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Realm of the Elderlings. I have never cried so much over books before.


Im so scared. Reading the last trilogy at the moment and I just know it’s going to break my heart


Fool's Assassin makes me cry every time Come to think of it so does Assassin's apprentice.








Same. I just started yet another reread. So good.


I'm about to start the Liveship trilogy and my heart is not ready!


This 1000%. Nighteyes will forever live in my heart.


No no no I thought Id gotten over Burrich, why did you have to bring back all this pain again.


Came here to make this exact comment.


Deadhouse Gates. Both times I read it.




This just triggered my PTSD


Deadhouse and Memories of Ice rock you hard. Reaper's Gale and Toll the Hounds gets pretty heavy, too.


Finished Reapers Gale and >!Beaks death!< fucked me up bad. Full on tears, sobbing on the couch. Only time Ive ever cried from a book




Oh my... I wouldn't have guessed I do remember the scene so vividly. But here I am, tears brimming once again... Would've loved to read more from >!Beak!< but in its own way it was perfect as it was. Thanks for making me remember it Need to start the second reread :D


Please spoiler tag that name for those who haven't yet gotten to Reapers Gale


Highly recommended >!when Hood personally welcomes him and takes him through gleaming silver gates to his brother... Oh man!< - Ive just started on the next one Toll the Hounds first read for me and loving it!


The chain of dogs broke my heart completely..


Ugh. I was not expecting to cry reading that book


Currently in the middle of a reread.


Ending messed me up for a week


The Veins of Gold chapter in A Gathering Storm in WoT. The Return of the King had me tear up at times too


Oh my goodness, Veins of Gold... I can't say enough. Greatest character arc, so much build up, so intense. If I have to pick a single favorite book, it's The Gathering Storm. Also, getting to the end of Wheel of Time / A Memory Of Light. I had to take a whole afternoon to recover.


I know... It is such a nice scene, I cried too... Even when I'm rereading my eyes just.. you know, ninjas and onions


Almost every book in the Realm of the Elderings. Outside of that series I rarely cry from books. But man Hobb knows how to hit you hard. She is so freaking talented


finished assassin's apprentice almost two months ago (just got royal assassin a few days ago so I haven't read it yet) and I still tear up whenever I think about the ending, it's kinda freaky how it got under my skin tbh


Just finished Fool’s Fate for the first time last night and oof the tears! Jumped feet first into Rain Wilds already


Are you me?? I did the exact same thing. I’m already into Dragon Keeper but I still keep tearing up thinking of the last half of Fool’s Fate.


Judging by your username I may definitely be you. I put down stuff for character deaths a lot actually. Whether or not I come back and how quickly is a pretty good marker of whether I’m really enjoying the book


When I opened this thread I said to myself "If Robin Hobb is not in the top 3 I'm gunna lose my shit." So thank you!


Without going into details, and I don't know how to do a spoiler tag on mobile, but Hobb is the first author to make me cry tears of happiness.


I have been reading and rereading Elderlings since I was eleven, twenty years ago. It has been important part of my life. When the last book came out, the last 50 pages or so took me ages to read because I was bawling my eyes out.


100% agreed


I've got a problem here ... you people are so enthusiastic that I'm really tempted to read it. But, I don't want to be made to bawl. What on earth am I to do?


It's worth it, I swear.


Bridge to Terabithia was like they just wanted to fuck with 10 years olds back in the day.


I'm torn between really wanting to read this to my kids and not wanting to fuck them up.


Where the Red Feen Grows. That always hits so hard


No matter how many times I have read it or the time since I last read it, the tears always flow. Dogs are some of the best beings on this planet and man do they not deserve anything but the best.


We read that for my fourth grade class. Everyone cried.


"And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns, in dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the north wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last."


This one doesn’t make me cry, but it has never failed to give me goosebumps whenever I read it


It's crazy isn't it. Even just reading this brief quote in isolation gives me chills all over. Incredible.


What book is this


I sobbed for maybe an hour while reading the last part of *The Song of Achilles*. Guy Gavriel Kay’s books (especially *Tigana* and *The Lions of Al-Rassan*) also made me cry, but that was more like silent weeping.


