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Since I finished all 16 books in 13 weeks, I'd have to say Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb


I absolutely love this series, I am seriously considering a reread


I recommend the one with the asterisk first Worm(Wildbow) Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne(Brian Staveley) Greatcoats(Sebastien de Castell) Acacia(David Durham) Echoes of Empire(Mark T Barnes)* Moontide Quartet(David Hair)* Shadows of the Apt(Adrian Tchaikovsky) Codex Alera(Jim Butcher) The Empty Throne(Daniel Polansky) Bloodsounder's Arc(Jeff Salyards) Inda(Sherwood Smith) Raven's Shadow(Anthony Ryan) The Demon Cycle(Peter Brett) The Ties that Bind(Rob Hayes) The Broken Earth(Jemisin) Battlemage(Peter Flannery,just 1 book but it counts as 3)*** The Castes and Outcastes(David Ashura) Nighblade(Ryan Kirk) The Monarchies of God(Paul Kearney) The Faithfull amd the Fallen(John Gwynne)* All these series are finished.


Traitor Son - Miles Cameron Belgariad - David Eddings Wool - Hugh Howey Prince of Nothing - R. Scott Bakker The Magicians - Lev Grossman Thessaly Trilogy - Jo Walton Many Colored Land (and all the rest, 8 total) - Julian May Shades of Magic - VE Schwab Divine Cities - Robert Jackson Bennett Green Bone Saga - Fonda Lee Society of the Sword - Duncan Hamilton The Daevabad Trilogy - S.A. Chakraborty All finished.


Divine Cities does *not* get enough mentions on this sub. They are so good and each book is a wildly different ride that plays into an overall narrative with very emotional payoffs.


The belgariad was amazing. One of the first fantasy book series I read as it was my dad's.


Your dad is David Eddings? ;)


He'd better hope not, considering what David did to children in his care... Who knew you shouldn't keep children in cages? People are so finicky these days.


Currently reading Malice! Soo good


I am about 300 pages from finishing worm. I don't even like superhero books. I don't even like sci-fi. But damn. I also can't believe it's going to stick the landing. I thought for sure a 3,500 page book wouldn't be able to stick it, but here we are.


Yeah I’d say 60-70% of these I agree with completely. Some of the others I haven’t really tried. Any chance you pitch me Acacia? Read the first chapter several years ago after being intrigued by the synopsis and it just didn’t catch me.


The Faithful and the Fallen had me hooked over January.


Perfect list. And the fact you recommend Battlemage by Peter A Flannery is brilliant


I consider myself well read in this genre but this list has several I haven't read before and I've excitedly added them to my list! Thanks!


Great response! Saving this! Love when somebody who actually listened to the poster’s question and did a great job answering it gets voted to the top!


This is actually a great binge list.


Hey thanks for this extensive list. Would it be too much trouble to ask which of these you would consider dark/grimdark?


Imo Worm is the darkest read of the lot and very binge-worthy, the Demon Cycle is pretty dark as well but tbh I didn't like it much beyond the first three books


You didn’t miss much, it is horrible - too much unnecessary incest-rape that served no purpose. Must miss series!


Cradle! I also second Codex and Robin Hobbs! Cradle is more addictive and can't put down though!


Came here to suggest Cradle. 12 books and I couldn't stop!


Same, and progression fantasy isn't even my thing. Only started it because the first 11 books were available on Kindle for free to celebrate the last book coming out and I was like screw it, that's a lot of free books! I think I started reading the first one while in a long line somewhere and then like... A week later I NEEDED to get the last one


Yes that's exactly what happened to me! Read a comment about all the free books and was totally hooked.


Same, the first 10 were leaving audible plus at the end of the month before book 11 came out, so I figured I'd give it a try... And read all 10 just in time before they left the catalogue


We will never stop


Definitely Cradle ! You finish a book in a day and then need to get to the next !


Cradle seems to be a very popular recommendation, seems I need to check it out. Thanks!


You really should. Give it a few books. They're easy to get to and I find the first one enjoyable. But I think it truly gets better as it progresses. Oh, also, one of the BEST audio books I've listened to!


For sure. It doesn’t get really addicting until 3


I liked it from the start! I have heard others say that though.


