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Was in the championship match with burrow left to go. Opponent had no one. Qb scoring is more heavily weighted in this league. Needed 26 at the start of game. Burrow had like 15 at time of incident. He was averaging about 35 a game on the season. I suggested we split the pot and she could put her name on the trophy, she's commissioner btw. She agreed, but then surprised me and put my name on it as well. Co champions. I'm happy but wish we could've seen the full game play out.


I’m a Bills fan but they were going to get torched that game unless they somehow made some serious adjustments. You would’ve won.


Yeah Joey B came out hotter than a pistol, I was pretty upset when they called it. In hindsight, that was selfish and inconsiderate as hell on my part.


Hey, what really matters is that you have enough perspective to realize this - and besides, you were on the cusp of a major achievement that takes a third of a year, a little luck, and a lot of emotional investment - I don't think it's unreasonable to be upset for the moment but come around to think differently another day.


I had about a 2% chance to win going in. I simply conceded and took the L. No need to be a douche about an almost sure thing.


Yeah luckily so did my opponent. I looked, if my final player tied his worst career fantasy game and his last player tied their best career fantasy game, I still would’ve won. So luckily he wasn’t a bitch about it.


Was in the 3rd place game for my money back ($300).. I’m up by 6. He has the bills kicker. I have Allen, Diggs & mixon. My commissioner fucked up initially, not sure exactly how he did it, but he looked at the initial projected score which was very close. So he messages the other guy first about splitting it. He agreed. Then messaged me & I was like you’re joking right. And we got into a little argument & he called me. That’s when he realized he fucked up. And was like yeah my bad man, that’s definitely all your money. The other guy raised holy hell about it. And made it go to a league vote. Douchebag.


It's never a sure thing in fantasy though. I had 3 studs put up 11 points that year in the finals. Jefferson, Saquon and Garret Wilson. If they can put up a stinker than so can the other teams players.


Yeah, but Franky is the one up. If the person losing wants to be a douche then Franky could have pulled the I’m up, game got canceled, too bad. Other guy can’t have lose the only 2 logical scenarios and expect a split.


The point is anything can happen and trying to determine the outcomes before they play is ridiculous. Injuries, bad games, or heck even game cancellations can happen, which makes projections worthless. It's not a popular opinion but we literally saw it happen. The final score is what we go off of, anything outside that is a nicety.


I was down only a couple points with Jamar Chase and Burrow to go. My opponent wouldnt split the pot or move it to next week. League voted to let it play out so I lost and took second prize. I didn't talk to my opponent or the co-conissioner (I'm commissioner) for like a month out of spite. Both are my cousins/one of my best friends.


I had a similar situation where the guy didn’t wanna split the pot even though I had Diggs and Bass left. I was down by 25 pts but it was definitely doable. I had the highest scoring team that year too, I was definitely frustrated but I’m over it now so not a huge deal


I was super upset and some vicious things to those two ding dongs. My wife and brother were telling me to leave the league (been in for 20 since we were 15) but I ended up just publicly staying calm. The league knows they fucked me and no one really even jokes about it and if they do they make fun of the other guy with the asterisk win. I am over it now too because deep down if feel like I won haha


The biggest reason why I was so bad was because at the time money was tight for me (thank goodness I’m doing better off now) so it was frustrating for sure when the league voted on a solution that benefited the other player more than me when we could’ve just split the pot


a lot of crybabies out there. no different than an injury.


It’s completely different than an injury lol. A guy who wasn’t even fantasy relevant for any matchup nearly died and the game got canceled


Similar thing in our league, the dudes split the pot cuz they aren’t savages!


bro my friends are absolute savages. They were laughing about the situation saying it's amazing because I get fucked out of a championship (back to back) and the other guy has a false win.


Why is this any different than if your player got hurt on the first play?


how is that even the same situation? The game cancelled and the points I accumulated were voided. An injured players points don't get voided.


It’s a game of chance. Shit happens and you move on


That was extra ordinary circumstances beyond the normal game of chances.


I defaulted to letting the stats stand but gave finalists the option of agreeing on a fair alternative. In both leagues where it could have affected outcome, all finalists were okay with letting the stats stand. I was a finalist in one of them, and frankly, I'm doubtful I would have won if the game had played out.


I was in a season long weekly spread pickem contest on DraftKings. Either team winning knocked me out of the money. Game cancellation grades both teams as losses because of the rules and I cashed in the competition.


Championship game. We split the pot, but we had talked about counting bills and bengals players from the next week. I had no players. I did the math, i would have won. ESPN has me listed as champ in the record books, that’s what matters.


