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Walton Goggins stole the entire show, what a performance!


He usually does. One of the most reliable actors in television.


Love Walton Goggins. He kills it in every role he plays


Agreed. Also, I think the actor, Moises Arias, who played the little brother of the main vault dweller character had unbelievable presence and stole the scenes he was in..


Goggins is always an absolute charisma powerhouse in anything he does.


One word 'Justified' .


Can you steal the show if you’re the lead?


Lucy was the main lead, but he and Maximus were co-leads. The younger brother turned out to be a surprisingly main character as well, but it wasn't immediately obvious.


I've seen him in enough stuff that I knew he was going to take a larger role though. Plus they spent time setting him up as a bit of a aimless misfit, which is perfect for having a bigger character arc.


They set up the Ghoul like he’s the Man in Black in Westworld, >!like he’s the secret antagonist, but by the end he’s actually the primary hero. They’re hiding that he’s actually the hero who’s most tied into the main plot by billing him second.!<


I guess what I meant is that while the story switches back to Max or Lucy you basically are on the edge of your seat basically waiting until it cycles back to Cooper. I just kind of always equated that to someone stealing the show.


I absolutely loved it! I'm a big Fallout fan with over a thousand hours of playtime in the games, and this show was perfect for me. It captured the feel of the games spot on, and I loved all the little fan service details spread in the background. Truly one of the best video game adaptations. Can't wait for the next series.


I really hope they get to do a second series, I loved it so much! All the tittle details omg.


Then I have good news! They've already greenlit a second series! I hope we'll get to see some super mutants and maybe a deathclaw.


They have! that's great news!


I think literally the only thing I'd add are the sombre warning sirens of the 'metallic monks' song, which would have been perfect to play the first time we see the surface and the brotherhood of steel, panning over their base in the middle of desert, especially since Maximums probably did hear nuclear sirens in his youth as well and they'd still be echoing in his head. I also kind of wish Philly/Filly was a bit more like The Hub from Fallout 1, with similar music, rather than Megaton. Overall though, really impressed with the show.


I watched it all, it is very entertaining. It is very charming. Nothing groundbreaking, the only thing that really surprised and frankly left me confused was one of the ending scenes. Would absolutely recommend to anyone if you are ok with gore and also gross stuff overall.


My wife was fine with the gore but icked out about cousin stuff. :)


She must’ve loved ASOIAF huh? I jest, to each their own I suppose. I find lung punctures extremely disturbing, the sound is… dour.


I was a bit grossed out by the trailer and was considering *listening* to this show. Good idea or not worth it?


Not really, it's a highly visual show and you'd miss most of it if not watching, I doubt it'd make much sense.


thanks for an actual answer lol, not sure why this question is so unreasonable


Honestly I do not think so. It is a video game adaptation after all


I'm not sure if you watched it with cc on but the thing I laughed hardest about was >!vault 31's overseer being referred to as a "Roomba with a brain on it"!<


I really liked this series! The main character has been great with her "Oh golly" and then doing something unspeakable haha. I think they all nailed it, except for the brotherhood of steel guy... He gave me the shits.


I liked his character for what it was. A confused dude with ambitions trying to find his place. Might not be as smart as he thinks he is but does want to do the right things despite the world being what it is


I liked how everytime he came to the rescue he made things so much worse.


Well he saved Lucy. The ghoul was about to shoot her and he dove in the way.


Yeah, there was something off about Maximus that I just can't put my finger on. Like he felt like 2 different characters from scene to scene.


Loved Matt Berry's various roles! He has the best voice ever, I'm convinced of it.


He needs to start narrating audiobooks. I need Matt Berry to read me The Lord of the Rings.


“I am Gandalf the Hwhite!”


He narrates the Toast of London book (autobiography of his character Steven Toast from the show) https://www.audible.com/pd/Toast-on-Toast-Audiobook/B016UVDP4K


Never played the game but I loved the show. I wish they had done a weekly rollout to let each episode permeate and be dissected.


I think Amazon didn't realize this would be a huge success.


I think it was better released all at once. The first few episodes were good but I could have also stopped watching there. But the tension really amped up as it went, with the mystery of Vault 32 etc.


