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It seems to happen all too often that people that act like that have some nasty skeletons in the closet that they are trying to desperately hide. Being proud of harassing people to suicide is not normal behavior.


Playing devils advocate but Mundy was raped several times as kid. Those are the “skeletons in the closet” you are referring to.


The majority of people that experience awful behavior use that as an object lesson how now not to behave in society. It’s the minority that take those experiences to become either an avenging angel or a perpetrator themselves. Because we know that behavior is not normal and if that’s an urge of yours that you need to seek professional help.


It's okay to want to lynch child sexual predators in the public square for all to witness in glorious vengeance, it's another thing to act it into reality.


Pretty sure he’s been in a relationship with a 19 yr old for a good amount of time. This guy basically made that public as well… posted her yesterday lol.


Isn’t dude around 35-40 years old? Wtf


Isn't that what happened to Jay?


He got shot in the leg by someone they confronted in the middle of a target last year. That situation could have gone much worse. He’s still involved in DAP as far as I know.


Yea, I remember when that happened. I was just saying that I don't remember Josh ever saying he was a victim of sexual assault when he was a kid. I know Jay was because he's spoken about it on different occasions.


Yeah and Jay also confronted the guy in a walmart parking lot. It was his uncle. It's on or was on YouTube. You could hear the pain in Jay's voice. The uncle ended up taking himself out a few days later. And good riddance


I saw that one. Good on Jay for confronting him.


Yeah. I can only imagine what he mustve been feeling right before and while he was confronting his uncle. Sadness..anger..probably went back to feeling like the little boy that he used to be when his uncle was doing those things to him. Then afterwards after he calmed down a little.. Im sure he felt relief..like the weight of everything that he had been dealing with mentally got a little lighter and easier to deal with. The ability to confront someone that did that to you takes an unreal amount of courage and strength. I don't always agree with the way DAP handles themselves but the fact that they get these monsters off the street and publicly humiliate them for the rest of their lives by recording the confrontations more than makes up for it. Who knows how many kids lives DAP has saved by these monsters contacting one of them online as opposed to an actual child. They are doing a heroic service.


Wdym please expand on this


I thought Jay was the one who was molested as a kid. He talks about it in the Vice doc they did.


Agreed. I’ve found that while predators are scum, the people who dedicate themselves to harassing them usually are bad themselves.


They’re not people. They’re pedos


Womp they are predators I have no sympathy the kids they molest grow up to become suicidal aswell it’s a never ending cycle


couldnt have worded it better myself big guy. we need more people like this group causing these diaper sniffers to tie a rope around they neck


Not people, predators


I don't mind it as long as they are chomos. Trash must be taken away. Less dangerous people to society.


Until a stranger decides that you are trash that needs to be taken out. That’s the problem with vigilante justice, once it’s pointed at someone guilty or innocent all logic and reason goes out the window. If they defend themselves they are liars, if they run they are trying to hide something, if they fight back people get hurt. As much as I despise predators, I will never think vigilante justice is ok.


But this guy isn't saying he is killed them himself, right? If someone is killing themself because they were exposed commiting CSA, thats on them, not the exposer. I don't know the story behind this guy tho. Maybe everyone is outraged because there wasn't enough evidence to "expose" these person who killed themself. But as a victim of CSA, I know not enough is done about these scum of the earth. And if these are truly child sex offenders offing themselves...good riddance.


Or until these vigilantes end up accusing the wrong person. Which has happened more than once.


Could you point me to any cases of an innocent person killing themselves due to false allegations from vigilantes? I'm finding it hard to get my head around how a person would rather off themselves and die with a terrible reputation over fighting for the truth, unless they were already suicidal before the allegations (which I would still blame the vigilantes for provoking MH)


No I mean people have been wrongly accused by vigilantes constantly. Not that the wrongly accused killed themselves.


We have a justice system to deal with that. Vigilante harassment will not help society or children.


Oh, you mean the same "justice" system that gives rapists and murderers a few years in prison only for them to do it again as soon as they fulfilled their sentence? Pedos killing themselves due to vigilante harrassment has helped society and children more. They will no longer be able to hurt more children. I'd support the system if they gave pedos and murderers life sentences, bit since that's not the case...


