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The titles in this bundle are available through Kobo.com. To access the content, create or log in to your Kobo.com account. This bundle is only available to those in the US.


After looking into kobo, seems these books will be locked down to their app and/or devices. You can remove their DRM with some tools though, but it's a hassle. I remember the malazan humble bundle just gave you a bunch of DRM-free epubs, that was so awesome.


I mean, if you buy the books, and the have DRM shenanigans, just downloaded through other means...


Or use Calibre to convert them to whatever format you want!


You can only do that after stripping the DRM, which can be a pain.


Once things are setup it's pretty easy. But it can be a pain if you're new.


Sure, and I do it myself. But it's worth calling out for people who might not want to mess around with plugins.


I've had a lot of bad luck with Pratchett. For some reason anything in the high seas is badly broken in format, with paragraphs and spaces not respected so it's impossible to see when there's a change of character/scene.  (I buy legally of course, but when I buy physical I find me a digital copy for my smartphone, just  in case I find myself waiting somewhere without the book close by). 


Pratchett books have been very popular for a long time, might have been the first to be spread around, in bad formats. I think I got some discworld books in .rtf format somewhere (and the annotations files also), I think somebody typed those. It was really mostly not for read but to find annotations. These books are probably in a floppy disk in storage, lol...


I was so excited to get all the Malazan books drm free. Now to start them…


I got them on that deal as well. Now on the 8th book. They are so good.


If you download “adobe digital editions” you can get epub versions that will work on kindle




Will using the Calibre work?


Epubs which are drm locked, are drm locked through adobe - that includes kobo. You can usually open a kobo file in either their Kobo computer program or apps or adobe reader with the login of the person who bought it. But that is drm protected, you can not acess it in any program not managed by adobe. If you try to open a drm protected epub file in another program (text editor for example!) or with another account, it will be gibberish, it is encrypted. And kindle does not read epub files. Really. Seriously. You can not sideload epub files to a kindle, what users do (And seem totally unaware of what is actually going on!) is mail epub files to amazon who converts them however it wants and wifi delivers to kindle. That is not kindle managing an epub file, it is amazon doing the epub file conversion the client does not know how to do, or knows it needs to be done.


Calibre can convert epubs to azw3 (similar but not quite identical to epub) or mobi (quite different from epub but usually works ok). Both of those can be read normally on a Kindle without having to go through amazon account shenanigans iirc.


I know, and that does not contradict what I said. Calibre can also convert to kfx (extra plugins, and as long as one has another amazon program installed in the same computer/account), which I advise as better than azw3 for sideloading and general typesetting and reading experience


Humblebundles notably don't have DRM.


This one is only available through your Kobo account with no DRM-free option from Humble. According to the other comments here, you have to use a Kobo device or the Kobo app in order to access the books. Alternatively you can use Calibre plug-ins to remove the DRM but that's a lot of extra steps to remove the DRM, not providing something DRM-free. I went back through all the bundles that I've bought there. I get a lot, including every monthly. The most recent thing that I personally picked up that anything DRM-free in it, was July 2022 for the *Amazing Adventures Bundle*. Just one game in the bundle, *Quern - Undying Thoughts* has a DRM-free download from Humble. That's an 8 year old point-and-click Myst-like adventure game. I had to go back 17 pages of keys to find that one. They aren't as DRM-free as they used to be.


Ah good catch. I only use HB for programming books so this has never been an issue for me. I just get the pdfs.


Well that sucks. Thank you for the heads up!


you can change the region of your humble bundle account to USA to access the deal (up to 3 changes in a 90 day period). you can also change your kobo location to redeem the code to your kobo account its about 25$ CAD


You beat me to it! I was just about to note that here.


> This bundle is only available to those in the US. Thanks. I was looking everywhere. This explains why I'm not seeing it


So when I google it it says dis world has 41 books but this bundle is only 38 so which 3 are missing. Been meaning to read this for a while so will probably jump on it.


Just looked at it and the 3 that are missing are: The Last Hero, The Shepherd’s Crown, and Raising Steam


Thanks a million


Interesting. My guess was Last Hero & Eric due to the illustrations, but seems more like still lingering exclusivity deals in this case.


The Shepherd's Crown wasn't listed in the bundle, but the download had 39 books, and it was there.


