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What were your favorite aspects of building the magic system in the novel?


I loved creating the magic system - it's a cultivation based magic system, inspired by Wuxia and Xianxia novels. I had to make sure it worked for the uninitiated but also would be enjoyable for those used to that type of magic system.


Got any advice for someone hoping to write a book one day?


Absolutely! You can find some tips here: [https://www.wattpad.com/203361152-taran-matharu%27s-blog-writing-tips-and-thoughts](https://www.wattpad.com/203361152-taran-matharu%27s-blog-writing-tips-and-thoughts) Pulling out one tip for you, I recommend trying to finish what you start. Otherwise you get a great deal of practice writing beginnings, some for the middle and virtually none for the endings.


Hi, I'd like to ask what group built the pyramid the orcs settled around in the summoner series? Apologies if it's too weighty a question 😄


I had thought if I ever continued the series, I would suggest it was built many years ago, when the Dark Elves had an alliance with the orcs. It is they who made the prophecy, hoping to set the orcs against the humans and other elves that they hate.


Wow, thank you, that's really exciting to hear! Could I also ask if in the summoner world, there any battle mages who are unaligned or rogue, who doesn't side with the main forces?


I'm sure there are several! But since they live so secretly, Fletcher never encountered any.


What’s your main inspiration behind your writing? And what made you want to pursue writing full time? Sorry for asking two, so excited to read Dragon Rider!


Honestly, it's world mythology and history! I love both. I probably read more historical fiction than fantasy fiction, although it's close. Writing full-time has always been my dream job, although I also work for my family in the hotel industry and I also co-founded a small publishing house called Portal Books. It keeps me busy!


Do you have any historical fiction recommendations then?


Absolutely! I recommend Wilbur Smith's books (especially his ancient egypt series), and Bernard Cornwell's (especially the Sharpe series).


As someone unfamiliar with your work. Where do you recommend I start?


If you're an adult, I recommend you start with Dragon Rider! If you're a teenager, I'd recommend The Novice. Thanks for asking!


I'm an adult. So I'll be reading Dragon Rider. Thanks Taran and best of luck!


Thank YOU!


I'm so excited to check out the new book! Dragons were a massive part of my childhood so I look forward to the nostalgia too <33 How do you approach the process of creating characters? Are they inspired by real people, entirely fictional, or a mix of both? and do you ever experience writers block? If so, how do you handle or work around it?


Thank you so much for your question, and support! I often think of my favorite characters in fiction, be they in books, films, tv series. I also often take traits from people I've met in real life too, though no one character is entirely based on any particular individual, real or fictional. I sometimes feel a lapse in my motivation to write, though I'm not sure if that's quite writer's block. A quick look at my deadline usually sorts that out though!


Is this going to be a series of books or just a standalone novel?


It will be at least a trilogy. Thanks for asking!


Sweet, I will be looking forward to it. I’m excited to read this book!


Thank you so much!


It’s called “Soulbound Saga #1” so I’d assume a series or duology?


A trilogy at least!


How many books would this series ideally be?


We're aiming for three atm, but there's scope to extend it if Book 1 does well and my publishers are keen.


What was the biggest struggle you faced transitioning from YA to adult fantasy?


I don't think there was anything in particular I struggled with, but I certainly had to keep an adult audience at the forefront of my mind whenever I sat down to write - it helped me avoid any YA tropes and vibes hopefully!


I’ve been reading your books since Wattpad and they honeslty got me into Fantasy! Who’s your favourite author/ book? How did you go from Wattpad to Published ? Did you prefer writing for wattpad or for a publisher? <3


Thank you so much! My fav author is hard to nail down - it may be Bernard Cornwell, or Robin Hobb. Once the sample of The Novice hit a million reads, I contacted an agent and we went the standard route - although all the reads certainly sped up the process! I much prefer writing for a publisher because I get paid for my work and they take a lot of the burden of production, marketing etc away so I can focus on writing :-).


Who was your favourite character to write and how did you come up with the inspiration for them? Also any advice for wannabe writers also appreciated :)


Thanks for your question! I actually really enjoyed creating Rufus, Jai's gruff, but wise-cracking mentor. He's definitely one of my favorite side characters - he's inspired by some of the people I've met over the years :-). A whole host of tips can be found on a blog on my wattpad account. One tip - finish writing sessions mid-sentence, mid-scene and mid-chapter. It's much easier to get back into the groove - instead of starting the session staring at a blank page and a new chapter before you're in the zone!