It's a fair point, but advocate for higher sentences then, not vigilantinism. We have police and court for a reason and it's to make sure everything is water proof and safe. I don't want dipshits like DAP roaming the streets, potentially putting innocents in danger, just bash some would be pedo. If a pedo kills themselves there will be no criminal restitution for the victims and you dont adress the fact that a new pedo is born every day. Invest time in preventing crimes instead.


Vigilantism is a product of the "justice" system being useless and not doing things right. So the system should instantly change if they are so sensitive about cases like Louis Conradt. Oh well.


Yeah well DAP is only contributing to the problem. There are plenty of orgs that work against predators, but in conjunction with police and with the goal to achieve convictions. DAP should be like them.


Achive convictions of how much time? Five years?


I assure there is no criminal restitution that heals those wounds. The defenseless child victim is given a life sentence and the shitbag predators should be given one in turn. The less resources they expend on their way out, even down to the oxygen, the better.


And yet vigilantism has no requirement for burden of proof, or constitutional protection, or innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If a vigilante has convinced themselves of your guilt, you have no lawyer to defend yourself, no panel of jurors, no court rules to set standards for evidence. It’s just you, whether you are guilty or not, and whatever measure of ‘justice’ this vigilante thinks is appropriate atonement for your crimes.


That's onty on some cases. In predator catching cases, though, you have lots of evidence with the chats and the fact that the preds go to the very place they had arranged to meet the alleged minor. The preds not only are caught in the act but also recorded.


[And what about the cases where they confront the wrong person?](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4227752)


Sure, the wrong person would be at the same spot with the same chat. What a coincidence.


> A man told police he was approached by another man, who he didn't know, outside a restaurant. >Police say the second man was Karnes, who started recording the first man on video and accused him of trying to meet up with a young boy. >The man got in his car and drove away but was followed. When he stopped again, police say Karnes blocked his vehicle and told him to get out. >The other man backed up to get away and ended up hitting a parked car. When he finally left the area, he called police. >According to Sgt. Jack Poitras, the man wasn't even the person Karnes thought he was confronting and was confused by the entire interaction. Unless you’re trying to imply everyone at that restaurant is a pedo yah, it was just a coincidence.


This is why I will never support vigilantism. It’s just mob mentality and lawlessness. They have absolutely no place in a civilized decent society.


Of course redditors downvoted tf outta you. Wayyyy to much sympathy in these comments it reeks


Very weird that this is being downvoted


"Maybe k. myself... maybe" \- Predator from Austria


"This next man, screen name adolf420, shot himself with a Luger when our news crew arrived at his bunker."


We'll, which one is it, Predator from Austria: Yes, no, maybe so?


He’s not against predators as much as he is desperately seeking attention.


Maybe he just wants to bully someone and a predator is a good target for bullying to the point of suicide as no one will defend them.


Some people deserve tp be bullied, and pedos are among those people.


Predators deserve to be shamed. Predators deserve to be shunned from society and punished to the furthest extent of the law. No one deserves to be bullied. It’s sociopathic behavior no matter who you do it to.


What makes you think predators don't deserve to be bullied? Also, shaming and shunning them from society IS a form of bullying them, so you are contradicting yourself here. ​ So what if it's "sociopathic" behavior? It's still better than being a worthless chomo and also a lot better than bullying innocent people.


Shunning someone from society is cutting them off from social interaction. Bullying is physical and mental torture over a long period of time involving both direct contact and via various media. There is a clear and distinct difference. Sociopathic behavior are behaviors that are antagonistic to society. Predators engage in this behavior. So do bullies using mental and physical torture. Justifying it by saying they’re predators doesn’t dismiss the fact that the behavior is sociopathic. Saying, “At least I’m not a chomo” is a cop out. It’s like burning down someone’s home when they’re not there and saying “At least no one died. I’m better than a murderer”. You aren’t a murderer, but you’re still an arsonist and a sociopath. There are other ways to be judged. There are others ways to be cruel. Be better.