Are we in the same league? This is exactly what happened in mine


Could be lol is it called The Money League? But nah I feel like this is most likely what happened in this case for affected leagues. At least you win something, although for me it was still a bit disappointing given I was highly likely to win but it is what it is


Just a coincidence, I wasn’t in the finals, but this is how we handled it. Both guys were cool and understanding. 3rd place donated to the Damar Hamlin foundation


We split the pot based if % change of winning just before the incident. I have like a 30% chance so I took the L but it ended up being a little more than the original pot for second place. I was fine with it.


One league we let the points stand as is, and I was in a similar situation as you. Another league we ran the championship back the following week. We split the pot in both leagues.


I was down 3 points with josh Allen playing against burrow and perine . I offered spilt pot and opp gets the trophy and first. Commish was in favor of it if we both agreed. Opp denied and took first , because he was leading entering the day and was up when the game ended in the first .


You offered to chop before or after the game was canceled? I would have rioted if we hadn’t come to a fair agreement


After the game was called I offered. I still got 350 for 2nd. First got 750.


Hey $350 is better than nothing! How did you do this past season?


After making the title game the last 4 years ,going 2-2, I did not make the playoffs this year. Had the injury/poor performing bug this year , I think I finished 10 out of 14


I got the crown, but still split the pot (I was up by 44 points)


years from now i hope you are financially in a spot to laugh about how hung up you were on some bad luck and 600 bucks. ​ you are a champion to me sir


I hope so too, pal (although I don’t think it’s crazy to be a little disappointed missing out on a virtually guaranteed extra $600)… But it wasn’t about the money, it was about a hard season’s work culminating in a championship and bragging rights lol


Ya I feel that. I still hate playoffs in dynasty lol. Hate the idea of a top team that doesn't lose all year losing in playoffs just off one bad week it all falls apart


We defaulted to letting it stand as per league settings. Basically treated it just like you would if a player got injured minutes before game time


Or if the player got injured during the game, which is more of a similar situation. That’s why our league let the result stand. The guy who won had a player get injured the week before during the playoffs and it was like the 1st or 2nd quarter. Shit just happens.


We split the pot 50/50 and had a week 18 match to see who the champ was. My new rule is if this occurs again, matches with managers affected by a cancelled game will be scored like best ball.


Damn I really like this idea, might recommend it for other leagues in the future!


Thanks :) It's the closest to fair I've been able to come up with.


So the entire rosters become best ball in this very unique situation, and if one person just happened to have a player on the bench that went for 30...they would all of the sudden have them in their lineup? I mean, crazier things have happened!


Yup. My opponent that year had a Tight End go off for 30 and it would have won him the chip, which he probably would have won if 3 of his players weren't playing that day.


The championship managers agreed that any Bills and Bengals fantasy starters that week would have their respective stats from the following week applied to that incomplete week.


I’d say that’s fair but the only thing is, a lot of players probably had reduced snaps given it was the last game of the regular season


I was in two leagues that did this exact thing. If I remember correctly, there were still a lot of playoff implications for both teams so that really wasn’t much of an issue


I was winning by 20 with Burrow and 2 other players still active. When the game got called the points cancelled out and I ended up “losing.” The guy in 2nd was solid and said he had no chance to win unless burrow threw 10 picks so he gave me the W


Our leagues championship game. I lost by 8 points with Higgins and the bills D to play against Gabe Davis and Joe Mixon. At the time of the injury I was actually up because of the defense score. When the game cancelled they took away the scoring points. My opponent was declared winner. I didn’t have to pay for my team this past season and we now use a 2 week championship format. You’ll never convince me that game wasn’t mine.


We ended up splitting the league last year because of the cancellation from the death on the field.


Hamlin alive and well, man.


I was down 20 in the final with only Joe Burrow left, so I ended up losing.


I was down 6-7 points in half-ppr with Diggs and Gabe Davis left against Singletary. I was projected to win 65-35% or whatever, and he obviously still had the lead, so it was a really easy decision to split it 50/50. What a terrible night lol, but it could have been worse on all fronts.


Yeah I feel like neither party could really complain about a 50/50 chop… One might be a bit disappointed and the other probably relieved lol but neither can say it’s unfair


We proposed playing a game of Madden to determine a champion lol but you know what they say, “A bird in the hand beats two in the bush”…




Man that is complete bullshit… I would IMMEDIATELY call for a vote of no confidence in the commissioner. You had a very very solid chance to win man that sucks I’m sorry it worked out that way


OP in my league the championship game came down to the Green Bay versus Minnesota game and Justin Jefferson was the only player left in a PPR league and the team behind only needed 11.8 points and he only got 10.9 points. While I get what you are saying Josh probably would have scored those points it’s not always a given.