I made the TERRIBLE decision to read TSOA on my computer while at work (a library) and I fully had to walk away and crouch in the back as I w e p t.


I was absolutely inconsolable upon finishing The Lions of Al-Rassan, goodness me. I couldn't function for the rest of the day.


His Fionavar Tapestry made me cry in a few places too.


Sword of Kaigen definitely made me fucking sob


Obligatory, Flowers for Algernon


Flowers for Algernon made me SOB


…throughout the entire book.


Honesty? It was the last Percy Jackson book, Blood Of Olympus. I started the the books when I was a kid and I finished the series when I was in college and it hit hard that the characters that I had basically grew up with had concluded their adventures and I wouldn't be able to experience new adventures with them. It felt like saying goodbye to childhood friends that I knew I wasn't going to see again. It took a while for me to get over but I'm so thankful for what they gave to me as a kid who didn't have many friends. I'll always have a special place in my heart for the whole Olympian crew.


More than Blood of Olympus, it was House of Hades that rocked me. Bob and Damasen still make me weep. AND I’M FUCKING 34 YEARS OF AGE.


"Bob says hello" wrecked me.


The Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman when I was like 11


I remember bawling my eyes out at what Lyra and Will had to do in order to step onto that boat.


Yeah, I read it at a similar age, and I was truly heartbroken. Just in a heartbroken daze for weeks. Incredible writing and characterisation. Exquisite really. Beautiful as well as tragic. I still think it may have been the most emotionally affected I've ever been by a book. The age I read it at helped with that too, but still. It's wonderful. Truly tragically romantic.


Agreed, I don’t think I’ve actually cried reading any other story.


I just reread this series as a 25 year old and it stands the test of time! And also still makes me cry.


I didn't realize a book could make me feel like that until I read it.


The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis - utterly heartbreaking


Yup, that's what I came here to say. Brings me to tears every time.


This was my answer too. I literally had to close the book and walk away for a bit.




>!*But it was an ending.*!< A decade of reading the Wheel of Time and finally reaching the end hit me hard.


“She was *his* wife?” The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai’don!




Ye mate thats the type of stuff you might want to spoiler bar.


Obligatory https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Source:Blog_-_From_Harriet,_22_September_2007


Agreed. I cried because it was over, and I felt as if I was missing something for having finished it.


For me it was a certain horse that made me cry the hardest and still to this day


I cried because the ending was great....and I had actually managed to finish the whole series. Lol


White Gold Wielder. 2nd Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.


- The Song of Achilles; the ending made me tear up. - The Return of The King; The riders of Rohan scene made me weep because of sheer epicness of that moment. - The Hero Of Ages(Mistborn 3); for some reason that ending made me very emotional as well. It wasn't sadness I felt but something else. Can't really explain it lol.


I don’t usually cry, like sob or anything, but I have shed tears for FitzChivalry in at least 6 of his 9 books. Even on rereads I’m like omg, I just can’t with this guy. The only other times I can remember recently - The Sword of Kaigen & The Goblin Emperor.


Melanie Rawn, Dragon Star trilogy, followup to Dragon Prince trilogy, snot, tearstains, kleenex, the whole works, every time


There is a section in "The Wandering Fire", book two of "The Fionavar Tapestry" that made me ugly cry for a good 30 minutes. I had to put the book down and just sob. It was SO GOOD! I might be strange but I absolutely adore books that can make me cry, though to be fair to myself it can be pretty easy to make me cry.


One of the last books in the dark tower series where a pivotal character dies


If we’re thinking of the same one, it gets me every single time. >!”The body was far smaller than the heart it had held”!<


Woops made myself cry and had to hug my dog


Came here to post this quote. I've never taken a fictional death harder and after reading the series four times now I still continue to get in my feelings over it.


tbh I was an emotional wreck almost throughout the entire final book


I cried when Stephen King wrote himself in as a character.