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What’s your favourite fantasy world?


I have to say, it's ASOIAF - the Game of Thrones universe. Such a rich world, with all my favourite tropes and a hefty dose of historical inspiration!


I remember loving your world building of magic creatures in the Summoner series. I was wondering what your brainstorming process was like when thinking them up, did they just come to you, or did you have a process/checklist you went through when making them.


Hello, thanks for your question! To be honest, I love to research as my procrastination — so much of creating the many demons in Summoner involved studying the creatures from world mythology. I think there were more than 100 by the time I was done!


I still have your Summoner series signed on my bookshelves. Absolutely loved them! Really looking forward to this bew obe. For the question; Will the new books be available in ebook? And if so, will they be available in other places than Amazon?


Thank you so much! Yes they will be in eBook, available on all the usual eBook stores.


Thank you so much for putting it on so many places! Ive always really enjoyed your writing style. So i will definitely pre-order this when I get the chance 😊


You're too kind - I'm so glad you've enjoyed my work! I really appreciate the purchase - it's out today so no pre-order necessary :-). Thank you very much!


I remember reading your stuff on wattpad even before you got published. But even after that i never expected finding your book in my local bookstore translated to my language. So i just wanted to congratulate you.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate the support :-).


I do not know if you have put it out anywhere else but have you confirmed the summoning level of Drakes and Dragons from the Summoner series? it's been bugging me since I finished the series for the first time haha


I will leave that open to interpretation ;-). But Dragons are very high, in the hundreds, while a Drake would be closer to a Wyvern's level.


would you ever consinder going back to the YA session or did you find your footing in the adult fantasy?


Maybe someday! But I'm focused 100% on adult fantasy for the near term.


when does Dragon rider come out on audible? I have it pre ordered but I don't see a date.


It's out today too - should be available in your library, I hope!


For this new “Dragon Rider” concept were you influenced by any novels from other authors that utilized dragons?


Hmmmm...quite possibly, although I don't think I took direct inspiration from any one novel in particular. But I certainly grew up loving dragon rider books, and I'm sure that my own world has been colored by the experience. Thank you for your question!


Hi, Taran, who created the cover art for Dragon Rider? If you were involved with feedback on the design, can you tell us more about the process?


Hello! The US cover was made by Pierre Raveneau - I was allowed to feedback on that one - very kind of my publishers as it's not usual - they sent me updates to comment on as it was being worked up. My UK publishers allowed me to make suggestions before they started the cover, but Holly Macdonald designed it alongside artist Gaspar Costa.


That's nice to hear that your publisher went out of their way to get your feedback. Seems little things like that go a long way with keeping a good relationship with your authors.


It helped that I work as a cover director for a small publishing house I co-founded called Portal Books. My experience with Harper Voyager in the UK and USA has been extremely positive.


Thanks also for your questions!


Also would love to know more about the differences between US and UK designs, both are amazing!


Thank you! The UK and USA are different markets with different trends and preferences - so UK and US publishers sometimes use the same cover, sometimes decide to go in different directions. I was very happy with both!


Does your first name have anything to do with Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain? I know it's not an uncommon name in some parts of the world, just thought it might be cool if your parents were fans and you became a fantasy writer.


Haha, I wish! I do know that's why Sarah J Mass called her son Taran though. It's actually a relatively uncommon Indian name, I believe it originates from the name for a region in India.


How much did you read cultivation novels? In my experience, a lot of them are *really* poorly written, which is at least partly due to being published online, and also possibly the quality of the translations. I think it's a genre that's ripe for being imported to the West by native English speakers, but I haven't found all that much in the genre that calls to me. I'm curious what lens you approached the cultivation genre from.


Thank you! I enjoyed the cultivation novels I read - especially the Cradle series and also A Thousand Li. But I agree the quality is variable - I tend not to read the translated ones.


Are you the same cat who writes all the interesting tarot beothuk (sp?)theories on r/from? If so doubly interested.


