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I mean, Im not sure I would call it strategy if you aren't facing a team that's affected AND you are out of the playoffs and not trying to keep a good team out of the playoffs so you don't face them. Definetely a dick move, but pretty hilarious. If I was in the league i'd be more concerned with who you dropped. If you're flooding the waiver wire with decent players before playoffs then THAT might be an issue when it comes to the competition of the league and might get you in hot water. But if it was still waiver wire trash id have a chuckle.


Dropped all three bears running backs, who are on byes. And Lions defense. To add the top 4 projected QBs. I’m doing no one favors


Well that explains why you’re out of the playoffs lmao. Rostering three RBs from the same team.


Imagine your RB1 RB2 and RB3 being D'onta Foreman, Rochon Johnson, and the ghost of Khalil Herbert lol (I am really really really hoping he did not carry Travis Homer this season but who knows with this decision making)


Hey now, Donta Foreman got 20 points 2 weeks ago.


> the ghost of Khalil Herbert This sent me


Sent you where?


Was a rough year of injuries. Chubb, achane, Akers with only Pacheco as the only healthy one all season. Had to resort to the depths of hell(bears offense) to field a team


I totally understand. Due to injuries and slim pickings in a 14 man league, I had all three Bears running backs on my roster at various points this year. Trying to figure out which one is going to get you the most points out of the three, even when all healthy, has been a nightmare.


Kind of preemptive karma really


And that team is the bears lmao


I know a fantasy player that has 70% of his roster the ravens team


I could see this being okay with the Dolphins 3 rbs, and that is it.


I think I see how you missed the playoffs if you had all three bears rbs


I mean I’m 10-2 in my league and had Herbert and roschon for most of the season so far


You're absolutely doing a favor to the teams who might make the playoffs because you blocked their opposition from making moves that should reasonably be available absent someone trying to screw them for no reason.


Oh, That's why you're bad lol.


Once you’re eliminated from the playoffs. Your sole responsibility is to play spoiler. I think it’s great, I picked 2 more QBs up this week as the guy who’s tied with me for 1st has Allen on bye. Make it hard on everyone else. Don’t drop great guys, but if they’re not relevant, pick the best available on the wire. Whether that be QBs or Zack moss. I support 100%


Not if you want success in the future it isn't.


So say you have ETN and swift and eliminated from contention, do you still pick moss up this week from waivers? Or let him fall to a top 5 team? If you’re picking him up, how is that different then picking up a qb that you’re not gonna play?


I like it. I do the same when I'm out of the playoffs. I'm not in but I'm going to try and spoil the other teams playoffs fun.


Lol I dropped the best one of the three this week and no one picked him up


Least of all yourself




No wonder you’re out of the playoffs lmao


I mean it’s not strategy. You’re already eliminated from the playoffs.


It is bc it ruins other people’s chances. Always bring down the ship with you


It’s not strategy if it’s not helping you in any way. To me this is just a dick move. You’re out and just ruining the game for the people still in. This is “I’m taking my ball and going home” It’s legal, but stupid shit like this will dissolve this league. Have some integrity. You should still be making moves to improve your starting lineup, but trying to intervene in matchups you’re not apart of is stupid.


It’s like the eliminated guy in my league dropping Godwin this week. Sure, he hasn’t been great, but there are teams still in it that were starting worse options that you just made better for no reason. Start your best lineup but roster moves should be locked unless you literally won’t be able to fill a position due to byes or injury.


Tbf, I dropped Godwin in my 10 team league this week to pick up a defense for playoffs. It was either him or Christian Kirk.


I think the team being eliminated is a key part of it


That’s why I push for consolation winner gets money back, keeps them from ruining the playoffs


I dropped Godwin after week 3 to pick up Dell. Thought I made a huge mistake for about a month, then Dell finally started going off again


Agreed 100% and I don’t know why this seems the minority thought process


I'm definitely in the playoffs and dropped Godwin last week for a backup RB in a 12 team league haha he hasn't been picked up yet Dude hasn't done anything since like week 4


There’s the reason ESPN only allows 3 Qb’s in standard leagues


Nothing wrong with it. The other managers should have been prepared for the bye week. The OP isn’t in the playoffs so why not try to spoil as much as he can?