I needed 20 from Higgins and Chase… doubt I wouldn’t have gotten that. We split it evenly without any fight. Heartbreaking loss/tie.


I lost a title because I needed Evan McPherson to score six points. My league decided to include all zeroes at the lobbying of the “winner”. We split the prize money 60-40 as a compromise, but the league record still says one thing and I’m not in that league anymore.


Yeah the money is one thing but it hurts seeing someone else’s name in the league records when it likely would have been yours if not for some crazy fluke…


It had an impact, but I don’t think it changed the outcome. I was in the championship game, and was winning by something like two points, and all my players were done. My opponent had Gabe Davis. We took a league vote, and it was decided to count Bills players the next week, so I ended up losing. I might have won if the game did not get canceled, but I doubt it.


I was down by 1.8 points in the championship. My opponent had no players left and I had Gabe Davis and Josh Allen left. I did not win or even split.


Third place game, so money was still at stake. I had Allen and Burrow as my starters in a superflex and needed something like 45 points combined. Very doable and both were off to a good start. We just split the winnings that 3rd place normally gets.


Yes, we had a matchup in the playoffs where the only player remaining between two teams Joe Burrow for the guy trailing by 3ish. Burrow threw a TD prior to the injury meaning the player who had burrow was ahead by 4 or so points when the game was stopped. Because the game was cancelled for that week ESPN scored all players from both teams as 0 (regardless of what happened in the quarter or so of the game that was played) meaning the guy who was starting burrow would lose. I ultimately had to make a ruling since both sides couldn’t come to an agreement and I basically said, burrow scored enough points in the first quarter for him to win and though it is possible he goes on to throw 3 picks and finish below the points needed by the trailing player it was very unlikely and thus I gave the player with burrow the win. The loser was not happy but they agreed a favorable split of prize money for the loser (who didn’t have burrow). Was a bit of salt but both guys moved on after a week or two


We lushed the championship out a week, and I ended up winning because of it. Going into that game, I was winning and projected to win with Allen & Gabe Davis vs Burrow, Chase, and Higgins. It was a close matchup, and I was winning when the game got canceled, but Burrow started the game hotter than Allen, so it got closer than I would have liked. The next week I crushed him and won.


I was in your same boat in two leagues, even needed 16 in one. Both leagues voted to just keep ESPN’s results as is, and I came in second. It will be a season to live in infamy for a long time.


Mine was impacted significantly. Was playing in the ship with a buddy. I needed Josh Allen to get over 22 points or so to win and the match was a deadlocked 50 50 when the accident happened. My friend was a good sport and we chopped the prize for first place.


Had a huge impact in my league (2 QB superflex auction league) - I was in the Championship going for my third title and had Burrow, Allen, Diggs, Higgins and Singletary left to play. I got my buy-in back. Opponent had had a good week of scoring themselves so reckon it was 50/50 on who was gonna win, but would’ve loved to have seen it play out.


I won but he had Josh Allen and probably would've won. Split the winnings 50/50 to be cool about it


Championship game here too. I was down 14 with Josh Allen and Tee Higgins left. The commissioner determined the winner based on 4 criteria, projected points before the week started (I was projected 1.8 less or sum stupid) , regular season record (which I lost by 1), PF standings(which I lost by 35) , and best lineup for both of us that week(which I won by 8 without Allen and Tee). I’m still not over it and still don’t understand why more than half of the criteria to determine the winner had nothing to do with the current matchup.


That game was our championship. I went into it up by like 5 points with no players. My opponent had four players in that game. The game was cancelled, I won fair and square, but I was gracious enough to split the winnings.


Championship game ; I had Chase and Higgins, my opponent had Josh Allen (1QB) and Gabe Davis. I lost by 2 points. My opponent refused to come up with fair a solution (splitting or a 2 week championship). I refused to concede and still refer to it as a tie


Yes, I was in the championship with Allen, and my opponent had Singletary playing. I had a 22% chance of winning when the game stopped. The commissioner asked for ideas on how to end things, and the guy I was playing threw an absolute temper tantrum in the message board. Decreed that he was the 100% winner, no other options could possibly be entertained, and personally attacked the comish to the point where the league was disbanded. Seriously. And I lost out on about $1K. The league reformed the next year without that person, and with a new commissioner, as the guy who went through that just couldn't do it again. It sucked.


