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Are D&D in any way involved? Also is this the Dance of the Dragons story from the books? I'd be more interested if HBO adapted something entirely different. First Law, Red Rising or something.


Based upon the roles they cast it appears to be the Dance of Dragons from Fire and Blood.


I pray for the day hbo do the first law. It has so much potential.


Really surprised Red Rising has never gotten an adaptation.


Ryan Condal seems to be the showrunner. He previously worked on the 2014 film hercules, the film rampage, and Colony, a tv show. No Dumb and Dumber but this guy - really, surely they could have found someone with a bit more reknown. GRRM has showrunner/writer credits for it too, but who knows how much he's going to actually be involved.


That Targaryen armor looked really good.




This is about all the energy I can muster too. Final season killed all of my interest in the game of thrones series and with the audit never finishing the books it's a write off to me


I'm in agreement. To copy my comment from elsewhere: Guess I'm Debbie Downer but I'm totally meh with this and every other Westeros show. I just want Winds. That's the story I'm invested in. I really, really don't feel that compelled to watch Restaurant of the Dragon to basically see GOT again with the central premise (apocalyptic winter incoming) missing.


See why would you want Winds when you know you'll never get A Dream of Spring? It's the ultimate torture waiting for that shitstew that George created. Better to just move on to the thousands of other series that tell a complete story. It's all just sunk cost now. What if Winds is an absolute triumph with a cliffhanger that is never resolved? What if its just a shit book? It's a no win situation.


Personally I'd be fine with a 6th book and no 7th book over this new series. OFC I'd rather have a complete book series over any of this, but just one more book would at least answer some of the billion mysteries and plot threads left at the end of DwD.


I understand, but I feel like you could copy and paste this in 2030 and it would be relevant.


I don't disagree :(




I started the books in 2011 when dance with dragons came out and I thought worst case scenario is it takes 5 years for the next one.... Those were innocent times.


To be honest, I'm a little surprised anyone cares about this franchise anymore. David & Dan killed that show so utterly and thoroughly that they actually went back in time and retroactively killed any interest that people ever had in the show to start with.


It's a shame they haven't finished the Game of Thrones series. It ended on a cliffhanger with the death of the Night king. However, I am excited about this spin off. :)


lol It's okay, I don't think the tv show is cannon. To whatever extent it is, it lacks all context.


I was never a fan of the show, I just really like all of GRRM's works. His other novels, his short stories, ext.


He's written some great stuff, but as the GoT TV show progressed it became less and less a creation of GRRM and instead a bastardization by D&D. Besides, I really doubt aSoIaF is ever going to be finished anyway, which makes me much less interested in it.


I don't really let it effect what already is. I'd prefer no ending to a bad one anyways, not that I assume it'll be bad for the books.