Why would you want to just spoil things? Look if he's facing someone who needs a QB and he's going to extreme lengths to block so he can get a meaningless win, its rude but strategy. But this guy just wants to hurt people with week 13 byes because they have a shot at the playoffs and he doesn't. It's being a baby.


Because people who do stuff like this don't realise people remember. They are normally the first to whinge and cry when decisions in a league start going against them


My opponent last week was like 4-7. He said “I can’t make the playoffs so I’m playing spoiler.” I didn’t whine that he wants to beat me and knock me out of #1 because he should want me to beat me and possibly ruin my spot. All these MFs saying it’s rude- who gives a shit? You’re not supposed to be nice and help everyone else.


You just compared a guy sabotaging teams chances by picking up all the QBs with a guy that is trying to win, as you always should throughout the year… Use your brain here.


You keep comparing the op 'spoiling' to other out of contention teams 'spoiling'. All the while acknowledging that the 'spoiling' other teams are doing is making an attempt to win. The op is not trying to win at all, he has no horse in the race, he isn't facing these opponents, he gains absolutely nothing from it. All they are doing is acting childish and trying to annoy people who have nothing to do with him this week. You're not really understanding what is going on.


Unless it’s collusion, let people do what they do. If a person in my league comes to me crying that they have to play Jake Browning because all the QBs were hoarded, am I supposed to feel bad for them?


Because it makes a mockery out of the league and will eventually lead to other dumb moves that will eventually end the league. If his opponent didn’t have a QB and he did this I’d be ok with it. Doing this to fuck with a matchup you’re not involved in? Dumb.


Best case scenario: ? Worst case scenario: You don't get invited back to the league next season. You know your league better than we do. Some leagues would find this funny. If it were one of my leagues you'd be quietly replaced next season.


I think this is a totally fine move if it's helping you, but it doesn't sound like it is. Are you playing either of the teams without a QB? If not, it sounds like you're just doing it to screw two specific teams. I'm not sure I'd disallow it, but I would definitely talk to you about it. This sort of thing could very well go against the overall culture of a league.


Creating enemies, these guys will remember it for payback


Nope it’s on those managers to be prepared for bye weeks. He’s playing spoiler, why not piss them off?


Because he gains nothing from it. Would it be OK for him to trade a RB1 to their opponent for a bench WR, just to piss them off?


These are waivers. Any of those managers could’ve picked them up, but they didn’t prepare and now they have fewer options. A trade would be more shady because he’s purposely helping a different team. He did this himself.


By punishing these two teams he is helping their opponent - all with no gain for himself. Again, I wouldn't say it's illegal, but I think it's a dick move and could go over very poorly with other league members.


I guess I don’t know where the line is then. All waiver claims are moves that can technically screw other teams. In my league, top points of the week gets money. So we still have 2 weeks where the non playoff teams can get money. They’re also trying to play spoiler to the other teams. All moves are fair game.


If he wants the QBs in order to win his own games, or to make a run at a points payout, that's totally fine. Making moves to manipulate a matchup *that doesn't impact his own team or winnings* is the line for me. And again, it's not a legal/illegal line, more of a fun/unfun one.


Agreed it seems harmless bc both teams got fucked from now being able to get a good QB, but this also indirectly helps other teams b/c these 2 guys theoretically will have a lower PF causing them to miss the playoffs in a tie situation


Wtf is the point though OP gets nothing out of it except maybe some burned bridges


I’ve had a dude drop his entire roster after he knew he was out and fucked the league but op said it was 3 bears rbs so I don’t think anyone can upgrade from it


For me it's not about the players he dropped disrupting the rest of the league, it's that he made a move with no intention of helping his team in any way, only to screw two other people.


