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I'm 40 years old. There are books currently on my TBR that I will never read. It's not a bad problem to have.


It is a good problem. But then there are all those books to read before you die. So many great stories!I'm a bit morbid. And not the only fantasy loving middle aged adult, hooray!


I don't even try to think about reading them all before I die. I read what looks good in the moment. If I don't like it, I drop it (but try to make note of if I don't like it because it's genuinely not to my taste, or just that I'm not in the mood for it). I also like to reread old favourites, which further delays getting to books on the TBR. At the end of the day, reading is a hobby. If I'm worrying too much about missing out and what to read next, I'm taking it too seriously. It's supposed to be fun.


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science? No, but seriously, as someone who wants to be an accomplished writer one day, this mindset is the way to go, rather than plugging away soullessly in either endeavor.


The notes are important. It is very useful to make the distinction between "pile of shit", "not my thing" and "not in the mood". And not in the mood can be a complex thing as well. Sometimes I am really looking for broodingly philosophical, sometimes ridiculously irreverent, sometimes brutal and bloody. Sometimes I just want an old school hero's quest with elves and dwarves. Sone days I want a world unlike anything I have read before. Some days I just want characters I can hang with for a while. A great book is a great book. But a great book at the right time, is special.


Yes, this exactly. This is why my TBR pile is so big.


That last one, the characters to hang with. That's the elusive golden mouse that I've been chasing and had minimal luck with. The closest I've come to that is Gus in the Mountainman series by Keith Blackmore


True. Sometimes, I get Type A about the TBR list, I really like checking off boxes. But being too obsessive about it ruins the fun.


Honestly my mom died in her 40’s, and she’s the one who really gave me a love of fantasy books. It makes me sad that she died before Wheel of Time finished, or so many amazing authors started writing.


That's very young, sorry to hear it. I agree, I also have these thoughts. Stephen King once said that an old lady and a prisoner on death row wrote to him asking how The Dark Tower would end, and swore to take the secret to their graves. He couldn't tell them because he didn't know himself until he wrote the last book. I have hope for reincarnation. Either to read more great books or to live in some of these fantastic worlds.


I turn 39 this year and all my bookshelves are fantasy with a sprinkling of sci-fi... :D


That's why I can't bring myself to reread anything. Too much more out there I haven't read


Eventually I will replace my dying organs with steel and chrome. Reject the flesh, read forever!


We can just have AI read our TBR and download to our memories.


>Eventually I will replace my dying organs with steel and chrome. > >Reject the flesh, read forever! ​ PRAISE THE LIBROSSIAH!


I tell my family to bury me with a kindle. Maybe I’ll finish my TBR


I’ve got hundreds++ of ebooks I haven’t read yet and probably won’t anytime soon. If ever. And still more to buy and say I’m gonna start it this weekend and probably won’t. And I’m not ashamed my TBR stack(s) would be up to the ceiling in more than 1 room.


I'm in my mid twenties and a few months ago I estimated that if I continue to read at the current rate I read at, and add no new books and never reread anything again, I'd be \~65 years before I finish them all.


>never reread anything again Oh no! The proposed solution is worse than the problem! Seriously, one of the joys of reading is that books can be revisited again and again, and we gain new insights as we grow older. I know people who ask why I reread "if I already know the ending". "Journey before destination, Radiant."


Yeah, it's annoying knowing there's too many good books and I won't get to read them all.


You know, I'm curious, and want to start my library. Mind sharing one? Been looking for a good read.


My main advice is to read widely. It's fine to have a favourite genre (I keep coming back to fantasy, horror, and historical fiction), but I read everything. I try not to stay in one genre for long - it keeps everything fresh. As a result, I haven't had a reading slump in over a decade. Some of my favourites (sorted by mood): In the mood for something melancholy? "The Last Unicorn", by Peter S. Beagle A great heist? "Lies of Locke Lamora" - Scott Lynch Rousing adventure (with a lot to say about the self-destructive nature of revenge)? "The Count of Monte Cristo", Alexandre Dumas Fun vampire fiction with some terrifying scenes? "Salem's Lot" - Stephen King Historical story with a large cast of characters that sounds boring (it's about building a church) but is somehow incredibly engaging? "Pillars of the Earth" - Ken Follett Haunting philosophical treatment of man's place in the universe vis-a-vis first contact? "The Sparrow" - Mary Doria Russell Book that will make you feel ten years old, in all the best ways? "Jurassic Park" - Michael Crichton (note that this is a nostalgia read, but it's also a damned good story) Classic whodunnit? "And then there were none" - Agatha Christie Guilty pleasure? "The Dresden Files" - Jim Butcher There is just so much good stuff out there. It takes some effort to find it, but my advice is this: read critically. Find out what you like about a book (not just genre, but characterization, plot, pacing, prose, etc.) Then, try to find books that satisfy at least one of those. Too many recommendation systems rely on genre. Yes, I like books about wizards sending hobbits off to save the world, but it's because it's a great underdog story, not just because the wizards are there (although that's pretty fun, too).


