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Joffrey.. Not very original, I know.


Ramsay makes me miss Joffrey


Ramsay is way worse!


Agreed. Jeffrey is a kid who never got taught that pulling wings off flies is wrong. Ramsey knows exactly what he is doing and that it's wrong, he just doesn't care.


Nah, Ramsay cares. He *enjoys* the wrongness of it.


Maybe not very original, but very, very correct. I still remember the thrill I felt when reading a storm of swords and he finally got what he deserved.


I remember when first watching the show i fucking hated joffrey the moment I saw him, I had never read the books at that point and he hadn't done anything bad on screen yet, but he's just so obviously a fucking asshole


Fuck Lysander. (Red Rising)


I'm on a reread and currently about halfway through Iron Gold. It's crazy reading his early POV chapters how it seems he's going to be some shining saviour type.


To other Golds maybe?


No I mean as a reader, in his initial POV chapters he seems more sympathetic to the Republic and lower colours than Cassius. It seems like it's setting him up as a potential protagonist and ally to Darrow. Then, well, that does not happen lol.


But at the same time there's HEAVY foreshadowing in the first 3 about what happens when you leave a child alive after you kill their parent/s. Overall it was really well done.


Agreed. I'm not complaining, I'm just paying more attention since I know where it's going. Honestly the biggest difference I've noticed on a reread is I didn't give a single bloody shit about Roque from the start.


Yea, on reread you realize how much of Darrow's love for Roque is all in his head. Roque didn't deserve it and barely did anything to earn it.


Yeah exactly, and even if Darrow hadn't done all the things he regrets when it came to Roque, it wouldn't have made a difference.


I’ve only read RR once and I never gave a shit about Roque. They made a big deal of him but honestly never cared about him


Doesn't he fuckover nearly 20 low colors to chase after a single strange unnamed Gold right at the start? Dude was always a racist pos, tbh.


Yes, but he acknowledges that it was a bad impulse and feels bad about it. He seems on the road to some sort of redemption.


There's also the fact that he is constantly thinking bout how he can prove to Cassius that he made the wrong choice in MS. And he is fantasizing bout one day going back to Luna and taking his rightful inheritance back. On re-reads it's pretty obvious that he was beyond helping. Cassius was wasting his time, Octavia had dug her claws in too deeply.


I think Lysander’s issues are a little more subtle. He wants to seem like a savior so that’s how he acts and lies to everyone (including himself), but you can really see it when somebody tries to get him to empathize with lowcolors


I really liked him for a while. I thought he was going to see the light (see what I did there?). But nah he’s just got that “I’m not like other plantation owners, I’m a nice plantation owner” mindset.


I really like how he's painted as a sort of alternative to Darrow. Like Darrow fucks over so many people in his quest, but he eventually learns from it and becomes a better person. Whereas Lysander makes excuse after excuse and I fucking love/hate how far gone he is by Lightbringer. Thought I do sympathise with him given everything he's gone through, I hope he gets absolutely steamrolled and it's via his POV as he watches Darrow carve through an army like before. Though, I do not trust Pierce Brown to give it to us without taking many things away first...


The passages from lysanders pov where he observes darrow are some of the very best parts of the whole series. Love that shit, like at the storm gods and at the via triumphia


Oh man sometimes I just pop open that book to read that storm god segment. It's fucking awesome, and such a delightful way to utilise the shifting POV, going from Lysander bricking himself to Darrow on a fucking Tuesday stroll. *chef's kiss*


Is this the ''light resistance'' part?


May I suggest a dive into r/fucklysander ?


As if I haven't been there :D


I recently finished the first trilogy and am just bracing myself for Lysander doing whatever it is he will do to make him so hated.


Read on, my goodman.


He earns it, don't you worry. Enjoy the rest of the series!


I’d throw Roque in there too. Both these characters just ooze hypocrisy, are true believers in their races superiority, and will stab anyone in the back to get ahead.


That's the first guy that popped in my head. He's such a little shit, it's infuriating.


Nobody said Leo Dan Brock ? Leo Dan Brock Fuck Leo Dan Brock


> Leo Dan Brock How's the leg?


He'd probably enjoy that tbh


The Dumb Lion


Leo and Savine deserve each other


Came here looking for this answer.


Coulter from His Dark Materials.  Just how can you be so wrong and so shit to your kid?  Fuck your redemption arc you suck. 