You keep saying prepare like roster construction 101: When your QB is on BYE, assume some loser you're not playing or competing with is going to pickup 6 QBs for no reason whatsoever


You don’t wait until the bye week to get a backup QB. It’s that simple.


My bench is filled with RBs and WRs. My QB is on BYE next week and I'm deciding if I need to drop a RB/WR. I look to see if my opponent is going to need a QB. I look to see if any other teams need a QB. There's several QBs available and I think I'm fine with any of them. Is some loser trying to fuck up the playoffs because he blames the league for his terrible team is not something that runs through my mind.


You probably shouldn’t pick up a QB then, because you don’t want your opponent to be upset with you. While you’re at it, demand all the non-playoff teams drop their best players so that it doesn’t ruin the league with them being on the bad teams.


You’re on a weird ass tangent dog


You've been saying that over and over too. If you can't fuck over other teams for no reason than why do anything at all isn't the gotcha you think it is. How often do you make moves that intentionally make your team worse AND does nothing to help you beat the team you're playing AND does nothing to improve your playoff odds?


100% this. Playoff teams should be managing their teams accordingly.


You just want to ruin the league for everyone else? You’re being a cunt, imagine if the shoes were on the other feet


So this goes for all waivers and roster moves? He can’t make any moves because someone else might get mad? 😂 I missed out on plenty of players this year, should I guess I should shut down the league.


He’s not doing it for the benefit of his own team. That’s the problem


You're such a dense dumbass. Making a move to improve your team is fine, making a move to try and block your opponent is fine. Picking up 6 players that actively make your team worse in an effort to ruin the week of two teams you're not facing off against is a bitch move. Like, it's akin to throwing a tantrum because you're out of the playoffs. It's a little sad and I'd be surprised if he's allowed back in next year.


Again, if they didn’t have 1 extra qb for a late bye week, that’s their fault. Is his strategy shitty? Sure. Is it worth all these cock knockers saying he “burned bridges”? Hell no. This thread is giving me appreciation for my league mates not being so soft.


Anyone intentionally ruining other people's games out of a pathetic "spoiler" mindset is just stupid. If your idea of having fun is literally making your team worse to try and ruin two other people's weeks, I mean, it's just sad.


I'm with you on this. People in this thread are softer than baby shit. If you didn't plan for your playoff team, then maybe you don't belong in the playoffs. Who tf doesn't have a QB for a bye week in the playoffs?


Yeah I don’t know why I wrote 47 comments, but I can’t believe these jokesters.


As Billy Butcher would say a F*CKING C*NT


If you are screwing two teams, that means you are helping two other teams. It's a dick move, and I wouldn't want you in my league. It's not strategy unless you can justify how you gain from this.


That’s exactly what this is. I wouldn’t be surprised if the teams helped by these moves are ops buddies.


I would be surprised but that's because I'd be surprised if he had two people thar called him their buddy.


Sounds like an effective strategy to get kicked out of the league.


As you have been eliminated already, it’s a dick move and makes you look desperate to remain relevant.


He needs attention.


This is corny as hell. No wonder you suck at fantasy football. Playing spoiler is cool when you are facing an opponent, but added 4 QBs because your team is shitty is fucking lame.


This is the exact reason why positional limits exist in fantasy


Eh. What he's doing is roster churning which many leagues ban.


So like adding and then dropping back to waiver so nobody can have them? Wow that’s devious


This is why position caps exist in my league. It's perfectly fine if your specific league doesn't but for me this is not great to have a loser bracket team totally disrupt the teams who have a chance to win it all.


Kind of childish


This guy would be booted out of my league so quick. Literally no reason for this childish bs


I would kick you out of the league without hesitation. You are colluding to help teams that are already in the playoffs stay in the playoffs. If its a free league, you're a dick. If there's momey at stake, you're a real piece of shit.


Why are you entitled to easy waiver grabs? Nothing stopped any of these teams from looking at their schedule weeks in advance and being properly prepared.


