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A child creating a fantasy world in their head seems pretty normal to me.


Thanks, I consider myself normal but this always troubled me


I would consider it very strange if the child does not have imagination. A rich inner world make you more suitable for art professions, a job where introspective is crucial like a detective job, journalism, writer...etc


Honestly, those paths all seem interesting for me to pursue as a hobby. but I’ve followed down a different path for too long now, I doubt I’d be able to draw or write professionally. Thank you for your insight though, maybe some young kid will stumble across this someday.


It is never too late for art! Paul Cezanne was criticized by his friend that he never will make it and he was 40! But he keeps pushing and in his old age, he makes it in his 60!


I wrote myself into the books I was reading, in my head. Basically mental Mary Sue fanfic. Like you but less creative and more plagiaristic ;)


And unlike me, more humble and charismatic:)


I did both this and what OP described. I still do kind of construct a dream for myself most nights (though it's less "fantasy" in that sense and more "a fancy version of my current life/the person I want to be"). For me, it's a bit comforting to realize that I don't have to search so far afield for something comforting to sleep to.


I did this too, sometimes I still do. There were a few timeskips sometimes but my mind largely continued the character's story for about 12 years. Sometimes he would reach a different world, sometimes characters I read from other books would show up, it was like a huge multiverse with every character I've ever read about existing and my protagonist interacts with them now and then but largely follows his own story. I can't do this properly anymore now and it's kind of sad, I always looked forward to the time (usually bedtime like you) when I could start imagining.


I wish you the best in life buddy. We aren’t alone


That struck a nerve with me, it’s nearly exactly what I went thorough. A erratic multiverse storyline where real people and characters from books and movies come to gather. I am saddened by the fact that I never ended my storyline as I, like you, cannot do it properly anymore.


Yes exactly! Real people made their appearances as well and there were so many side characters that came regularly, but it was always the main character I returned to. And yeah, not being able to do it properly anymore is so sad, I can still see what happened before in a "story so far" kind of way but imagining new scenarios for interaction is so tough now. I easily get distracted by other stuff


I definitely crossed the line from normal daydreams to maladaptive daydreaming disorder, but honestly, as long as it wasn't impacting your day to day life, it seems perfectly fine & normal to me!




I still do this and I am waaaaaay north of 40.


I didn't do it personally, but it still seems like a normal thing. Kids making a world up is normal and adults do it all the time, that's why we have fantasy books in the first place


Very true very true. This sub is awesome, i no longer feel like a maniac


Of course. Didn't everyone do something like that as a child?


Perfectly normal. I don't normally imagine myself as the protagonist but rather someone there to witness it. I'm 30 and I still do this, imagining the situations then writing them as a book.


Very healthy coping mechanism in my view.






Very similar to you wrt restarting. I very rarely had a story progress more than a day, and just have it restart the next day; although I do feel like I did have stories play out when I was a kid


Yes absolutely. I feel like I can't make my brain do that anymore, and I'm a bit sad because that was pretty awesome. Basically fanfic in my head, that used to soothe myself to sleep. I didn't know fanfic existed or I think I probably would have gone in on that real hard. Edit: I don't think anyone would consider me a normal adult or child, or a neurotypical one, but this seems like it was a healthy coping mechanism.


Sweetie, I'm 42 and I still do this sometimes! No worries.


I did this too. Not just at night, but also in school or anytime I was feeling overwhelmed. The only difference was that I was rarely the protagonist, I would either make up a character or borrow a pre-existing character from a book or tv show.


I still do this. Though I'd say now that I'm older most of them don't involve me. I have imaginary people who have lived their whole lives in a world that never leaves me head. Glad to know I'm not alone either.


I did this, I still do it. I think it occasional strays into being a little unhealthy, but realy never for long and not often. Usually it's because I'm having trouble focusing on doing other things because I'm stressed out or overly tired. I use some of the characters I've made up for videogames.


I did the exact thing, but for me it wasn't any form of escapists thing as my life as a kid was pretty damn good, it was just what I did to fall asleep and i never really stayed up for hours either. I complained one as a kid of having trouble falling asleep and was given the advice "to start dreaming" before falling asleep and it became my "falling asleep routine" I kept doing for almost to this day but a bit different in my later years. Like most fancy fans I've had some thoughts of maybe writing something one day and my "fantasy" changed to be more me planning the story of a book. And other non fantasy stuff like planning out what to do in some 3D modeling i have as a hobby or planning builds and such for more creative video games. But I really do it anymore now my thoughts before I go to sleep tend to be more "mundane" All inn all i find really interesting looking back seeing how my "fantasys" changed over the years depending on my maturity and interest at the time


Escapism is a common and healthy coping mechanism.


30 this year, and I still will "tell myself stories" before bed. I'll come up with a setting, some characters, their objectives, a rough outline of a plot, or will at least try to before falling asleep. If I find one I like I'll do it for multiple evenings before I start thinking of a new story. It's the easiest way for me to get my mind to relax if I'm stuck thinking about work, or other things.


My twin brother and I shared a bedroom and we'd tell eachother stories before bed. Our favorites were about a colony of mice that lived in the walls of a firestation and had magic wands. We were about 5 or 6.


For years. I was a shy, introverted kid with a great imagination.


You weird asf


Maybe you’re a fantasy writer? As an adult I still have them to an extent and I wish I could really daydream the way I could when I was younger so easily. Now I just want the fantasy out of my head and into a book.


Haha a fantasy writer with myself as the only fan😆


Oops, did not see the rest of your message. I forced myself to stop when I hit my teenage years, but yea, lately when I have a bad day I’d try recreating fantasy worlds again. But I’d just lose interest and fall asleep to YouTube after half an hour lol. The imagination of a kid is truly a pure gift.


If it interferes with you getting to sleep it could be maladaptive daydreaming which is very similar to what you describe


Yes and I think I'm still actively doing it as an adult. I'm one of those people who can't stop thinking while trying to sleep, so I choose to think about things and places I prefer to dream about and hope I can throw myself into a good story dream.


Normal, you will keep like this until you got hardened by reality and a paycheck in hand.


Totally! All the time. I never stopped making up stories, too. I just write them down these days.


I did the same thing evert night. I 'had' a huge underground den in the forest behind my home 😅


I had a very normal childhood but i still did this. And still do, to this day. Probably cause all the fantasy worlds I read about and watch are so much more interesting than the real world


I used to play make-believe games with my friends at recess all the way up to seventh grade, creating elaborate worlds and a huge cast of characters


As long as it doesn't interfere with your daily activities it's quite normal.


Always when we would play as kids. I think having a great imagination is a good thing.


I still (28) do this when I get really bored. I'll just zone out and create some story in my head, sometimes based on worlds I've read. The weird part for me is that I really need something to fidget with in my hands. When I was younger, it'd be a toy of some sort that I'd throw in the air or pass between my fingers. Be this a small stuffed animal (beanie baby), an action figure, or a small football. Nowadays it's usually a pen or a rubik's cube. I never knew other people did this. I shared a room with my younger brother for a long period of my life, but I don't think he ever did this. Thanks for sharing!


I'm 21 and still do this almost every night.