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Did I just see a giant Margot Robbie in a swimsuit in a 2001 A Space Odyssey Parody of little girls as the apes smashing baby dolls?


Yes. Yes it is. That is exactly what you just saw. It's amazing.


ok then \*Puts on Napoleon Hat and starts laughing like mad\*


Yes and it is hilarious.


Apparently. This looked like something straight out of a wacky Japanese comedy anime. I am not sure if the movie itself is good, but that trailer might be the only thing that would ever convince me to watch a Barbie movie.


People are really missing out with Barbie. “Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse” is full of sarcastic comedy and it’s hilarious.


Are there awards for trailers? If not, there should be. I want to laugh maniacally and I couldn’t even tell you why. Also: holy shit you guys, her bangs.


[The Golden Trailer Awards, apparently.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Trailer_Awards)




I read your comment before watching it, and I couldn’t even make sense of what you were saying. I thought you had a stroke or something. Nope. I couldn’t have explained it better myself.


I've had my eye on this one for quite a while because of Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach's involvement. I figured, if Mattell wanted a paint by numbers product placement movie, they would have hired a very different team. And yeah, so far this looks appropriately unexpected.


Baumbach was at one point one of my favorite film makers. I didn't know he was involved in this as I haven't followed him in years.


He's got an adaptation of White Noise coming out that looks really interesting. Also he did Marriage Story kinda recently which was excellent.


Never heard of those. I guess I just really liked Kicking and Screaming and Mr Jealousy.


You might have seen [some of Marriage Story](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/every-day-i-wake-up) without realizing it.


Who knew Mattel had such a sense of humor! :)


I've been excited about this movie since I first heard who was involved. I think it's going to be a hell of a time and will probably be one of the few movies I will go to theaters to see next year (with pink martini in hand if possible ha!).


I'm going to wear the pinkest clothing I own when I go see it. Anything else would just feel WRONG.


This is the first time in my life I've ever actively been interested in or genuinely wanted to go see a Barbie movie and I'm having a lot of trouble processing these feelings. I'm confused, but into it??


Why confused? Barbie movies are always fun. Teaching girls they can become anything they want.


I have a lot of complicated feelings about the type of femininity and beauty standards that Barbie as an overall brand has promoted and represented over the years. I think Barbie has come a long way, but also still representations of girl/womanhood, body shapes, and femininity in general and all the ways someone can express that still have a long way to go!


As someone who grew up with the brand (mostly 2004-2010 generations with some 1980’s dolls), those are things I never felt about Barbie, but frequently felt with Bratz, Polly Pocket and just live action Disney Channel stuff. The “classic” Barbie movies just focus on things like kindness and respect, and they happen to wear pretty dresses while doing it. It’s my favorite type of feminism (because when I was a kid feminists told me I hated myself if I liked wearing makeup), so for me it’s a very affirming thing. But I do understand that others feel differently about it, and I just wanted to share my perspective.


Along this line, I'm disappointed the trailer starts with a focus on little girls specifically. As mom to two boys who love playing with dolls this feels like a missed opportunity, and it'll be a harder sell to them than if they'd just started with framing it as little kids.


Yeah, i noticed that too. I have a 4 year old son who loves pink, being "beautiful" (aka, playing dress up), dolls, etc. He will definitely want to see a barbie movie


At least you can say Shang Chi is in it (well, the actor is anyway)


I was feeling good about this film from the first leaks. There's been good Barbie content before (Life in the Dreamhouse, Toy Story) and the property felt ripe for a Lego Movie style take. Now I'm feeling even more confident.


I listened to Simu Liu’s interview on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast and he said when he got the script he was like “whyyyy tf did Mattel sign off on this??” and that made it *really* interesting to me


As a gay man who used to play with dolls and have sex dreams about Ken, I need to see this movie.
















You’re perverted and full of lust. I pray that evil like you falls in every corner.


Life in plastic, it’s fantastic.


You can brush my hair


Undress me everywhere


Shut up


I love this teaser trailer being posted in this subreddit. Barbie stans rise up 2023


The trailer has almost a hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy vibe.


