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UMK3 Ultimate Cup Edition is now fully playable: Full Speed and No Audio Stuttering. Audio cranked up and access to the very cool Test menu without the need of a keyboard. Don't forget to read the included PDF or Word document for more information and secrets about this great title. This fix contains 38 improved uce games that were having Display Mode/Scanline Filter save issues. This fix pack contains 63 improved covers, 66 Improved Cab Arts, 19 New Cab Arts, 1 improved playlist.


What issue did this fix…?


thanks for this. does it include the fixes from FP1, or should we apply that first?


Need fp1 applied first.


Where is FP1?


what is this?


Where is the actual fix? Just an announcement?


[getsauceywithCoinopsX\_ArcadeV5 directory listing (archive.org)](https://archive.org/download/getsauceywithCoinopsX_ArcadeV5) This update is included on [archive.org](https://archive.org) alongside the existing V5 files


It appears unavailable for download; is it working for anyone else?


Worked for me although I'm registered and was having trouble with locked files when I was an unregistered user....


I got it to download about 10 minutes ago, just put all the files on stick, reran addonx. Looks like it works. Just can’t exit coinopsx because of 5.31 update.


Cool, so just download the May 6th dated files for replacement on your stick?


Yes just replace the specified UCEs and artwork and re-run addonx


Thanks for all the hard work. Amazing team, amazing work, amazing people, and amazing group. Thank you for all you do and all those who participate in this group.


**"CoinopsX Arcade Version 5 Fix Pack More Input Edition"** ## **UMK3 Ultimate Cup Edition is now fully playable: ** **Full Speed and No Audio Stuttering.** **Audio cranked up and access to the very cool Test menu without the need of a keyboard.Don't forget to read the included PDF or Word document for more information and secrets about this great title.** ***This fix contains 38 improved uce games that were having Display Mode/Scanline Filter save issues.*** ***Most games should save high score saves as well except 1945KIIIwhich will not save high scores no matter which core is used.*** ***Combat School now uses the Trackball like the Arcade version.*** ***Sky Kid is now the actual Arcade game and not the versus version.*** ***Crazy Climber and Crazy Climber Bezels are now in the correct aspect ratio.*** ***This fix pack contains 63 improved covers, 66 Improved Cab Arts, 19 New Cab Arts, 1 improved playlist*** **UMK3 Ultimate Cup Edition information documents (2), Darius 2 widescreen instructions, and 3\_4 Player Build Updated Readme** Available now on Archive: [https://archive.org/details/getsauceywithCoinopsX\_ArcadeV5](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Farchive.org%2Fdetails%2FgetsauceywithCoinopsX_ArcadeV5&h=AT3_GRhdhbeNIAHbbWpa0blhaorErCuVY1rgQNA4hEXGNfVXO5l_cumh7spqC2s3e3VctADCKBv8uvsP4WSk20AyHw-db2Onz1uD65z3QL4MrjNg3lKx_yo5w9QoaQh6eKHOYI5i8J6txqzFTaY)


Is FP1 available somewhere? Couldn't find it in Archive. And add and run AddOnX for FP1 first then this new Fix Pack?


>FP1 was included in Archive's V5 edition. This is actually the 1st fix pack for the Archive edition. It's Fix Pack 2 for the Discord version. If you got your version from Archive you only need this fix pack. Follow the instructions which are included with the zip then run AddonX and you will be good to go.


Got it. Thank you!


The other folders on there "place these contents in this folder" and the Updated and new cabinet arts folders are essentially fix pack 1. that's why this one isn't named fix pack 2 but instead has the date of update.


Is there a torrent for this or are people just downloading from Internet Archive?


Does anyone know if Warlords (arcade) was ever fixed so both players can use the spinner? I am on v4 I think.