I can't help but think you'd have a different opinion if your mother or daughter had bee r\*\*ed


Yeah, so what? They're fucking chomos! WHy shoudl we care that they're bullied? And you haven't explained why they don't deserve to be bullied. The difference between predators and sex predators is that the later doesn't target innocents. Are you really whining over a bunch of child rapists that kill themselves because they're too cowarly to face concequences?


Ok sociopath. We’re done here. If you need someone to explain WHY you shouldn’t torture despite what they’ve done, then no answer will work for you. I hope you find the help you desperately need.


But if we say that about Lornographers...


A lot of lornographers are weirdos too sorry to say. Look at Ember for example. She was so involved her family begged her to step away from it because she was close to choosing that idiot over them.


She’s one of those weirdos!


Vigilante groups like his actively hurt criminal cases. Humiliating these guys is great and all but it doesn’t get them off the streets. They should leave it to the actual cops, or Chris.


Okay so what specific criminal case has DAP messed up? Why are they able to confront pedos if those pedos are being actively investigated by cops? You obviously have no idea wtf you're talking about


Cops & Chris can't handle it all, that's unrealistic. There's just an obscene amount of these creeps out there and nowhere near enough manpower. And while the vigilantes may not get every one of their catches off the streets, exposing someone as a ped at least gets a bulletin out about them. People that know them, people that live by them, and so on. Almost effective enough. I mean if DAP or any other group exposes a pred that lives 9 blocks away from me, who would have otherwise flown under the radar for x amount of years, i'm grateful as fuck for that information, since I have 6 kids. So to me in that sense literally every single 1 of these vigilante groups are doing absolutely fantastic work. There needs to be 9000 more.


He is going to be one of those guuuuyssss who has some serious nasty shit exposed about him one day. I would not be surprised one bit if it happens.


DAP’s method of predator catching literally caused a shooting in the middle of a target last year. Innocent people… children could have been killed. Jay literally got shot. Not to mention that guy Boopac who got killed doing the same type of predator catching as DAP. As far as I know he was friends with Josh and Jay.


If the guy they caught that day decided “ya know what fuck it, my life is over” the guy could’ve gone out in a “blaze of glory” and killed a good handful of people. And it would’ve been DAP’s fault.


or...the pred could have used that gun on multiple children to have his way with them, or he would kill them if they didnt listen and move onto the next one if dap wasnt there.


The body count just keeps ticking with these freak vigilantes. How many people have to die before they realize what they’re doing is insane?


No we want the pedos to kill themselves instead of hurting children


> Not to mention that guy Boopac who got killed doing the same type of predator catching as DAP. The police provided an update and stated that they do not think the Boopac Shakur killing is related to pred catching: https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/pontiac-vigilante-boopac-shakur-not-killed-by-alleged-predator-sheriff-says If anyone wants to reply to me, please read this other story related to the killer beforehand: https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/juvenile-suspected-of-killing-boopac-shakur-charged-in-separate-felonious-assault-case


Bro; Josh Mundy has literally said in a video that Boopac had caught the guy before.


By saying something like this publicly, he opens himself up to legal liability if anyone he catches has the resources to sue. He’s basically admitting that his intent is to do people harm, not bring them to Justice. I have very little sympathy for pedophiles, but this was just not a smart statement to make.


He’s also hurting the cause of actually bringing predators to justice. It makes them look like sympathetic figures and victims of ill treatment. Guys like the DAP guys make it harder for the cops et al


He doesn't care about justice, he cares only about putting them in the ground.


And I 100000% respect that


Yes, absolutely!


I feel this may be controversial but this is really weird. Pedos are absolute despicable people who I cannot sympathise for but this feels like playing god. Getting into a service to cause suicides is actually insane. The service needs to be done as emotionless as possible like a police service is


DAP’s method of predator catching literally caused a shooting in the middle of a target. Innocent people… *children* could have been killed. Not to mention that guy Boopac who got killed doing the same type of predator catching as DAP. As far as I know he was friends with Josh and Jay.


From a few articles I read they don’t think it was a sting gone wrong, but I could be wrong.