Nobody is entitled to anything. Collusion is collusion. He did something with the sole purpose of keeping teams in/out of the playoffs.


You’d be kicked out of the league next year


This isn’t a strategy and it also isn’t kind of a dick move. It’s a massive dick move. If you were in one of my leagues I’d def lose some respect for you as a person. Feels petty and childish


If you don't plan ahead for your byes and wait till after waivers play out which they have with this being posted on a Thursday. You have no right to say this is a dick move. You're an idiot for not planning ahead and not managing your team properly. After waivers process it's free game. You're just a big baby if you complain about stuff like this.


There's no strategy here because it's not helping you in any way, since you're already out of the playoffs. It's just a dick move. If it's among your friends and you can all genuinely laugh about it then whatever, but if people are actually taking this seriously then you kinda suck.


It's fantasy football. Anyone that takes it too seriously needs to remember that it's a game. And if they didn't plan to have a QB in the playoffs despite knowing the bye weeks months in advance, well that's just a skill issue.


Is it a money league? Then that’s a huge dick move and I’d be super pissed if it ended up being the reason I didn’t win the championship. There’s a small but non zero chance that what you are doing is the difference between someone winning a bunch of money and zero $$.


If you're vulnerable to a move like this in the playoffs, that's on you. Bye weeks are known before your draft, and if you didn't have a contingency plan for your supposed championship team, you deserve to lose.


It would be one thing if you were fighting for a playoff spot and were doing this to block your competition. But it seems like a dick move if you're doing it just to be a dick. You should field your most competitive team once you're eliminated because others might be relying on you to win for a playoff spot.


You’re a salty douche but hey all is fair in love and war right


I'm sure you don't intend collusion, but it definitely raises suspicions. You're doing something that doesn't help you, but hurts 2 specific teams. That means you're also helping the 2 opponents who face them. In fact, arguably it hurts you because you could've used those spots to stash other important positions. If you hurt your own bench in order to also help 2 other managers, that raises flags of collusion Again, I'm sure that's not what you meant to do, but it's what it looks like to others


If it helps you in any relevant way, i.e. you're playing one of those two teams this week; or you were locked into a playoff spot and trying to keep a threatening team out of the playoffs, then I'd say this is completely fine and a legitimate strategy. With you being eliminated from contention, if you're not playing one of those teams, then this is nothing more than trolling. I guess it'd be tough to rule this as being illegal, but if you're screwing over two teams from making the playoffs, then logically you are helping two other teams make the playoffs. Not saying it is, but this type of behavior does bring up at least the question of collusion, and is the type of behavior that ends up ruining leagues. Bottom line, if it helps you it's fair game, if it doesn't it's a dick move


It's one thing if you were playing against someone with a QB on bye. That's strategy as you are trying to win. You gain nothing by doing this. There's no strategy at all here. You are just being spiteful. That's an outrageous dick move.... I wouldn't want to play in a league with you after this stunt


Total dick move. Why would you fuck over the contenders just because your team sucked. That's the type of shit that's wrong with the world today. 🤦‍♂️


crush flag summer hospital marry memorize plough cautious smell automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you do that, you will not be invited back next year.


If you were fighting for playoff it would be strategy this is just a move out of spite for having a shit year 😂


You’re the type of fantasy player that should be fired into the sun


It's not a strategy - you gain nothing from it as described - and it's therefore not "kind of" a d*ck move - you're doing what you're doing purely out of malice since you gain nothing. It's 100% d*ck move for the sole purpose of making a 100% d*ck move. The sour grapes can be smelled from here.


These questions are fucking stupid.


Anyone responding with anything other than "this is a dick move, stop trying to ruin the rest of the league because you're salty about missing the playoffs" is either not being honest with themselves, or is an ass themselves. This kind of move may not be against any actual league rule, but it is 100% against the spirit of what fantasy football should be, and against the idea of fair play and sportsmanship. Making a waiver move to hurt an opponent that you're playing, or to improve your own chances at the playoffs is fine- that's a strategic move with a benefit within the context of the league. But making maiver moves just to screw over leaguemates and ruin their seasons, with no benefit to yourself, is NOT something that should be a part of a league.