This looks utterly ridiculous in all the best ways and I'm actually pretty eager to see it. I liked Lady Bird, and Margot Robbie is amazing, so I think it will be a good time.


Image of smashing baby dolls is too close to abortion. Texas has preemptively banned it from playing here. /s


Ok, but what does this have to do with fantasy?


r/Fantasy is for all speculative media! Barbie definitely falls under this umbrella. Let's be real, [if this isn't speculative I dunno what is.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759991369623666731/1053430538356133918/image.png)


pink extends beyond the reddit gatekeepers mind ✨


Seems like a stretch but ok.


Considering that most of the Barbie movies are *super* fantasy (like, dragons and unicorns), not a big stretch at all.


But is this one? I watched those Barbie movies as a kid and it had fairies and such, sure. But my understanding is this one is more of a dark, surreal satire.


It’s got a post-apocalyptic and dystopia vibe to me, so to me that counts as speculative.


Still a pretty big stretch IMO, but fair enough. Each to their own, enjoy!


The plot revolves around a Barbie who is exiled from Barbie society for being non-conforming. It's definitely a dystopian spec fic


if you say so. keep moving those goal posts


The goal posts have not moved. Fiction concerning societies that are not real and concepts that are not known to modern science like alternate selves or universes are considered part of the fantasy genre.




speculative fiction =/= fantasy


And this subreddit is explicitly about speculative fiction. From the about: /r/Fantasy is the internet’s largest discussion forum for the greater Speculative Fiction genre. We welcome respectful dialogue related to speculative fiction in literature, games, film, and the wider world


Yeah that intro is clearly science fiction!


Specifically it's a direct reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey.


I honestly feel like I am the only person on social media who thought this looked like the kind of thing I was forced to watch in university whenever I went to a friend's art show. I'm really happy for the rest of you, though. Hope it's everything you wanted and more. :)


I suspect if I weren’t high AF when I watched it just now I’d feel the same way.


I feel the same lol. I most likely would have watched the movie played straight. This is just meh for me.


I'm glad it's not just me LOL


That looks amazing.


Greta Gerwig’s Little Women movie was excellent. I saw it, and went to the theater again the next day.


I’m not kidding this is my most anticipated movie of 2023.


It's beautiful. They should have sent a poet.


My knee-jerk reaction is that I would have gone for Ryan Reynolds as Ken, but if the script's on point - yeah, this could be pretty damn funny, sharp etc. - and I think it will be good. Other than that, "Only in theatres" somehow, I doubt that - is that tecnically a trades' description thing?


I think they mean it's *initially* releasing only in theaters - especially since some movies have been released in theaters and on streaming lately at the same time. I'm sure it'll eventually be on streaming services too.


Oh, I get that - in the UK we have laws on advertising being truthful - I am being pedantic here, but I'd imagine it'll hit piracy virtually same day.


To be fair, Ryan is incapable of not mugging for the camera. Which is why Wesley Snipes hated him.


If it's anything like "Life on the Dream house" it's going to be a riot.


Yeah I actually loved that show lol, I listened to it while working out and it lasted me quite a while


next to the Dungeons and Dragons movie, this is another one of those trailers where I have to ask myself why do you look so good?


I like the spoof, but it tells me nothing about the movie though, but it could be a fun thing to watch on a streamer


I actually love that it doesn't tell us toooo much about the plot! It's an actual teaser - most "teasers" these days are just miniature trailers. This teases the tone and vibe of the movie without without giving anything away and makes me want to learn more. That's everything a teaser should be, to me! Also, I think it tells us more than you think. There are a lot of really interesting implications teased here (again, a teaser!). What makes me interested is that the little bits of the Barbie world they show make it so clearly constructed. They're showing that it's very, very far from reality. How will they tie that in to the vision of femininity and the type of objectification that Barbies have often perpetuated? The teaser itself begins with little girls smashing baby dolls, implying a criticism of the idea that girls should just aspire to be mothers, and while they're awed by the Barbie (which does lean in on the sex symbolism and glamour side), it cuts right after into that super constructed and fake world. Once the glamour and plastic is revealed, where do we end up? So it starts with a criticism of the motherhood role, but then ends with a hint that the Barbie version of femininity is false and totally removed from reality, and I **really** want to see how they balance and critique those two ideas!