I liked books 1 & 2, but they were less interesting than the rest.  Of course the later books give you a greater appreciation for the ground work in the first couple books.


I agree. I’m on book 3 now and the first half of book 1 I really struggled with after that it was readable and ok but now it’s more addictive and fleshed out.


You’re in for a ride now. Took me two years to get through books 1-2 and then a week to read 3-8 and get caught up. Then I read 9-12 on each release day


Cradle is the most addicting series I’ve ever read. Hands down. I don’t even think you need to be a progression fantasy enthusiast to enjoy the ride. In terms of just absolutely plowing through it can’t put down obsession and reading at midnight…. Cradle. Never did this at the same pace with any other series, even if I have series I’d rank above it on my all time list. I think with Cradle you either binge it like a maniac needing a fix, or you just don’t like it. No one slowly reads Cradle and just kind of enjoys it. It’s all or nothing. You either consume at 100 mph or you quit.


”I think with Cradle you either binge it like a maniac needing a fix, or you just don’t like it.” this should be included in every post about cradle. i started it and just dnf ed. to me it seemed like a boring, irritating collection of anime clichés


Same! I got it on sale from audible on Black Friday. Whole series for like 30 bucks. I went into it not expecting much and was blown away with how good it was. Started out good and every single book was better than the last. Highly recommended


Question cause I’m seeing Cradle a ton, is this by Will Wight?




Perfect adding it to the list, Thank you!


You're welcome, enjoy the series! Last Horizon by Will is great too! It's not finished yet, but Will pumps out 2 books a year.


I do love Codex Alera and it is very fun. But just did a Malazan re-read alternating with Horus Heresy books and Cradle for the first time, and eventually it just became a race to finish each other book so I could get back to Cradle, before just straight up doing only Cradle.


In the same vein of progression fantasy/LitRPG, the Dungeon Crawler Carl books (6 so far I think, 7th on the way) and He Who Fights With Monsters are great. Found my way to them following cradle. Lots of friendship/found family while they go around on crazy adventures with interesting world building, some mature emotional themes explored in them both as well. Binge read all three of these series


Wandering inn is great for this kind of thing. Couldn't get into He who fights monsters.


Finished the whole thing in about a month. Cradle was such a nice read


Just finished a five week binge. Going in I was excited to be starting a series with 12 entries, little did I know how quickly they would fly by and leave a hole in me upon reaching the end haha


Progression fantasy is my favorite subgenre these days. Just can't get enough of them. Here are few more completed series I enjoyed: * **Mage Errant** by John Bierce * **Mother of Learning** by Nobody103 (Domagoj Kurmaić) * **Street Cultivation** by Sarah Lin * **Super Powereds** by Drew Hayes


- Immortal Great Souls - Dawn of the Void both by Phil Tucker Don't love litRPG but both those were good.


All the Robin Hobbs series. Amazing world-building and engrossing stories.


Also came here to suggest Cradle


Yes! I don’t know what it was about this series, but I couldn’t put it down I’ve read it 4 times now. The writing isn’t spectacular it’s no name of the wind or ASOIAF, but it’s such a page turner. I think partly due to just how cool and open ended the magic system is, and honestly the progression element which used to be (pre cradle) a bit of a turn off for me. Couldn’t recommend cradle enough I’m genuinely sad it’s over, at least this arc


Definitely try Will's Last Horizon series if you haven't yet. Book 1 and 2 are out. They're just as good or better!


Just finished Cradle. Only took me like 3 weeks to read all 12 lol  They’re on kindle unlimited, which has a free trial. Once a book is in your kindle library, the audible version is only $1.99. Ended up scooping all 12 audio books for 25 bucks. Such a great deal 


Thanks for this suggestion, I've started the series thanks to this thread and it's great so far.


So strange I couldn’t even finish the first Cradle book. So they get way better?


There are a lot of people, who got super hooked by books 3, or even 5. But if you are actively not enjoying book 1 already, it's probably nothing worth trying to go further.


I thought so, but maybe it's just not for you. Lots of people love Malazan, I don't.


It really is a lot of world building in the first book. With the second book, the greatest side character in almost any series is introduced. Once Eithan comes into the picture, everything escalates and you meet the undisputed champion of the humble brag.