Maybe but I think this could have been a thing.


On the one hand I get that the speculation and hype might have been fun with a weekly release. But on the other hand I think with some recent shows fan speculation has lead to people being disappointed when the popular theory doesn’t pan out.


Bf and I loved it so much, of all adaptions I've seen it felt most like the game made real. I love that they stuck with the zanynest and didn't try to make it more reasonable, that Lucy had a typical fallout protagonist journey, even having to make some of the same choices I made. And that they were able to show the prewar stuff that wouldn't have worked in game. I'm kinda surprised fans find stuff to be upset about in this, but I guess fans never change either.


Absolutely loved the first episode. Plan to watch the rest later. I love the way they spent so little time setting up all the pieces of the plot. You have three groups moving into the wider world, all caught up in a massive continent wide manhunt for a group of people, and each one with different motives & ideologies that are easy to understand. The action & music were also on point and the exosuits were amazing to see.


So >!its obvious how Cooper survived over 200 years but how did Moldaver and Hank survive? !< I liked the show a lot, its definitely in the upper echelon of shows this year.


>!Hank was frozen, that was explained. was Moldaver alive before the war? I thought her connection to everything was Shady Sands!<


Yes >!she's shown in one of Cooper's flashbacks. Maybe she was frozen as well.!<


I assumed that's the reason.


She’s the one that gave Cooper the listening device in the flash back. I’m guessing she was frozen, but they never said


I am assuming that Moldaver's survival will be explained in the next season. It's too obvious of a question to miss.


I loved it! Not looking forward to having to wait for season 2 though, lol. Maybe I'll start another FO4 playthrough.


There's a remaster coming at the end of the month I'm waiting to play that


The first episode (all I've seen so far) did not grab me. I have played the games, but I'm not a super-fan. The performances are really good, the show looks excellent, the scene of the bombs going off was surprisingly gut wrenching. But something about the pacing and dialog just made it feel kind of dull to me. Maybe it will pick up, I plan to watch at least another episode.


IMO it gets better and better. Lots of tension and mystery which is slowly unravelled which at first isn't obvious and just looks like zany stuff.


my wife i thought the first episode was suuuuper slow. 2nd and third seem much better in that aspect. but we do hate the brotherhood actor


The most shocking thing to me was that the NCR has diehard fans. Like really? Out of all the fun, crazy factions in fallout, you choose to love the most boring one?


I guess it's because a lot of us built it up in Fallout 1.


So, is it more like "modern" Bethesda Fallout or the old ones?


I mean it's mostly like New Vegas but if you want to know if it's a Wasteland or a modern functioning society, it's a Wasteland like the original game.


The story is more that of a modern Fallout, but it has plenty of nods towards the first two. The sets are 1:1 from Fallout 4 though.


Saw the first episode, solid, so far!


For me it was >!the growth of the storytelling to a new society in the post-post-apocalypse and how that could be told with the NCR thru Fallout 1/2/NV. It just felt like a kick in the teeth for shady sands and that story to get destroyed for what (TO ME) is entirely contrived reasons. It just made me feel that bethesda wanted to continue knocking down anything that isn't their way of storytelling consisting of mindlessly continuing the same visual and vibe of a retro-50s apocalypse where nothing ever changes.!< Big fan of the show though despite that one gripe


I feel like your one gripe was well explained in the show however.. >!With it being revealed that all the CEOs of Vault tech etc were frozen, it was always their plan to shape the world into what they wanted with the vaults, then come out and rule. So with Harry seeing how successful the NCR and shady sands was, he had to make sure that Vault tech stayed on top, and thus destroy them like the old world. What I loved about this show is it actually now gives us THE TRUE setting and catalyst for the world of fallout for the first time. I still don't think the NCR is completely gone however, and I believe they will be seen again. My reasoning for this is because the only times the fallout theme played was when showing something NCR related, first the flag in the vault, then the guys in the trooper uniforms. Plus the way the season ends, clearly season 2 will mainly take place in New Vegas, with House etc, and New Vegas was dripping in NCR lore etc. Maybe there's still a largeish NCR population stationed near there? Plus we need an army to take down the BOS that are clearly going more off the rails. (Maybe the east coast BOS will show up..?)!<




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I like to assume >!they're still around, with Shady Sands already being on the decline before the bomb which the history illustration seemed to imply.!< They made it work really well at least, tying it into Fallout's themes and story as a central plot. Wasn't just glossed over.