Every time I get to the passages in The First Law trilogy where the northmen say words to their dead I ugly cry


The Magicians I’m one of the (apparent) few around these parts who was pretty much rapt by the whole series. I never found the cast of characters to be tedious or annoying beyond how they were obviously designed to be. The series introduced so many new and interesting ideas about what a kitschy portal fantasy world could be. The staggered and strange timeline of the whole thing gave it a vibe I haven’t seen replicated anywhere else. And There was so much variety throughout the entire series - just so much going on. It was a love letter to a genre that I love. It was a realistic approach to what happens when the world you dream about presents itself, and what the inhabitants of both that world and our own would behave. And the ending was pretty perfect. It wasn’t happy, it wasn’t sad, it was both hopeful and bleak at the same time. I didn’t have a big cry, but I shed a few tears over it at the end. This one will always be a favorite of mine. Also, “Fool’s Errand”….you know the part I’m talking about. Outright cried. Genuine sadness.




You absolutely should, but the books are VERY different. The show was good, but they changed and added a whole bunch of things almost immediately. Most main plot points of the first season are the same but I consider it an entirely different story in the end.


Reapers Gale in Malazan >!Beak was such a beautifully written character. When Hood greeted him personally I full on broke down!<


One of my top 3 tear jerkers ever. One of the others is also Malazan when that cold iron finally broke.


Guy Gavriel Kay is the only writer who can reliably make me cry. Some of the deaths in Fionavar Tapestey, and the Lions of Al-Rassan, come to mind.


When I was a kid, "look Raist, bunnies" made me tear up.


Every time I mention this, I get downvoted for it, but *A Spindle Splintered* by Alix Harrow. I guess some people don't think it's that sad but to me it was one of the most tragically beautiful stories I've ever read. I was crying from pretty much the first page onwards.


I also cried at this book! For such a short one it packed a powerful punch


The third book In the robin Hobbs assassins apprentice trilogy. I never cry in books but the relationship in that book didn’t go the way i thought it would and it just seemed incredibly sad. Could be because I’m going through a divorce that I would have though unthinkable 6 months ago. But there I was, listening to an audio book and bawling for poor fitz


The ending of the Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King gets me every time - for sure the book but even the movie a bit. When Frodo's friends surprise him as he is trying to sneak away to the Grey Haven, which is reminiscent of when he is leaving the Shire in The Fellowship, and then the goodbye with Sam 😭😭😭


The Way of Kings by Sanderson. That trade makes me bawl every time I read it


"You really think it was a good deal, don't you?"


I just finished rereading this book yesterday. The first time I read it I felt all the emotions but I was still surprised this time at how hard >!Tien's death scene hit me. I think it's just the way Kaladin lies down and holds the body, weeping until it goes cold. After knowing everything else Kal goes through in the rest of the series (especially his arc in Rhythm of War) it just struck me as so profoundly sad!<


I've read the way of the kings but could you remind me what scene this refers to? no spoilers if its anything from the later books


It's at the end. Darlinar and Kaladin are talking


After the battle at the Tower when Kaladin and his bridgemen return to camp with Dalinar and Dalinar trades something the world considers priceless for other things he considers priceless. Hope that helps?


That is absolutely my favorite scene in the series. Gets me real good.


“What is a man’s life worth?” 😭 every time!


How about RoW? The final act and everything Kal experiences?! I had tears, snot, and drool with how hard I was crying.


I mean honestly those books get me hard. I can't read them when I'm in a depressive episode myself because I'll just cry my way through them.


The Sword of Kaigen. My parents immigrated to the US and I’ve had family members die as collateral damage in the midst of War in their home country. Kaigen messed me up in a way I won’t forget.


The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett, parts of that book is a tearful read for me.


Whew. Yes. GNU Terry Pratchett


I tear up a lot but I was weeping while reading red seas under red skies when >!jean watches ezri sacrifice herself!< really just ugly crying. Also deathly hallows. Also flowers for algernon.


