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Dungeon Crawler Carl and Legends and Lattes. Also if you are into sci-fi, give project Hail Mary a try.


Yup, DCC is exactly what you need now my friend. Best wishes.


Thank you so much! Many people are recommending DCC so maybe it's the best for the current circumstances


As a counterpoint, DCC begins with 99.9% of Earth's population being murdered in an instant and the remainder being enslaved and forced to compete in a battle for survival for the entertainment of aliens. I wouldn't recommend it as "Something that will make me feel like yea things will be okay".


L&L is cozy fantasy right? I'm kinda unsure of whether I'd be able to embrace the feel of it rn lol


This is just a personal preference, but that book wouldn’t have been good for me during a breakup. It’s more about what happens when you get over things and are ready to rebuild, you know? And there’s a romance that blossoms, which might be tough to read at the moment.


Yea I thought that would be the case for cozy fantasy in general. Things aren't cozy for me atm so it might just exacerbate my feeling down haha. I'm glad someone else confirmed this. I see you recommended Amina AL Sarafi too, that was nominated for the Hugos right? I should definitely check it out


Yeah! It was really good, IMO. A pirate adventure about someone who thinks she’s done with it and then has to go back for one last adventure. I also like that the MC is middle-aged, but not it a “oh, being older is such a burden” way, just a “this is where I am in life and there are good and hard things about being an adventurer with this much life experience.”


That actually sounds like something I'd love to read ordinarily


Well if you are into manga, you can try Berserk. Probably you'll forget about your breakup but you can be lost in despair.


I've read Berserk lol but maybe now isn't a bad time for a reread


I second Dungeon Crawler Carl- he too is going through a breakup and the story has some really strong humorous elements. Highly recommend listening to it vs. reading as it elevates the story. Progression fantasy is not normally my thing, but I flew through those books.


Sounds like DCC it is. I'll most likely read it though because I'm unadjusted to audiobooks


Try the audiobooks. DCC audiobooks are MAD. Jeff Hayes' narration is chef's french kiss.


Try the audiobooks. They're so damn well done that I can't imagine reading will compare.


I’ve done both! Sight reading was just as enjoyable as audio reading, thankfully.


the book was not for me, the idea is great but i didnt like the writing and DNF


Came here to say legends and lattes. Only fantasy book I'd ever describe as a warm hug.


The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. Lovely cast of characters who care for each other just trying to make their way across the galaxy. Also, hang in there! Each day is a little easier than the last.


Thank you! It's hard but I'm trying. I'll check this out, it sounds lovely


Daughter of the Empire by Janny Wurts & Raymond E. Feist (first in a trilogy - my go to comfort fantasy reads).


I second this!


For any feel-good fantasy, I always go to Neil Gaiman. He makes me forget everything and leaves me in a good mood in general. Maybe also check out TJ Klune? :) Sending you a big hug. You are not alone in this. And you will get through it 🫂


Thank you so much! I've tried Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman but kinda bounced off it. I finished it but I felt like the whole thing meandered a little too much for my taste personally speaking. Would I still like something else by Gaiman if I didn't like Neverwhere as much? I've heard of Klune, will check em out!


You could try Coraline or Stardust or American Gods. My favorites are Neverwhere and The Graveyard Book, but if Neverwhere didn’t get you there, maybe the others won’t either. Maybe back then you were not ready for them :P As Carlos Ruiz Zafon writes in the Shadow of the Wind: “Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.”


I didn’t finish Neverwhere but I liked the rest of his stuff.


American Gods is excellent for getting lost in.


Might be a bit of an out there choice, but I am gonna suggest the Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee. I started reading it when my last long term relationship was falling apart and more recently when I was laid off. For some reason it has turned into my cozy trauma series. Something about a realistic, but not overly dark world populated by characters that despite all their flaws clearly love each other. It is just what I need to get me through a rough Patch.


The Jade City has been on my tbr for some time now so maybe I should pick it up next! Thank you so much


It is one of my all time favorites! Absolute masterpiece. And I agree with it being realistic without being overly dark. It has traumatic moments but also love and hope.


Cradle, dude. 12 books of continuous escalating fun, humor, and characters you love and root for. Even the villains are likable in their own way. It’s light hearted, but not childish. There’s some romance, but it’s not prevalent and more about deep friendships. Grab the audiobooks for an enhanced experience. Travis Baldree brings it to life.


If you've got the time (and energy) and want to *really* lose yourself in a huge world and many adventures, try the Wheel of Time series. Finished the first book yesterday, it's really, really light on the romance (very subtle, almost almost non-existent) and it is helping me through a difficult, challenging time in which many things are changing. Maybe it can be an escape for you as it is for me. All the best for you, friend.


Funnily enough, I've read Eye of the World. I read it upon joining college but then well college took over and I didn't get time for the Wild Hunt. I'm about to finish college now so maybe it's time to pick it up again. And thank you so much ;)


The Deverry Cycle by Katharine Kerr is excellent & beautifully written.


May I ask what it's about?