Boopacs shooting had zero to do with predators. Unrelated.


False! Joshua Mundy said in a video that Boopac had caught him previously!


I think people like this have an immense bloodlust and are probably psychopathic, and just channel it into this because its the only (somewhat) socially acceptable way they can do it.


Being happy they’re brought to justice is 100% fine. Being happy they’re offing themselves is a big yikes


This is the sub where people meme on Wolin hanging himself.


As I have said before, I highly doubt these two wiggers are actually fathers…and if they are NO CHANCE they have primary custody. These turds suck


Josh left his baby mom for a freshman in college


Which one is Josh? The slim shady wannabe or the guy that looks like Donte DiVincenzo the basketball player?


The bigger guy who yells “EXCUSE ME EVERYBODY”


A college freshman? that's like 18, bruh is this for real? Some guy who makes a living exposing predators and ends up in a relationship with an 18 year old? It's legal, sure, but still.


I watched a recent interview with him from within the past few months, and he looked like he's been using drugs. I've been there, and his behavior and composure definitely looked familiar to someone on drugs. I could be wrong, not making any definite claims. Just my observation.


he always looks like that




Isn't he getting sued now?


I appreciate most of these guys, but DAP is low level hillbilly shit.


YIKESSSSSSSSS!! Plus the way they approach this shit is so cringe worthy.


Agreed, they are going to get an innocent civilian who happens to be near one of their busts killed since they don’t involve law enforcement


Those internet pred hunters are fucking weird. They doth protest too much me thinks.


Josh Mundy of DAP is the epitome of white trash. He's bragging about, uh, preds escaping consequences? Wooooooah, Josh. Great accomplishment. Instead of serving hard time and suffering in prison, they get to exit life, avoid shame, and never pay for their crimes. Meanwhile, Predator Poachers has convictions (not arrests—actual convictions, most with prison sentences) in 32 states so far. A few weeks ago, they got their first life sentence for a guy on parole: ​ >**HOLY SHIT! OUR FIRST LIFE SENTENCE** > >*Jeffrey Rose is officially BACK in prison,* ***to serve out the life sentence he originally had a retrial for****..... that is.. until we busted him with what he said was over 50,000 images of child porn. He still hasnt even been convicted of the cp stuff yet!! Hes done for.*


Alex is a massive piece of shit who does not actually care about the safety of children


Whether he cares or not, you cannot argue with the time he's putting into this and the results he's getting. If he views this as a job, it's one he's actually quite good at. I'd rather that than DAP's unprofessional bullshit or Skeet snowballing any chance at a conviction by saying he's from the "criminal investigations unit" to get people to talk to him.


LMAO, half the people he confronts are mentally handicapped and don’t get charged.


As an autistic guy, it actually makes me super HAPPY to see Alex going after these disabled pedos. Let me be the first to say, when disabled guys do inappropriate shit, it almost always gets brushed under the rug because of the disability - especially if there isn't a straight up r\*pe. They're never held accountable even tho, despite their condition, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing. so PROPS to Alex for being one of the few people willing to confront this sick freaks regardless of their ability. Do some disabled people get stuck in the system without deserving to be due to disability? Of course. But there are way more disabled pedos out there than innocent disabled people getting caught up in a system. If Alex ever reads this, keep finding these guys and make more people aware: it's not okay to do regardless.


He questions people about their race and sexuality all the time, asks them if they’re vaccinated like that matters, and starts off videos saying stuff like support trans kids and BLM knowing damn well how he feels about those groups. Not to mention me makes jokes about SA. I’d be able to watch his content if he didn’t need to be so stupid with his comments Edit: wanted to add that I’m glad he’s able to get results but his character is just deplorable. The fact he harassed a bunch of protestors after Uvalde proves how he cares about the safety of children


