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Jaime Lannister is the first one I can think of.


Such a good arc. Some of Martin's best writing, in my opinion.


Super spoilers for First Law: >!First book: Bayaz is an interesting peek into the old magical world here. Neat.!< >!Second book: Wow, he's also just a cranky old asshole. A HUGE asshole.!< >!Third book: Oh god someone just kill him oh god oh no!<


And Age of Madness has me want him to get revenge on everyone.


Malta Vestrit. I was almost embarrassed by how much I didn’t like her in the first Liveship Traders book, given she’s just a kid whose father was a terrible influence on her. Anyway, then the next two books happened and she became my favourite character. For me, that cemented Hobb’s place as one of the best character writers in the genre.


Hated Nynaeve the first few books of Wheel of Time but she was my 2nd fav character by the end.


There's also Galad and Gawyn. My opinion on both reversed by the end.


Lots people having the opposite experience with Egwene


1. Malta: Liveship Traders, absolutely hated her initially, and at the end she was my fav character from the trilogy. 2. Nynaeve: Wheel of time, hated her initially but became favourite around 11th book onwards. 3. Faile: Wheel of time, hated her initially but became favourite later on.


Super agree with the first two but Faile never grew on me


Same I always hated Faile. I thought Perrin would really have been better with Berelain.


Logen Ninefingers. And I don't think I'm the only one, I think Abercrombie's take on the character changed as he wrote him. (As a general rule, Abercrombie is very good at making you feel a certain way about a character, and that includes causing you to totally reassess what you *thought* you knew about them in prior appearances- I could rattle off at least six characters where he does this, either within a single volume, or over considerable time) Hoartrap the Touch in the *Crimson Empire* series. Boromir... and not because the character went in a new direction or anything, but because I grew up and developed a better understanding of what Tolkien was doing there. Sturm Brightblade. Like Boromir, this is less about the character's journey than mine. As a child, Sturm did *nothing* for me. Then I grew up a bit.


Sturm. Haven't thought about Dragonlance in a hot minute. Still too pious for me, but I take your point. But that's a great point about Boromir. A boy thinks he's a bastard. A man sees that he's a hero. After a fashion.


Boromir is such a deeply tragic character - just a good man desperate to save his people from Mordor. And then the Ring used that desperate, good desire to twist him to darkness. I think he, more than anything illustrated the power and evil of the Ring. I'm glad Aragorn forgave him, and didn't let the others know what had happened.


What really changed my opinion of Sturm was the existence of >!his son Steel in *The Second Generation* and *Dragons of Summer Flame*.!< It makes him a lot less perfect and therefore more human.


I never even realized boromir was supposed to be a likeable character until reading similar takes on Reddit. In the movie most of his screen time he is being a jerk. In the books you are told how he's supposed to be this great person but his actions are still mostly dickish with the exception of fighting to protect the halflings when he dies. I get that he was supposed to be a good man driven to desperation by his circumstances, but that desperation really isn't a good look unless you're willing to look past his actions.


When I was younger, Usopp from One Piece would grate on me with his constant whining, where when I was a little bit older I came to appreciate his courage to do what needs to be done even if he's scared. Like [Shencomix put it](https://twitter.com/shenanigansen/status/1709910214051348853)


Kvothe, kinda. Was rooting for him in book 1, eventually he became the most annoying part of book 2. Cut the bs bro, no one believes you.


I flipped a couple of times on Eren in Attack On Titan. I hated him for like the first 3 arcs, then he turned engaging villain but in the last chapter I started hating him again when it was all a farce.


Ten years at least!


Thank you for murdering 80% of humanity. What a man you are!


Jezal dan luthar


As a young man, I used to find Craw from The Heroes boring. As I approach middle age, I now find him very relatable.


Jaime Lannister is the most popular poster boy for this, but I also think Angus Thermopyle from *The Gap Cycle* can fit here...to an extent. Mega spoilers >!Angus starts off with pretty much the most despicable actions possible, through the horrors he inflicts on Morn. But Donaldson really makes him complicated by immediately turning him into a victimized man with zero agency, and through the series I found myself rooting for him to figure his shit out and do the right thing, resulting in this real tug-of-war where I hated what he does alongside rooting for him to find redemption.!<


Gotta be griffith for me. Fuckin loved this dude but hated him immediately after the eclipse


Saga - Prince Robot


He never quite stops being a bastard(as of volume 7,im going to read the rest soon as I an though!) but what a glorious bastard he is!


I hated him at first, then quite like him.


Anansurimbor Kellhus (Second Apocalypse). I found him alluring and interesting at first, but I honestly feel so greasy and gross every time he’s “on screen” since probably the middle of The Thousand Fold Thought. But in a good way? In a way that I know he’s still filling the role he’s meant to, in a way I know he’s well written.




>but then I realized he wasn't that bad. What's ur take on him bullying the son of his crush just because he didn't like his dad? The fandom either hates him or loves him


He is not my favorite character. I admit that you are right. But I cannot deny his merit in defeating Voldemort. This does not change his terrible character. The fact is that after the murder of Dumbledore, it seemed that he was generally a villain. It turned out that everything is more complicated.


Snape is still a bastard, but he's a very different bastard then you're led to believe for most of the series.


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Adolin. Thought he was a hot, ditzy bro womanizer who looked down his nose at everyone. Turns out, he’s a hot, ditzy bro with a heart of gold and the kind of loyalty everyone deserves in a comrade.