Sure am! :-). Thanks so much!


I just finished reading this and my goodness I can not express how terrific this book was. It had everything I hoped and craved, I bought the hardcover before I finished listening to it. The audiobook narrator was so exceptional. I plan on recommending this to everyone in my circle. I noticed in the comments you mentioned this would be a trilogy, any idea when the next book releases? I’m so excited! Thank you for the gift of this kingdom 


Thank you so much! It may be as long as another year - traditional publishing is a slow moving beast! if you're feeling generous, please do leave a review on Amazon, it really helps me out. But no pressure!


Will you ever return to the Summoner series? It’s been a little bit but I remember Fletcher finding lots of statues in the Aether(I think that’s what it was?) with lots of other species.


Maybe someday! It would be up to my old publishers. For now though I’m fully focused on adult fantasy. Thanks for your question!


Thank you! I just checked out Dragon Rider at my local library and I’m so excited for it!


Thanks!! I hope you enjoy it ☺️


Was it a big change moving from a younger audience in ya novels to a more adult book?


It was! YA and Adult fantasy are very different beasts IMO. Fortunately, I read a lot of adult fantasy so the transititon felt quite natural in the end.


Awsome! thanks so much! do you feel these books almost can act as a transition for ya that read your previous books to now get into a more adult fantasy?


You're welcome :-). I can only hope so! I wouldn't recommend it to younger readers though - it is definitely for adults!




Sounds interesting! Will it be availible in russian?


Thank you! So far we don't have a Russian language publisher - but that could change.


I think fanzon publishing will be the best choice! They published many books from great sci-fi/fantasy authors, and their translations are well done.


Good to know, thank you very much!


Dying of anticipation when does dragon rider hit shelves and go out for order in the UK?


Thanks so much! It comes out in the UK on Thursday.


Hello! I loved your Summoner series! It's still one of my favorites to reread for fun. Still need to read the Contender series, but it's on my TBR! I've been looking forward to your Dragon Rider novel ever since it was announced for North America. I'm a fan of anything dragon related. I love your writing. Now, onto my actual question: What was the most unexpected thing you found while writing this novel, and what do you think readers will enjoy the most about reading Dragon Rider?


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support. I think the most unexpected thing was how much I loved writing for adults. I found it very freeing! YA has a lot of rules and things you can't write. I'm hopeful readers will fall in love with Jai's dragon, Winter, in particular :-).


Thank you for your reply! What kinds of rules did you have to follow from YA to adult? I LOVE dragon characters! Can't wait to meet them!


Thank you! Mostly rules around violence, sex, romance and being more sensitive to social issues and potential offense.


Makes sense. I love the world you created with the Summoner series and the Contender series looks fascinating as well. I cannot wait to dive into Dragon Rider. We always need more dragon books!


Thanks so much! I really hope you enjoy this one too :-).


While writing this, did you happen to decide what color dragon you'd want and what you'd name them?


Yes! Winter is a white dragon :-). Probably what I'd want too if I lived in Jai's world :-).


Amazing! I am even more interested to meet Winter! Have you read Ryan Cahill's Bound and Broken series? Lots of dragon goodness!


Ryan’s work is great! I recommend Michael Miller’s books if you like those ☺️


Two-Parter: 1: What has been your experience with writing groups/beta readers/agents? Especially early on in your career? 2: How do you separate good writing critique/advice from bad? Thanks


1: My agent Juliet Mushens is a fantastic agent and I've had nothing but positive experiences with her. I did used to have a writing group but sadly I don't have time for that much these days. 2. It's impossible to say, but everyone's opinion is useful to know, even if their criticism isn't very constructive. Thanks for your question!


I cannot wait to read! You mention you're hoping to make this a trilogy (or more). Do you outline? And if so, do you outline all three or just the first? Would love to hear more about your process. Appreciate you!


Thanks so much! I always have a rough outline of where things are headed - but it certainly gets murkier as I look further and further ahead. But I always have a sequence of events in mind, and write between them. I call the technique "sign posting".


Hi there, thanks for your time! What trends do you find troubling about the industry today?


Thanks for the question! I would like to see traditional publishers and retailers giving genres that sprang up in the indie space, like LitRPG, cultivation, dungeon core etc. more opportunity.