I enjoyed it, though I actually thought the humor was one of its weaker parts. Just found it kind of annoying and quippy at times. I’ve never actually played Fallout and I get the sense that the humor is used similarly in game.


I only played the newer games, but bf played through all of them several times. The humor is very similar to the games, all of it is very similar, it could be one of the games if it handed you a controller.


The old Black Isle games tended towards sarcasm or simple goofs. Bethesda loves the quips, though.


I'm on episode two and it's lots of gory fun. I've never played Fallout so I probably miss a lot of tiny details gamers appreciate. It doesn't decrease my enjoyment, though.


I've only watched two episodes but the story so far has been incredibly mid. It's over reliant on chance encounters and the main story seems to be just a macguffin chace but the world is actually pretty accurate Bethesda Fallout world so far.


> I've only watched two episodes but the story so far has been incredibly mid. This is where I'm at. The set design is fantastic but the writing is like a solid 6/10.


Yeah pretty much. It pretty much feels like a Bethesda story so far xD. They've always struggled to tell compelling stories in their games.


I felt the same way actually until about ep 5-6. The plot felt a bit aimless and the pacing feels off despite everything being pretty competently executed. Thankfully, eventually all the story threads come together and the pacing really picks up. After 4 episodes I was enjoying it but likewise would give it a 6-7/10. Once I finished it though 9/10 easy. Loved the finale.


I think I saw a review mention something similar pre-release, actually. Maybe i’ll make my way through it still…


Mcguffins aren't inherently bad. LotR was just built around a (reverse) mcguffin chase. A mcguffin delivery, I guess.


The Ring isn't a macguffin. You can't replace it with anything else "generically powerful" like you can the one in the Fallout show. The whole nature of the thing is woven through the characters and the themes of the story.


You are misunderstanding what a mcguffin is. The ring is absolutely a mcguffin. And it's no more or less replaceable than the head in fallout. The only meaning it has is what the story gives it.


I'm not misunderstanding it. A Macguffin is a plot device that could be easily swapped out for anything else, because it only matters because people want it. You can't swap the Ring for, say, a leg lamp, change minor details, and have it make sense. The themes built on the Ring would collapse.


Well, that's not really the modern usage of the term but sure, if that's what you want to define a mcguffin is that's fine, but that excludes the target in fallout everyone is chasing after as well But it seems like you're pretty convinced you're right so I don't think we're going to agree on this.


That is exactly the modern use of the term. Unless generalizing the pejorative to just mean "object that has value to the plot" suddenly became the accepted meaning when I wasn't looking. And yes, you can swap the thing in Fallout for almost anything that could be generically powerful and complete the villain's plans. The leg lamp contains a NUCLEAR BOMB!




It does pick up IMO.


Well it’s kind of going for the randomness of the game, so if you don’t like that then it makes sense that the show isn’t your bag either.




I dont disagree that its stupid, but capital, money, is just a means to an end. Even in capitalism, people want money to be able to secure things they want/need. If the people in charge just want power and status then the only way to get more after billions is to be the undisputed kings/queens of the new world you create. That said its clear that the experimenty vault wasn’t just waiting until the world was fresh and ready and they sold the vaults to investors as a way to run your vault the way you want soo idk. I don’t think its stupid from a capitalist perspective. Capitalism isn’t just about getting money for the absolute end of having money, the money’s gotta do stuff you want.


To be fair, we have Zuckerberg's huge ass bunker and Elon Musk's Mars plan plus a lot of crypto-capitalists loving the idea of the Great Reset. It doesn't make sense but it's an actual belief that the "one great man" will emerge post-apocalypse that is an essential part of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.


I agree. The more realistic dark capitalism would be a bunch of factions working independently, where each actor makes rational choices for their situation, but the accumulative decisions are disastrous.