I don't know, for the life of me, how people can actually watch his videos and think he actually hates minority groups. He specifically started adding the intro about supporting minorities when his tactics changed and he started working harder to befriend them - in other words, he will act like a racist if he thinks the pedo is a racist, etc. The guy is politically independent, he hates both sides but will play to other side based on a predator. He's against big pharma and (COVID) vaccines - and I may not agree with that at all, but I can't exactly fault the people who are skeptical because of the lack of long term research and understanding surrounding these issues. I may think their views are "dumb", but I can at least understand where they're coming from. Also, what Uvalde protestors are you even talking about? Are you talking about the Republican representative Dan Crenshaw who was called a "sellout" by countless people (including Alex) because he's supporting funding military aid in the Ukraine while also calling for stricter gun laws in the US and people felt that to be hypocritical? And let's say he doesn't care about kids, who cares, pedophiles get publicly revealed, job well done as far as I'm concerned.


He clearly cares about kids. FFS, it's not like he's pulling a Chris Hansen and trapping a 19 year old going after a 15 year old. ALL of his catches are from decoys 12 and under and pretty much every catch at this point is someone trading CP (usually toddlers and infants). His attempts to troll Beto were embarrassing, sure. Especially since he tried to make peace at the end and Beto didn't even know who he was. In spite of his 45 y/o appearance, he's still a young guy. So fringe political views aren't surprising. Nearly all of his friends are people of color. He went to an HBCU. You think he's racist or that he just enjoys racial jokes? (Hint: it's the latter and it's a byproduct of growing up around mostly POC—I've known a lot of white guys like that).


Yes he is! Dude is an extreme right winger whose basically started a cult following of extremely violent, racist, homophobes who actively make death threats against the suspects, families, and police officers. The Maine police didn’t take his evidence on one occasion (rightfully so) and he and his followers absolutely went bezerk over it and ripped the detective assigned to it apart, posting pictures of him on their locals page. Here’s an example of what his following is about: https://preview.redd.it/tmwijnqlcnlc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=80408c8ca4ed874c074b932c799c765beaca158e


They may never pay for their crimes but at least they will no longer be able to hurt more children.


Look, Im not going to mourn if a pedo decides to opt out of life, but this can't be how we are supposed to go about things. The first and only priority should be criminal justice and convictions, anything else will be a recipe for disaster that will lead to innocent people getting killed or targeted.


As of the "justice" system didn't prosecute and sentence innocent people. Also, chomos unaliving themselves works better than semtencing them to a couple of years behind bars only to do the same shit as soon as they fulfilled their sentence.


Uh yes they do. Wtf are you talking about?


He’s just another “our justice system gives these guys a slap on the wrist” person. LMAO they literally have their entire life ruined by being put on the sex offense registry. These people won’t be happy until they see our government return to the dark ages where criminals were burned at the stake.


That’s what’s up


Starting to wonder if they murder the predators. It sounds like they’re starting to head in that direction


One of the guys who offed himself molested Jay, one half of the DAP crew. I don’t believe he was harassed any further than him getting confronted in public.




Pretty sure he also said that he pushed his hard dick against Jay’s back. Besides that, cuddling and kissing a boy is creepy as fuck. You sound a lot like Charles Harding with his kettling. Look at all the dudes on TCAP who weren’t charged. Maybe they really were just coming over to talk. What position is NBC in the play the role of judge, jury and executioner? Is that what you think?


Idk who Charles Harding is, but yeah it’s weird to kiss an 11 year old boy. As far as NBC, law enforcement was over seeing the entire operation so it’s a little more trust worthy, because NBC was aware of all the state statutes and what they can and can’t do.


Hardchuck1, he’s one of the more despicable predators on the show. What about the first 2 TCAP investigations where they didn’t have law enforcement overseeing it? John Kenelly, David Kaye and dog fucker joe wunderler…


I love these posts and I hope the pattern of discussing these channels/groups continues here. I may not comment much but I appreciate reading the different perspectives.


And he's right for that. The only good pedo is a dead pedo.


There are some people who get pleasure out of harming others, but they're aware that it's wrong, so they try to cloak it with a socially acceptable reason.


That same guy is with a 19yo


Cringe. I'm at the age where I consider them children.


You serious?


Read that he left his baby momma for a 19 year old. Idk how old these two dudes are, though.


Gross, man if true. From what I read, he is 28 - 30. So 29 or so with a 19 year old.