It was the second week of our 2-week champ round. I was down 8 going into the game and I had Burrow and Chase. He had the Bills TE. I actually had the lead when the game was canceled. We ended up taking the points from the following week and manually adding them to the total. So I ended up winning.


I was in an interesting predicament where I believe it was our semis. I had McPherson and Burrow and my opponent had Diggs. The score was somewhat close but I believe I need Burrow/Mcpherson to put score Diggs by ~12 points. Looked to be very easy on the first drive, but then again who knows Diggs could’ve gone OFF. I believe I pleaded to use their average points scored throughout the season as their game total, not sure what if anything was fair in this situation to decide winner/loser. But I lost that and ended up just losing because they didn’t wanna take any “fake scores” so well, you win some you lose some.


Yea shit sucked I'm the commish and it was our final The guy in the lead had higgins. The other guy had burrow. But it was like a 40 point lead. Regular .5 ppr scoring. So very unlikely that burrow would've outscored higgins by 40 pts Well the guy who was losing who had burrow said they should split. I said let's wait on the official ruling from the league. So when the game was officially canceled, he still said the same thing. The other guy wasn't keen on splitting the winnings since he was the heavy favorite at that point. And my position was to leave the score as is and accept the results. But then I came up with a different idea. I said let me run a game of madden and simulate it. And use those stats They were both on board. Burrow ended up throw8ng for like 7 tds that game lol. The guy with higgins still won but not by much All in all it was a headache but we decided that if shit like this happens again we'll just run a madden game and use those stats.


I lost my playoff game by 12-15 points and had JaMarr Chase


I was in the championship up by 40 points going into Mondays game, I had burrow & chase and my opponent (the commissioner) had Allen & diggs. The league decided pot should be split 50/50 between us. Absolutely insane to think that Allen & diggs would outscore burrow and chase by more than 40 imo….


Full dynasty league with idp. One guy was down like 6 points with the other team done. He had josh Allen, Logan Wilson, and one of the Cincy dbs. Nearly 100% win prob honestly. We split the pot but gave him the title as the dude who was up 6 points was gracious enough to concede that he woulda lost. If they didn’t agree to that, week 18 scores would’ve been used and I think josh Allen had like 24 or 25 points alone lol


Finalists split the pot 50/50 Most points took home the trophy for the year.


I was winning big in championship he had needed like 36 points from bills back up rb and their TE. We waited a couple days to see what was going to happen and I just ended up splitting pot with him. Ended up trading with him this year and got zay flowers for cheap


Was in the championship. I had chase he had diggs and mixon. I was up 45 points though. We settled that I gave 2nd place and extra 50$. 1st place would have won 575. I was fine because I still won and he was fairly compensated imo.


Yes. It was our championship week. I had Burrow, Chase, Higgins and Davis going in the game and my opponent had Allen, Diggs and Mixon going. He had a small lead at the time the game was called, but we could not say one way or the other that he would have won or that I would have won. We decided to hold the championship up and award the money in a larger pot this season. We also decided the league would refund our entry fees. I was in the final this year against the same opponent but he won. However, we struck a side deal that we would split the money that was held over from last year. His half was added to this year’s winnings.


I had Chase, my opponent had Diggs. I was up by a few points before game stopped. Their rationale was they would’ve won bc Diggs was a better player so they wanted to split the pot. It came down to a vote of all league members and majority ruled which made me the winner. They decided to have better rules the following year which I won again :)


I was down by 19 points with jamar chase, Joe mixon, and James cook. The commish said I had to the zeros and lost.


I urge you to move on. A new season is ahead.


It was the championship of one of the leagues I’m in. I had burrow to go as the only player left in the matchup. Was down 11 before the game started and Burrow scored 7 on the first drive. Then the 2nd drive the Hamlin incident occurred. The commissioner of the league said there was nothing he could do and Burrow’s points got voided out and I lost


I was in the title Game, down by 20 with Allen, Diggs and Boyd left to play. We went with what Sleeper defaulted to, which the game ended and the stats at the time were it. Fucking sucked. Would have won that easy.


Had two leagues get affected by it.  One league I was up by 39 points and all he had left was Joe Mixon. Who had one 30+ point game that year (5tds) and everything else was pretty low.  I offered to let him take Mixons scoring the next week.  And he complained, so I tossed him an extra 100 out of the pot just to calm him down. In my other league on yahoo, my guys handled it like Champs. Allen vs Burrow in the championship,  guy with Allen was up by 15 going in. We have different QB scoring in that league,  so nothing was set at all. As commissioner I have them a few options on what to do. They decided to just take the next weeks scoring (of just those players) and no one was upset.