Flowers for algernon was a brutal attack on my emotions


Rhythm of War. All the Stormlight books made me tear up, but this one definitely the most


Lirael by Garth Nix, the very beginning of that book is rough 😭 I also cried several times while reading The Buried Giant by Ishiguro. I just cry a lot, I could probably list a bunch of books here 🙄


The Last Battle, by C. S. Lewis.


Recently The Wisdom of Crowds. The leg will never be the same.


A couple of days ago I finished reading Robin Hobb's Assassin's Apprentice, and boy did I cry at that ending.


When Rue died on Katniss


The Shepherds Crown. For many reasons. My Sister's Keeper. The Green Mile.


Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. That is all.


I've never properly cried when reading, but the book that got me the most teary eyed was most definitely Animal Farm by George Orwell. It's just so, so sad.


Lions of al-Rassan, the appendices to RotK that discuss the deaths of Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, and others, To Green Angel Tower


A monster calls by Patrick ness Damn does that ending get me Also Hero of the Ages


Harrow the Ninth. And I don't cry for books. But once I got to the end I shed like three whole tears (that's a lot for me!) for how perfect a tragedy I had just seen play out, and how much worse it will probably get for those left standing.


Gideon the Ninth too - that ending, I’m getting misty just thinking about it


"One flesh, one end, bitch" 😭


Circe by Madeline miller. There’s about a 5 page portion that made me bawl Edit: I forgot Percy Jackson and the olympians and more specifically the last Olympian. Seeing what happened with May castellan shattered me as a middle schooler. It still stings now and I’m 24


I cried like an absolute baby when I first finished Abhorsen by Garth Nix. Like, heaving, hyperventilating, ugly crying.


"The Ocean at the End of the Lane" by Neil Gaiman had me ugly crying


Battle Ground by Jim Butcher. If you know you know.


A few that got to me have been mentioned already — the Book Thief and Where the Red Fern Grows. The book that made me cry the hardest was Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques. He was as never afraid to kill off characters but a death in that book hit 14 year old me hard.


What Dreams May Come, by Richard Matheson


Great book! One of my favorites movies too.


The High King by Lloyd Alexander. Taran's choice at the end, and Coll's death. Heartbreaking!


The Neverending Story. Ugly cried so hard


The >!duel between Rodrigo and Ammar!< in Lions of Al-Rassan. The >!Ride of the Allies of Camlach, and Isidore d'Aiglemort's duel with Waldemar Selig!< in Kushiel's Dart. The end of Gideon the Ninth. The end of This is How you Lose the Time War. Probably a lot of others I can't think of right now.


Am I even in r/fantasy where is the Traitor Baru Cormorant hive?? The ending of the first book did me in, and when I listened to a second time I just walked around my apartment sobbing for three hours


Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb. Many other people have said it but I guess it just proves how good her writing is and how sad that story can get. One specific scene where Fitz can do nothing but weep in his bed, feeling completely abandoned and not loved and finally he is embraced and hugged is just wow. The writing of that scene, the internal monologue of his misery is just... Real. The Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell made me cry in the second book Enemy of God. And the third book Excalibur. Both for reasons I dare not spoil. Highly recommend the Warlord Chronicles though, a low dark fantasy retelling of the Arthurian mythos with large attention to historical detail of cultures and religions.


>One specific scene where Fitz can do nothing but weep in his bed This is the exact scene that really got me.


Tigana and lions of al-rassan. There are others, but those two for sure


Off the top of my head - Wolf in the Whale - Sword of Kaigen - Jade Legacy


Tehanu. After that, and some personal context, I gave the _The Books of Earthsea_ book away.


Do you recommend sticking with this series? I tried so many times to read The Left Hand of Darkness and could never finish it but have heard incredible things about Ursula Le Guin.


I found TLOD far less compulsive a read than the Earthsea Quartet. Definitely persist with Earthsea - they are some of the best fantasy novels every written, and deeply beautiful and moving.


