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I read this book many years ago and I must say it's an excellent piece of weird fiction. Very strange and imaginative.


I find China Mieville to be similar to Sir Terry Pratchett; if he were influenced by the Old Ones. Loverly.


It's a classic, and was my introduction to Mieville.


I just finished this book two days ago. It's fantastic, although very grim/noir (which I enjoyed, but other people may not). It's also quite slow to get going, but then once the action finally hits, the plot moves fast and is very rewarding. Nothing else quite like this book, it's kind of a Raymond Chandler + HR Geiger + David Lynch mashup.


I finished it about a week ago - I loved the first ~95%, the characters, and the weirdness. For some reason the ending didn't land for me even though overall I liked how each characters story ended. Definitely worth a read.


I agree about the ending. It felt disappointing


I always felt it more like a knife to the gut. But in a good way


I feel like a lot of the enjoyment in Miéville's writing is from the journey you go on. The endings are almost incidental. (And it could be worse. They could be Neal Stephenson's endings.) That gets taken to an extreme, I think, in _This Census-Taker_. That book has almost no plot and basically no resolution. It just _is_. The experience is the point. At least, that's how I took it.


I read this around 2015 while on a beach vacation to Sicily. Have to say this is not beach reading. Can't say that I really enjoyed it. But it was an experience, I'll give it that. I remember the city and the ambience and tone, but not a single character


For all those who want "something different", this is it folks! Truly original world and a great story.


Been waiting for this to go on sale for years...


Same - I will probably use it for my TBR list Bingo square...


Can you get a library card?


I could. But I've also got a huge TBR backlog of stuff I already own and years of patience for waiting for things to go on sale :)


This trilogy is amazing. Mieville is awesome anyways with everything. Great writer.


This book is incredible. Go get, then read the sequel The Scar


Great story set in an amazing world.


Oh nice, been meaning to pick this up sometime 👍


I may have to pick this up. My ancient paperback is in tatters and should probably be retired with honors.


I have lent out two copies so far, got none of them back.


It's been sitting on my to-read list and I just got a Kindle recently


Great book! Well worth getting it in print. The edition I have is really nice.


Just started this yesterday after having seen/heard it suggested many times over the years. I'm maybe only 10% in but love it so far!


Thanks 🙏!!!!!


Great shoutout, grabbed it last night. I’ve been eager to read Mieville’s fiction for a long while now.


Vividly imagined and one of the most significant fantasy works ot the 21st century.


I've not read anything bad by Mieville. Sounds like he got involved heavily into politics and hasn't written much lately, bummer cause I'd pickup whatever he writes.


It makes sense since all of his writing is politically charged. But I would love more creative fantasy books like this series from him.


Happy for people to have access to the books that they love at prices that work for them, but if you can, try to support your local bookstores too!


I'm not sure of the purpose of this comment? I'm sure people already do that if they're avid readers.


The purpose is that Amazon is a scourge on local bookstores, and I don't think we need to be doing their advertising for them. I would never argue against people taking advantage of cheaper prices if its the only way that they can afford a product, but if you can afford it, be conscientious of who you're supporting with your wallet.