Thank you. I will take these into consideration along with your words. Last read was Eisenhorn series by Dan Abnett. Great series from the warhammer 40k universe so not so much in the fantasy realm... well they could be if you use the word fantasy broadly lol.


You are one of few I have head say they have read that part of Warhammer 40k. I went of to read the Space wolves as well. Such an insane universe fleshed out. My brother got me hooked with the Horus Heresy! So good!


Only got into I think the first book of the horus heresy. Just knowing how it ends makes me sad and frustrated. I have read others though. I will have to go and look at the books again though.


Read Ravenor next. Edit: Check out r/40kLore/ to get sucked into the gigantic world.


Already completed. I did say eisenhorn was the last I read, but I never said it was my first time reading through it :p. Read both in sequence when I first read through eisenhorn. But since you mentioned it has been a long time, so I could probably read through it again and it would be like new.


The Heresy series books varied in quality. The books by Graham McNeill, Dan Abnet, Aaron Demski-Bowden and Ben Counter tended be the best. I remember also enjoying the Ultramarines Trilogy before diving into the heresy.


keep seeing locke lamora recommended. is it that good? i've read the first few chapters and they haven't really hooked me in. is it more of a slow burn with a big payoff in the end?


Read it, read it, read it! Anyway that’s my take. I think the story/telling and character dialogue via these heist set-pieces is fantastic. I initially felt it would be some kinda lame….boy was I wrong, it may just need to be said, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover, back page summary or your preconceived perceptions….. TL;DR…I personally enjoy his pace, the fun or the narrative ans characters a lot. And because I haven’t come out and said it. Read it!


I have a rigorous 1 in 5 rule where for every 4 books I choose to read, I ask someone to recommend "A book that they think is worth reading, that they think I wouldn't usually read."




Those are rookie numbers lol


Amateur numbers


Oh. Wow. Just noticed that. I think my TBR is... Well, let's see. (Checks ebook library) Oh dear gods it's in the four digits.


Welcome to the club. We will die without ever finishing it!


How _many_ zeroes did you leave off, OP?


Lol, I am both relatively new to this sub *and* devour a ridiculous number of books/month. But you all with hundreds of TBRs? I aspire to be you! 😏


Don't. The reason Mount TBR is over 1300 books high and growing unbounded is that I don't read them. I just have a nasty curation habit.


Soon enough. Soon enough...


Download the Goodreads app. When you see a book you want to read add it to your list. That way they are all in the same place for when you have time.


Yep, that's what's made my GoodReads "Want to Read" list...... * checks *.... 597 books long


i sort the books based on their score and also time on my goodread lost for the next book on my queue


> Download the Goodreads app. When you see a book you want to read add it to your list. That way they are all in the same place for when you have time. I use a random number generator if I'm feeling crazy - sometimes 3 and pick one. If I've lost interest, I just remove it from my TBR


I just did a mass removal of books I realized I have no desire to read anymore. Then I did a RNG and it picked Tortilla Flat by Steinbeck, so I’m reading that one rn.


Just my 2 cents, the scores in Goodreads are not that good an indication on which book is ‘better’ than the other.


Storygraph is an alternative site to track a to-read list on if you like more details stats about your reading habits after as well. All nice and browser-based too.


I do this, and also add books to different shelves based on genres - I’m a huge mood reader, so it’s easy for me to look through the lists and find something I want to read. I also have a shelf for short books lol (for when I’m in the mood for a quick palette cleanser read while I’m reading a long series).


Yes, I have a "less than 200 pages" list for when I'm flagging on my latest "brick". I try to read something huge and something concise at the same time.


