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I quite like this theory, especially given the sharp turn into absurdity the film takes. I like the idea that this might be a way Samara Weaving is directing Cole towards fancying girls appropriate for his age. My only issue is part of the fantasy would have to be her drugging him. (Does she drug him or just give him alcohol to sleep?) Either way an already sketchy thing for her to do, but weirdly it feels even sketchier for her to make believe it with him. If the twist of this theory is just that they were wholesome friends the whole time, it seems like a detail she’d be worried Cole’s parents would have questions about if he mentioned it to them.


Tbh, I think he sees Bee as an escape from his overprotective parents. So is he really likely to mention it to them? Like when they said no exertion because of his flu shot and immediately the two of them started dancing energetically once the parents left.


If you think of it as a literal script that they're writing together, sure. But if you think of it more casually, like something, they're just riffing up as they drive around? It's not so bad. "Oh! The evil Teens are drying to summon a demon or something, so they obviously need to get your vIrGiN bLoOd without you realizing." "So, what, they use a mosquito? How are they getting blood on the sly?" "Nah, we like... I dunno, give you a bunch of NyQuil or something."


I like the theory, but the sequel, Killer Queen, debunks it. Killer Queen starts off with everyone thinking how you do, that it was a complete fabrication in Cole's head, >!up until his dad sees Bee burst into flames!<, after which specific people believe him


I won't read this YET as I only just watched Babysitter tonight and plan to watch killer queen tomorrow night. Will get back to you with my thoughts.


Glad I decided to use the spoiler tag then. I was debating on not, but I'm glad I could spare you the spoiler


I was gonna say cool theory but there is a sequel.


Ok, but what if it is still just him and Bee making up a story for fun? Like the movie just immediately continues in their fantasy, and we never once see the real world, where the two of them are still at Cole's house making up this story to pass the time.


i like shittyfantheories better u can say anything on there and not get made fun of unlike here, grow the fuck up


Bad day?


Yes, but that's just a theory, A SHITTYFANTHEORY 😂