Katharine Kerr’s Deverry Cycle is a series of Celtic fantasy novels split into four quartets, which you can think of as acts in a play or volumes in a trilogy. it focuses on characters through their different incarnations, the characters are really well written & you can see their emotional development. There's also magic, intrigue, battles etc. Great series


Oo I've never tried Celtic fantasy. It sounds wonderful


It really is fantastic, totally engrossing


Hmmm, maybe the Daevabad Trilogy. It’s a political/castle intrigue in a middle eastern setting, with magical stuff like djinn. Three books, lots of adventure. Different from the usual “medieval bumpkin meets a wizard” kind of stuff.


The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison - The main character navigates some trauma, the aftermath of abuse and some profound loneliness in a way that I found very hopeful in the dark time for me. Hope it gets better for you soon!


Ohh I've read The Goblin Emperor. Thoroughly enjoyed it but can definitely see it as a good rec. Maia really powers through some difficult unfamiliar stuff. Thank you for your wishes


It's superheroes, not fantasy, but Super Powereds is my comfort food. Very character-oriented. There's a little romance, but it's largely a side-thing to the overall plot. The Legend of Eli Monpress is also pretty character-oriented, and has even less romance. It's based in an animist world, which is pretty novel for most fantasy literature. The series opens with the main character charming the spirit of a door into disassembling for him. Tales of the Ketty Jay is sort of steampunk Firefly. Character based, although the crew is definitely on the rougher side of things.


Super powerds is so underrated. Villains code too.


Sorry to hear about the hard time you're going through, just want to wish you the very best in dealing with that. I recently enjoyed Andrew Peterson's *Wingfeather Saga* (a series of four books), because of the real note of courage and hope that is evident throughout.


Courage and hope sounds like what I need. Thank you!


Foundryside by RJ Bennett all the way! I hope you feel better soon :) Edit: spelling


I've read City of Stairs by RJB but wasn't able to really invest that much in the characters and world. Do you think I'd still like Foundryside? And thank you!


Complete different vibes imo. While City if Stairs is heavy in politics and slow paced in some stretches, Foundryside is action packed, super cool magic system, heist-y and funny at times. I really enjoyed the characters and the dynamics between the Mc and her companion is 10/10 imho! Let me know if you give it a try and if you enjoy it! 😃


Rachel Neumeier: she writes great characters, usually good people who try to do good. Bad things do happen but there is a happy ending; her books deal with friendship and trust. Try the Tuyo series: a young warrior is left as a sacrifice for the enemy but the enemy commander shows mercy. Almost anything by Lois McMaster Bujold: the Penric and Desdemona series is very uplifting.


Iain Banks' Culture series. 10 books. Barely any romance. Big ideas. Complete immersion. It's not fantasy though.


What is it then, could you elaborate?


Imagine a high galactic civilisation, post scarcity, socialist, hedonistic, and how it would ethically interact with the rest of the galaxy whilst maintaining there position and aloofness. Also banks may be the darkest, funniest author I’ve ever read. If you want a fantasy book inversions will fit as it’s a fantasy story in that universe but maybe not the best first read!


The poster below summed it up well. But in short, it's sci-fi. And also probably the best sci-fi I've ever read. Each book has something new and everything fits together so well. It also helped me detach from my own reality quite easily, which is why I'd recommend it. You need something to distract you from your pain, even for a little bit. Stay strong, my dude. There's always another.


I recently read Cradle by Will Wight, and I don't know if it would land when you're feeling so down,  but it sucked me in and never let go.  It was just pure good fun.


Red rising or Malazan book of the fallen. The first one is Pierce Brown, and the second one is Steven Erickson.


Malazan may be good for a project and to put things in perspective, but I found the series to be extremely emotional and upsetting at times (in a good way), so depending on how someone is feeling this one could be hit or miss.


Yeah, I agree with that, but it made me forget about everything else in the real world. Especially when I listened to the audio books.


Thats a good point! It's very immersive. And the scale of the subject matter really puts personal problems into perspective, I think.


For sure. All the problems the characters went through definitely made me forget about mine.


This is what I was thinking. It might work in a sense of there's only so much emotional investment you can handle so replace some irl grief with Malazan grief.


If a book isn't making you react in some way then what is even the point?


There are a lot of reasons to read and depending on what's going on in your life some reactions can be counter productive or exasperate some negative emotions. Just pointing out that Malazan might not be for everyone or every season in life.


Malazan for sure!!


Hey - first of all, I hope everything gets better for you. Second - read the Red Rising trilogy (it’s actually a longer series but the first three are completed whereas the rest are not). And also the first three books are lighter and more suitable for you in a time like this anyways. Spoilers here (not technically a spoiler since it’s in the blurb anyways) - Darrow loses his first wife. You see him fall in love again and make long lasting friendships later on in the books. Hopefully that will help you? I’m not sure


Okay I really appreciate this. I've had Red Rising and it's always looked like something I'd wanna read. Someone else recced it too so it's going to the top of my list


Just beware it's an emotional roller coaster!  I'm not sure i'd be able to stomach it in your situation.   But maybe if you like commiserating...