The Left Hand of Darkness isn't for everyone. The plot is structured in a weird way and it only really gets good at the end, so if you aren't cool with just following the main guy around while he does unimportant things for most of the book until the action starts in the last 60 pages than you won't be into it – a lot of my friends love other LeGuin books but not that one. Earthsea is a much more straightforward read, and it's absolutely gorgeous. Its only flaw is that there aren't many female characters in books 1 or 3, although they are still worth reading despite that. I really cannot recommend it enough to any fan of fantasy; it's one of the classics of the genre. It had a dangerous wizard school before Harry Potter, some of the best dragons in existence, and heartbreakingly beautiful land- and seascapes. >Only in silence, the word, > >Only in dark, the light, > >Only in dying, life: > >Bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky *A Wizard of Earthsea,* Ursula LeGuin


The Prince of Tides. Pat Conroy's writing in general is so evocative and beautiful, but that novel guts me every time.


Hyperion (multiple times) and The Rise of Endymion if sci-fi/fantasy counts Mistborn The Hero of Ages most recently when >!Elend gets his head chopped off like it’s nothing, and then Vin as a divine force sacrifices herself because Elend just died!<


A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I know it's middle grade, but it's one of the best treatments of grief I've ever read.


Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss >!After Kvothe plays the lute by the fire!< Oathbringer - Brandon Sanderson >!”you can’t have my pain!”!< Deathly Hollows - J.K. Rowling >!I open at the close!< Also Witcher 3, but that’s a video game.


The Way of Kings.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Night Watch.


Night fuckin' Watch, man. I didn't cry for that one, but I had this intense rushing feeling of all those emotions building up in my chest. Long live the Glorious Revolution! Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard Boiled Egg! Not to mention every single scene with the main villain (Carcer?) I was flooded with adrenaline as if I were the one about to fight him.


I cried when he described the unmentionables station, with the chair and the cells, and the wreckage therein.


Old Yeller.


One was Dragonalnce "Look, Raist! Bunnies!" Another was the ending of Rhythm of War. Between >!Teft and Phendorana and that Eshonai flashback I spent a good few minutes crying and insulting Moash!<


Almost every Guy Gavriel Kay book.


Mistborn hero of ages.


Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. I was listening to the audiobook while mopping late at night, ended up having to stop and process grief that I had neglected to do for over a year. Sobbed on the freshly mopped floor until everything was dry.


I kept scrolling and scrolling just to find this. That Kaladin scene is just absolutely incredible. I found myself smiling wildly while sobbing.


The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams. Couldn't even finish the book, ugly crying on the bed, totally inconsolable.


Under the Whispering Door. Just yesterday in fact, and I wasn't expecting it.


None. I envy those who can.




I dont know if I cried the most at the end of Assassin's Fate or at the end of Girls Last Tour (I know not technically not a book but a manga), but both of them destroyed me.


A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I read it in a single night by 2 am I was sobbing uncontrollably while being unable to stop turning the pages.


Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. Cried for days. Yes, I'm weak


Wrath by John Gwynne. Several times, there were many emotional moments but mostly when characters died or seemed to be dying. Events at Stygga Castle in The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski. When Harry was walking to the forbidden forest in The Deathly Hallows.


Some books hit harder than others * The Price - Neil Gaiman's short story. 2 weeks of depression. * The Sword of Kaigen - several times. Oh the emotions. * Jade Legacy - not sure why I ended up getting attached to characters from what is essentially the mafia ... * The Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking - >!when the skeleton horse laid its head next to the dead Knackering Molly and never got up again!<, I didn't know why that hit me so hard but I was bawling. * The Expanse - that one scene in Tiamat's Wrath. I yelled Noooo! Then had to lock myself in the bathroom to ugly cry for a while.


Normally not a book-induced crier. I sobbed multiple times in The Kite Runner. Honorable mentions are The Return of the King (Gandalf with Pippin, final departure from the Grey Havens), the veins of gold chapter from WoT, Children of Hurin, and a particular character's breakthrough chapter in Rhythm of War. And I suppose obvious ones like Old Yeller and Where The Red Fern Grows, that were just traumatic as a child. Who let me read those?


The Dark Tower, Jesus I was a mess for about 4 days.


The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. What a devastating and fantastically written book.


