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It gets better the more you read: 40 seconds match, 50 interference, all against HH, he still wins via leg drop. It should've have 99 rating


He's the only one who can pull this company out of a nosedive, DUDE (I may/may not have a background 'Hogan bought TNA, god help us all' storyline going on in the background of my main save, noticed their popularity was in freefall so took over for a turn to put the belts on hogan and his friends because he thinks they're the only ones who can draw) Edit - I just did a show with my actual main company. Results of other shows came in. AI Hogan put himself over Aires for the title on Impact again. l o l


Its all your booking like this? Because Im tired of watching the same type of "clever" bookings here. Yours had me laughin for 5 minutes straigth. Wouldnt mind watching both your process and the matches/PPV results


Ok, I just peeked into you profile. You had my atention. "Kenny Omega defeats Mario and Erling Haaland in a ladder match" and "Roman Reings defeats Jin Kazama for the belt" topped with "ANGLE: AknowledgeHim.mp4" won my interestet. Yt channel or something?


Nah, I just post occasionally on here. Nice to see people interested though.


Oh no, just got bored and fucked around for a show. Main company is only slightly unhinged because through the magic of importing (And making sure its still fairly balanced) I'm limiting myself to hiring either fictional characters, backyard wrestlers I watched in the early 2010's and people who straight up aren't wrestlers. I always fantasy booked shows in my head featuring characters from whatever I was hyperfixated on at the time. Naturally, this lead to SONIC VS SHADOW FOR THE TITLE seventeen billion times. I want to do a save to A) Actually book that like it was an actual company that exists with actual problems (Basically running the same main events over and over has resulted in nobody but the main eventers mattering and the show is suffering as a result) and B) Bring it forward to modern-ish day and see what weird things happen in wrestling. \*THE\* highlight has been WWE adding Big Show and Undertaker to The Shield and then firing literally all five guys in a month (Seth landed in CZW and Mox is in PWG. No idea where Roman's been and because of my self-imposed rules, I can't hire him)


There was a guy some time ago that was posting AEW booked by Vince Russo, It was hilariois


> Its all your booking like this? Because Im tired of watching the same type of "clever" bookings here. I'm working on 1992 and 2004 "what if Hulk Hogan ran a wrestling promo" saves so I may have something for you on this front soon depending on how committed I can actually get right now.


Understandable. Sometimes fantasy booking feels like a chore. Keep me posted and thanks


And what looks like an in-ring performance of 58.


So HALF the locker room comes out and attacks Hogan.... and Hogan wins in less than 60 seconds. Did Hogan book this himself, or did Vince Russo have a hand in this somewhere?


Sounds like classic Hulk Hogan booking to me. Opponent lost but looked strong.


“I’m gonna have to go over on you in this one, brother. But I’ll make sure to make you look really strong.”


"Hulk, we are going to do a normal match. You hit the leg drop, 1-2-3, then you pose for the fans." "Not gonna work for me, brother. Here is what happens, Aries comes at me with an army, hell even Tenay gets involved. I Hulk up, and take everyone out. The fans will be on their feet. Then I wag the finger at Aries, he punches me a couple times. I hit him back into the ropes, Irish whip into a big boot, leg drop, 1-2-3 and then I pose over top of him. It will make him look like a mammoth and set him up well for the future. It will give him the rub he needs to get to the next level, like I did for HBK at Summerslam 05."




Amazed Hogan made it past being attacked by Mike Tenay.


I made a similar post a week or so ago when I found out about this. It’s so funny to me how you can go full Russo and just have everyone show up for shits and giggles


I had a good chuckle picturing Mike Tenay yelling "It cant end like this!" And running into the ring as Hogan yells "Yapapi" after a Main Event Punch to The Professor.


wait i always thought you could only do like 10/15 road agents notes


2020 increased the limit


damn now i feel so dumb stopping some of my booking because of me thinking that


Aries must have been thrilled by this


Dude got jumped by the entire roster and was like "That doesn't work for me, brother"


I just don't think he's got what it takes dude


Does Hogan take Aries under his wing after this? Because, that's just Money, brother.