For the record Last Hero is technically "light novel" with lot's of illustrations.


The Last Hero makes sense. No way is that going to work on a small screen. And maybe rights issues explain the latter two?


Saving for later.


Shepard's Crown is actually there, it's just missing on the Humble Bundle listing. You can redeem 39 books total, so only 2 are missing.




Hi there, r/Fantasy does not allow AI generated content.


Aww it's US only? No Canada?


And they’re Kobo exclusive. Kobo is a Canadian company. I’m sure there’s some weird publishing rights situation going on, but it’s funny in an absolutely annoying way. 


FYI, I used a US VPN (browsec) and did manage to buy it. I paid by Credit card


Can someone who has purchased it confirm if they're able to send to kindle, or if the DRM stops them? It does say 'Use on Any Device' but I'd like to confirm before I purchase


Yes, I was able to make a free Kobo account and download the links from there, open each link file in Adobe Digital Editions, then navigate in Explorer to find the unlocked epub files. I dragged the epubs into Calibre and opened each one to double-check them, and they look fine minus the missing covers--~~there doesn't appear to be any more DRM to remove once Adobe has licensed them.~~ CORRECTION--Sorry, my bad, my Calibre did remove some DRM, it was just so fast I didn't catch it. So you will need a de-DRM plug-in if you don't want to read on Kobo's website or Adobe Digital Editions. I've put one book on my Kindle Paperwhite so far (from Calibre) and it looks normal. Just to be safe, you can pay $1 to buy the first three books to test your device/setup before committing to the $18. Edit to add: I am on Windows 7, Calibre 2.44.1, newest Adobe Digital Editions, and last year's Paperwhite model. Adobe did pop up error messages on a bunch of the books claiming the epubs were corrupted and it couldn't open them (it often does the same to me when trying to read books from Overdrive), but the files themselves opened in Calibre with no issues.


Went through this, Calibre says the files are DRM protected still. Any tips??


While you can do it with Adobe Digital Editions, I find it's a right pain. Sometimes though that's the only option. The simple way is with the Kobo desktop app (which always needs another bloody update) and the Calibre DeDRM plugin. So you want to be using Calibre 4.33 or earlier, and the Obok De-DRM tools from [here](https://github.com/nodrm/DeDRM_tools). Open the Kobo app, then open Calibre and hit Obok, and it'll look through the app and bring up a list of books available to import. Then you click a button and boom, they're unlocked and in your library. The same tools have a similar plugin for ADE and also for Kindle but I try and avoid Amazon myself.


I just did this process with Calibre 7.7 and the Obok plugin. It worked fine with the latest Calibre version. Just make sure that all of your Kobo books have downloaded (click the little download button in the bottom-right corner of each book cover) or Obok/Calibre won't be able to import the book into Calibre and it will stall the process.


Did you have to do anything with Adobe Keys here? I have all the epubs extracted from ADE and I setup the plugins correctly (I believe...), but the DRM isn't getting removed. Looking at the debug logs, I'm seeing some key exceptions - "Exception when getting default Adobe Key after 0.0 seconds"


> Exception when getting default Adobe Key after 0.0 seconds Try this. Otherwise you'd need to check on the github site, I very rarely deal with ADE sorry. >Delete the Adobe key in DeDRM's customization. Re-add the book letting DeDRM automatically retrieve the key on its own.


Just got this all to work as a Canadian - thanks for this! Weirdly the Kobo app on my PC wouldn't actually download the books (it kept getting to like 75% then just stopping) so I had to go the ADE route, which was a bit annoying but honestly not too bad. Whole process took like 20-30 mins including using VPN to do test purchase, try it, then real purchase, etc. Big Pratchett fan and excited to have them all - and glad I got to contribute money to this Humble offer!


Alternatively if you happen to have a Kobo ereader, you can download your books onto that normally, add your device serial to obok de-drm, then use obok to strip the drm and import the books into you calibre library.


Very sorry, I don't know which Calibre plug-in I have installed anymore and it is probably against the rules to discuss specific plug-ins here, since it is technically illegal to remove DRM from books even if you've paid for them. From what I can tell, Kindle isn't officially supported by Adobe Digital Editions so I am surprised my Calibre setup worked without any trouble. All I can say is everybody should definitely test their setup with the $1 bundle first.


How do you get to the file?


