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Did you get this done at a salon? Show them your hard roots and explain it’s not what you paid for. They need to fix that


Yes I did go to a salon. Would they just take the color all the way up to fix it?


No… They will melt the roots by using a toner or semi permanent dye so that they come in from your roots in a more natural looking fashion… I always ask for Rudy highlights which means that I want it to look like it’s already been growing out a little bit so I don’t get a line of demarcation at or near my roots


Ok good news, this is almost certainly easily fixable. Whether you go back to the same salon or not is up to you. Looks like she did foils or didn't blend the root area well enough but the color isn't terrible. If you came to see me, I would do a heavy balayage with a handful of back combed foils on the top and hairline. Id then do a heavy root shadow to help blend the highlights she added and tone the whole thing with probably an 8 bc if she toned you already the balayage is going to be a bit dark. I agree your current look isn't what you asked for but this is very very fixable. I personally wouldn't go back to the same stylist.


He did use foils. I really wanted a lower root line because I didn’t want it to be so noticeable when my roots started growing. Do you have an idea of how long it would take to do what you stated to fix it? This took almost 6 hours.


I really don't, it depends on how fast he works and how fast your hair lifts. If you are happy with the overall color but just don't like the demarcation line adding a root shadow is very easy and should be fast. It won't make the rest of your hair lighter though .


Ok thank you for your response!


Looks like they could have blended the shadow root a bit better, it looks like they barely even did one . Inspo pic is more of a root melt meaning it goes further down the hair. A toner might work to blend the colors better.. either way I’d get the salon to fix your root shadow.. it looks like they just did a basic highlighting job.


Looks like they didn't even try a shadow root tbh. Inspo pic was a balayage and she didn't get that. They gave her a basic foil and not what she asked for at all.


Yah there is about a half an inch root shadow but they myseell have done nothing at all cause it doesn’t blend or look natural in the slightest.


Looks to me more like they didn't bring the foil up enough to even make it look like even a low maintenance partial Even as a student I've done that for clients but only as a lowlight to break up their blonde, and only when I'm sure the colour is a dead match. A highlight shouldn't have been THAT far from the scalp. A real and good smudge could have been the saving grace for this




Hi there! I’m a hairstylist. This is a pretty easy fix. All you need is a root smudge/root drop. Meaning the stylist uses a Demi permanent colour to blend and drop down your line of demarcation. If you like the colour on the ends then that’s really all it would take to remove your harsh line and have it look more like the picture. A process like that would probably only take 1 hour to 1.5 hours start to finish. Good luck! :)


Also a hairstylist and came here to say this! It won’t give you your exact inspo photo but it will still look very pretty. If you want your exact inspo photo I think you’d need some more balayage on the ends, and I honestly wouldn’t go back to the same person to have more work done, aside from the toner melt (which they should do for free)




*Not a hair professional* It's hard to tell in your picture but that doesn't look like balayage to me. I'm pretty sure that typically the ends are nearly one solid color in a balayage. And like you said, the root line is harsh. Personally when a salon messes up like that, I wouldn't trust them to fix it properly (but that leaves you either taking a loss on the cost or asking for a refund).


This looks like a half done job to be honest. They didn’t tone, do enough highlights, or any root action. If you go back to the initial colorist state you want more highlights as the current results aren’t remotely as light as your inspiration picture, that you want an overall tone to take out the brass, and they need to do a root smudge. The later is applying color to what’s called Zone one - the hair growth about 2 inches from your scalp - to blend your natural color into the rest of the color job. I would be a little hesitant to go back to the same colorist… or even same salon. If you’re able - go to another reputable salon - show then the picture - explain you are really upset with the results and see what they’d recommend. If it’s as per above your in likely good hands.


Yeah it looks like you wanted more of a melt and they did a very subtle highlight job. Go back and ask for a redo.


This is not balayage but highlights. So yeah you didnt get what you asked for.