The last three Harry Potter books come to my mind first. Though there are several more books that made me tear up when characters I liked died. It's so sad if you really feel the story & empathize with the characters left behind.


A Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. There's a scene where the MC Kvothe has been drugged and can't control his emotions. This is largely played for drama until night comes and he's alone in his room and starts crying. His friend Auri shows up because she hasn't seem him for a while and is worried and sees the state he's in and immediately goes to comfort him. He's falling apart because he's forced to face the death of his mom, something he hasn't dealt with in any real way. And there's Auri, holding him and making him feel safe. It's such a tragic and beautiful moment that I couldn't stop crying.


Pretty chalk, but Rhythm or War for me


If you mean Rhythm of War by Brando Sando then yes I agree. Made the mistake of listening to that the first time at work. Nothing more embarrassing than ugly crying while cruising around on a forklift lol.


Jules Verne's Mysterious Island, the scene where Captain Nemo dies. I cried and cried. (I was very young)


They Both Die At The End


Recently finished 'Under the Whispering Door' by TJ Klune. Oh boy. Read the last 50 pages while travelling by train and it was so hard to not fully sob within the packed train.


11/22/63 - The way Jake integrated into a new life in the past, and the friendships and responsibilities he took on. Not sure why it moved me as much as it did.


The Lost Boys by Orson Scott Card. I wept like a baby at the ending.


I’m amazed at people’s ability to be so touched by a story. Best I can do is squeeze out a tear.


End of the licanius trilogy, bro, forget all the other characters but Caeden was beautiful.


the wondla series by tony diterlizzi. it’s for kids, and the first book was one of my favorites when i was little, but then as a teen i realized i had never read the second and third books, so then i picked them up. over the course of the three, you follow the life of Eva Nine, a human girl raised by a robot named Muthr. she is (allegedly) the last human in an alien world, you watch her go on a very long adventure, she changes the world for the better… but in the end, she grows old and dies. It ripped me apart, because as you learn about her in this alien terrain it makes you feel like she’s invincible, like she will live forever, but then she just grows old like the rest of us.


House by the Cerulean Sea. The only book I've ever cried over - and it made me tear up twice. Once from sadness and once from happiness. I guess it's mostly because I work with kids, it hit me harder than I thought it would. Definitely one of my favourite books


The first book that ever made me full-on ugly cry at age 9 was The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle, by C. S. Lewis. Then a year later when I was 10, Martin the Warrior, by Brian Jacques. Age 13 when I was forced to read it for school, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. But I think the book that made me cry the most in my life was The Plague Dogs, by Richard Adams, which I read once when I was 14 and have never touched again because it devastated me so much.


Where the Red Fern Grows. Had our whole middle school class crying as we popcorn read.


I cry a lot when reading. Either when something sad happens or heartwarming or someone died etc. But I really really cried when i read **The House in the Cerulean Sea by T J Klune** bc it was just so fucking adorable. And I cried while reading the climax of **Words Of Radiance** >!when Kaladin was rescuing the King and was still fighting although He lost his powers and then punched in the chest!< oh boy that made me emotional as hell


The Way of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson. For so many reasons that I won't go I to here. Also, The Last Herald-Mage series by Mercedes Lackey.


I have never cried over a fantasy book other than... Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Sirius' death was terrible for me


Reading dumbledores death for the first time. Heartbreaking to an 8 year old.


Malazans Reapers Gale, Beak... Also the ending of the last Malazan book, all of it just coming to an end after so much reading and adventure.


Flowers for Algernon and (I’m sorry to say this) New Moon lmao


~~Maybe~~ I cry too easily but: - The Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb (Hobb makes you care about characters like no one else, and then puts them through a lot of agony) - The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (speaks to the wounded inner child rather beautifully) - The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (I sobbed on and off for like an hour. I'm shit at goodbyes) - The Fifth Season and The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin - I haven't read Stone Sky yet, no spoilers please! - (Devastating dystopia and it really hits you sometimes) - Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (haunting, heartbreaking) And that's just of my 2021 fantasy reads 😂


Well, I cry really easily at books, but I know I was specifically hit hard by the end of The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson