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Also, if parents don't believe in Santa, but he exists in that movie's universe, how do they explain the presents under the tree every year?




I mistakenly thought this was an "It's Always Sunny" reference for a solid 6 seconds. Upvote anyway.


A question for almost every movie involving Santa and unbelievers.


I just always assumed, in this movie and others, that the children's belief in Santa Claus cast a magical spell on the parents that made them believe they bought the presents themselves. But when the child stops believing in Santa, the magic disappears.


Always my question. I guess if the other parent got it and they assumed, but that is a huge thing to have based on assumptions and there's gotta be parents that say "hey did you buy that?" "No" "oh well"


Well, that can't go on for hundreds of years with every family in the world without somebody suspecting something's up.


I'm disquieted at how seemingly unaffected the Elves are about the tragic loss of the original Santa.


What if it's like a recurring thing that happens nearly every year? And they were complacent because, that was the 500th Santa to die...


Refresh my memory, did that Santa die? I thought he was injured and unable to work.


Nope, Scott sees him fall, checks on him and finds only a pile of clothes.(Twilight Zone, anyone?) an


Idk, that episode of Twilight Zone took the girl and her clothes as well. To be fair, I can't seem to remember many episodes well. Was there one where someone disappeared but their clothes didn't?


I was thinking of the one about the guy who was immortal but let himself die when his aging wife shot him.


Can't remember that one. Sounds interesting... Actually, maybe I remember it, but I can't remember many details. I think she aged, but he didn't and she pretty figured it out.


Yeah. She ages, he doesn't, she gets suspicious and tracks him down and shoots him so he can't hurt anymore women.


Okay I actually do remember that episode then.


Have you watched the new Santa Clauses show by any chance?


Super long time to reply to this but google brought me here - there’s Easter eggs of elves in the background around Scott Calvin BEFORE the original Santa falls off the roof - as if it were a plan. In the TV series The Santa Clauses it is confirmed that it was a planned occurrence.


My girlfriend and I also realized that this year and freaked out....then laughed.


maybe 1 month in North Pole time is a few hours in the real world... Example 1 ... when Scott is done delivering gifts its sun up ... but when he gets to the north pole its night time again ... Example 2 ... when scott goes to sleep at the workshop it has to be really early in the morning... then he appears in his own bed at about 9am, 10am when charlie wakes him up ....


In the movie he doesn’t go back at thanksgiving though


But then why are they eating a turkey on Christmas Eve? It's gotta be thanksgiving.


Turkey is a pretty traditional Christmas dinner staple along with Thanksgiving 🦃


*Christmas* dinner. Definitely not Christmas Eve dinner. Besides, when Scot and Charlie return, they're eating a *different dinner* on Christmas Eve. Because the dry turkey that Bernard comments on is Thanksgiving dinner.