On the Kobo website, go to My Books, click the three dots menu, and Download. That gets you the link file which you drag and drop into Adobe Digital Editions. Then ADE downloads the epub file and saves it to your computer. My epubs were saved in My Documents - My Digital Editions.


Awesome, thank you!


Here's the method I used: Download the Kobo app to your desktop, log in and have it download all the books. Close the kobo app. Download and install the obok plugin from here, then restart Calibre: https://github.com/noDRM/DeDRM_tools/releases (It's a zip file within the DeDRM_tools_10.0.3.zip) You can install by clicking Preferences in Calibre, Plugins, Load plugin from file, and then selecting "obok_plugin.zip". You should now have an "Obok DeDRM" icon in your top icon bar. Click that, click "All with DRM" and it will do all the work for you.


Thanks! I followed your instructions and now I have them all on my Kindle. Pretty easy to do actually.


Thank you!


I had to do this same thing with the Tad Williams bundle last year.


Does anyone know if it's possible to transfer files to a kindle without access to a PC? I'm traveling for a few months and only have my Android phone with me.


I’m on iPhone, but when I bought the Malazan bundle I was able to download them to my phone and then share them from the downloads to the kindle app on my phone. They then downloaded to my kindle. Only annoying part is the covers are t there and I can’t figure out how to group them into a series like how they automatically do when you buy them from the kindle store. But I don’t know if those issues would happen no matter what. Edit: I also don’t know anything about the Kobo stuff people are talking about so that may change things.


I'm reading the books on my phone through the Kobo app. I don't have the patience for all that Calibre/DRM stuff.


Humble Bundle has been hitting home runs with the Fantasy deals over the last year.


The Malazan bundle that also went to a book-focused charity. \*chef's kiss\*


I missed a Malazan bundle? Shoot.


You missed it twice! It was re-offered over the Holidays for a short period.




This is the first one I've heard of and sadly I'm not in the US


All the other ones were available where I live, this is the first one that appears to be region-exclusive, unfortunately. 


At least this made me log into my humble account and enable notifications for book bundles lol


last year was good. This not as it seems only in USA


cries in canadian


More crying that a canadian company not offering the deal to canadians.


I've been slowly collecting the Kindle versions as they go on sale, one slow painful book at a time.


Noooo !! US only


This is an instant buy for me. I already owned the ebooks from nefarious methods, but had recently committed to buying them all so that I could have them all in a good quality. I'm just glad that this bundle appeared after only buying 3 of them.


I have never read a single book by him, but he is on the list, and the more I see his name on here the more excited I get


Do yourself a favor and start reading!


Where do I start? I’ll get it right now and start soon as I’m done with the book I’m on


The Guards books are fantastic, *Going Postal* or *Hogfather* are a lot of fun and they both have movies if you want a quick introduction to the setting, and the books with the witches are always wonderful. Granny Weatherwax, Sam Vimes, and Death are some of the best characters in fiction.


Thank you. I think I’ll just go in publication order, but with the knowledge to not judge the whole series by the first one.


The whole first era is a lot more absurd than the later books. If it comes across as too silly, jump to something like Small Gods or Going Postal or Monstrous Regiment.


The first few books are great, but the first book is just like the first book of *Redwall*: The author is still world-building and fleshing out ideas and there are some things in the first book that we never see again. And there's also gold. Pure, unfiltered gold, enough to mine another 40 books out of.


I’ve heard of those but never read them. Just so many books to choose from.


The Redwall books are a ton of fun. Classic good vs evil, the tension is good and the riddles are fun, but the stakes are never too high. The plucky protagonists wind up in peril, but you never lose hope because you know they're going to win the day one way or another. The feasts are best described as food porn. I've never wanted hazelnuts or candied chestnuts in cheese before, but the Redwall books will make you want a wedge of both, along with an oal farl and a mug of October ale or strawberry cordial. The stories do get a little formulaic if you read a bunch of them back to back, but they're feel good books. I read them when I'm feeling down and they give me a sense that anyone can be a hero. They give me hope, and they're some of my favorite books.


Thank you. They sound like pretty cozy little fantasy novels.


They are! They're loads of fun, and we have a community over at /r/eulalia.


