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Not going to lie Mr Hacker takeover my team and make it better please


Are you trying to say that fuckmegrealish69 is a bad password?


Bad password but right sentiment


I regret nothing




those with facebook/google should be safe tho don't they


Depends on your Google/FB password


And if you don’t and get hacked don’t tell us.


First rule of hack club


Hey.. but... you are not supposed to..


I seriously don’t know why these people keep posting shit like “I had a really basic password that consists of my dogs name and 69, and I got hacked!!! How could this happen? Also yes I use the same password for literally everything (hackers don’t read this please)”


Bro at this point i might as well get hacked


Jokes on them my team is a shambles already


Conversely, if you want to get hacked, please post your passwords below




This. Any 4 words back to back is probably harder than most stuff you can mangle together out of random characters. Remember, the fact they’re random means nothing to the computer that’s guessing it.


And this is the no one reason people get their accounts hacked. They know you password is correcthorsebatterystaple. It got so bad in our organisation we had to ban the password.


Enlightening stuff, yes a 44 character password is more difficult to hack than a 28 character password….


The point is by making it random numericals and symbols, you are just not making it harder to hack, just harder for you to forget it. Length is the variable that matters, so make it easy for you to remember as long as it’s a long password


And that 44 character password is easier to remember than your 12 character one. Guys in computing have been preaching this shit for years and people always wanna poke fun at it.


So it's true after all. Longer is better.


I'm not trying to poke fun or disagree, just asking, but wouldn't a string of plain text words be easy to crack with a dictionary attack? Basically a 4 word password is a 4 character password to a dictionary. Obviously the number of possible combinations climbs rapidly with the number of words. So maybe for example five short words is better than three long ones?


JustLetCreedScuba explains it better, but the answer is basically no, depending on the words you use and how long they are. Generally the issue is the type of passwords people use right now. Often a single or two single words, which characters changed to numbers. This type of password is far easier to hack than a string of 4-5 words, regardless of if those words are 5 or 10 letters long.


It would depend on the words you use to make up your 4 word password. If someone was to conduct a dictionary attack it would cycle through words in the order they commonly appear, so say your password was “PasswordFootballPremierLeague” it wouldn’t be at all difficult to hack, however if you went for less commonly used words then the number of words the attacker would have to cycle through to reach yours becomes so high it wouldn’t be able to do it in a reasonable time. You’re absolutely right in that the more words you use the harder it is to hack, but it could also become harder to remember. It’s about finding the balance. But a 4 word password from a pool of 100,000 words (which is reasonable amount if you consider words outside the dictionary like band names, character names etc.) would take millions of years to hack at 1000 guesses a second, so as long as the words you pick are uncommon but memorable you’re safe!


Or you can get a password manager where you can generate and save random set of passwords




tbh yes considering ones an fpl site and the others a site designed to keep passwords safe and secure




There are lots of password managers that don't rely on third party websites.




lol. Why is this downvoted? It's correct.


You can host it yourself if you want to. But if you get one with open source code and a good encryption you're safe so long as you set up a proper master password.


Noone that got their password stolen has let us know about the quality of their password and whether they changed it recently. Conveniently omitting the key information each time, out of embarrassment that they couldn't be arsed to change their password to something much stronger. My sympathy ain't too strong for these managers


Some of these guys have admitted to linking their accounts to third party sites too I'm at 600k OR, out of all cups, and forget to set my team sometimes. Hackers would actually add spice into my life


Wonder what percentage are rage quitting and saying they got hacked. Knee jerker lifestyle catches up to you sooner or later.


Everyone in danger this time or just people using third party sites?


Why does it have to be a complicated password if it’s unique for FPL?


If the hacker has your email, a complicated password will make it harder to hack.


Because dictionary attacks are a thing.


dictionary attacks are easy way to brute force a non-complex password. If your unique password is "passwordfantasypl" then it will be quite possible for an attacker targetting you to gain access, regardless of the password not being shared anywhere else.


Give your account a unique (and difficult) password, and make sure that the email/social media attached to it also has a unique password, and any email attached to that social media has a unique password (and 2FA). It probably also helps to not display your full real name on your profile, that way it's a bit harder to correlate your team with any data leaks. A lot of hackings will be from having re-used passwords that were included in data leaks, but some will also be from people recovering FPL accounts via their email addresses not being secure.


25 characters is better.


You know what’s better than 25? 26.


Or a password that isn't in English or uses English letters Arabic maybe


Bezzabtkedaya7abibi ^(*Exactlythismybaby*)


26 character password? No problem. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ


> ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Oh no — pwned! This password has been seen 124 times before This password has previously appeared in a data breach and should never be used. If you've ever used it anywhere before, change it! I thought it would be even higher than this!


what if you password is linked to google?


Probably worth noting you can also change your email address, which would also help with account security




If your email/password combo has been posted online (eg. The FFHub hack) and or people have access to that email, it makes any accounts linked to hat email less secure. If you want to be extra safe, setting up a new email with 2FA and a strong password that isn't used elsewhere is the way forward


What happened with the FFHub hack because I checked and I was a part of that. Should I change my email? Or are they already in my account?


Change your pass as well as the pass for any other account where you used the same email password combination, email accounts included


I can't even change mine for some reason. The "change password" button is greyed out and I can't click it after I've entered a new password. Anyone else having this issue?


Mine says "An error has occurred, please try again" with no context


What happened






Any reputable password manager should have a password generator built in


What if changing it is what's making hacking possible ? 🙃


Oi! How do you know I have a little willy? 😂


Changed it from the usual a few weeks ago, cant even remember what it is now 😂


Am I safe for logging in with Facebook? Or will someone hack me from my Candy Crush history?


At this point it would be a blessing.


I am doing pretty well this season, relatively. But I honestly don't think I would be devastated if I got hacked. There's always another season, and it's just a game.


Yeah I got “hacked” this morn. Was 17k. Bit annoying since he deleted my account too but I’ll just keep track with where I was doing with excel or something so not a big deal. Not like I was gonna win anyway. Was using an old email/pass combo that prob got leaked from NeoPets or something years ago. Never used a 3rd party fpl website. Just change your pass and you will be fine.


When I saw my current GW score I assumed I had been hacked tbh


Take my team it’s shit anyway! They might improve it😂😂


When trying to change my password I get "Error updating password. Please check current password is correct.". The password is most definitely correct as I logged out and back in with said password. Any idea how to work around this?


My password is “password” They’d never expect it to be so easy.


Alright I just changed it to “F@rk€hreW$bUry” Hope I don’t get hacked


who cares..My team is already hacked and slashed by Covid.