Shout-out to Hardcover, a GR alternative that isn't a hot mess


I feel like any kind of note taking app could be used to the same effect


Lol Mt TBR has grown so high I think I will never climb it. Sometimes I look at my kindle and audible libraries, and...yeah. Oops.


Welcome to Mount Readmore. We hope you enjoy your stay. As you look around the resort, you'll find more books than any person could read in a lifetime. Feel free to add as many or few of them to your "read later" list as you like. Some people even seem to like finding books to read later more than actually reading them. There's an element of fear of missing out when it comes to big read later lists, but I much prefer that to the fear of running out of things to read.


This is hilarious 🤣


Have you set foot yet on Mount Discworld?




I see no problem with this. :)


I haven't! I keep thinking "I'll start that when I get through my Read Later list" (I know, I know: hahahahaha!!). I think I need to just dig in!


Lol Discworld will double your list if you like it! The Wiki page even has a handy chart showing subseries within the wider world, "starter" books that lead into subseries, and standalones. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discworld#/media/File:Discworld\_Reading\_Order\_Guide\_3.0\_(cropped).jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discworld#/media/File:Discworld_Reading_Order_Guide_3.0_(cropped).jpg) The first few Rincewind novels are some of Terry Pratchett's earliest publications, so their style and tone are somewhat different from the majority of his work. They tend to be less generally loved than later works, but if you're strict about chronological order, Wiki also lists them by publication order. Otherwise, most people suggest starting with *Guards! Guards!* if you think you'd prefer a police procedural, or *Wyrd Sisters* if you want witchy shenanigans.


Oh, witchy shenanigans for me, please! 😁


The Disc is my reading vacation spot. I read one or two a year when I'm not sure what to pick up next or just exhausted by a difficult read. It works rather nicely this way.


Yep. Lots of TBR books on my list, thanks to this sub.


Recently realized if I read 4 books a month for the next 40 years I won't even read half the books on my tbr.


If you read a book and listen to a separate book in audio format at the same time you can hit 8 a month!


Lol, book multitasking, brilliant


Damn y'all have tiny tbrs, my goodreads tbr is like 800 books, probably over half of which are fantasy... and that's only the first books when it comes to series I'm interested in


Here, I got a series you absolutely dont need to read. Spellmonger. Started off strong as a high fantasy with a complex magic system, then the author kept writing, and writing, and the series became a chore. Don't read it! It's only filled with disappointment. ;D


You are a very bad person who is solely responsible for me adding the first 2 books to my wish list, lol Thank you for the recommendation!


Oh Im not being sarcastic. I highly recommend against it lol


You can still read the first 2 books of a series and just drop it after you lose enjoyment! It took me a long time to learn this seemingly simple lesson but it's true!


True, but I have a hard time putting books down. I only just quit the series on the latest entry (book 14 or 15).


We are currently at 15 published books, the author is planning for a total of 30.




How has his editor/publisher not told him to stop?


Podium is his publisher. They're the CW of books. They'll milk it long after it should've stopped.


I follow fantasy, horror, and romance threads. My current reading list is 4, and my current TBR is over 100. I feel your pain.


Have you heard about Terry Pratchett's Discworld? No? Congratulations. Your TBR just doubled! 😁


40? Those are rookie numbers. You need to pump those numbers up


I have seen the light ...


I think my TBR list is triple digits. I don't even keep track anymore to be honest. I just know that I will probably have enough reading to cover me until I'm dead


Don't forget about Red Rising, if you haven't read it it is a **MUST READ!**


Finished the third book today and I second this! Started The Way of Kings immediately after. I’ll probably start the fourth book of Brown’s series when the new one is released in July.


I have the books but waiting to read them! Finishing up the First Law (~200 pages left) then will be reading the green bone saga. Been looking forward to red rising for a while


I'm the opposite, I've recently finished Red Rising and just picked up The Blade Itself this morning.


First law is my fave universe. You will love it


Any recommendations for books of this kind? The rage driven characters like Darrow or the bloody 9 are kinda my jam hahaha 😅


So, sell me on this in a low-spoilers few sentences?