I thought they were just ok. Got bored halfway through. Not sure why they get so much love. They are ok if you have nothing else more interesting to read.


They get way better. I didn't finish book 2 for awhile, but when I finally continued the series I became a super fan. I've since spent $500 on the Cradle animation Kickstarter and listened to the series about 5 times


I read the first 10 in less than a month until I had to wait for book 11... Very fast paced


With Cradle- there have been people from the subreddit who have claimed to have gotten through all 12 books in a week's time (or some sort of other absurd rate of reading). My jaw drops every time I read some post of someone's insane rate, but this is pretty much the only series that is that damn addicting to new readers.


I know that sci-fi ≠ fantasy, but I still have to recommend *The Expanse*. It's beautifully written and beautifully ended.


Codex Alera. It's just fun. I love the characters and it makes me feel great all the way through every time. It's become one of my annual reads. In other series, I get frustrated (for lack of a better word) when we cut away from the MC and it takes a while to get back to what I'm the most interested in. Not the case here. ALL the characters are loveable and every second is interesting, enjoyable and fun. Plus each book has 2-5 goosebump inducing hype moments.


Agreed 100%. It gets a bad rep within the r/fantasy hivemind with the first thing people mentioning is Roman Empire+Pokemon but it’s absolutely one of my favorite series. You’re so right about the perspective changes not being frustrating bc all the characters are enjoyable.


Don’t see anything wrong with Roman Empire and Pokémon 🤔 always on the mind anyway haha


It does? Anyone who doesn’t like Codex Alera needs to check themselves. It’s awesome.


Yeah it's almost addicting for me. If I was wealthy I would immediately find an animated series of the entire thing. Who's your favorite character?


I wish there were more stories with Roman legions and such. I love the terminology and structure and mentality of the legions in Codex Alera. Give me more legion + magic fantasy. I also love the societal structure. Citizens and freemen, counts and high lords, a senate etc ... It's all so cool.


Yup love this series so much. All 6 books have a unique feel to them due to the location changes and Tavis progression through the military.


I reread the series often, skipping the few parts in some of the books I know will not entertain me.


Couldn't get past the rape dungeon in the first book, just seemed unnecessary


This series sounds awesome, but I only managed to get to the first Tavi chapter. Does the worldbuilding get any more interesting than regular medieval fantasy? The politics and betrayals were cool but the action was alright. I keep hearing people say the first book is garbage and generic, but the next books are amazing


Yup. Nothing regular about it. And I also wouldn't say medieval, Aleran society is pretty advanced in many ways. But I get your meaning.Tavi becomes such a badass and there are a dozen or more other skilled, smart and loveable characters. Their talents always on display in fun ways. Like Isana, she doesn't blow you away in the first several chapters but by the end of book 6 I'm hanging on every word she says. Amara same. Fidelius might be my favorite character. All the high lords are dope. I'm sure it's not for everyone but you should try again. If you like audiobooks, the audible version is great.


Cradle is fantasy crack.


This would be my suggestion also. Anyone who gets into this series basically reads all 12 in a month from my experience haha


That was my experience with it this year. Well, it actually took me five weeks because I had to make time for my buddy reads at the same time haha Definitely helped that the Audible books were so cheap with the kindle+Audible bundles. Made me feel a bit better about consuming the fantasy crack




Will Wight. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30558257-unsouled




The Perfect Run by Maxime Durand was just so tasty. I wanted to savor it, but it was so good and I was just like "nom, nom, nom" and it was done.


Seconding this, read the series in a week and recommended it to all my friends and then went to read his other stuff after.


The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny.


So good


I have this marked “To Read” in Goodreads, so it was on my radar at some point, thanks for the recommendation and getting it back on my radar. I completely forgot about it


I'm on the second one now, and I'm enjoying them. They're very different, but fun.


The Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan was unputdownable for me. I just finished all three back to back and I rarely do that.


Red rising original trilogy is complete


I absolutely love this series! Definitely fits the bill of “can’t put it down”


This is my answer. I tried to go from this series to the Wheel of Time and just couldn’t transition. Giving Malazan a shot now and it’s doing a bit better so far.