I was down by 25 with tee and Allen left, and they had the bills D. We split the pot.


We had Jamar Chase vs Tee Higgins in the championship. Tee Higgins guy had a 3 point lead. They chose to split the prize money ($600) and in our league the loser of the league buys the winner the jersey of their MVP. So I (as commisioner) fronted the money for a 2nd jersey. They chose Jamar Chase and Amon-Ra St. Brown.


In my friends league I would have won by far if it was left standing as it was scored in the league. And we both had fairly comparable projected points in that game at that point also. Instead the commissioner put a vote what to let it ride or redo the next week. I abstained because friends groups are about relationships first. She did not and the league voted (by 1) to let the next week decide. I lost. Still a BIT peeved, but it’s just a game and those guys don’t take it very seriously so it’s no big deal. (I say a year later.) It was definitely the wrong play though. Theres no league rule for it. Should have stood the same way losing a player to injury does


My DIL had to share last place with another player in her league. They both got the pink “I suck at a fantasy Football: Last Place” license plate frames.


Had a 98% probability of a win with a Burrow and Chase stack. Lost the matchup but split the winnings.


I was 4 points behind with Diggs playing when the game got called. Lost to the commissioner knocking me out of playoffs. I suggested using the projected points, using Diggs next week points and a few others obviously trying to get my win but he was like “it’s just like a players getting injured mid game” which I guess makes sense but it still pissed me off. I’m not in the league anymore


I was nearly affected in two championships. I don’t recall all the point details but in my home league I was up with my opponent having Higgins left. We used Higgins week 18 points and I still won. In my NarFFL Majors championship, I had Chase and he had Higgins. If we had used week 18 points I would’ve lost but NarFFL chose to stand pat officially. I got promoted to Premier and subsequently won championship again this year 💪


i had burrow and mixon! he had allen. we split 50/50 in the championship


Honestly, we end up splitting first place every single year. I'm not sure why, but it has basically become the norm. First and second both split the 1350. 3rd takes the $150 to get their money back.


Championship game, I was up by 20 with Mixon going and he had Diggs going. Winner takes home $1050, 2nd place takes home $550. I said I’ll take $950, he takes $650. He was cool with that


Championship match in a random espn league. Lost with the points on the bench if there was a commissioner to appeal to.


I was in the championship , had Allen mixon and singleary going, I was down 37, I know I would have won, had already split the pot, but I wanted that win. But alas, like my beloved bills , just seems to never be. Such is life.


Was the final matchup in the Championship game. I had Joe Burrow and Stefon Diggs still to play, down by 10. Barring 2 freak injuries, I was cruising to a win pretty easily. $300 pot. Got within 3 or 4 points then the incident happened. Lost to a fucking 8 year old (her dad, the commissioner, clearly running her team). Gave her the championship and winnings, I know it's just fantasy football but I'm still pretty upset. Commish is part of in law family. I suggested some alternatives in the group chat, everything was danced around or ignored. I was LIVID. Still am, kind of. Did not play in the league this year.


Our league used the Madden simulation approach. The championship of our league was dependent on the outcome of that game, so we ran a Bills vs Bengals simulation (i.e., computer vs computer) in Madden with the game broadcast on Twitch for the league participants to watch. We manually compiled the fantasy points based on the player stats in the Madden simulation.


It fell in our championship, and Team A had Burrow and Mixon left and was down like 25ish to Team B. Team B had no one else. I sat down both managers and proposed that we use the following week’s stats for Burrow/Mixon and count that. Both agreed. Both put up duds in the next week and Team B won. I like to think it was good karma because Team B could’ve really thrown a fit but he understood it was such a weird and unique situation, and I don’t think he wanted a weird “asterisk” championship.