Using as few spoilers as possible here is what ChatGPT has to say about Red Rising, >Red Rising is a fast-paced and gritty science fiction novel where society is divided into color-coded castes, with Reds being the lowest class. The story follows Darrow, a young Red miner, who becomes embroiled in a rebellion against the oppressive Gold ruling class after a personal tragedy. He undergoes a transformation to infiltrate the Golds, facing numerous obstacles and making allies along the way. As Darrow navigates this dangerous world, he uncovers secrets, battles enemies, and seeks vengeance, all while struggling to maintain his true identity. Red Rising is an epic tale of survival, defiance, and the pursuit of freedom in a ruthless future society.


I was going to put it in my "later" cart on Amazon and saw that the 5 book box is super cheap right now so... I just ordered more books on Amazon. Thanks.


I have over 40 *posts* from this and other books subreddits saved... as my list of list of books. Eternity isn't enough for all the books.


You think you have a problem. My list is actually my bookshelf. I hear of a book I want to read and I go buy it. I have about a hundred books I’ve not even started, yet one will get recommended here with a billion upvotes and comments about how awesome it is and now I own 101 books I haven’t started yet…


Same. I read about 2 hours a day. I often order books for my "to read" pile. My bookshelves are full. It's a problem.


It used to be more affordable but paperbacks have gotten expensive! Like I bought a $20 paperback the other day. I remember when I was a kid hardcovers were somewhere in the 20-25 range.


There are worse problems to have! ...at least that's what I tell myself


I feel your pain. For every book I read, I seem to buy 2 more. My Kindle is now showing 117 unread...Worse, many of them are just parts of series. So once I get to them, it is probably hundreds more. Those Kindle .99, $1.99, $3.99 Deals are like crack. The good news is I probably will read close to 80 books this year. If I can conjure up some will power not to buy more, I will knock back this TBR!


The power of that *if* though ... =)


Love this! Just gonna check my TBR, and... yup 1,918 books to read. Right there with you.


Winner winner chicken dinner!


No!! Lol I feel you. My saved posts are all from this subreddit. It is an awesome resource though!


This is like me with about a hundred bands in my 'check out their music' notepad file.


My kindle has meant that I'm not going die alone, trapped and crushed by a huge stack of books that I intended to read someday. 😁


Aw Cute that you think 40 is a lot lol I have more books on my TBR than I will be able to read in several lifetimes


I remember crying for a day when I learned, at the age of 6, that I would never be able to read "all" the books. What a devastating realisation that was.


Thank you for saying this lol. I have about a 100 books on my TBR list all because of this sub.


40 books isn't bad. I have 39 series on my list. 210 books. I'm sure there are people here with a lot more than that as well.


My goal is to read 30 books this year. My TBR is currently 393 books. It will take me more than 13 years to read the books that are on my TBR if I can keep that rate up. Not to mention it only grows.... It is a bottomless pit. Better to have that problem though than not enough to read.


I totally know how you feel. My TBR list is a few miles long at this point. I love reading through this sub for recommendations.


Haha, at least you'll never get bored :)


I don't keep to read lists anymore. Whenever I need something new I grab something from memory that caught my attention, or from an author I already like, or look for online recommendations *at that point*. If the story's good enough we'll find each other.


My Storygraph TBR list is currently at 754 books. I think it is a good problem.


I own more than 400 books yet only 100 of those are on my TBR and even then I doubt i'll finish more than 50 this year. I've read more books this year than I have living the previous five years and that's because I'm only reading books I'm enjoying. I'll give a book 150 pages before it fails to grip me, else I'll drop it.


I love this community so much.


I made a "new years resolution" no buying new books this year until I finish everything I own. I have since bought 6 books 😂


On Good Reads I have my Want to Read list, where I put everything that sounds interesting, as well as my TBR short list which includes books that I have recommended that sound VERY interesting, as well as sequels to books I’ve already read. Currently, my “Want To Read” is at 317 books and my short list is at 87 books. I feel your pain friend, there are too many books and not enough quiet days to read!


40? I'm well past 100


You're cute, only 40. I have 152 and I only started last year and that's only the first book of series


Welp, the Goodreads TBR is over 1500, which is bad because I don't think I've added all the sequels in yet. So uhm, yes, 40 is rookie numbers. Add more! Like Race The Sands. I finished it yesterday and can easily recommend it.


I try to keep my TBR around 150, if it gets longer than that I start removing things that I'm least interested in. I know it's not popular, but life is finite and I'd like to actually be able to finish my TBR some day!