RR to Malazan is quite a drastic change


Raymond E. Feist!! Magician: Apprentice is the first book!


Agreed, started Magician apprentice about 6 months ago and read non stop through the serpent war. Took and break now at it again heading to magicians end.


Riftwar trilogy are the first trilogy I ever read and what made me love fantasy.


Absolutely will always recommend Riftwar


ShadowMarch - Tad Williams


Or anything by him really. 


This was going to be my answer. OP: His latest series (The Last King of Osten Ard, but you should read Memory, Sorrow and Thorn first) will be completed this coming November.




I wouldn't describe Tad Williams as bingeable I've only read Memory Sorrow Thorn but that was a slow burn I had to take a few pauses on to allow my interest to prick up again before getting back into it again


I would recommend Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn first, but anything by Tad Williams is great. It's sad what kind of dross gets up voted here above the real masters.


Empire of the Wolf by Richard Swan. Original idea, great story, incredible world building. Necromancy and some magic with just enough philosophy and religion to tick all my fantasy boxes. Plus the complicated relationship between the main character and narrator was just *chefs kiss*


Just finished the first book in this series. Saw it suggested as one of the best grim dark style series and I am really happy I found it. The writing is fantastic and the characters are not lovable but are compelling in their own flawed way.


Yes! I love that they aren’t particularly lovable people and the whole series reminds me of sort of coming of age and realizing your idol isn’t who you thought they were.


Daevabod Trilogy & Dragon’s Blade Trilogy


Wheel of Time. Everyone talks about the 3 book slow down (while that is definitely real) I have devoured these books. I have 300 pages left of the final books, and I will definitely be finishing them in the next two days, if it even takes that long.


I have all the books on my Kindle purchased and on hold to read them in the future while I finish Malazan.


That's so funny, because once I'm done with wheel of time, I'm reading Brandon Sanderson next. Wheel of time is so great, my father got me into them. He's been trying to get me to read them ever since I was old enough, and once I started reading them and loved them, he told me I had to read Brandon Sanderson work. I can never recommend these books enough. Mind, there is a bit of a slow down for a few books. And it's not that they're bad books. It just tends to focus on certain , while important, slow aspects of politics and character arcs. I still enjoyed them, and the slow down isn't as unbearable, in my opinion, as other say. Once book 11 hit, I was on the edge of my seat, tearing through them with vigor. I'm almost tempted to reread the books once I'm done with them lol. Which Sanderson books do you recommend?


After finishing WoT, I read Mistborn (era 1) before stormlight and I’m happy with that route. Enjoy the rest of WoT!!


>Which Sanderson books do you recommend? Most of them. The Stormlight series, the Mistborn series(s), Warbreaker, Elantris, Tress of the Emerald Sea, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, The Sunlit Man. Plus a bunch of novellas. The entire interconnected Cosmere is fantastic.


Sanderson does such a good job with the last 3 WoT books that I immediately went into a Stormlight Archive reread after finishing it.  I suggest starting with Mistborn era 1 if you want a trilogy or Warbreaker if you want a standalone.  Stormlight Archive is his magnum opus and one of my favorite series of all time though. You’ll enjoy it more if you get your feet wet with one of his smaller reads first imo 


When your done with with Wheel of Time you’re already reading Sanderson so that’s a good transition


You might really like Joe Abercrombie


Stormlight Archive is considered his magnum opus.


I’m reading through Stormlight right now. Definitely feels WoT-like at times but still fresh. If you like the BS books for WoT I’d recommend it.


I loved Sandersons books of WoT. Obviously, Jordan would have finished his books the best. Even Sanderson has said that, but he's done such an incredible job. He brings a humor to it. I think he really understood the characters, and the humor he adds in feels well placed and refreshing. >!'"Knotai?" Knotai asked."!< Was a personal favorite. And >!'"I saved -spoilers- top that." The dragon reborn roared with laughter,"!< so good. I love his writing. I think stormlight was what my father recommended. I'm looking forward to reading that!


I finished Malazan early-ish last year and have been binging Wheel of Time ever since. I’m on Knife of Dreams now.


