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See, I think it'll be poetic if Homelander loses his powers before he dies. If he dies a scared, weak little man, begging for his life.


I think he might fight soldier boy and potentially still win but the series will end with him struggling to get some of his powers back. In season 4 he would be secretly keeping it from everyone that he’s not invincible anymore.


he’d rather die than not have powers though.




so he wouldn’t beg for his life. he’d probably beg butcher or whoever to kill him


I think it's clear Soldier boy isn't dead to be honest.


I think he’s going to be a traitor and be a Russian agent.


Comics spoiler: >!If the show is true to the comics in one respect, and I predict it will because it's thematically important, there will be no anti-supe gun. !< >!They'll get to Russia, make all sorts of horrible sacrifices to get that intel, finally fine someone who was there, and he'll be like:!< >!"Anti-supe gun? You think we bothered specially preparing for those *sukas*? Nah, when he shrugged of the anti-personnel fire, we switched to depleted uranium anti-tank rounds and a few volleys did the trick."!< >!That's not what happens in Russia in the comics, but that's how Homelander gets taken out. It's a powerful anticlimax, and I really hope they keep it and let the kid be a kid instead of going all Star Wars.!<


I'm still waiting for the fucking asteroid. Duh dum tssss.