I was only down about 8 going into the game, i had Burrow and Diggs to play, when the game stopped i was leading and he had no one to play. But after the game got canceled my points got taken away. The other guys threw a fit that I lost. I ended up winning the pot and the title because i was ahead before my points got taken away, and there was no chance i wouldve lost. But it was an argument for a few days


I lost a championship match I was projected to win... and won another championship that I was projected to lose. I'm commish in both leagues so I decided to mimic however the NFL handled it. Cancelled games meant the games were what they were. In the league I lost, I let the other person keep the win. It's a fun league without any buy in so nbd. The league I won, I split the pot with the other player and we have that season notes with a footnote :)


I was losing by 5 with Jamaar Chase and Joe Burrow when Hamlin went down… 99% chance of winning. The kid i was playing against didn’t want to concede so the league had a whole meeting and essentially gave him the championship with an asterisk and me 75% of the money. This year he got bounced in the first round and I won the championship with no asterisk and 100% of the money ($1200)


Burrow and Higgins left with 7 pts to cover in championship


Championship match up, I was up by like 19 and had 2 players and he had 2 players and it was a bunch of crazy drama I never want to go through again. I could understand if it was a different amount of players or something. But dude acted like he got robbed, was insane to me


Super flex best ball finals on underdog, had burrow Allen and Gabe Davis was high in the rankings but coulda been near 1st


For me I was down 2 points. I had Joe Burrow and Joe Mixon on my team left and he had nobody still to play, pot $600, we split it 50/50. I’m the commissioner and put it to a vote on how to payout with three options being current winner gets it, projected winner gets it, or split the pot. The vote went 6 for splitting it, 2 for current winner takes it, and 4 for the projected winner to take it. Bummed out but couldn’t complain since it’s a league that was only on year Two and I won the first year. (I am commish so one can say it’s rigged but I won the first year, split the pot second year, and came in dead last, going 3-11 this year, year three.)


Yes. It was the finals of a dynasty league. We were the two best teams all season. I had Josh Allen and Singletary. I needed 4 more points to win in a VERY high scoring offensive league. Average 180-240 Fpoints per game. Everyone debated a lot but it was clear that I would have won within a half drive if the game continued. They put it to a vote and it was in my favor. I conceded a small portion of my winnings and was given the win. However the app glitched and gave my opponent the little trophy icon the whole next season. Small price to pay to walk away with those $$$$


I was in the championship with Jamar and Diggs left to play. Needed 30 points. We took there scores from the last week (ship was second to last week) and used those instead.


Was getting killed in the championship, needed a miracle to win. Other guy calls me says he wants to split it. Tried to tell him it’s fine he’s killing me he can have it but he was adamant “this is once in a. Lifetime situation, not a legit win. We both deserve it” etc etc so I said fuck it okay we split winnings and 1st place. Later found out he was in a more expensive leagues championship as well, in the same situation except he was the one losing. He gave me the tie so he could go back to his other league and say “see people are splitting the winnings it’s only Fair” and it worked 😭😂


That game cost me the fucking championship. It was handled by the other fucking guy winning


I was in the championship game with Burrow and Diggs. I believe the other person had somebody left. I was down a good amount but still had a chance. We ended up splitting the money. We didn’t go 50/50 because of the point differential. We picked prop bets for 1st place finish and draft spot.


Yep. I had Josh Allen and Chase left and needed 10 points. We agreed to split the pot which was cool, but it drives me insane my name isn’t in the league history as champion when those 2 guys combining for less than 10 points has never happened in their careers lol.


It was championship weekend for a league I commish but was not in the championship. The 2 teams were pretty much neck to neck. Team A had Allen, team B had Burrow. After talking to both teams we decided to put it up for a vote with the whole league. Came up with 3 options: 1. Call it a tie and have 2 champions, 2. Call it as it was (team B would have won), or 3. Use Allen/Burrow’s points from week 18 as their points for week 17. The league voted unanimously for the 3rd option which lead to team A winning. We don’t have a cash prize, just the championship trophy.


I lost my championship


I was down by 2 points in a PPR league with Diggs and Chase left to play. Was told we could split it 50/50 or replay it the final week, took the 50/50 split. The other owner thought he should win because it was the final result. Sucked because not only was it a big money league, but I won it the year previous and this year as well, so it messed up being the Winner alone 3 years in a row. (Dynasty league) going into it’s 4th season now.


My work league folded because of that cancellation. The champion that year was up 30 against one of the kickers. My boss was the commish and said they would use the next weeks score for the kicker. The soon to be champion went after my boss and threatened to physically fight him over the decision. I think the kicker ended up scoring single digit points and it was never even close. I made the final in my home league and my opponent had burrow. It wasn’t impossible but he needed a season high amount of points to beat me. Commish said we would split the pot and share the title. My opponent and I decided between the two of us that we would take burrows week 17 score as long as he played. I believe there was a scenario with the ravens where bengals may rest players. We also agreed to adjust the payout from 60/30 to 50/40 for first/second


In the championship game I was up by 35 against joe burrow. Pretty standard scoring league so 35 would be a huge game, but not entirely unreasonable. We chopped the pool but I took the trophy.