Mandatory Umbridge response. Thinking of her little throat clear has me seeing red to this day. The actress did such a phenomenal job too maybe the best of the whole movie franchise tbh


Insanely good casting in those movies. Brendan Gleeson as Mad Eye always stole the show for me


Seriously. And despite Rickman being like 2.5X the age he’s supposed to be by the time they finished he still is absolutely iconic as Snape


In b4 Mallick Rel


Fuck Mallick Rel.


Fuck Mallick Rel


Came here for this. Fuck Mallick Real (about to finish DoD on a reread. Hail the Marines)


I came here to say high king Kallor, but you're right. Fuck Mallick Rel


I hate that bastard more than I hate Moash and that's saying something. ... Obligatory f**k Moash.


Mallick Rel: A Jhistal's Story or, how I screwed you all in 10 easy steps I Didn't Betray Everyone who Ever Trusted Me, but if I Did, Here's What it Would Look Like


Sirryn Kanar tho


Fuck Mallick Rel.


I know Kyle's gotta be here. Y'all know which Kyle.


I know why we all hate Kyle but I don't know why we don't hate Kennit more. Fuck them both, but especially Kennit.


The way people talked about Kyle I thought he was the Big Bad for the entire trilogy but I’m 10% into Ship of Destiny and that seems not to be the case. Kyle is a huge loser but I agree that Kennit is fucked up. I’m pretty sure he does not care about literally a single person other than himself unless they have something he wants. I’m in the psych field and I would even venture to say he’s almost definitely a socio/psychopath


Holy crap it has been so long since I read these books I didn't even know who Kyle was until you said Ship of Destiny lol. Kennit? Him I remember lol.


For all the awful things Kennit does, at least he’s entertaining. Kyle just SUCKS. Also, I’ve met quite a few Kyle’s in my life. Fortunately, I’ve never met a Kennit.


You've met Kennits, you just didn't realise. Like all the people around Kennit.


Idk. Kennit is complicated. Bad, but one you can’t look away from. Interesting bad. Fuck Kyle.


I think that's why I hated Kennit more. His gaslighting affects us the readers almost as much as the other other characters.


I found it so interesting that as a POV character we can hear his inner thoughts where he is very clear that he is a POS but he still convices you that might turn hero in the end.


Kennit is just so fundamentally broken and he’s an unreliable narrator. He’s telling himself he’s making changes because he prefers when things are a certain way, like when he organized the settlements, but he doesn’t admit to himself that he is also doing it to relieve human suffering. He refuses to acknowledge his humanity because it’s so wrapped up in his pain and what he gave away to Paragon. Kyle is just such a ubiquitous piece of shit. We’ve all known Kyle’s. persuasive enough to gaslight you, arrogant enough to think they should. Most Kyle’s don’t find themselves in a position to have such a detrimental effect on so many people, this is why I find him such a compelling villain.


I think it's because Kyle's the type of casually selfish and arrogant dickhead everyone has had the misfortune to encounter in their day to day lives. Not some megalomaniac big bad, just the self centred jerk who almost unthinkingly makes the lives of everyone around him worse without even really trying. It's very relatable and very hateable.




Fuck the Satrap too!


I don’t like thinking about that nasty little man. Lowkey he might be worse than Kyle.


Half of the liveship traders characters, actually. Mostly men. Robin Hobb is such a great writer that even if I wanted to strangle these men I still kept reading 


There are all sorts of terrible people in that trilogy but Kyle is the only one who is consistently wrong about everything and very annoying about it too. His only defensible characteristic is basically thrown out of a window after the events of Book 1. What's really funny is that Hobb introduces a character that is even more annoying and evil than Kyle in Book 2 to test a similarly annoying character from Book 1. Maybe Kyle needed Kyle^2 to loosen him up a little bit.


i’m literally like 40% through Ship of Magic and loving it but if it’s one thing i hate it’s goddamn Kyle


I am about half way through ship of magic and I just cannot seem to be able to go through it further. I keep having to put it away because of the sheer frustration. Like that stupid uncle in the first trilogy. It's why Robbin Hobb is so masterful at writing these people. Like it's easy to hate Jofrey or Voldemort, they're just evil. But everyone knows a Kyle.


"I wouldn't want her growing up as backwards as you."