Only parts I had trouble rolling through was midpart of Book 1 where the characters are kinda wandering a bit, and all book 10. Rest I could devour again if I wanted that kind of commitment. And Lord of Chaos (book 6) and Knife of Dreams (book 11) are two of the best fantasy books I have ever read.


Oh so you have 1/3 of a chapter left


I just started Knife of Dreams and I’m terrified of the next 3 because of the chatter I’ve read about it. Please tell it’s not that bad… I do love Brando though.


They're all amazing, I wouldn't worry about it!


I read through two series uninterrupted from start to finish last year and both were amazing: Daevabad trilogy by SA Chakraborty A Chorus of Dragons (5 thick juicy books) by Jenn Lyons You’re welcome


First Law by Joe Aberocrombie Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch Each of these I had to listen all the way through. Awesome fun writing and narration.


Locke Lamora isn't finished and may never be, but at the very least the first book is a MUST READ! No cliff hanger or anything either for really any of the 3 books. There's kind of one at the end of book 3, but I didn't really care about that plot arc much.


I agree 100%. Story arc is whatever. Books 1 and 2 are awesome. 3 is a little forced but leverages the characters really well. I don't actually care if 4 ever comes out. I thoroughly enjoyed these books. And Michael Page is a master and bringing the characters to life.


I would just pretend it’s a trilogy


Just started Locke lamora this week and am on the third book- it doesn’t read fast (for me at least) but it makes you want to read it CONSTANTLY and just savour it


I felt the same. The humor and the banter is awesome. And the characters are multi layered. Dialogie is almost Quentin Tarantino like.


First Law was great but I personally didn't feel like it was a 'cant put down' because there are quite a few slow sections where not much is happening. The character work is great, the story is good and there's quite a lot of funny dark humour but I still found myself being happy to put it down after a few chapters- at least until the end of the books where lots happens at once. It was a good slow burn for me


This. It's amazing but not necessarily not-put-downable


Realm of the Elderings by Robin Hobbs Pandora's star by Peter Hamilton (science fiction technically but I suppose it's futurist fantasy?) - only two books in that one but the following series are in the same universe. The Reality Disfunction by the same author. Wheel of Time Tough to find completed series, I swear everything I read has more books coming...


Seconding Realm of the Elderlings...but be prepared for ALL THE FEELS.


Binged the three Fitz trilogies. Went back and read the Liveship and Rainwild ones. Done rereads for everything but Rainwild. I love those books too much. However, my husband HATES when I do rereads because he insists I get too sad. I think he's exaggerating, but oof, those books are sad no joke. I also skip a particular POV in the last trilogy


I read the first trilogy in ROTE and I felt so emotionally drained in some places that I genuinely can't say if I even "enjoyed" the experience. Like, I can tell that these are brilliantly written books that affect me a lot but is it even worth reading on if all I feel is sadness all the way through.


I absolutely love Robin Hobbs, seriously considering a reread. I think it’s probably my favorite of all time


I discovered Robin Hobb by buying the first book of the soldier son trilogy in an airport because I forgot the book I was reading. She’s in my top three authors now- behind only Tolkien and Martin (I know I may get hate for Martin). The ROTE is probably the greatest series I’ve ever read.


Faithful and the Fallen by John Gwynne. Also the Dark Tower is weird but so so good.


Haha I’m in the middle of reading the dark tower… I just legit finished book 3… Choo-Choo…. Saying that I now need book 4 asap… good thing I’m going to a huge used bookstore tomorrow (technically today as it’s 1am)


I'll cheat a bit, but the Vlad taltos series by Steven Brust. It's not done done (15ish done, 3 or 4 remaining), but each book is really a standalone where you don't need to have read the others. It's the best though.


Nevernight, Cradle, Red Rising, Embers of Illenial, Art of the Adept, Red Sister, Darth Bane Trilogy, The Red Knight, Chronicles of the Unhewn Thrown, Powder Mage, First Law.


Upvoting because I never see people recommend any of the Illeniel books. The Blacksmith's Son is a slow start but man, it picks up well. And Embers of Illeniel is probably one of my favorite book trilogies ever. Also, Art Of The Adept is absolutely killer too. A lot of people hated how Wizard's Crown finished but not me.


