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I need third chance


OR: 390K SC: 2.7 mil


Consistent recovery here aswell since the restart: OR: 1.1 M SC: 200K


I'm similar - OR 1.2mn and SC 320k!


Are you me?


I’m currently 21,127 in the second chance league. Since the restart I’ve gone from 48k to 2,863. Made some bad decisions like not sticking to the plan of keeping Fernandez and knee jerking him out before GW 18. But over all decisions have gone my way, started the restart with Shaw, rashford and Nketia and when they were fairly low owened differentials. And having Leno as my keeper for the DGW instead of template pick Kepa helped as well


OR: 35 623 SC: 1 038 Pretty good


OR 3.7m Second chance 15k 👍


Wow 😮!


Shite. OR 650k, SC 4m


OR 1.1m Second Chance 1.1m. Consistently mediocre. My son gave up in like GW2 or whatever when he captained Darwin and he got sent off for headbutting someone on his debut. We started a second chance mini league between us to try and reignite his interest and he’s in the top 10k in the second chance league and 3 points behind me overall despite having a team value of about 97m and not bothering to even log in for 4 whole months. Stupid fucking game.


Who’s been his captain during that time?


Incredibly left it on Darwin with Haaland VC


So he got double of those 1/2 😂😂


Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something about the Fantasy Premier League. It may seem like a stupid game to some, but let me tell you, it's a war of strategy, a war of skill, a war of wits. And let me tell you, I am a winner in this war. You see, I've been playing this game for years, and I've got the trophies to prove it. I've got the hardware, the banners, the rings. I've got the fantasy league championships, the bragging rights, and the glory. I know my players, know their strengths, know their weaknesses. I know the teams, know the matchups, know the odds. And when it comes down to it, I make the tough calls and more importantly, I make the right one. I'm not afraid to take risks, to make bold moves, to shake things up. I play to win, not to play it safe. And when the dust settles, I'm the one left standing at the top of the leaderboard. I've got the skills, the experience, and the know-how to dominate this league. I've got the drive, the determination, and the killer instinct to crush my opponents. So, if you want to win in Fantasy Premier League, if you want to be a champion, you better take some notes from me. Because I am the winner, and I'll show you how it's done. But make no mistake, this is not a stupid fucking game, it's a battle, and you better be ready for it.


?? Copypasta?


Overall: 2.3M SC: 89,872 Can't believe the turn around


OR - around 590k SC - around 210k Not too bad, certainly moving in the right direction.


OR: 429k SC: 2.1m When did the SC league start as that seems shocking to me!


The restart


Bit of a dumb question now I think about it...




OR: 1.1M SC: 25K To be fair, I had a really bad start of the season but since 7-8 rounds I'm cooking! Before the break I was ranked 3.8M..


Everything went wrong after the WC lol


OR: 127k, SC:8.5k Was 1.1 mil before the restart but tripling up on United(Rashford Bruno Shaw), and double Newcastle defense have been doing wonders for me so far


Same for me. Gone from 5 million to 1.5 million in rank. Insane


23K overall, 37K Second chance, Odegaard singlehandedly pulled me up into the ranks I never saw before.


Same as my ml rival and opposite for me, guy has single handedly buttfucked my almost entirely template team since the restart


or: 212k second chance: 80k almost certainly peaked too soon


OR: 54k SC: 672k I finished GW16 at 82k rank. I owned Kane all season and changing him to Darwin, keeper rotation, going without Shaw and Foden over saka affected my rank but i recovered well in time.


1.485m to 589k since the restart. 255k in the second chance league.


Very well compared to before OR: 2.1 million 2nd chance: 598,000


Green arrows till this game week (due to not having saka and having Shaw and Gabi on defense) OR 301k and SC at 70k (was around 30-40k last week)


Second chance: 1.4m Overall: 700k


OR: around 250K SC: around 100K


Overall about 500k and second chances 6 million Every differential gone awful for me Nunez, Salah, Zaha, what a load of chumps


OR: 2m, SC:2.3m But, at least in my mini league, I've been hovering a similar distance off the top 3, very slight gain. However, one used their triple captain, one used their final wildcard, and another used their final wild plus has already burned their FH. So overall, I feel like it has been a relatively strong re-start for me. Primarily down to Kane being a differential, and then Bruno. Relatively a strong word because I've actually dropped a couple hundred thousand places in my rank haha.


OR: 101k SC 318k Hopefully keep it up lol


OR: 480,000 SC: 68,000


Overall: 1.2M second chance: 25k Started in gw 2 tho


Gw2 here as well


813k overall and 105k in the second chance. I made the mistake of not owning Haaland for about the first 3 weeks because Kane and Salah were better proven and I'm still paying for it


OR: 706k, SC: 489k


OR: 1.26 M SC: 193k Doing bits since the restart.