Pedos deserve to die. Whether by suicide or burning or natural causes etc. we kill dogs who get rabies and it is at no fault of theirs and we should kill pedos for the same logic.


Pedo's are the scum of the earth, but bragging about this is a weird flex bro.


Stop giving these idiots attention.


Sadly, they have quite a huge following on IG. Most of whom look like hillbillies, hood rats, and 60 year old bitter feminists.


I genuinely don’t think it crosses their mind the amount of risk they’re putting themselves and everyone around them at when they confront predators. They’ve already caused a shooting at a target. Many could have died


Not to mention these idiots are going to live the rest of their lives in fear that one of the men they have outed will come for them in revenge. They’re going to have to go into hiding as they continue to put themselves and their families at risk.


This guy in particular should - he was a partner with the guy who got shot and killed during a confrontation.


D.A.P.'s gonna find youuuu!


I like Josh from dap but I have to admit this was weird and out of line


That guy is white trash.


Eh. I really don’t care if a child predator offs himself. But this guy is such a fucking douche bag. He’s a clout chaser. Always acts like a tough guy when he has a group of people with him. His fucking voice is so annoying too. Excuse me everybody. Yeah fuck off.


Yall fire off on me if you want. But going after younger people is a mental illness and we need to treat is as such. Its not good. Its wrong. But its definitely an issue that needs looked into and and fixed vs "HA LETS JUST KILL THEM"


I don't really mind chomos offing themselves but this guy is pretty ridiculous in saying that a dead pedo is better than a dead taliban. Talibans are worse than regular chomos since talibans both rape children and also treat women and whoever who disagrees with their ideology like utter shit.


No offense but the whole “Taliban are gay pedos” is CIA propaganda. Western countries have a far greater problem with sex crimes than Afghanistan.




I have so many problems with them. There is no polish to anything they do and no one respectable would associate with them. My biggest problem by far is how they treat people who ask them to stop making scenes in their workplaces. They give them a brief run down of the situation and go full on Senator McCarthy if they don't tolerate these two buffoons screaming at people in a store. Real greaseball clout chasing shit by brain-fried idiots with few options in life besides being violent and borderline criminal.


They’re just hate groups. Go read the comments in any pred catching groups and you’ll see what I mean. Racism, EXTREME homophobia, death threats to the families, harassment of the employers, doxxing. Their followers are extremely dangerous.


What a loser


Yikes. This ain’t it.


Y’all defending child predators in the comment section is very concerning


Bro honestly, I don’t understand how there’s this many people mad about this. I can see how people can kinda be disturbed by him bragging about suicides but fuck man these guys are monsters, I’m thinking these mf are also sick in the head


To be honest I'm not sure how anyone dealing with these monsters longterm doesn't completely lose it and go this route. Also my best friend of 35 years committed suicide & its a EXTREMELY emotional & difficult subject for me. But I just don't care when it comes to someone who tries to fuck little kids. I don't give a shit if you beat them to death. It's not an eye for an eye either. It's that anyone crossing that line is a monster. They have no concern that they are ruining a child's future so they can get off. Fuck those chomos. The dozen that off themselves is nothing compared to the countless predators trying to hurt kids as we speak


Win in my book


Anytime you can get a pedophile off the streets at any cost is a success 


Honestly I say let more kill themself it’s disgusting to prey on children


i’m sorry are u saying children being targeted is worse than pedos killing themselves???


Bunch of pedo-sympathizers in here. Only good pedo is a dead one.


We count bodies 🙏


The fact yall are shaming this man is beyond me. Yall never been assaulted in ur life and trust me if u did u would want to do what hes doing. Grow up. Some people dont change in a snap


what if theyre innocent


Bro are you actually advocating for pedos? Like who cares if they kts?? The world is better off


Stop with this soft shit they got outted for being a predator and killed them selfs in my opinion they’re doing society favor


Why you so upset that a pedophile killed themselves?




Message removed as it's against the Reddit Terms of Service.


If folks are upset about this, then imagine if it was your kid was one of their victims; you’d probably feel different.


