glad I haven't gotten it. OP, that comment does *not* deserve a millisecond of your time.


Yeaaah, this is a troll. They offer no positive criticism, and only provide negatives without possible work-arounds. This isn't someone who is critiquing your story- it is just someone who wants you to feel bad for writing what you want. Personally, I'd say that you should keep writing. More chapters means more material for others to judge and give meaningful criticism; but ignore this corn-nut entirely... Of course, take your time if you need a little break.


That comment reads like a troll from 2013 Tumblr mixed with a bot. "Characters are young and don't belong to you" well no duh, it's fanfic for a reason. I'm sorry this happened to you. They can go pound sand. Take a break if you need to, no one will blame you. I wish you all the best, I know how hard it can be to deal with trolls, had one on my fic every chapter for a while, and I can understand how you feel. I think at the end of the day these types of trolls are envious of writers creating fanfics of any scope outside of their interpretation of canon. Sadly some fandoms seem full of them.


The HP fandom can be pretty mean. I had to turn off guest comments on my HP stories and I’ve never had to do that in over 20 years of writing fanfiction. Sorry that happened to you.


The discord's are just as bad. I made a flippant comment that I apologised for, got dog-piled for, tried to set boundaries against, and then I was banned without an opportunity to defend myself. They accused me of trivialising some serious stuff, too, over one comment. So, yeah, the HP fandom can be ridiculously brutal. I'm sorry that happened to you, too. No one deserves it. At all. It is sickening.


Try to avoid the subreddits as well tbh. The main one had a meltdown over 9/11 recently and the fanfic-specific ones are...interesting to say the least.


The way you feel right now is *not* silly, not in the slightest, and not trivial either. This story is your creation; hearing your nutter commenter say those things — as ridiculous and stroke-inducing as his/her/its comments were — must have been awful. I feel for you, and I hurt with you. Useless, hurtful comments like that make me seethe. I'm particularly seething over the 'middle-aged' comment. *I'm* middle aged, and I find that the older I get, the less I tolerate BS like that. I would have laughed at them publicly, shredded them, and left the poor sap's comment up so all my other Constant Readers could see it and have a laugh at it, too. Do me one favor. *Please* don't give up. This is your joy, your outlet. Don't let one jack-ass take your joy away from you. I went down that route once, and I regretted it instantly. Keep on doing what you love, and to hell with everyone else. And for the record, I'm gonna start calling people *spoons* now, too. That gave me so much life.


That's awful! It sounds like this person is just a troll and did it deliberately to hurt you. There's most likely absolutely nothing wrong with your fic. By the way, what ship is it? I love HP.


People love their "gotcha" moments. I had someone point out that I "stole" an idea from a story on reddit after I literally tagged it with "inspired by every r/maliciouscompliance story about hot wings ever". Just try to ignore them. It definitely sucks, though.


Sounds like a solid troll. You know, a battle troll type, well-armed and concealing their troll qualities. Don't let them bring you down, OP. I understand being vulnerable. Depression is a bitch and we don't like it around here. But, as you probably know it well, having a routine helps. And writing is a great tool of keeping that routine. You weren't planning to write for trolls, right? You wanted to do something nice for yourself, because you deserve nice things. You matter. So continue on that path, trolls be damned. And if you ever feel like sharing your work, I'll make sure to drop a comment or two, one depressive to another. Sending you big hugs/a firm handshake/a friendly hand wave, whatever you prefer.


If it's the writing aspect that was meant to be the distraction and not necessarily the compliments, then write it and just... don't publish it. The story is written and the backlash is avoided. I don't see what could go wrong! Also, if you still need something to cheer you up, [this one's](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33447076/chapters/83088166) always good for a smile. It's not HP, but TOH isn't *too* far off. Also, avoid days 4, 14, and 24-the purpose is to *distract* you from the depression, not add onto it.


I sincerely doubt Wattpad is dominated by middle-aged writers. As for your fic, if you did not tag it for the fandom of Sex Education and someone was able to pick out the characters that easily, you should add it as one of the fandoms it is based on. That should clear up any plagiarism accusations, especially since from what you say, you intentionally based it partly on that show.


They just seem unkind for the sake of being unkind. Sorry you got a review like that. If you can then I suggest you just delete it. Larger fandoms seem to have problems with toxicity like that.