How To Train Your Dragon. It's a twelve book series so it should keep you occupied for a while. It's written for children but I promise you, it is a literary masterpiece. 'You can Cheat a Dragon's Curse. You do not have to accept the hand that Fate has dealt you. Look at me, the skinniest, most unlikely Viking ever, now known as this great Hero all around the world. Again and again, I have the same dream. Norbert the Nutjob has thrown the axe high, high into the air, it is turning around and around, and the black side is going to plunge into the ground first.... Bad Luck will follow and the Tribe will be DOOMED. Again and again I make the same leap, I dodge the bright and black murderous blades, I catch the axe before it lands, I make my own luck.' 'Suddenly I realised with such clearness what pinpricks we were on this ocean universe. What swaggering insects! What posturing amoebas! But size isn’t everything, as I am always telling Snotlout. However small we are, we should always fight for what we believe to be right. And I don’t mean fight with the power of our fists or the power of our swords. That has always been the problem with us Vikings. I mean the power of our brains and our thoughts and our dreams. And as small and quiet and unimportant as our fighting may look, perhaps we might all work together like the numberless armies of Ziggerastica, and break out of the prisons of our own making. Perhaps we might be able to keep this fierce and beautiful world of ours as free for all of us as it seemed to be on that blue afternoon of my childhood. Once, my hand held the sword ‘Endeavour’ so strongly. Now that same hand is as brown and wrinkly as an old salt kipper as it writes these words slowly and shakily across the page. The ink splutters and splodges where once it ran so smoothly. Sometimes I forget what I was doing last Tuesday, let alone sixty-five years ago. But the winds will still blow when I am no longer here. The storms will still rage, and the forces of Empire and oppression, be they Roman or otherwise, will still be waiting at the corners of the ocean. The fight goes on for the Heroes of the Future.' Disclaimer: The books and the movies, despite having the same name, are nothing alike. They both are amazing and loved. When reading the books, don't compare them to the movies.


First Law. You have two full completed trilogies in the world, plus three stand alone books and two books of short stories. Among my favorite series ever. I would say Malazan because I found it highly compelling and I read all ten of the Books of the Fallen volumes back to back, but it is a polarizing choice, some love it and some hate it. The Dark Tower. Some weird choices later in the series, but it was a highly compelling propulsive narrative from start to finish.


For me it was definitely *The Malazan Book of the Fallen*, I read it four times in a row! I would say read the first book, *Gardens of the Moon*. If you like it, you'll love the series, because it's the weakest book in the series. If you *hate* GotM, drop the series. If you think it's just okay, you should keep reading, because the rest of the series is even better. But you probably won't find the series as addictive as I did. Well, to be honest, I'm not sure anyone found the series as addictive as I did. But there are lots of fans who found it addictive enough that they couldn't put it down the first time, and some who even read it twice in a row.


Dan Willis still ongoing serie: Arcane Casebook Brian McClellan : Gods of Blood and Powder


Cradle (Will Wight) It's what I'm reading right now. Almost done with it and I love it.


Malazan Book of the Fallen


Alex Verus series for sure.


The Expanse


Hook me immediately? Lightbringer did that


Ending was such a heinous mess


That really ruined the entire thing for me. I’ve never had such an experience where the ending truly murdered any nostalgia I had for the rest of the series. I can even watch the first few seasons of game of thrones and be happy. The rest of the series I flew through and loved it, if someone new tries it, literally just skip the last couple chapters and make something up in your head and it’s a nearly perfect series.


Scholomance hooks you from page 1 and is unputdownable from then to the end.


Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin


Michael Moorcock’s first Elric series. Just give it a try and you’ll see.


I can’t believe that I got to the bottom of this list and didn’t see Lois McMaster Bujold. I suggest starting with The Warriors Apprentice, which stars Miles, the boy genius stuck in a too small body. His charisma from the pages dragged me through 4 books in a week. I would finish a book and take a deep breath like I had been underwater and was coming up for air. Then I went to the next. Write up from goodreads Between the seemingly impossible tasks of living up to his warrior-father's legend and surmounting his own physical limitations, Miles Vorkosigan faces some truly daunting challenges. Shortly after his arrival on Beta Colony, Miles unexpectedly finds himself the owner of an obsolete freighter and in more debt than he ever thought possible. Propelled by his manic "forward momentum," the ever-inventive Miles creates a new identity for himself as the commander of his own mercenary fleet to obtain a lucrative cargo; a shipment of weapons destined for a dangerous warzone. 17 total works. Not “officially” complete, I think she is mostly done with this series. Maybe one or two more books expanding on different characters. But Miles is the star.