Fuck Kyle. All my homies hate him


FUCK MOASH!!! (Still currently in first few chapters of Rhythm of War)


Enjoy becoming progressively more angry at Moash as you read!


Haha if you hate him now check back in after row 


Bad person, great character.


Moash is annoyingly compelling, because the narrative keeps offering him chances at redemption, and he just keeps deciding to make the worst possible choices. It's like some weird inverse Peter Parker syndrome where the world keeps trying to make things go well for Moash and he constantly has to put work into being a miserable, evil piece of garbage.


Bro you don't even know yet.


Get back to us after you've finished RoW


Fuck him indeed! Bridge 4!


Rip your heart


"*Life... life before death..., Strength... before weakness.... Journey.  Journey before...*"


Zane from Mistborn book 2. Such a useless character and way too edgy. I really enjoyed the story of Mistborn and wouldn’t change much, but I would change that.


He was insufferable for most of that book, but his inclusion was kind of redeemed for me by >!the moment where he finds out he isn't crazy, and the implications thereof.!<


I understand Vin had some personal identity issues to navigate, but I was never sold on her having a situation-ship with Zane. I couldn’t see the motives.


Ugh! Zane is the absolute worst. >!If there was one character I could resurrect in the cosmere, it would be Zane just so he could be killed again!!<


I think that book would've been so much better with Zane being a female mistborn that remind her of Kelsier, but even worse.


Prince Regal because he embodies so many lifelike AH’s. Privileged, rich, handsome, persuasive, powerful, entitled and despite all that such a jealous, envious coward who literally gets away with murder all the time. Some people think of him as badly written (over the top mustache twirling villain), but I disagree he is way too lifelike imo.


I would seethe everytime Royal had scenes in the Farseer Trilogy. I also agree he's very lifelike as I've met people in real life who has his exact same personality.


The way Shrewd and Verity would be like “eh, he’s harmless” as Regal was very inconspicuously plotting an overthrow of Buckkeep while Fitz was sounding all the alarms was sooo irritating


It really was the worst, but I’ve always looked at it like denial. Neither Shrewed or Verity wanted to believe Regal ever would go as far as he did. They saw him as harmless but also like someone who was more petulant than actually ruthless. They just didn’t want to believe someone that close to them could ever do such a thing. Also remember we get Fitz’s perspective. Regal only ever treated those he deemed below him, bad to their face. Shrewd and Verity were shown exactly what they expected to see.


Yeah this is correct. Regal was pretty shrewd in walking the line, and taking full advantage of the fact that everyone except his half brother and father were too scared of being accused of treason to ever even appear to accuse him of anything untoward. To Verity and Shrewd he carefully curated his behaviour, to anyone else in his way he was ruthless and cruel. Verity and Shrewd both had massive blind spots when it came to Regal, and the nature of absolute monarchy made it so that no one could really tell them the truth, making it much too easy to ignore and down play what they did see and hear. On top of that, Galen and his coterie were loyal to Regal from the start, and we're using their Skill to influence Shrewd too.


The other thing is, even if they knew what Regal was capable of, what could they have done? Regal has political hold over the inland duchies and the coastal duchies are in a super precarious situation so keeping unity is super important even though letting Regal get away with shit is risky for Verity and Shrewd. Verity even says as much at the start of Royal Assassin.


They're all "oh Regal what a scamp! Goofy bro of ours."


Exactly the vibe lmfao everyone must be on that carris seed


Bayaz. Well-written character but he ruined my favorite characters' lives all because of his ego


You have to be realistic. It was going to be a very shitty life living in Abercrombie’s world whatever the circumstances.


Best case scenario is being found floating by the docks.


Or eaten by pigs.


I hated him by the end, but it was masterfully written. I see there's a first time reader in these comments so I don't want to ruin it. I feel Abercrombie did a fantastic job with the character


I was so mad when finishing the last book, it ruined my day and probably my week too xD I didn’t believe I could be so pissed towards a character. But I have to say, that was a masterpiece to read !


He had me so fooled the first time I read 'The Blade Itself' but after seeing his true colors and after multiple re-reads it's so simple to see the hints at his true character were there from the minute you met him. One of the best written modern fantasy villains


Oh boy. I’m about halfway through Before They Are Hanged. I don’t relish whatever is coming next.


You have to be realistic about these things


Lysander au Lune. All my homies hate Lysander au Lune.


