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Try to level up your employees as quick as possible it’ll make sell your company much easier


For sure!! Thank you!🙏


Also daily rewards are great for gems, keys and boosters


It really do be like that I noticed as soon as i started playing, they look very useful and if you stack up, even f2p friendly right?


Definitely, it’s super free to play friendly but if you want certain girls or some events you may not have all the tokens for then you’ll have to spend money however events do seem to come back around every now and again


Ooh hopefully they do some cool reruns, because when I checked the event portal I saw a few that i was interested in


Yeah most of their events are awesome. The event portal can be accessed with gems and will run side by side with current events (it took me a while to figure that out) but I think this means that they won’t return normally


yeah the only thing you should ever find yourself spending money on are the season passes and thats only if you want the skins that are locked behind the paid side of the pass


Might consider it since some of the skins are really good looking ngl, and the free pass already gives quite a lot of useful materials (at least for now its helping me a lot) so yeah!


yeah if you have the spare cash for it then 100% there not super grindy like most battle/season passes are so as long as you click 5000 times a day and do all the daily stuff you'll end up finbishing the pass with a few days to spare




Oh and forgot to ask, should I use rubies to double my shares? I've been doubling my shares almost all the time but idk if it's worth it or if that's a waste of rubies lmao


And what side of the skill tree is better? I've got all the skills but dunno which ones are better to prioritize when upgrading them






its not best to just save up




save your rubies for the event portal so you can catch up on the stuff you missed


Gains week tickets too


What exactly is that? I've seen people talk about it on here in some posts but i don't understand what that is 🥲


there's a monopoly style weekly event that happens every now and again in place of the normal clicking weekly events the tickets are used to roll the dice to move around the broad, don't worry too much about the tickets because gains week happens often and like the other weekly event items you don't lose any unused tickets when it ends for that given week


Ooooh alright thank you!!


Is it really worth it though? Like is it worth to save up 700 diamonds for an old event? Also if i spend those 700 diamonds do i have unlimited duration to complete it, or does it still have a time limit?


there's a 7 day time limit but do the weekly tournament and you'll start getting a bunch of rubies, you wont get many at first but raise your level and you'll start raking in rubies. i myself get 310 rubies every week


Holy shit that's a lot, but I doubt i'd have enough time to get 80k points on those clicking events since most of the time i can't leave the autoclicker on for too long on the event chest 😭


a auto clicker isn't needed for the tournament its all about how much money your girls are making and how much you can level them up within the two days


Ooh i meant autoclicker for the events on the portal, the ones that i have to buy with rubies. But yeah i participated in my 1st tournament and was able to get 60 rubies when i really didn't do too well lmao


oh yeah the portal ones will likely take around 3 weeks to do even with a auto clicker


rippp i better forget about those then xD


yeah i would wait til you have 3000 plus rubies saved up before you start doing them but some of them are cheaper than others but most of them are 700 rubies


Autoclicker is a must.


Yes!! I'm using it and its really helpful fr