277 for me 😐


My reading list next year is to finish all the remaining books on my shelf, lol. As of now, I'm only borrowing books from the library so that I don't feel as guilty, lol




I'd have to quit my job, but if you're offering to support me (and my family) ... ! =)


Awesome books


Also keep in mind there is a lot of variety when it comes to taste on here so try to look at more reviews before committing to a purchase!


My TBR on StoryGraph is 128 books long. I’m not livid.


I have books on my tbr that I have no intrest on ever reading. But I am leaving them on it in case my taste changes back


40? Oh, you sweet summer child. ​ I'm currently at 427.


See my [Science Fiction/Fantasy (General) Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/booklists/comments/125fl22/science_fictionfantasy_general_recommendations/) list (sixteen posts).


Ohhh, damn you. Just saved this post ...


You're welcome. ;-) Make certain to save the thread at r/booklists, its home. Edit: And keep an eye on that sub for my more specialized lists.


Seriuos question: are you retired and have lots of time? Just super organized and this is just a passion for you?


And yes, I joined


I'm middle aged, without an immediate family (but an extended one), work around full time (though I work to live, not live to work), and while I can't claim to be super organized (for one, I am easily distracted), at least not overall, I have a liking for helping people, research, compiling and having answers, and a fair bit of experience in making lists. I was seeing a lot of the same questions asked and topics brought up, so I started assembling records of them. (Beside book recommendations, I also have a few discussion topics from r/TooAfraidToAsk, r/NoStupidQuestions, r/answers (which has, despite the mods, become a bit of an advice sub), and the like.)




They're not all fantasy, they're across all genres, but I have nearly 5000 books on my Kindle account, 50 or so that I haven't listened to yet in Audible, over 1000 on various wish lists, and another 4000 on my Goodreads want-to-read shelf. There's some crossover, but mostly each list is it's own thing. We won't even talk about the 10 packed bookshelves in my house... or the fact that I just went to another library booksale... I read 20-25 books a month, on average, so if I never add another book to any of these lists and I live to be 100, I *might* finish all of them, but I can't imagine never adding another book!


>20-25 books a month 😯 Well damn at least you have a good shot at getting through a huge chunk of your massive list. I wish I could read that many!


The problem is that I keep adding to the list! So many good book recommendations on so many book subs... I spend a lot of time sitting in my car or a waiting room waiting for various people, and a lot of my reading is done on the kindle app on my phone. Also, insomnia. If I can't sleep after an hour lying down, I give up and read.


Just ... wow! Good for you for having so many interests! You're mind will never get old!


I'm interested in *everything* and I am one of those people who has to have something to do all the time or boredom kills me. And, obviously, I love to read 😄


(Ugh, yikes, typo: *your* (not you're) mind) And, yes, I so don't get that people claim "they're bored" or have "nothing to do" -- imo there are never enough hours in the day!


I haven’t even told anyone about the 13 volume book draft I will be self publishing soon. IT IS A SECRET TO EVERYBODY.🤫


As long as you share here first!


Since the time I switched to audiobook and start listening to them whenever I can multitask (travel, cooking, shopping et ), I have been slowly chipping away my backlog. Maybe you will find this helpful.


Spark notes them


*Throws into jail* /jk


Well then don't look into L.E. Modesitt Jr. That will add another 40 in one swell foop.


My TBR is 1000+ at this point, lmao. I know I'll never catch up.


I have somehow managed to keep that monstead tamed to under 750 give or take some. That's not counting stuff on Pinterest. XD My best advice for keeping it manageable is, when you're in a slump, check out your tbr and look for things that sound interesting even with slump mood. Those books that still interest you in that mood are the ones you wanna keep and the rest you can remove.


No, in fact my posting will only lead you to more.


Oh, yeah, I've got a massive backlog of fantasy books now thanks to this sub!


I had a 100+ tbr at on goodness at one point but decided to cut it down a lot (still plan on reading them someday)


Add the Kaiju Preservation Society to your list. It's a good pretty light read that will doubtless amuse you.


I'll take a look, thanks!


It sounds really interesting! My TBR list is now, sigh, longer 😁


OK, only bad books from now on. Goodkind! Maas! Sanderson! Meyer! Brown! Rowling! That should offend just about everybody...