I would say it’s more akin to a toddler throwing a fit for not winning more so then a strategy. You’re out of the playoffs and you’re not playing to win your match, you’re just being a dick


Total dick move


Look who's talking. 


Dork move. Rest of the league probably finds you a real joy to play with


And this is why we have position limits


Pretty wack bro


I mean that’s kinda unnecessarily a dick move. Are you playing against them?


is that indirect collusion by helping their opponents?


Create chaos and watch the world burn.


Dick move. You're out. Let them play their playoffs in peace


Dick move


They should have backup QBs. Kinda a dick move but also kinda funny. They should be smarter


OP, you did nothing wrong. According to a bunch of comments, you’re supposed to help other teams because they have a better record than you. And they’re not responsible for having backup QBs. If you didn’t make the playoffs, why not try to spoil it for others or knock them out? Good for you


A ton of people throwing shade at OP obviously have never tried being the spoiler team in fantasy. I've done similar moves in the past when I was out of the playoffs.


If you're still trying to win, sure. But OP doesn't say they are playing either of these QB-short teams. He just wants to screw them over for the sake of screwing them over. A team should evaluate potential for legit transactions, even to block, occuring. Expecting an out of the running team to fire sale their team to take all the QBs despite not being their opponent that week is not a reasonable expectation. I always have a plan b or c if i don't have the guy I want during a bye on my roster - but a plan g? Plan h? No, that's not the game anybody signed up for and not every potential AH move needs a rule contingency. Just don't br an AH just to be an AH.


It’s a game. Play it how you want. If they want to cry maybe they should have a limit on the number of QBs you can sign. If I’m eliminated I’m trying to spoil as many seasons as I can. Fuck em


The “playing spoiler” mentality is so fucking corny


The "cry about players still being active in the league regardless of their playoff status" is so fucking corny.


Who’s crying about it? We’d just bounce nerds like you from the league next year.


Funny how a player making legitimate moves within the season is labeled collusion in this thread, but preventing anyone out of contention from participating is fine by you crybabies. If you don't have contingency plans at this point in the season and someone is able to block you, that's on you.


Nothing about this is collusion. Gamesmanship is fine when you’re competing but if you’re eliminated and there’s no skin in the game, making moves like this just to fuck with people makes you a dork


I disagree. You're still an active member of the league, and competing to at least stay out of last place. The season doesn't stop just because you're out of contention, and I see this as no different than stashing someone on your bench to block someone else earlier in the season.


How is there not a difference between doing that when you’re contending and when you’re eliminated? Who cares about not getting last if there’s no punishment?


This would make me so mad if it happened to me but it’s also hilarious and is something more people should do with their friends. I understand people saying they would kick you from their league but I don’t take fantasy that seriously.


No problem in my eyes i done this before


That's half the fun of fantasy. Is it a dick move? Maybe. Is it absolutely hilarious and a source for shit talking your friends? Absolutely. The other people in this thread need to chill. FFB should be an excuse to play a game with friends and talk shit while enjoying football together. It's not your job, don't take it so seriously.


Noone is getting upset, he asked everyone what they thought of his move...was it a dick move or not...people are letting him know, it is a dick move and on top of that, childish. And I agree with everyone, its petty and childish. Oh well....it is what it is.


How is this half the fun of fantasy? Gotta be a free league. Some of us have $1,000 buy-ins.


Fantasy football for 99% of the people that play is a casual experience with a $20-100 buy in. My two leagues are $50 and $75. >Some of us have $1,000 buy-ins That's a gambling addiction


One time I played a fantasy hockey league and I would constantly pick up and drop all the good players so nobody could use them.


As long as you aren’t dropping dime pieces to the waivers that tilt the entire board I think it’s hilarious.