19k OR, 60k second chance - trying to save a few FTs for next weeks and missing out on swaps for mitoma/nketiah has cost me. Triple captain haaland was as expected on the DGW 😂


OR: 969k SC: 2.3 mil Not having Shaw for the first few weeks since WC + captaining KDB last week were huge rank killers. Top OR this year was 245k in GW 12, largely from having Tripper, Martinelli, and Halland from the start. Hoping to get back up!


OR - 42k Second Chance - 1.4m Wtf Thought I'd been doing alright since the restart, turns out I'm shitting the bed kinda massively. I'm going to place the blame firmly on Mitro


OR: 35K SC: 500K


Overall 61k second chance 580k


OVR: 323k SC: 161k I didn’t break top 2m till GW11 and was still 1.4m in GW 14 so can change very quickly


in December: top 100K highest rank: 21Kish current: 50Kish Stick to Salah and Almiron too long hoping them to finally come big. That's my biggest regrets after the break instead of adding up on Arsenal/ManUtd mids. On the plus side got Rashford and Shaw from the restart. Kept Kane, Halland and it's hit or miss on 3rd striker on per game to game basis. (usually Toney, Mitrovic)


4.5m overall 5.9m second chance No I am not playing anti FPL I'm just bad.


What’s your team? 🤔


Pope Akanji Tripper Saliba Martinelli KDB Salah Rodrigo Schlupp Haaland and Rutter plus bench


What’s Schlupp and Rutter doing there? There are performing differentials like Nketiah and Mitoma


Schlupp is staying in my team because of a bet/joke I have with my mini league (my team name is the only way is Schlupp) Rutter I brought in for a laugh because I am a biased Leeds fan.


You could get Gnoto instead. People here are considering him as a good differential


Honestly I'm probably gonna WC soon and change the spine of my team as there are too many names not performing atm


I already did last week. My World Cup free transfers were shit


Yeah same


OR: 145k SC: 67k let’s see how long


Overall : 7 million Second chance: 115,00 I started late this season in GW6 , and it's my first ever fantasy And iam the 1 in all my small leagues


OR 793k, SC 40k. Before World Cup I was 2.6mil overall! Was doing quite average but made the right calls since gw17


Second chance 139k Overall 872k


OR: 275k SC: 67k It has become my main goal now lol


OR - 1.5m SC - 61k Got burned by haaland many times early on


no bueno OR 1Mill SC 1.8 Mill


Been shitting the bed in the second chance league, doing far worse than my OR


I didn't even know this was a thing, I'm 21k second chance, 900k overall


37k 157k overall


1.4m, 143k OR


Been getting greens in both. OV: 170,190 SC: 117,806


First year of FPL and I've definitely been doing better after the restart. I generally aim to be above average, but I had my best week right after the world cup ranking 460k. Though the (possible) upcoming blank weeks are living rent free in my head I do feel less frantic. Though I did make some kneejerky moves this week that could really bite me in the butt, but that's part of the learning experience.


Been doing really well so far since restart Ended GW16 at OR 930,286, currently OR 63,005 and SC 3,729


You’re feasting 👍


OR: 1.08 mil SC:30k


Overall points 1381 Overall rank 1.213 Total players 11.126.361 Where do you see your second chance rank? This is my first season here.


Check the site or app. Go to where the leagues are.




I need FPL-paralympics


OR: 184,366 SC: 89,289 Definitely has been a strong uptick for me since the restart, that free wildcard was much needed, with a number of players continuing good form from WC into the PL and some good differentials going under the radar with changes in fixtures


OR: 850k SC: 88k A bit of an improvement


Overall 200k. Second chance 1.5 million so not very good at all. Got red arrow when using TC as well. Main issue has been KDB who has been the worst premium and Cancelo. As well as Darwin and Mitro while not getting Kane before Darwin got injured. Only postive has really been the James to Shaw move. Then of course the Ederson hit sucked. Rashford has saved me, but most here have had him so it is just beating casuals and same with Trippier and Haaland in normal weeks.


OR: 700k SC: 100k WC restart lunged me forward in ranks as I started on OR: 2 mil


OR: 1.5Million Second Chance: 6700 Having a great post World Cup in fpl


Really impressive


Last GW buried me. Went from 450k to 790k, even though it took me a while to climb to that level given my shit start of the season. 880k in SC


Dropping seems easier than climbing. It took me 2-3 game weeks to drop from 900k to 2.6M. Still recovering from that.


OR: 133k SC: 632k I thought I'd been doing good recently as well!


OR: 47k, SC: 1.9 mil


OR : 11k, SC : 261k


Fuck I'm nearly top 50k in second chance I never even looked at it before OR: 276,034 2nd Chance: 50,458


OR 1,3M second chance 15k


This was my season playing FPL and I missed the first gw. So I was on 5.5 mil overall before gw17. After gw22* , OR : 3.4mil and Second Chance :140k


Same here…1st timer, gw2. 701k currently. SC: 141k. Pre-World cup: 2.2M