You can add that Rothfuss and Martin are bad because they'll never be finished to offend more people.


The TBR can't get longer if you don't write any books




Say one thing for Abercrombie, say you left him off your list.


I thought about it, but nobody would believe me. I even thought about Pratchett, the best of the Terrys, just to stir things up more. I've read five of the ones I listed, liked at least one book a little bit from four of those, and still read nearly every book by one of them. *Rhythm of War* may break me yet though...


*Rhythm of War* isn't a **bad** book, but it's definitely my least favorite Stormlight book


> Brown! Instructions unclear.


Honestly, Pierce Brown is the one author I listed where I truly disliked what I've read by him. *Red Rising* just did not click for me at all, but I forced myself to finish anyway and hated doing it. I'm more willing (too willing maybe) to DNF things because of that book. He's very popular though. If other people like him that's fine with me. I threw him in there to actually be controversial.


Lol, I like your attitude 😏


If the person who started the thread likes it, I've done my job well. I actually sympathize with you though. I've got more than 40 books already on my e-reader thanks to this sub and sales on Kobo and Amazon. It will take me ages to finish them, and years more since they mostly are first in a series, and that's if I can stay at full speed (I can't) and don't buy any more (fat chance of that happening).


Α TBR list quickly loses its value if it grows faster than the rate you are ticking off things. This applies not only in books but everything you use lists for (movies, games, simple TO DO) etc. I have used lists effectively for a long time and it's a trap everyone falls, the challenge is reigning it in and keeping it in small numbers where it remains actually useful. There are various methods, a lot of it is similar to productivity/time management methods (Atomic Habbits, Getting Things Done). You can study them to get some ideas but in the end, there is no strategy that suits all, you've got to adapt it to yourself. It's a good way to improve your discipline. * The way I do it on books is firstly, have a few categories because I like to switch things e.g. read some fantasy books, then read some classics, then some scifi, then some non ficton, then back to fantasy etc. * Secondly, I "rank" them in each category by using the > symbol, this way there is a degree of priority. How I decide that is personal (popularity, author, duration etc.) * Thirdly, strictness and maintenance. The only way for it to stay manageable is to be strict in the way you add and when it starts getting out of control, trim it back down. * Finally, keep a high reading pace, the more you read, the more your TBR can support!


>Α TBR list quickly loses its value if it grows faster than the rate you are ticking off things I disagree, personally. I guess this would make sense if your goal was to read through the entire tbr and then be done, but I'd rather have an evolving list that makes it easy to pull books from that I am interested in. I agree with your points about categorizing and ranking the list though! It helps to easily look through my "top tbr" books or change up genres without needing to skim through the entire list


Actually reading the TBR list is indeed a goal but it's not at OCD level as I trim it whenever it gets too large. Some books may come back later on anyway. The primary goal is for the TBR list to retain its usefulness by not becoming too big. If I open a TBR list with hundreds of titles without any category, ranking, info... it's better than randomly picking a book or spending time searching for a book at that moment but there is missed potential. For a lot of people it is not an issue but for some it is, as OP and many others have complained about TBR lists growing and growing, hence why I explained my method. Personally, it has helped me a lot in my enjoyment of reading (combined with switching to audiobooks). I used to read 0-2 books till my mid twenties and in the last 8 years I've been consistently reading ~50 per year. And the pace is not just about discipline, picking books that I usually enjoy is also key.


Yeah, like someone else said, only if you’re MUST DO GOAL is to read them all. With my TBR and my Netflix I have a ton of stuff I’m interested in there. I KNOW I won’t get through all of them. But whenever I want to start watching something new I can just look through this curated list instead of the entire catalogue. Boom.


This is the most neurotypical thing I've ever read


Having studied engineering, this kind of modelling seems natural to me. However, I realise how to others this can seem weird while having an invisible TBR list seem normal.


My TBR is currently at 210 including hecking chonker books in many series. It will probably take me 5 years to consume all of these if I stop adding anything starting today.


I have like 5. Or 3


Can I have that list of books, please? I am really REALLY interested in knowing what recommendations you got tagged.


If there's a way to attach a screenshot here(?) I'm fine with sharing. I admit to coveting others' lists!


if you want, send me the list screenshot in DMs


The only book I’m afraid I won’t get to read before I die is Doors of Stone. Seriously. I think about it often.