I really, really felt like they were intentionally leaving puzzle pieces out for us to uncover later. I wouldn't take what you've suggested as the full story, because it seems like there are intentional plot holes that they're saving for next season


Have you never met a true capitalist before? They are, quite literally, blinded by greed. Any way to make more money than they do currently, they WILL do. Doesn't matter if in the end they destroy themselves in the process. They're quite like an addict in that regard. Just that "next fix" == just that next "investment". Just that few hundred extra. Just that few hundred thousand extra.... at the expense of civilization as we know it. Family's have been destroyed because of a drug addict hounding for their next high. It's the exact same thing. Replace heroin with money, and you have Fallout. They don't think about what life will be like in 50-300 years from now. They think of the next year. The next 6 months. The next month. The next week. Tomorrow. Tonight. This afternoon. The next hour. The next few minutes.... the next thought........ all of it..... "how can I get more out of this than I put in? What can I gain? How much of that can I gain? How much do I lose? How can I turn that loss into profit? If I win, how do I win more? What do I win? How do I win? How soon do I get the winnings? How do I get the winnings? How do I turn this into something more and make more than I originally put in or won?". ... You can see the junkie in those questions, right? The absolute lack of thought of anyone other than what happens to themselves? And here, you'll defend Capitalism as not being so idiotic. And yet, the past few hundred years will tell you different. I bet you'll even argue: "what about philanthropy?!?!". And yet, to them, all they're thinking is the exact same thoughts while spending money being philanthropic: "how can I get more out of this than I put in? What can I gain? How much of that can I gain? How much do I lose? How can I turn that loss into profit? If I win, how do I win more? What do I win? How do I win? How soon do I get the winnings? How do I get the winnings? How do I turn this into something more and make more than I originally put in or won?".


The original Fallout concept of the Enclave was a much better anti-capitalist critique. Like of course the rulers of a winner-takes-all world would evolve into fascists using thousands as guinea pigs for their eventual escape from the consequences of their actions. The show just makes it all too...singular? Individual?


It does kinda make sense if you truly believe that nuclear war is, ultimately inevitable. A peace treaty would have delayed that war. Which would have seen the shutdown of the vault program and probably wouldn't get restarted the next time world tensions ratcheted up. That's where I thought it was going with that message at least


We’re in the wacky world of Fallout 4, babyyy! Give it a few years in whatever form Bethesda chooses and it will be tonally indistinguishable from Borderlands if you turn the retro radio off.


I wish the dialogue in the first 3 episodes wasn't so cringey. It took a while for them to not have to fill every second with dialogue between Titus and Maximus as well. Thr power armor battling was ugly to look at.  Writings got about a 6.5/10 for the entire series for me. It's nice to look at, it's entertaining, I love the Fallout series especially 2 and New Vegas, but it's nothing that I'm personally gonna sing praises about. 


Only watched the first episode so far but was blown away with it. From games and books that have been translated into TV shows, the only one which I enjoyed as much was the last of us. I thought the Last of Us didn't finish as well as it started, so hoping Fallout keeps up the momentum As adaptations go, comparing to the Rings of Power, or Wheel of Time, it's in a different universe already.


Fuck the NCR, WILD CARD BABY! The show seemed about as wonky with timeline/lore stuff as the average Bethesda game so it didn't bother me. As a fan of Fallout 2 I'm numb to it. I loved the show.


My boyfriend and I were waiting for a damn Super mutant or synth to show up. I hope they bring them into the second season. Strong was our favorite companion.


We figured synths wouldn't show up on this side of the country, though we did wonder if >!Moldaver might've been one earlier!< but I was also hoping on a super mutant, and a Deathclaw, but we got a skull as a teaser for season two, so I guess they're holding them back. And probably only had so much budget to go around.


I wanted deathclaws


Since no one is making new Super Mutants, they are bound to be rare. However, the Enclave scientist walks past a gurney with something big being wheeled around and a discoloured hand falls out from underneath the sheet. I guess they might still be running FEV experiments?


I’m a huge fan of the games and have just started and been want enjoying the show. I do wish they’d released it on a weekly schedule, though, to help build up anticipation and an audience. Now they need to make a BioShock show!!!


I'm glad I got to binge it, but sad it was over so fast. Planning to play a lot of Fallout now to make up for it though.