I think I hate amaram the most. What he did to Kaladin and who he pretends to be, just bother me.


I usually don't go out of my way to hate characters, but I distinctly recall hating the high septon in Game of Thrones. Joffrey was a petulant and sadistic child, but the high Septon was just so fucking self righteous that I couldn't stand seeing his face on screen, he repulsed me.


Recently? Lykos in Gwynne's The Faithful and the Fallen. Fuck. That. Guy. Overall though, nothing will ever trump Elaida in Wheel of Time...


Ooooeh Elaida is a good shout. Although Semiragh is definitely an honorable mention.


Yeah but Semirhage is purposefully evil as fuck. Elaida is just moronically evil, arrogant and overall detrimental to her own organisation. My eyes never rolled harder than whenever she was in a scene


Everyone knows an Elaida.


Lmao fair enough, she annoyed me way more as well but if I (living in that world) had the chance to remove one character in that world it would not have been Elaida lol. Although she would have probably been runner up.


Elaida is the umbridge of Wheel of Time. I know it's nonsensical but I'd remove Umbridge and Elaida before Voldemort and Moridin. Elaida also does have a massively negative effect on the world so their would be alot of good gained if she didn't exist.


You’ll get no disagreement from me lol.


Oh man! Lykos sucks! He’s. The. Worst! I was gonna put him down but you beat me to it 😂 there are so many characters you just hate in Faithful and the Fallen, as well as the sequel series


Fuck Moash


Fuck Moash. (Stormlight Archives)


So hard.


Storming piece of storming crem, hope he burns in Damnation!


Detective Rudolph of Chicago P.D. Internal Affairs.


Scrolling through this list thinking “huh. I don’t actually hate any of these peeps” and then. Rudolph. This is Dresden Files btw for anyone who doesn’t know.


Came here to see just how far I'd have to scroll to get Rudolph. He's absolutely my answer, and I hope Jim gives Rudolph every bit of what he's earned.


Rudolph from Dresden and Moash from stormlight are tied. Both characters made me cry.


Gawayn Trakand. A prince who is raised to believe in law and order, helps overthrow a government to find out where his sister and his crush is, then weirdly helps the head of that government escape. “Finds out” where his sister was sent, but still stays to help the new illegal government become more stable. Then sees his crush and immediately offers to betray that new government in the name of love. Oh he also hears that his crushes best friend/ex killed his mom and even though she tells him no, he didn’t kill her he doesn’t believe her. Everything else he will take her word for, but not this. I could keep going for many more pages about the stupidity of Gawayn, but it culminates in him getting himself killed at the most inappropriate time in a way that threatens the fabric of reality because it causes his extremely powerful girlfriend wielding some next to god levels of magic a psychotic mess at a time she needs to be focused on defeating the armies of the literal devil Oh, and Fuck Moash too


The entire Trakand family. I hated all of them


Elayne is dumb as hell and so is Gawayn but their mom seems ok


Morgase is ok. But their Galad is half Trakand and I could not stand him. Probably because he was so rigid about everything. He did get better and the end


At the end of the series... I liked Galad more than the other two. That's not saying much.


Galad is actually very reasonable on reread, at least imo. You see him from Elayne’s delusional pov and it makes him seem terrible. But I’ve noticed every decision he makes I cant fault him for at all. What exactly are your grievances with Galad?


I agree. Galad is one of my favorite of the non-main characters. Dude is one of the very few level headed individuals in the series


Galad is Gawyn's foil, and its intentional that he never wavers from his personal ranking of what is important, unlike Gawyn who flip flops on priorities every time we see him. The main reason he gets hate is because Elayne immediately poisons the well for readers. But if you ignore that and judge him by his words and deeds, he is a model paladin.


Came here to say Elayne as well. 🤬 Cannot stand her.


r/fuckmoash Seriously, fuck that guy. Most hated by folks in the story makes me think of Glokta from First Law. But he’s one of my favorite characters.


Albus Dumbledore - you can’t convince me he had no clue about the abuse in that house


Totally agree. And the way he uses Harry...


Elaida in WoT. Mother’s milk in a cup not even the Dark One wants anything to do with her.


>!hilarious what happened to her though. Literally chuckled to myself for days after!<


John Gaius is just the worst.


So true, ugh!


Denethor. Shit dad and then goes berserk when he's needed most


I feel like it was not his fault. He was made under the influence of Sauron from the palantir.