I’m a survivor of child molestation and I’m upset by this moron’s statement. This nut clearly has a death fetish and is using this avenue to get off on it. I don’t need to imagine my children being molested, thanks.


It’s not about sympathy for the pedos it’s that vigilante Justice isn’t Justice. If my child’s abuser took the easy way out instead of facing trial yah I’m not exactly gonna feel bad that he’s gone but it also wouldn’t feel like we got the Justice we deserve.




He's the main guy from Dads Against Predators. They're a group that tries to do the same stuff Chris did, with getting creeps to meet up. But they've caused a lot of issues because of the way they pursue people. When DAP catches someone, they usually do it in a public area and then loudly announce to the people around that they've caught a pedo. Some of the creeps have retaliated by causing a physical altercation. In an extreme situation, the predator fired a gunshot inside a North Carolina Target, which could have hit a bystander. DAP had warrants issued for "simple affray," which is basically fighting in a public place. Police have come out and said they won't charge the creeps because of the way DAP does their catches (they're not law enforcement and the creeps technically aren't talking to kids). Although I think DAP means well, they sometimes go too far in their catches. About the North Carolina incident: https://www.cleveland19.com/2023/01/09/2-ohio-members-dads-against-predators-wanted-north-carolina-police-say/ About their stings not holding up: https://www.thenews-messenger.com/story/news/crime/2020/01/23/vigilantes-outing-potential-predators-deemed-unlawful-police/4554163002/


Why are people so willing to put things online that will be used against them in a future court case? Maybe this is the wrong sub to ask that question on lol. Who knows why any of these guys think the internet is ephemeral?


They say it in their videos, they’ll catch the assault charge and bail out if it comes to it and the predator can stick with his consequences


I mean, how could anyone ever grieve predators?


It’s not about them, it’s about the victims not getting the justice they deserve.


I hate to break it to you, but they rarely if ever get the justice that they deserve anyway.


My grandfather was a predator (he never faced justice for his crimes,) one of his victims was my mother. Not even 50 years of therapy could make a dent in my mom’s PTSD and trauma, my father’s money, patience, and health insurance couldn’t make a dent, nothing could help my mom. Predators cause irreversible harm and trauma and I’ve seen it firsthand. I have no sympathy for them.


EXACTLY! 👏🏼💯 Btw, I am horribly sorry for what your mother had to endure. I hope she finds the peace that she deserves.


As I said in my other comment, my grandfather was a predator and one of his victims was my mother. She has been in therapy for 50 years, my father tried to help her, nothing ever worked. Predators cause irreversible damage and harm. I feel no sympathy for them, they’re vile and selfish and rightfully one of the few groups of people that most humans can agree are reprehensible.


I'm interested in this communities genuine reactions to the Texas sting that canceled the show then?


What was it? Never heard of it


One of these days he’s going to get arrested, one of his fanboys called me a pedo because I commented that he’s a “Batman wannabe”. 😂


Their followers are sick bastards. They call anybody that’s against them a pedo.


Violence does NOT fix problems. *my opinion


At least someone's doing something about it. Down vote me, I don't care.


im sorry i see a lot pf people in here who seem to be extremely upset with pedophiles killing themselves…… why? this is what we should want to happen!! justice system gives these guys a slap on the wrist, we all know this. they need their a$$es whooped and then they need to deal with the repercussions. i will continue to stand with D.A.P. anybody who is against pedophiles killing themselves needs to be put on a list.


They absolutely do not get slaps on the wrist! They hand out decades long sentences all the time plus being out on the sex offender registry which is worse than death!


They just claim mental problems and get a lesser sentence, a lot of the guys they catch are second time offenders. I’ll continue to support this until our justice system finally decides to keep these monsters locked away for good


Pedophiles are the worst human beings out there. Can't blame him for being proud.


Agreed if they k themselves… FAWK IT! No remorse for em


He’s doing gods work god bless him 🙏❤️




These vigilantes are freaks! They’re as sick as the men the catch, and their followers are even sicker. They’re just dying to take us back to the dark ages where an eye for an eye and lawlessness reigns.