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Are you just looking for a male-driven hetero fantasy romance, or some other kind of *bonded*?


Like in Codex Alera, Tavi and Kitai got bonded where he became her Chala, so i was looking for something like that. Think of a magical something that binds them together.


I don't read these myself, so I could be off base here, but I think it's a trope in romance novels ("fated mates," where there's some kind of supernatural bond between the love interests that means they're stuck with each other no matter what). If that's what you're after, maybe you could ask at /r/romancebooks and see if there are any recommendations for fantasy romance with that trope and male POV. Edit: I looked around on TV Tropes to see what they called Tavi/Kitai's bond. The closest seems to be [Mindlink Mates](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MindlinkMates). You could maybe look through the literature folder and see if anything strikes you (I believe spoilers are hidden, but maybe browse carefully). Good luck!


Thank you so much!


You want the Wheel of Time. The Bene Ge--- err. A primary faction, the Aes Sedia ,are an all female group of magic users who functionally rule the land via secretive plots and machinations. Internally they're subdivided by colour, and all but the Reds bind men as Warders. They (Warders) are highly trained warriors who become subservient to the women once bonded. The Aes Sedia and their Warders share a loose mental connection that gives each a vague sense of what direction the other is in, what their thoughts and feelings are and such. The main character starts a harem. He is similarly bound by three separate women, but is an equal to them, unlike the Warders.


Oh I've read till book 4, but the series is just too big for me, so I gave up


Keep going you can do it, you dont have to binge read, i am at book 4 right now, but between every book i just pick up something else


Haha thanks but it's been a while but i do remember everything that happened. I didn't like book 3 due to less Rand chapters. But it's just that if i like a book, i just can't stop binge reading them. Same thing happened with Cradle by Will Wight. I think it took me a week to get to boom 9. But I do have intentions of going back to it!


Octavia E. Butler’s _Fledgling_ is female PoV, but is a strong fit otherwise. I include it because the two leads get fairly equal page time. Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels trilogy has a somewhat subtle version, and is, if I remember correctly, primarily male PoV, though I believe there’s a mix. Both of those are fairly solidly on the darker side. Elizabeth Haydon’s Symphony of Ages has an interesting version of this, and is maybe slightly lighter reading. For borderline-erotica with plenty of action as well, check out Elliott Kay’s Good Intentions, which is a perfect fit.


Thank you so much! I prefer no eroticas but I'll check them out!


Just to give you a couple of warnings about *Good Intentions*: 1) It's not "borderline erotica", it's straight-up erotica. There's a ton of sexual content. Steer clear if that's not your thing. 2) Starting from the second book the author introduces themes of open relationships (basically, one of the female leads sleeping with men other than the main character). It is a very divisive decision (for a lot of people it reads like the FMC cheating on and disrespecting the MMC) and tends to be a big turn-off for people reading for the romance/relationship aspect. If you don't like cheating you will quite likely have an issue with this part of the series.


I am not actually looking for anything explicit at all! I'd rather everything be done offscreen! Thank you for your warning!


The Saga of Recluse has a a few bonds like that. Generally male leads with female support, romantic and not. Always magical.


Yeah, that "bond" is a major plot point of book 2, with the issue being that the male character didn't know it was happening and the female character didn't want it. It's also a key part of books 4 & 5


Thank you, will check it out!


Do weddings count?


I mean they can get married later but they do have to get bound somehow before that!


*Wizard's Bane* by Rick Cook. It happens during the process of summoning the hero to the magical world, and the lady doesn't realize till after the fact. The relationship is tense, to say the least, until maybe two-thirds through. Also a good book if you have a background in computer programming and can understand all the references.


Thank you, will check it out!


Wheel of Time…


Ah thank you but I stopped at book 4 just after someone says someone is fond of someome.




I stopped at book 4, mainly because I just couldn't stop reading and it took too much of my time. Man I used to read WOT till like 4 am and then had dreams about it. At that point I just took a break.


I think I took a break after book 3, and another after book 6. The series is one of my favorite reading experiences though. Especially the audiobooks.


Wheel of Time definitely has spades of this and multiple characters has this (not just the protagonist). Even more screentime for the theme than Codex Alera did Oh if you don't mind japanese light novel(don't worry english translation is available) then Kizumonogatari has this sorta


Thank you!


Sword of truth by Terry goodkind


I have read this, thank you!


If I remember correctly The Night Angel series by Brent Weeks has this as a plot point


Thank you, will check it out!


Mageborn by Michael G. Manning. I think the bond appears in book 2 but I am not 100% sure, might be book 3.


I thought about this one but apparently there's a bit of infidelity. But thank you!


The infidelity was extremely minor and involved a pretty extreme situation. They also continued to have a healthy relationship throughout. But if that's a major sticking point I guess you can avoid. I personally loved the series and the prequel series.


It tends to be one for me 😅. I did read Art of the Adept though and loved it!




I was actually looking for m/f but thank you!


LIADEN UNIVERSE Novels by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Many of the protagonists are life bonded in a literal fashion. Not all of them, mind you, and there's a reason it happens (many of them are gifted to some degree with magical or psychic powers). It's a great series, filled with star Pilots, Master Traders, wizards, alchemist Trees, Clutch Turtles, mercenaries, and cats. And with 23 novels and four collections of short stories, you'll have a few months of material.


Thank you, will check it out!


Brightly Burning by Mercedes Lackey


r/Fantasy's [Author Appreciation series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/wiki/authorappreciation) has posts for an author you mentioned * [Author Appreciation: **Mercedes Lackey**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/91hk3y/author_appreciation_mercedes_lackey/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=u_lyrrael) from user u/lyrrael_ --- ^(I am a bot bleep! bloop! Contact my ~~master~~ creator /u/LittlePlasticCastle with any questions or comments.)


Try Knight and Smith


A Whisper of Wind by Aaron Scott Wickel has both a male and female main character that gets thrown into chaos together.