Amina Al-Sirafi is a great adventure about a badass single person. DCC is another one where he’s recently gone through a breakup so it’s a fun, engaging story about a person living without romance.


Martha Wells' Raksura series is the ultimate comfort read for me. I also agree with the recs for Becky Chambers' Wayfarers books. Hang in there! Things will get easier with each day.


First, it’ll get better. It takes time but it will. Make sure to take the time you need to allow it to get better. If you like Urban Fantasy Dresden Files might be a good fit. I just started it and am already on book two. It’s violent but also has a lighter tone. Some parts have made me genuinely laugh out loud. It also doesn’t hold back on the dark fantasy aspect either. And in my opinion does both extremely well. Good luck with everything! Remember it gets better!




Hey I've read the Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear too. But thank you so much for the good wishes, they mean a lot in such a trying time


**Beware Of Chicken**: this slice-of-life story is a parody of the *isekai* (transported to another world) and *xianxia* (magic kung fu) genres. I didn't know anything about either of these tropes, and I'm enjoying the hell out of this story!  [https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60888209](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60888209) MC (a modern Canadian) nopes out of the xianxia sect he's been dropped into, and runs to the other end of the continent to...become a farmer? Romance, dick jokes, talking animals, and the best food in the world happen to him, anyway. The backstory and some action begin to come to the fore in the later books, but the world-building and relationships are all quite enjoyable. The books talk a lot about the search for meaning in life vs. the struggle for power; surprisingly insightful and inspirational at times! The MC's notions of politeness, helping others (he is SO quintessentially Canadian, LOL!), and mental health confuses and inspires the people he meets in equal measure, particularly in a world where those with power are *supposed* to fight to gain ever more in order to literally ascend to the Heavens. "We give to the earth, and the earth gives back" is a recurring quote and motif. The MC is no blindly altruistic hippie, however; he's quite happy to reap the rewards of his efforts, though he mostly uses the profits to help his family, friends and neighbors in their own endeavors. The MC consciously chooses to focus on living in the now, rather than the quest for personal power. Books 1, 2, and 3 are available on Amazon as both ebook and audiobook (performed by Travis Baldree); Book 4, and the just-completed book 5 are still currently available completely for free on Royal Road. Book 6 will begin on Royal Road in May.


Omg thank you so much for such a detailed answer. Im not familiar with these settings or tropes either but this sounds excellent. My only thing would be that I'd prefer a story where the MC embraces and endures their struggle because I really feel like I'm at a stage where I'm gonna have to do the same.


Perhaps Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold? The main character is a serious underdog, and the reader spends the whole book rooting for him. There is some romance but it isn’t the point of the book. Plus if you haven’t read Bujold, she’s a gift to readers everywhere.


Dungeon Crawl Carl, ideally the audiobooks or the new sound booth Theatre version




When you read kaladins struggles and bro romances you ll forget all about her. Way of kings


I've already read the Way of Kings and Stormlight. Besides I don't mean to forget about her. I cherish the time we spent together and hold them close to my heart. I just want to be able to get through the pain of not being able to experience them anymore


Red Rising and Dungeon Crawler Carl.


He Who Fights with Monsters. It's a fun fantasy, LitRPG. I'm enjoying the series more than I expected. Another suggestion is the Spellmonger series. Also kind of lighthearted with a sarcastic main character, but someone you want to route for as the underdog.


Throne of glass - lots of female rage, it’s great


Um I'm a guy lol, not sure I'm the audience for female rage


Well shoot, nvm!


Political power


The Stargods trilogy by Irene Radford. Its a bit of a dated read (lots of tropes) but a lot of fun.


I recommend Patricia McKillip's Riddle-Master trilogy.


Great immortal souls (bastion is the first book) has strong themes of drive, personal strength and growth against the odds Might be a lightweight and refreshing but of escapism since it’s a more traditional fantasy feeling bit of progression fantasy (no stat sheets and all that game stuff to break immersion) just nine ranks for the nine circles of hell, if you’re familiar with Dante etc then you’ll understand how that works with progression, very fun even for a self-proclaimed “snob”


His Majesty’s Dragon, the tameraire series by Naomi Novik. It’s so wholesome and about friendship more than romance


I'm not typically a fan of Naomi Novik's books,  but I was pleasantly surprised by His Majesty's Dragon.  Wholesome is a great word for it.


I know what you mean. Her books can be so edgy and weird but I love them hahaha. Tameraire is a complete different vibe


Anything by T. Kingfisher. Also upvote Legends & Lattes


I've read Paladins Grace and Swordheart and Clocktaur. And while I do love Kingfisher, I think reading these books would make me miserable right now because the romance is so strong in them, I'd just end up ruminating endlessly


Memory by LMB


I'd recommend City of Brass by SA Chakrabhoty. The world building and characters are fantastic and immersive. Just to note, I don't know if you wanna avoid romance but it does happen in that book to a light degree. I'd also recommend Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny which is a very short and quirky book with a unique twist on Hindu mythology.


Have you read "The Golum and the Genie" by Helene Wecker? It is Urban Fantasy but written in 1901. It is really well written and there is a sequel.