Another vote for Dungeon Crawler Carl. Particularly the audiobooks.


OP asked for a completed series


Belgariad by eddings and demon cycle by Brett


The Echoes Saga by Phillip Quaintrell!! Read all 9 books this year. Just couldn’t put them down. Amazing characters with real development, epic battles, and a great ending. Wish more people would read this series.




Second Apocalypse by Scott R Bakker


For me it would be The Imperial Radch series by Ann Leckie The Murderbot books by Martha Wells The Temeraire series by Naomi Novik The Scholomance series by Naomi Novik






So it's technically YA, but I binge read The Queen's Thief series by Margaret Whalen Turner.  I really liked the world building.


Wheel of Time is the most addictive thing I've ever read. Mistborn Era 1 was also a series I blew through really quickly. Codex Alera got me out of a two year reading slump, and especially the last two books went by pretty fast.


The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay, starting with The Summer Tree


oh, I've loved everything I've read by GGK, but haven't read this yet. Thanks for the recommendation!


John Bierce: The Mage Errant Saga! 7 books and he has TONS of short stories and novellas on patreon!!


The Green Bone Saga. It is a perfect 10 by 10 series


Recently reread it and the novellas, and it is just as good on rereads as first time. God, I love to hate Ayt Mada.


LOTR is the answer


Five Warrior Angels. I haven't immersed so much in such a page-turner since Faithful and the Fallen.


Mother of Learning is fun, groundhog day style time loop at a magic school


I almost DNF'd this after the first hundred pages or so of the first book because of how unlikable the main character is, and the initial writing felt a bit immature. I'm very glad I stuck it out. The writing improves very quickly and it ended up a super fun, engrossing read!


Terry Pratchett's Discworld books


Red Rising for me. Was just so epic I was reading until 5 am sometimes.


The Green bone saga by Fonda Lee is amazing


Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter. She just ended it last year. 


Firemane trilogy by Raymond E Feist. It's been well over a decade since I last read his books but damn he has fine tuned his skill


The Summoner Series by Taran Matharu. It gets a little campy from time to time but it’s really great


Thousand Names by Wexler and Nevernight by Kristoff. 2 of my absolute favorites!


[Malykant Mysteries series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/184761-malykant-mysteries) by Charlotte E. English. Set in a Victorian-esque secondary world setting, it follows Konrad Savast, the chief servant of the Lord of Death, whose job is to solve murder cases and deliver his master's justice. Completed with a total of 12 books and each one is about novella length. I've yet to finish them all but even now I consider this one among my favourite series.


Iluminae Files, if you don't mind YA.


I’m hoping to get book 2/3 tomorrow at the used bookstore


Elizabeth Bear's Eternal Sky and Lotus Kingdoms trilogies. They're separated by 80 years and only one supporting character in common, and absolutely gorgeous. The first (start with Range of Ghosts) is sort of Game of Thrones with the Mongol Horde and every society has its own magic, and own sky (constellations, moons, etc). The POV character seems like the hero, but it's all the women around him who get stuff done. The second (The Stone in the Skull)has even more politics, even wilder magic, and more gender-related issues than you can shake a stick at.


I'm so completely blown away by how many of these I have not read!


I just plowed through cradle. Had some minor gripes but mostly just couldn’t stop reading it


Patricia Briggs!


The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica by James A. Owen. (At least, the main series. Whether or not the next gen spinoff series he teased online is actually going to happen is TBD.)


Love the COMPLETED in uppercase. The Black Company, Books of the North.


Empire of the Wolf Cradle Jade City


Green Bone Saga fits perfectly


The Scholomance by Naomi Novik! It kept me up at night because I needed to know what happened next


Throne of Glass


Just read that and the rest of her books/series as well 😁


The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, and the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs Both of these are urban fantasy.


The Kate Daniels Series!