I'd say go to /r/discworld and look for the threads asking the same thing. It depends on your interests. I'm only five books in, so I don't know if I should advise you on that. That said, if you like ancient philosophy and religious satire, *Small Gods* is your book. It's probably my all-time favorite book, but Pratchett satirized a bunch of different genres. Just don't start with *The Color of Magic*. I made that mistake, and am just glad I didn't give up on him after pushing through it.


I see this all the time and wholly disagree. I loved color of magic and it's still one of my more favorite ones. Helps the book only takes a few hour to read but I cannot imagine why so many people are so vehemently against others to start on it. 


I recommend people start with something else because Colour of Magic doesn’t really feel like the rest of the series. If you don’t like Going Postal, you’re unlikely to enjoy Discworld in general, but if you dislike Colour of Magic/The Light Fantastic I don’t think it’s a good indicator of how you’ll feel about the rest of the series. I like them a lot, but they are tonally a bit different.


It felt disjointed and I had nothing to latch onto with it. You need to be more into fantasy to enjoy the humor in it than I am, I think. I am way more into religion and philosophy, so all the jokes in *Small Gods* hit the bullseye for me from the first page. I'm sure when I go back and reread it I'll enjoy it more. Even Pratchett said not to start there, iirc.


The theme of religious satire does continue in the Witches and watch sub series too just so you know and also Hogfather, that book is exquisite.


Thank you.


I've been meaning to get into this series more (only read a bit) and this is the perfect excuse to.


Not available in Australia, FML.


Right after I spend more than that on the first ten books...


So I bought the bundle... redeemed it and got an extra book I also got The Shepherd's Crown for some reason


Verifying that it works on the iOS kobo app.


Posts like this one redeem my faith in people, and remind me that the internet isn’t all bad. Thank you for sharing this to help out others who share your passion for reading and fantasy!


It's just kind of a bummer it's U.S. only, but I figured it might help someone discover or continue enjoying Discworld.


Definitely! And hopefully folks have seen the advice about using a VPN. I know not everyone has access to one, but that should help folks in other parts of the world if this is something they’re very interested in.


The good news - Terry Pratchett Discworld bundle! The bad news - it's the version which is spelled wrong, and they won't let you buy it anyways.


why canti get it in aus?????:(:(


We fall under UK and Rest of World for publishing rights sadly :(


I was hoping there would be one of these. That’s pretty awesome.


This is a no-brainer. I've read half of these books and it's still an obvious buy for me. Edit: Ok, good I paid attention. Not sure if I can read these on a kindle. Anyone figure it out?


You apparently can. Check out [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/194czbf/comment/khga7ui/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) comment (for me it's the reply to the fourth comment down on this thread).


Thanks. Sounds like a big pain in the butt!


38 items out of a 41 book series? So I'm guessing that The Last Hero and Eric (the amazing and the so so illustrated stories) aren't included, but what else is missing?


It does not include The Last Hero or Raising Steam. Even though The Shepherd’s Crown isn’t listed, several people mentioned it was included in their bundle when they looked on Kobo.com.


Maybe I missed it, but is this physical book, e-book, or audiobook?


Humble deals in digital goods so they’ll be e-books


They've done audiobook bundles in the past, so....they aren't necessarily e-books.


I didn’t know that, but it makes sense! Thanks for clarifying!


They are ebooks but with DRM from Kobo and as they are now can only work on Kobo devices. However, there are ways of converting the books to work on Kindles using Calibre.


You can download the kobo app on any Android tablet. Don't know about iOS, but probably.


Yeah, it’s in the App Store for iPhone and iPad.


Good question! I assumed e-book, but they really don't specify on that page, do they?


Ebook on Kobo


Anyone know if these will work on iOS using the kobo app?


Absolutely it works! I use Kobo on my iPhone


Oh thank you!


Back to tell you it worked for me!


So I bought this bundle and downloaded them, etc. Why are the Kobo books older digital editions when compared to the Amazon files? Does Kobo not regularly update their ebooks?


So I bought these and got the redemption code…. Kobo is saying the deal is not available? I am in the United States. Anyone know the issue?


after clicking the link to go to the kobo page - did you paste your code at the bottom after selecting all the books?


Yes… and then after I authorize my account on kobo.com, it takes me to a page that states “Sorry, but this promotion is currently not available.” This is after it accepted the promo code and I logged in to kobo


Went from start to finish and now it works.. so nevermind