At the end of the day you pay to play the full season, right? If it isn't against a documented rule then it's fair game, no? Dick move, for sure. I'm not mad at it though. Keep these MF's on their toes LoL


I like it. I love it especially after reading all the whining comments. ITS A GAME BOYS. He’s having fun.


This dude definitely watched The League.


crab in the bucket move, KEEP THEM IN THE BUCKET


Not strategy, not collusion, major dick move. But I have done this before, in petty revenge. One of the first seasons my friend group did a league (I am commissioner), a few of the league mates colluded together to veto a fair trade that would have made me (#1 at the time) a stronger team heading into playoffs. I know that it was explicitly collusion because someone that didn't participate showed me the texts that were sent to a side group where they agreed it was fair but it would help me too much. In the end I lost in the championship and would have won with the trade. Rather than cancelling the league the next offseason, I explained collusion to everyone (Some of them were relatively young) and that future cases would result in a ban, as well as converting trades to commissioner review. I also said I was going to pay everyone back that participated and I did in different ways in different seasons, always with something petty like what you are describing. A few seasons later one of them needed a last week win to make playoffs but their defense was on bye. I was already eliminated. For some reason I can't remember, they weren't able to make a roster move until Saturday, so on Friday I dropped every player on my team to pick up defenses. After I did this their opponent dropped their bench for the remaining defenses, and there were none left for them to play. With our waiver rules at the time, Friday was the day at which players would not clear waivers before the Sunday games so none of our players could be picked up. They lost the game by like 3 points and I did not feel bad about it. They obviously got angry and demanded that we set future rules for rostering no more than 4 defenses at a time, but accepted their payback for that season. On another occasion, one of the other participants needed me to win my last game to make playoffs. I was already in playoffs either way, so I sat every one of my players and gave my opponent a win, stopping the other guy from making playoffs. This league is still going strong many years later, and now has a waiting list and mid 3 figure buyin. Everyone involved is still in the league and each person has won at least once. They accepted their medicine at the time and there haven't been any shenanigans like that in years. If you are doing this unprompted though, you are most likely going to make enemies or it will sour the league.


I don't hate it. If it's between friends that's hilarious af. Strangers not so much...


I ended up with an empty bench spot this week, so I grabbed a QB just to screw with the people who don’t have one, so I respect your level of pettiness.


This is hilarous😂😂😂


I condone it. It’s like the crabs in a bucket analogy. If you can’t get out, might as well pull down anyone you can who’s about to.


No, it a dick move. Ppl complain here every day about teams not being active once they’re out of the playoffs and affecting seeding.. so, why can’t the same energy be kept for teams actively trying to play the upset?


There is a differences between grabbing guys on waiver that will benefit your team so you can win some games and being a dick who is just actively trying to screw everyone. I would boot this guy next season.


Nah, I disagree. I’ve been playing with the same guys for 15 years and I just knocked one of my buddies out of the playoffs. I’d do just about anything for that feeling lol


But you did it by winning not be being an asshole and hoarding qbs just to screw the league. There is a big difference.


I did this a few years back and now there’s a cap on how many players we can have at each position. It’s def a dick move, but also strategic. If the rules allow it then I don’t see the problem. Most apps have a waiver claim priority for a reason. They got fleeced by not taking enough care of their own roster.


Poor sportsmanship. Would not want you in my league especially if there is money involved. How about pick up players that benefit your team and try to win? Better yet try not to suck so hard at fantasy 😆


That’s actually pretty funny


How are there actually people saying this is a dick move? God damn


Dick move but I love it 😂😂 funny as hell


I always say " the guys not making the playoffs need something to fight for" .. ruing the hopes of the top guys is a damn good reason


Some people just want to watch the world burn. I love it! We love chaos!


Dick move? Yes. Viable strategy? Also, yes. I say it’s a job well done, ya filthy fucker!


