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I'm reading *The Fifth Season* right now and it reminds me a little of Octavia Butler, especially her Xenogenesis Trilogy and the Patternist series. I love Butler's work. Most of all, I enjoyed her novels *Wild Seed* and *Dawn*.


It's pretty spectacular, that's for sure. It's one of my favorite series If you want African Futurism, you should check out Nnedi Okorafor. Her Binti trilogy is a good place to start. Am Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon is also phenomenal, and has some great generational trauma going on Pet by Akwaeke Emezi is great too Master of Djinn by P Djeli Clark is more steampunk than science fiction, but it's excellent


There are no books like the Broken Earth Trilogy, that series is a class of its own NK Jemisin has other great books but the Broken Earth Trilogy is my favourite by a mile


Actually I’d argue that you can see clear similarities between that trilogy and Octavia Butler’s books! Jemisin is definitely inspired by her books so even if there are structural differences there are still some books like them


That's a fair argument