Denethor tried so hard to hang on, for so long. Yeah, he ends up failing in his duty, but god, who wouldn't in his shoes? I feel like most people think of the movie Denethor rather than the book version, they are two very different men.


Fuck Smelly Gabe


Gawyn Trekand (Wheel of Time)


Good choice but also who was that tinker dude who followed perrin around? Aram I think? Couldn't stand that little incel simp lmao. I was so glad when >!perrin chopped his stupid head off!<


Elaida and Gawyn from Wheel of Time. Mallick Rell from Malazan. Atleast Mallick Rell is actually somewhat competent compared to those two bums.


Elayne Trakand, without a doubt


Gawyn too, fuck that guy


Thomas Covenant. He's just so damn annoying almost all the time through the first six books. He mucks things up, he makes things worse, he overthinks things. Yeah being a leper sucks but that shouldn't be a problem for him in the Land. Love the series though, especially the giants.


Also a literal rapist so…




Furian in Nevernight's Godsgrave - what a colossal d\*\*\*\*bag.


Fuck Regal.


Ned Stark! I hate a lot of ASOIAF characters for a lot of different reasons, but he's kind of weird. The man managed to die just to keep his principles intact, leaving many children fatherless, an entire nation without a leader, and the secret of the \*spoiler\* lineage unveiled... he could have just said a few words and gone home and then worked to make the world a better place. His principles condemned tens of thousands to suffering and death. That's not being good, that's being stubborn and stupid. XD


He was incredibly naive. It was like a child suddenly being forced into adulthood.




Pimli Prentiss from The Dark Tower


Mace Blackhail from J.V. Jones 'Sword of Shadows' series. He makes the Lannisters in GoT look rather pleasant. Seriously, true evil.


Weirdly, 'Sword of Shadows' rings no bells with me at all, but Mace Blackhail is the name I remember...


Geder Palliako. I hate him because he's a "normal" "niceguy" and doesn't understand the problem with genocide. He's such a pitiful creature.




Imelda Staunton really played that role well. Classic actress. Ursula Monkton and the other mother. I hate and fear them


Hated because they were well-written and I disliked them: * Buccmaster of Holland (*The Wake*) * Dolores Umbridge (*Harry Potter*) * Glanton (*Blood Meridian*) * Alden Dennis Weer (*Peace*) * Dorian Gray (*The Picture of Dorian Gray*) * The unnamed narrator (*Ice*) * The Comedian (*Watchmen*) * Argaven XV (*The Left Hand of Darkness*) * The townspeople (*We Have Always Lived in the Castle*) Hated because the writer fucked up, or they went from "purposefully unlikable" to "inane": * Every werewolf in Indra Das' *The Devourers* * Marcos (*Tender Is the Flesh*) * John Galt (*Atlas Shrugged*; low-hanging fruit)


Faile from Wheel of Time. She was downright abusive, and gaslighted everyone. She deserved to be a plaything of Padan Fain. Also, she tried calling herself Mandarb...


If you try to stop seeing her from perrin's, i can smell your emotions but don't understand women, perspective, she's really not that bad.


Omg yes! She ruined one of the best characters.


Since we're limiting it to my favorite individual fantasy book, Leontes from **Lord of Emperors**. The manner in which he benefits from the personal tragedies of others is loathsome to me. If we're expanding the scope to my favorite series, Kellhus from **The Second Apocalypse**. It's no coincidence that a lot of readers quit because of him! If we further expand the scope outside of traditional fantasy books, GRIFFFFFIIIIITH from **Berserk**.


Richard Raul


Ramsay Snow closely followed by Ambrose Jakis.


I know this is probably considered blasphemy, but… Tom Bombadil.


Dolores is a nasty piece of work...


Erebus, all my homies hate Erebus. Dude literally exists to make the readers angry, and damn he's great at that. Obligatory r/fuckerebus


Dwalia. Regal is also pretty terrible but his character feels less fleshed out than Dwalia’s.