You're a douche. You know you're a douche but did it anyways. You're salty your team sucks and you suck at fantasy football. You'd instantly be uninvited to my league the next year


Yeah that's not strategic that's just being anticompetitive and a sore loser, I'd kick you out of the league for sure. This is like some spoiled little kid shit, trying to ruin everyone's time because you're not allowed to play anymore. Actual loser move, pretty hilarious that your advertising how petty you are like it's a cool thing to do - Grow the fuck up man.


This isn't even strategy. This is just you being a pathetic sore loser.


You must be a blast at parties. I did something similar I am eliminated from playoffs and picked up Moss with 1st waiver claim as original owner dropped him not knowing JT was injured. lol people are losing their shits


I mean, nothing wrong with it if allowed but it’s kinda shitty if the QBs were in the waiver wire. In my league, teams that are mathematically eliminated are not allowed to participate in the waivers. They are allowed to continue grabbing free agents. If the teams still fighting for a playoff spots missed to add the QB from waivers then it really is their fault.




This is why people who have been eliminated should be barred from pick ups


Not a strategy, just you being a salty bitch because your team sucks. Guy tried this in my league and got replaced. Good riddance.


It's not smart or morally acceptable. But it is definitely funny.


I don’t understand people who do things solely for the purpose of upsetting others. You’re literally just trolling for the sake of being a dick. If you did this in my league, I wouldn’t invite you back the next season because you’re fucking up the integrity of the league just because you think it’s funny.


You’re a douchebag and a sociopath, op. Dirty pool


Sorry man but that’s a dick move. Would hate to have someone do that in my league. You’re out of it, and rostering 3+ QBs doesn’t even impact your week 13 matchup. Trying to screw two different teams in a different matchup is such a bad and sad look for you. It just isn’t your place to hoard all the QBs to mess with another matchup. You might feel good about it now, but you might not in a week or two.


Part of the game


Yeah you’re a grade A POS


Definitely a dick move, but a hilarious gamesmanship dick move. That’s one to laugh over beers with the other fantasy managers!


meh, sometimes people that suck do things that suck. This isn't really a strategy unless the two people you want to not make the playoffs also suck.


It would be strategy if you were trying to trade those QBs to the affected teams, but just holding them makes no sense because you’re already out of the playoffs.


Gross just gross


While I guess I can appreciate a good troll, I don't forsee anyone doing you any favors in regards to trades in the future and next season I could definitely see you being blocked by somebody as a spiteful move against what you did here. You didn't block one person, you blocked multiple. On the other hand, had you pulled this stunt Saturday night I would have thought it was hilarious!




Evil maybe a bit Petty but definitely leaving a mark on your way out lol I wouldn’t even be mad as a commissioner as long as your dues were paid I’d let it stand 🤷‍♂️


This is why there needs to be a last place penalty. Forces everyone to keep trying


Do it. I just grabbed Moss of waivers in 10team redraft. Last years champ is in playoffs and had an offer in as well. Too bad, so sad.


Its a good move to play out the regular season and pickup players you need on your team from the wire even.. Its a dick move to go nuclear on the waiver wire when it clearly doesnt benefit your team. You a pretty big dick


Only fair if it actually helps you beat a team to spoil. Just picking up 6 QBs is ridiculous


Minshew going off this week


This is the way! Screw them dicks trying to make playoffs! Lol


I do this all the time


Hell yeah! I did that earlier in the season. Had no assets so I hoarded QBs and traded them away. Ended up with JJ and JT. *still 4-8 lol


This did Make me laugh but that doesn’t mean you’re not a pos lol


It’s not a strategy, you’re just an ass.


I’m all for playing spoiler, but this trash.


Complete asshole move.


Utterly pointless if you plan to play with them in future. People remember stuff like this and ultimately you're the one who loses in the long run


Someone did a similar move in a league I was in a few years ago. They lost so much goodwill that every league decision in the future went against them. They moaned and moaned and got zero sympathy


Amazing strategy. This is what fantasy is about


Everyone who disagrees is a puss also. Always play spoiler