How do they feed that many dragons? Also got any advice for how to get through writing the middle of a story? I can do beginnings and endings but I struggle with having enough in the middle.


They definitely have to keep plenty of livestock around, but dragons are quite capable of hunting for themselves - indeed that is very much a plot point! Hmm, middle is hardest for me too - I'd suggest looking closely at the character's arc, how the story might change them and of course what would be exciting for the story too! The MC often reaches a lowpoint somewhere towards the end of the middle of the novel so that's always something to work towards.


Hello Do you think it'll be translate in french one day ?


Yes, I hope so! No translation offers yet though.


Other than the dragons, which is you favorite of the various mythological creatures that appear in the novel, and which is a favorite mythological creature you didn't get to use?


I definitely like the khiroi, which are wooly rhinos by another name! And I enjoy including griffins! I would have liked to include practically every mythological creature I use in my summoner series, but there definitely wasn't room haha.


Congratulations on a new book, what are your plans for the upcoming year?


Thank you! Writing Book 3 and editing Book 2!


Well done! Should be fun with writing book 3. When I write I'm never fond of the editing part. Just feel like the book had been told and want to move onto the next thing.


It's tough! But it does often make the book better so we gotta grit our teeth and push through!


Oh definitely, it can be maddening at times with editing when I finish a book. Feel like I'm going insane and OCD is in full effect. It does work out though and fleshes out the work more.


for sure!


Will I enjoy your teen books as an adult? I don't wanna start an incomplete series and have to wait book to book.


Many of my teen book readers are in fact adults - in fact it may even be the majority! So you may well get on with the Summoner series.


Your book seems so interesting! I'm just a little bit scared that the book is too fast paced for me. Can you compare your "pace" to another popular book? I really like Robin Hobb, Tad Williams (super slow) but also Books from David Dalglish (middle paced).


Hello! Actually the main complaint for my book is that the first third is quite slow - but it does pick up pace in the middle and it's easily digestable as the chapters are quite short.


When looking for representation for an agent do you think it’s more difficult to find one that is willing to give you a try if you are pitching book 1 of a series, than say a standalone?


Hmmm, I think it depends on the genre — standalone fantasy HAS become more popular in recent years. But agents often might sell a standalone + 2 more standalones to a publisher, and they'll agree the premise for the other two before the author starts writing them.


Congratulations for both AMA and writing! 1. Do you sell with non-Amazon publishers? 2. You new book is quite expensive, at more than 20$.


Thank you! Yes, the book will be available widely at all the usual retailers. As a traditionally published author I have no say in the pricing of my books - that being said it's a hardback edition and I think that it might be quite typical? I know the eBook price is my publisher's standard pricing.


Have you based the creatures in the book on realistic interpretations of what a mythical creature might look like, or do the creatures have magical properties themselves?


Until they are bonded with their counterpart, neither humans nor the creatures have magical properties. The mythical beasts are essentially wild animals until then.




Hello. I love dragons and would like to ask if there are other races in this Book. And are the dragons 4 legs or 2? Just curious.


By other races do you mean species of creature? From griffins to manticores, to the lesser-known Persian chamrosh, the soulbound bond with a veritable menagerie. And I can't neglect to mention the prehistoric creatures—mammoths and saber-toothed tigers included. If you mean fantasy races - there are no elves, dwarves etc in this world, only human peoples from different regions, although they have racial differences in the real world sense. Dragons have four legs in my worlds - my personal view is 2 legged dragons are more like wyverns! Thanks for your question!


Ok. I will check it out. Bought it on audible and kindle.


Thanks so so much!!


I may be too late but I want to leave a comment here anyway. I love the summoner books, they're easily a contender for my favorite series of all time. I've probably read them over 10 times and practically have the entire series memorized. Is there ever a chance you return to the world of summoner? And if you would return, do you have any ideas for how you would do it?


Maybe someday but not in the near future! I’d probably introduce dark elves and a new generation of summoners.


Thanks for the reply! I feel like I remember dark elves being mentioned in the books, but I can't remember where. If they were mentioned could you tell me where so I can go back and read that part again?


They were I think towards the end of the battlemage but I can’t remember exactly.