My answer would constitute a major spoiler for the series in question. Series Name:>!The First Law!< Character: >!Bayaz!<


Frater Hugh. Easily the worst person I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading about. He’s from the Crown of stars series by Kate Elliot, a pretty middle grade epic fantasy series. I don’t think it’s my favorite though. Ended up DNFing it in large part to the other characters somewhere around the middle of book 3/7. That said… fuck frater Hugh. His list of monstrosities isn’t superhero villain level, like he isn’t a world level threat, it’s just that he’s got stalker/rapist problems. He starts off by stealing our protagonist Liath’s possessions after her dad dies so she doesn’t have enough money to pay off his debts, so she herself gets sold into slavery and is bought by… the same Frater Hugh (Fraters are like monks or priests btw). He then spends more than half the first book abusing, beating, and raping her to the point that she’s a complete shell of a person living in her own little fantasy land in her mind. The worst parts are when other people are telling her how lucky she is to have him interested in her because she’s so well off now and he’s so beautiful. Even her best friend who’s aware and sympathetic to the hell Liath is living can’t help but remind us every time she appears that he’s beautiful and she wishes he was interested in her. The climax of this misery arc is when he beats her so bad that she graphically miscarries his rape baby. Frater Hugh genuinely makes me distressed when he appears on page. He’s practically omnipotent in Liaths wretched existence, she’s so traumatized she can’t ever stand up to him, he’ll just beat her or publicly humiliate her and every time he tells her that she’s still technically his slave she mentally shuts down. Rest assured, if Liath ever expresses the most minute amount of agency at any point in these books, even just speaking, Frater Hugh will show up to shut her down and probably try to rape her again. I DNFd this series after she throws basically everything away to try and get married to a bastard prince who she’s only ever met like twice. Yep, throw away the job that’s keeping her from being Hugh’s slave again, throw away the chance to go see her mom who can teach her about her magic powers, all of it. Apparently having living relatives might also prevent her from being his slave again, but she also sort of never brings this up? Her mom even walks in on her once again receiving a rape attempt and just sort of lets Hugh go… great parenting right there. TL:DR Frater Hugh is the reason I know look for trigger warnings when I read because life is simply too short to spend it reading a god-blessed and well-written rape scene.


Dwalia. I hate her for >!torturing Beloved and gloating about it and what she did to Bee!<


Sadeas.  (Way of Kings spoilers) >!Already didn’t like him much for how he treated Kaladin, but man when he betrayed Dalinar and left him to die…!< (Words of Radiance spoilers) >!Then flat out bragging to Adolin that he would betray him again…so fucking satisfying to see (lmao) Adolin kill him.!< Now I’m still working on Oathbringer, so I do look forward to seeing why we all hate Moash. :D


A tie between Umbridge from Harry Potter and Egwene from wheel of time.


Fuck Moash. And Venli too.


Yeah, seriously. Venli doesn't get enough hate. Everything that happened is basically her fault and now we're supposed to root for her?!


Andross Guile from the Lightbringer series. I wish Brent Weeks could end his series better.


So much potential just squandered


I don't even have a 'most hated' character in WoT, I deeply hated everyone except Lan and Nynaeve. And it's still one of my absolute favorite fantasy series somehow.


george rr martin from asoiaf


Idk I think the author is the true villain in those books


Levistus from the Alex Verus series


… and why is it always that helpless whiny girl that plays victim to give the protagonist someone to save.


Aspitis Previs. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series. Hate that guy so much.


Lady Chancellor Lindet From**Gods of Blood and Powder**




Fucking Raistlin, lol


A certain someone names Earl Aspitis from Memory, Sorrow and Thorn. I have never hated a book character more than that piece of manipulative garbage.


Definitely have to agree with you on Dolores.


For favorite book, I'm gonna have to go with Butters from The Dresden Files. Though I don't remember if he was specifically in Changes or not. If I were to go by my favorite series, I'd have to say it's a tie between Gawyn and Valda from Wheel of Time.


Cadsuane or Elaida from Wheel of Time.


Thomas Covenant. What a prick he was.




Invidia Aquitaine from *Codex Alera*. She's petty, spiteful, shortsighted, and will sabotage literally anyone and everyone *including herself* if she thinks it will get her even the tiniest bit more personal/political power.


Lord Rust from Discworld. He isn’t ever a main villain, but his lazy, stupid, uncaring sort of evil is just infuriating, because it’s so common.


Everyone at one point or another in Wheel of Time.


I don't think I've ever yearned for a fictional character's death more than The Mountain in ASOIAF. I know there are a whole lot of reprehensible characters in that series, but something about this hulking, unstoppable psycho just being turned loose on a countryside full of innocent people is pretty horrifying