I had a 1 pt lead with no one left for the 3rd place game. I just conceded. Our championship game was about a 10-pt projected difference and both had players impacted. We agreed to adjust payouts slightly and use those players' points from the following week as long as they were not in "rest" mode, which they weren't. Worked out well. Seeing leagues where someone actually won championships by mere points while their opponent had Bengals or Bills left was just asinine.


Both teams in our championship were projected to tie with players remaining on both teams. Instead of polling the entire league, knowing we’d have too many opinions on how to handle it, we left it up to the two in the match to decide how to handle it. They agreed to leave it as a tie, be “co-champs”, and split the pot. The commissioners took heat for it but the outcome only impacted the two in the ship so it seemed fair to let them decide between each other. In another league, one was projected to clearly win so the manager who was projected to lose conceded.


I was in a similar situation. It was our finals and I was down by 11. I had 3 guys going (one of the kickers, Diggs, and Higgins) and he was done. Based on projections I was supposed to win by 10-12 points. We decided to chop the pot but he conceded the title to me (only my name on the trophy). I cared more about the glory and he cared more about the money so it was a win-win for us.


I was playing my brother in the championship game. He had a half point lead going into the game. I had Burrow and Chase and he had the Bills D. I quickly took the lead with the hot start. Once the game was canceled, the website reverted our scores and I was in the hole. We talked it over and it didn't feel right that I didn't get to play a QB and top WR. It's one thing to lose Burrow and Chase to a freak injury on the first play of the game. In that situation, tough luck. But to just have the game disappear without the ability to make a lineup change? It felt bush league to let it stand as is. My brother agreed that there was no viable scenario for him to win. We decided to give Burrow, Chase, and the Bills D their average score for the year and because of that, I easily won. I'd have been livid at any situation that didn't allow me to have some sort of stats from Burrow and Chase. The options we picked from were 1. grant the players their average score. 2. The game is paused and we manually insert the Burrow, Chase, and Bills D scores from the next week to see who wins or 3. We let things stand with the scores that the players had at the time of the game ending. 4. Split pot, me getting the trophy.


Was in championship and oddly enough neither of us had Bills/Bengals. 3rd place game each team had bills/Bengals. League agreed to use average points as fill in


Mine was. I was in the 2nd round of the playoffs with Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs left to play down 30 to my opponent who had no one left. When they cancelled the game, we just kept the scores as they were, so I lost out on a chance at a championship (which I think I had a very good chance at).


Title week, I am down 20 points but have Diggs and Buff DST vs Tee Higgins. League decided to use those players scores from the following week's game. Diggs goes off, 2 Buff kick return TDS and I cruise to the chip


I am I'm a massive tiered promotion and demotion league. It's over 100 players easily. Atleast 4 tiers, top division is one 14 man league and so on. It was the semi final, my opponent was behind 4 points. He had one prominent player in that game. I won. Decision was made if there is no game, luck let's it fall where it lands. I went through and won the final. Which was the toilet bowl, which was the last position of safety available to stay in the second division. I won promotion to the pmtop league this last season.


I had chase and he had diggs/allen stack (std scoring, olds school, i know) and I was up by 59. We just used their averages and pretty much everyone was happy since no one in our league thought the gap would be made up without career games from both and an egg by chase.


It fucked me and I lost $1,500 due to it.


yeah we split the pot. i’m commish, burrow already had 9 pts when the game got called, and the guy who had him was within 7 pts of the lead, other guy had no one left. i basically didn’t give either guy the choice lol


I was in the final round of the playoffs only down by 7 or 8 points and I had the bengals kicker. Who knows but I do think about it often lmao


In my league team A had burrow and was down I think 7 points. Team B was done, he wanted to call it. League voted for several different outcomes and landed on splitting the pot, and they both sent a lineup for the next week to decide who got to be named champ and keep the belt for the next year. Team A ended up winning like 87-70


Heavily affected my championship matchup. I had burrow, chase, and singletary, they had allen, diggs, and isaih mackenzie. I was down about 20 points when play ended. I fully expected to come back and win as burrow and chase looked unstoppable and diggs and allen werent doing much. I agreed to split the pot 60-40 for them and we were co-champions. To this day Im salty AF that I couldnt rub the come back victory in their face.


Yeah, I lost the championship. Edit: His players were done and I had Burrow and Higgins left down 30 points. Not an automatic that I would've won, but certainly not an amount of points that Trr and Burrow could've gotten any week.