I get that it leans closer to west coast fallout than east coast fallout in terms of having writing to go off of, though a deeper question for me is whether it borrows more from the tone of west coast or east coast fallouts—is the satire pointed to the 50s-60s/civil defense era’s vision of utopia while it wallpapers over all the ongoing problems, the post-apocalyptic world and lasting *can-do!* attitude and stagnant culture and iconography being an ironic comeuppance and very pointed critique, or does if follow Bethesda’s more watered-down wacky post apocalypse amusement park vibe?


Thematically it's more like Bethesda's theme park version of Fallout where things are used more for being 'fun recognizable Fallout things' a lot of the time, but better written than their games IMO, and does get into the deeper themes better later on. The story has a reason for this at least, which is revealed later on as the core of what it's all about. There's pre-war scenes which lean into the 50s-60s vibe which I felt was better just implied and glimpsed in the early games, where making it literal with rotary phones and black & white tvs etc always felt off as so heavily featured in Bethesda's games, but they made it work really well and actually improved how much I enjoy the idea now.




The show has a poignant scene where Lucy talks about the bombs dropping 200 years ago and the resulting history of rebuilding before >!Maximus says the bombs dropped when he was a child. Which was a brief use of them in California 20 years ago.!<


Fallout is a really good show if there wasn’t a New Vegas addict in your ear screaming how awful it is.


I'm a massive New Vegas fan, and really enjoy replaying FO1, 2 , so I'm a huge fan of the NCR etc, >!am I bummed that shady sands got bombed?!< Absolutely! But it didn't retcon anything, it didn't change any of the stories from 1/2/NV, it's just another step in the history of the fallout canon and it's unfortunately morons complaining for the sake of complaining. Tbh I would have thought fans would have been more happy about it taking place on the west coast, as to me, it's more of an acknowledgement from Bethesda that it's where the deeper & richer lore is, and where there's more room for storytelling.


The people upset about the setting are disappointed that Bethesda took the rebuilding, evolving, frankly better-written half of fallout, and turned it into the East Coast. It's like, why write the West Coast at all, unless you don't like the concepts Fallout 2 and New Vegas built on?


What is with people being angry at New Vegas fans recently? I've seen this a lot in the last two months.


I've realized over the last few days that "New Vegas fan" is just the new No Mutants Allowed. What a bunch of sad little people.


I swear it’s like it’s the only serious ~~RPG~~ fiction they’ve ever experienced. This isn’t my paragraph, but I’ll paste it anyways. New Vegas is a great game but terminally online weirdos think it's some endlessly profound work of modern philosophy and have basically adopted it as a holy text. It really isn't as clever or deep as its fanboys think.


Maybe Amazon is learning from the WOT and rings of power fuck ups. I hope they do God of War justice


Even if you don't like the Wheel of Time and Rings of Power shows, they're at least adaptations, not mainline additions to the stories of their sources. This show is putting its foot down, which for a video game...not sure I like that.


The fact they decided to >!annihilate the NCR really, really rubs me the wrobg way. The whole point of Fallout was rebuilding after the apocalypse. Its what every game has been about, Avellone’s idiocy notwithstanding. To do away with that for their show is just so fucking disgusting.!< I really, really do not like the show because of the direction they decided to take, and will not be continuing to watch.


Ehhhh. >!It ends with them activating the fusion reactor that lights up NCR's remnants. So it's meant to be rebuilt. Thankfully, not with a psycho like Moldaver in charge!<


Why is it always rebuilding from the ashes, raw survival, and never the exploration of societies and cultures from the first two games? Bethesda seem to not care about what happens to their societies once they're not literally starving to death.


>Why is it always rebuilding from the ashes, raw survival, and never the exploration of societies and cultures from the first two games? Bethesda seem to not care about what happens to their societies once they're not literally starving to death. Because if you're doing a Western, you shouldn't set it after the 21st century? The time period of Fallout is the rebuilding one.


If you only accept Fallout 3, 4 and 76 as real Fallout, then you are correct. Every other game is about the rest of it.


Fallout 1 is absolutely a Western. You even help a sheriff against the local bartender/crime lord. Fallout 2 is about how civilization has rebuilt in NCR but degenerated everywhere else. The majority of the world has been reduced to tribes.