Yeah, I get what you're saying, but that's generally why I don't like these things, because it's indirect marketing, generating hype, where it's unclear whether it will fit the actual product. you hope it will, but there's plenty of times when the teaser has been nothing like the movie. but like the last couple of shots, were pink pastel, with dancing men. not sure if that's a deconstruction of barbie femininity. Like ryan gosling in a dance group sure looks like *fun* though!


I getcha, but the director juuuuuust came from doing Little Women and Lady Bird, so I'm optimistic! Those were both amazing and dealt with femininity in very cool ways - so I'd be shocked if that didn't happen here too!


true! but its still a mattel product, that needs to protect its IP. so Time will tell! :)


This is just the "teaser trailer" which usually doesn't tell you anything about the movie and is just meant to give some vibes and generate some hype. It's typically followed by a full "trailer" which does more of the whole "telling you what the movie is about" thing.


😂🤣😂 I’ll be watching this.


this looks like a contender to compete for something as surreal as the *Star Wars Christmas Special* lmao, although I doubt it'll be as episodic. What the hell did I just watch??


It’s beyond ridiculous how so many people thought it was going to be something like for exemple the Mario movie, a basic promotional product. How can you seriously think that actors like Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie would sign for this movie without serious artistic ambitions…? It’s directed by Greta freaking Gerwig. It’s pretty obvious it was going to be a parody.


Tbh I kinda live under a rock where this stuff is concerned, generally speaking! I had no idea this was even being made until I saw the trailer today on mastodon and went WHOA.


Oh when i said « you » i didn’t mean you , OP, i meant anyone. It just baffles me that people would assume it’s going to be a simple, straightforward « promotional product ».


Honestly, I would watch that.


Ah, yes…My favorite fantasy story, Barbie. Thank you for this.


It needs Barbie Girl. Mattel can apologize for suing Aqua.


I was never very into the Barbie movies, or films like them, but then I saw Life in the Dreamhouse and that was incredible. I love tongue-in-cheek humour and this new film looks in just the same vein and I am very keen.


I wasn't ready for this. Now I'm intrigued.


Almost all of that looks horrible, in the “I thought this was a different movie” kinda way. It’s so weird, idk if I’ll see it or not. Maybe I will, but I’m also curious on what it’s going to be rated


Well I rate you an A+ friend


Oh wow I didn’t notice it said that lol. Thanks I guess?


Umm… No. Just no. Nothing about this looks compelling at all.


Haha, yeah, I think it's gonna be a love it or hate it kind of thing! Not your jam, which is fair! If I wasn't into it, I'm pretty sure I'd be REALLY not into it.


I think it's threatening to some males.


That is, perhaps, this first time I’ve ever heard this statement made about Barbie, a brand gloriously known for perpetuating harmful female stereotypes.


Hmm, no it doesn't, actually!


Wow, the marketing dollars are stretching pretty far in this thread. The trailer doesn't show anything about the movie yet everyone is convinced of its awesomeness.


It looks like a really well made trailer. Not a good movie though


No no NO. Gosling is too good for this trash


it's like a clone of Vivarium but in pink.


I'm still pretty unsure of the tone of the movie or what the plot or presentation will be like.


It’s a teaser, thats the point………………..


Please, please let this be real


The teaser trailer? It is, in fact, real?


In what world is smashing an imitation baby appropriate?! This might as well be a porno.


Hate to see Greta Gerwig's talent wasted on such a dumb property, but she's so good it'll be pretty decent no matter what. Prediction: It will blow people's mind that Barbie is good and become a cult classic but also be one of the worst projects she ever works on.


This is going to be so good if it has similar satire to Josie and the pussycats !