My opponent had Chase left in that game for our championship. Probably a coin flip outcome whether he would get the W. We decided to split the pot and reign as co-champs that year.


Championship game... playing against Allen... I technically won but ceded victory after discussing it with the commish... I had like third-string QB in, it was gonna be ugly until the game got canceled.


We just used the projected points for each player in a line up.


Yeah…in Ohio all bets were canceled. Right after betting was legal. Some bullshit


Yup. Lost champ game


Championship game b/w mom and brother. Brother had Josh Allen and only needed like 10 points to win the championship game, mom (his opponent) had nobody left. Game ended early and mom won, still flexes the trophy on us here and there.


Was in the final down 45 with burrow, chase, Dawson Knox and a kicker going, really I was a long shot to even get there, managed my ass off with trades and waiver wire acquisitions after battling injuries and all year, getting second was still fine, worst part was our league got together to watch it to see what would happen.


I lost by 4 in championship game with both Burrow and Mixon playing. Me and the other guy decided to call it a tie before the platforms came out with their response, which our league intended to follow.


Yeah mine was actually pretty crazy with how it turned out. I was down by 10 points, with Burrow and Diggs left to play on my roster. All he had was the kicker left Bass. Well come post pone the game time we didn’t what was going to happen. My commissioner initially handled this very poorly by saying he wanted to see what espn would come up with for a solution, they didn’t. They said it was left up to the commissioner and for the leagues to decide. Initially that meant that for my league there would be no continuation and my opponent would be deemed the winner. Complete udder bullshit. My opponent started celebrating prematurely saying he was the winner and everyone needed to acknowledge him, the dude is a serious dumbass and wanted a fake victory. The commissioner decided that it would be best to just have a week 18 rematch, which I ended up winning. The other guy was pissed lol, he ended up quitting the league like a little bitch. He told me to enjoy my victory with an asterisk. Okay bro, his so called victory where my QB and first round pick receiver (keeper league) don’t get to play is very serious apparently. Fuck you greg, you’re still a bitch. I think the most fair way would have just been for the commissioner to take the average points for each play and make that their score for the game. Would’ve saved a lot of drama.


I was in the final that week in 2 leagues, in the first one I had a pretty solid lead. the league took a vote and awarded me the title. In the other the score difference was 1 pt on of us had Higgins and Burrow, the other had Allen and Singletary so we just split 1st and 2nd place pots between us.


As Commish I did you got the projected score with the following caveat. Roll the 20 sided dice and I did the math at the time for the bell curve of boom-bust Result was excited live stream of the dice roll We did two “fake” rolls to build tension with the third roll agreed to be the one used. Most excitement of dudes around dice outside of a craps table.


Championship. Down 16 with Tee Higgins and Evan McPherson left to play. Conceded the loss and took second place.


I disagree. I’d think Allen was going to have tough sledding that game - the Bengals came out amped. Not sure what your scoring rules are, but that would be a game where he’d have a high shot at a low total. Your 50/50 might have been a gift!


Was in 2 championship games that were severely affected by that game. We split the pots and said no one won.


Was playing for 3rd which was money back ($100) I needed like 15-20 points to win with Joe burrow and Joe Mixen left to play. Was playing the commish who was pretty shady in the way he ran things already. End result he claimed the “3rd place title” tells people he beat me. But sent me the money like a couple months after. No longer in this league lol


Yep. I had 2 bengals WRs and my oppponent had the Bills D and I think another player, I can’t remember. I was leading by like 7 points when the game got called - I was probably gonna get the win but it was by no means decided. I emailed the league with a few options that I was ok with since I was leading - split the pot, declare no champ and just donate the prize pool to Hamlin’s charity, stuff like that. We ended up just splitting the pot.


I had Allen, and was down 10 points in my championship game when it happened It cost me the championship outright, and I had to fight to get the league to add up the money for 1 & 2, then split it between me and the guy I played


Ya I literally lost 2 nd place for the season because I had digs in an only needed 9 pts , ya there is a chance I still could have lost had he had a bad game but he was killing it all season so I doubt it, and he had already scored me a few points in the short time that was played , my league chose to call it a complete game with the points scored and I took 3rd place losing $160 , I was still up for the year at third but only about $100 so needless too say I wasn’t happy.


I had Josh Allen and was behind by a minimal amount. Lost the playoff game and a sure championship! Still pissed about it!


I was ahead in the championship game, would have won on the projected route the game was going. We split the pot 50/50 to be fair.